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Mario Universe Super Mario Galaxy


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2007
Naples, FL
Well I'm gonna post this again seeing it got over looked. I found a few tricks/glitches in galaxy. This is the link.

The good stuff starts after 1:30. In the beginning, I show you what the jump-canceled spin is. You spin-then jump right away. You keep all the same properties of a spin while in your jump, so you can hurt enemies. It looks like I'm just jumping around aimlessly, but look for the sparkles near Mario before I jump. You see those when you successfully pull off the jump-canceled spin. You will also see the Luma's spin around, as if you spun. I show you that it can be used for any jump, even the triple jump!!!

In the beginning I also show you the Mario Hump, it went well with the music so I decided to do it. To do it, you push up against the wall so that Mario is against it, then hold z and spin. It doesn't have anything to do with the jump-canceled spin, but it looks funny nonetheless.

Right after the Mario Hump, I show you the ice-skater. To do this, crouch, walk towards the stair, and spin. When you spin you might want to hold back so he goes down one step and can finish his double-axle.

Then I show you how to use the jump-canceled spin in a boss fight. To pick up a black boo, you must spin. It doesn't look like I spin because I cancel it so quickly. Also, when you have a black boo, you cannot long jump, but the jump-canceled spin allows you to do so. This will prove useful in speed runs.

Then I show you how it can be used against regular enemies, like the ones in sand dune. The jump-canceled longjump looks awesome and is a nice way of attacking enemies.When I break through the crystals, doesn't it look like it came straight out of a movie?

Then I show you how you can out-run a greed shell. It eventually breaks, but a new one spawns and continues following me. Will be useful in speed runs.

Then I show you the jump-canceled spin on ice. Works the same as a normal jump-canceled spin, but looks even cooler, especially through the crystals. And it can be used against enemies, as I showed it.

Then comes EVIL MARIO.

Then Mario dances for a little while.

And thats my video! Please watch!


Smash Cadet
Feb 16, 2008
107 Stars! I just beat Luigi's Purple Coins, it is so hard! How in the world am I suppose to beat the Bouldergiest in Daredevil comet.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
That one was challenging the first time. If you have a friend, try Co-Star. I think you can block the rocks Bouldergeist chucks at you. Or just shoot them with your invisible Star Bit bazooka. Otherwise, just remember to be careful, and remember that Bouldergiest only summons the stalagmites after getting hit.


Smash Rookie
Feb 17, 2008
****, the whole game's design is fantastic. Easily one of the best 3D platformers in years and argurably one of the best ever created.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2006
The Negative Zone
Awww, my last star wasn't a well earned one, or epic for that matter, it was the secret star of the Golden Leaf Galaxy :(.
I actually thought the loopdeswoop was easy. It was the rolling ball trial galaxy that took me a lot of tries to complete.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Luigi. ...Well, even then...

Heck, it's a little disappointing that I beat it. Am I weird?

EDIT: MetalLuigi, don't feel bad. That was one of my last ones. It was... Hard to figure out to say the least. ^^;


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2008
i hated those rolling ball missions...my hand jerks uncontrollably sometimes haha and i just fly off the edge...


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2004
Socal 805 (aka Hyrule)
I actually thought that the difficulty in the game was just about right.

The purple coin challanges were difficult, but not so much so that they were impossible.

It got really tiresome when some fans complained the game was too easy. But a Mario game doesn't need to be harder than this. I love hard games (DMC, etc), but Mario is a game that should be for everyone. That's why you only need half the stars to enter the final level. Completing everything is for the hardcore, but anyone should be able to finish this game.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2006
The Negative Zone
Even though the lava level was had really cool effects, it was one of my least favorite galaxys lol, that and the dusty dune, since that had annoying stars as well.
My favorite star was the sand spiral galaxy, where all you did was use the boo powerups and the rainbow star.
The last boo galaxy was also pretty cool too.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Skokie, IL
I actually thought that the difficulty in the game was just about right.

The purple coin challanges were difficult, but not so much so that they were impossible.

It got really tiresome when some fans complained the game was too easy. But a Mario game doesn't need to be harder than this. I love hard games (DMC, etc), but Mario is a game that should be for everyone. That's why you only need half the stars to enter the final level. Completing everything is for the hardcore, but anyone should be able to finish this game.
Your mistaking difficulty with time consuming. With the exception of only a few coin challenges all of them provided no challenge except "look around the lvl for 20 mins". No threats, enemies, just wandering around looking for coins.

Just because the game was meant to be enjoyed by everyone that doesn't mean the difficulty has to be brought down to the point where collecting all 120 stars requires minimal effort. (I exclude that last 121st star because the requirements were just to stupid.) Like you said you only need half the stars to actually complete the game. Of couse anyone could do that. But for the actual people who want to get everything it shouldn't be as easy as collecting the first 60 stars.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2007
A lonely place
Noh... The ball-courses was pretty easy. The hardest ones was Mario's Purple Coins and Bouldergeist Daredevil Run.

My favorite stars was Wall-kicking Up Waterfalls and Bowser's Dark Matter Plant.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2004
Socal 805 (aka Hyrule)
Your mistaking difficulty with time consuming. With the exception of only a few coin challenges all of them provided no challenge except "look around the lvl for 20 mins". No threats, enemies, just wandering around looking for coins.

Just because the game was meant to be enjoyed by everyone that doesn't mean the difficulty has to be brought down to the point where collecting all 120 stars requires minimal effort. (I exclude that last 121st star because the requirements were just to stupid.) Like you said you only need half the stars to actually complete the game. Of couse anyone could do that. But for the actual people who want to get everything it shouldn't be as easy as collecting the first 60 stars.
I'm not confusing what I'm saying.

Plenty of the purple coin challanges were either timed or on rails (Dreadnaught) and not ones that could be done at your own leisure.

And no, I did not find any of these all that difficult. But then again, I play difficult games a lot. I do challanges like S-ranking Devil May Cry on DMD mode because I find hard games fun. Before youtube, I'd so stuff like finding every ending in Contra:HC because you couldn't seem them otherwise.

But most players don't do that stuff. A majority of hardcore gamers do not play ridiculously hard games. At this point, people who play very hard games is a niche within the community of regular gamers. Pride in one's gaming accomplishments is one thing, but don't forget that game difficulty is no longer scoped with this niche of players in mind.

So for a lot of players (people who play games, not casuals who rarely do) Galaxy did have some tough stars. And some of the purple coin challanges are somewhat challanging for most players and made mildly more challanging with Luigi due to his sliding physics.

What would be the point in making a small chunk of Galaxy's stars impossible to get without hours of extra skilled practice? So that a small group of players could boast online about how they could do something no one else could? We already have a subset of action games that cater to players that like ultra-hard games, not every game needs to be that difficult.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2008
I only get to play galaxy every other week, so im just about to get Luigi. My favorite galaxy is Toy Time: the remixed music, the giant icecream, the trains, and the cool look all make it frickin' sweet. I thought Bowser was awsome in this game, he looked way cooler in this game than any other mainstream Mario game ever. The only thing I didn't like was those stupid sand levels :mad: I dont get it, jumping in lava only hurts a bit, but jump in sand and OMG! You're flippin' screwed.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
Wow. What a horrible game. I expected this game to be one of the best of all time, better than mario 64. There was so much anticipation built up inside me. How could mario in space not be awesome? Got the game, done in a few days. The level designs straight up suck. You always feel confined and like your in a linear level. The difficulty was sooooooo easy. This is the biggest video game let down of my life. i remember getting mario 64 on sep. 27, 1996. Wow, what an unprecedented, perfect game. There was so many different landscapes and interaction in mario 64. Mario 64 is about 30 to 40 times better than super mario galaxy. Ive been a nintendo player/fan since about 89. I cant put into words how let down i am with this game. This game seems like a failed experiment like mario sunshine. I cant believe that so many websites gave this game good reviews, time after time. REALLY? This game was on the borderline of enjoyable. BOOOOOOOOOOO NINTENDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it really took them like 5 years to make this crappy game? Thats funny. I am starting to have doubts in nintendo's management. All I can do is hope that the next game will be good, which it probably wont be considering the last 2 installments sucked. No mario game will ever touch mario 64. Period.
Its funny to hear that some of you actually like this POS. You must be like 15 year olds who dont know what a good game really is or can be. If you like this game, you are ********. This game took way to long to come out, and when it did it was obviously rushed. I thought nintendo's focus was on quality?Apparently not. This game is for 5 year olds. I hope that nintendo will get the mario series back on track in the future. Anyone who says this is a good game i have no respect for. I want my 50 bucks back.


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2007
Burnaby, BC
Wow. What a horrible game. I expected this game to be one of the best of all time, better than mario 64. There was so much anticipation built up inside me. How could mario in space not be awesome? Got the game, done in a few days. The level designs straight up suck. You always feel confined and like your in a linear level. The difficulty was sooooooo easy. This is the biggest video game let down of my life. i remember getting mario 64 on sep. 27, 1996. Wow, what an unprecedented, perfect game. There was so many different landscapes and interaction in mario 64. Mario 64 is about 30 to 40 times better than super mario galaxy. Ive been a nintendo player/fan since about 89. I cant put into words how let down i am with this game. This game seems like a failed experiment like mario sunshine. I cant believe that so many websites gave this game good reviews, time after time. REALLY? This game was on the borderline of enjoyable. BOOOOOOOOOOO NINTENDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it really took them like 5 years to make this crappy game? Thats funny. I am starting to have doubts in nintendo's management. All I can do is hope that the next game will be good, which it probably wont be considering the last 2 installments sucked. No mario game will ever touch mario 64. Period.
Its funny to hear that some of you actually like this POS. You must be like 15 year olds who dont know what a good game really is or can be. If you like this game, you are ********. This game took way to long to come out, and when it did it was obviously rushed. I thought nintendo's focus was on quality?Apparently not. This game is for 5 year olds. I hope that nintendo will get the mario series back on track in the future. Anyone who says this is a good game i have no respect for. I want my 50 bucks back.

You really have no idea what makes a good game do you. No Mario Game will ever touch 64? Super Mario World came up and punched it in the face, SMW is way better then 64, and Galaxy is pretty **** close to being as good as 64 too.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
i dont believe that you can compare the two really. One is in 2-D and the other is in 3-D. Oh, and mario 64 is much, much, much better than SMW.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
I have no idea what makes a good game? Well if you think that galaxy is good than you obviously don't.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
super monkey ball and super paper mario are both much better than galaxy. Doesn't any old school gamers or gamers in general feel the same?


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2007
Burnaby, BC
Actually if you don't like this game, fine, you're one of the 4000 people on the planet who doesn't, just don't spam in our thread.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
The game isn't as great as it's hyped to be. I find it WAY too easy and the controls just muddle the game more than help it. With that said, it IS a fun game and stays pretty true to the Mario namesake, but there is just no real difficulty for me.
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