Smooth Criminal
Da Cheef
Well, I was very antagonistic towards him at times because he was so goddamn patronizing about his viewpoints on marketing and video games. That probably didn't help matters.I dunno, I like SmashChu too, but he did get carried away constantly harassing Smooth Criminal without any reason. At least that's what I recall the most, lol.
May as well bother me about my Strength.
I remember one time where N3ON dismantled his entire point about how franchises sell. She even had concrete freaking evidence to back up her claims, bringing up sales figures and articles on marketing methodology to bear...and he freaking dismissed it, parroting his previous points and acting like he won the whole bloody debate. Don't even get me started on competitive gaming or how to play video games when it comes to him. Hell and blood. That kinda **** bugs me, y'know? Bow your head just a teensy bit once in a while, and take **** humbly. Have respect.
Smooth Criminal