The shine of the mods ain't got nothin on that smash 4 speculation shine...
If I could interject my opinion about SSBB sadly I would call it a Sonic 06.
1. Internet sucks
2. There are a lot of glitches (don't make me bring up the youtube videos *cough* Gigapuff *cough*
3. The tier list is serious f*cked up and one sided compare to melee and N64. did they do any character testing? did they? Project M and balanced brawl were made for a reason you know.
4. Chaingrabs and the imbalance of hitbox priority on specific characters versus others.
5. SSE was annoying and was only good for obtaining all the characters in a quick manner.
6. 64 friend limit on online brawling... Seriously?
7. Comparing it to Melee IMO it was a serious let down
Keep in mind these are my opinions don't go flaming me

But hey at least we got Totaka's song in SSBB. Now we need it in SSB4.
We must have Totaka's Song in SSB4!! Otherwise I won't know what to live for or what to spends hours looking for!
Hey have any of you guys play Smash Brothers Melee I've heard it's pretty good game and you can even play as Pichu vs Doctor Mario and I think it might be Nintendo stealing because Smash Brothers Melee was first while although Smash Brothers For Wii You was second so should Nintendo gets sued yay neigh?
I was going to hide this image but your reply gave it away...
Speaking of Totaka's Song if you wanted one easter egg in Smash 4 what would it be?