So basically, the movie was fine but the complication was a little underwhelming, I suppose my feelings are.
Basically, in the first one you have a really nice plotline - the complication is intriguing and interesteding and there's clashes in problems - Gru has the whole thing with the moon as well as Agnes' dance recital to deal with at the same time and there's a really nice emotional aspect to him and Margo late in the movie.
In this one, the complication felt more ordered and not really in a good way. I mean, basically the characters were always dealing with one major issue at a time, or if there were other issues they were small. Although the love theme was touched upon I don't really think it went deep enough here, especially in considering the rest of the story-line. There's one single flashback to Gru's failure at a relationship early on in primary school but that's about it and seems to be the one singular thing holding him back from having a relationship as an adult, which seems kinda weak even for a kid movie IMO.
And so aside from that the main complication is always one-at-a-time stuff. They have a mystery, they find a guy, he ends up being framed, they find the real guy very quickly, minions go bonkers, cure the minions, baddie goes bonkers, beat the baddie, rocket to volcano with agent Wilde is set off by bad guy's pet chicken, she gets saved by Gru (with very little emotional aspect to it - Agent Wilde is a great character don't get me wrong, but I don't like how that was prioritised here over some kind of emotional beauty or greater danger. The danger of falling from a height without a parachute, for instance, isn't even touched upon. Nope, they save her way before they come near the volcano and drop into the water and that's about it.
I know you might say 'well this is a kid's movie', but before you do I want you to think about another sequel recently(ish) released in a series, which was Toy Story 3. It shouldn't be hard to remember the incinerator scene here, where the toys hold hands in the face of certain doom in acceptance of their fate. This is a kids movie - but the way they portrayed the emotions of everyone's emotions in that scene was actually really well done in my opinion - it really did shock me.
Brave is another nice example. It was a little clichéd but the slow transformation of the mother into a bear and the climax were quite compelling IMO.
I guess I just wish DM 2 could have touched on that a little more, or else made the complication a tad more compelling.
So it was a good story, the characters were fine as usual, the humour was totally on par ("He died in the most macho way possible: Tied to the back of a shark on a rocket with hundreds of sticks of dynamite headed straight into the mouth of an open volcano!"

) I just think the ending wasn't that memorable, sadly. I dunno.
Anyway, that's my little movie rant. What did you guys think?