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Super Heroes Mafia: Day 7 ends! Nabe and Circus wins! Zen dies in end game!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Unvote Vote X1

Nabe I think your playstyle is scummy. I'd like to see what conclusions your drawing from your questions, because you seem to constantly be just asking for clarification, as opposed to trying to find scum.

Radical Fiction

Feb 21, 2011
I agree with Vand. I can't get anything but null since you aren't showing us any conclusions you've drawn.


Dec 6, 2009
Anyone ok with just lynching Rajam and calling it a day hoping Vig will pop X-1?

I would be down for that.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
My scale lies with Gheb/Circus scum and Zen town, everyone else in between.

Rajam leaning town imo. Zen has a good argument for Raj/X1 and if Raj flipped scum, so much the better, but he's not my ideal lynch for toDay. That said, the point about Raj being the only one liking Zen's argument about X1 strikes me as off because I liked Zen's argument.

X1, like I just said, decent lynch. I liked Zen's prior points, and But he's worth having around to me, as town I trust his reads quite a lot. And his case against Gheb seems like the one that usual townX1 would make re: Gheb in any game. Not at all comfortable with a lynch of X1 toDay.

I would rather lose Gheb. If he's scum then yay, but I don't like his play when he's town either. This is win-win for me. His play this game, as I've said at length in a previous post, has been decidedly different.

Not liking Circus one bit. I've been heavily suspicious of him in a prior game, and my feelings haven't changed with his play this game. He answered my questions nicely and in a more prepared way than I thought he would. But he keeps making statements that seem shallow, and I don't think he's scumhunting. His posts seem very reserved and are largely addressed to the players who've addressed him first.

Raj/X1 pressure is fine and the current direction that people are going in is solid.

The single point I'm largely confused about is that none of the big names are taking charge of the thread. It leads me to wonder if one of RF/Moriarty/Gheb isn't scum. In particular I've concerned myself with Gheb, who seems to be the most active of the three, but has been playing at a different angle from my expectations. I'd like to ultimately pursue that to a lynch toDay.

So that's where I'm at right now.


Smash Rookie
Mar 18, 2011
Why and elaborate with specifics please.
i assume you're asking me about my suspicion of Zen and Gheb. Zen's been fishy to me since the beginning of the game. i've found that sometimes mafia will get overly talkative and energetic in games that i've played irl in order to seem too valuable or transparent to be lynched, which i see in Zen. i think he's been better lately, but that might just be because some people took issue with it.

Gheb has been shouting things from the sidelines, particularly in the beginning of the game, in order to make it kind of seem like he's on the field. he doesn't really justify anything he says, and recently, he only seems interested in why other people think he's kind of suspicious instead of looking outward for the mafia. it seems defensive, which is never good.

recently, X1 joined my suspect list. i dismissed him at first because i didn't like Zen and his post about X1 wasn't very persuasive to me, but he's been laying too low recently, and reading over the early parts of the game doesn't cast a particularly positive light on him. he also voted for Gheb at the beginning of the game, and that might be an early attempt to disassociate himself with him if my feelings are right about Gheb. i think i would still want to lynch Gheb before X1, but i think i would be okay with X1 if it came down to him today.

Moriarty, why end the day early? how is that helpful?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
RR, you've posted several pictures with words in them. Why can't you just write stuff on a blank space and upload it?
I'm neither jaded nor cold. If I don't live up to your expectations then maybe you need some fixing to do, not me. I'm playing to my best ability to win this game, not to please everybody else.

Since when does faking a posting restriction mean he has to be scum? In the history of dGames there was only one player to fake a posting restriction when he was scum - yours truly.

So please explain how faking a posting restriction is scummy again?

I'm saying that figuring his posts out will not help us to find scum because that's hardly within his capabilities. Some of his posts are purposefully cryptic [which is why I think he's faking it for the sake of making himself look important or special] but some are quite easy to understand and give us an impression of his thought process. Well enough to make me think he's town for now.

Do you think all of his points are hard to understand?

Yeah sorry Circus I ended up spending the rest of the night puking.

Thinking Rajam is scum because of all of his posts he barely took a solid stance and he wasn't really leaning on anything hard nor did it look like his page by page analysis was anything but taking up space.

Also don't like

Well that's what I got from you saying it solidified your Town read. Whatever though.

Hep, what's your take on RR so far? Do you have any thoughts on his alignment or is he just uesless to you so far?

To answer your question, posting restrictions aren't usually faked. We could possibly test this by forcing RR to post some text... but I don't see it as that important.
RR, you've posted several pictures with words in them. Why can't you just write stuff on a blank space and upload it?
Quoting in case RadFic missed it. Between the two of them, I'm surprised Swiss and Ryker apparently can't find more time for this game.

The more I see Ryu post, the more I want to see Ryu break his restriction. Less out of confusion and more out of a desire to see if OS would actually punish him.

Not settled on scum to any confident degree, but most willing to lynch RadFic or Gheb at this moment. Also maybe Kuz if he doesn't come back with content. Not really liking Rajam, but I'm shaky on my perception of him. Would like to see a post from him that isn't just random notes based around a page of past content. DH, Nabe, HepAlien and GLG are all kind of background noise to me right now.
I need to address posts like these because everyone is having trouble with my restriction, so here is the scoop. I am only allowed to post once per mafia day in text, once and only once per day so I have to make it count. Text that give away my messages are off limits, so any of those ideas of me posting text on a picture will get me mod punished. Has to be pictures and emocons only.

Also shame on you people asking me to break my restriction to prove it, to me I consider that borderline cheating to deliberating break a restriction to prove it.

If you want to know who I think is scum look back at my pics and it should show who I distrust.

The Metaknight and game pics were referring to Meta-game, the MTG post was about showing what the current MTG standard metagame is and seeing if someone would pick up on that, since no one did I when for that one, I'm calling Zen out on meta-gaming, he's doing it a lot. Zen could offer up why they are scummy in this game, offering meta it hard for most people who never saw or played in it to understand what he is trying to prove.

Then there is his whole ten person scum list, what the hell, TEN person scum list?! What the heck did he list ten people as scum? He could have listed a few scum picks, but ten people, that doesn't help anyone, and if anything shows that Zen is willing to lynch most of town, scummy as all hell.

Moriarty is next, the next picture was about hide and seek, which is what I feel like convo's with him are about. He posts a little and then runs off and hides until he can bully whoever town is looking at. He has this giant bandwagon and hop on feel like he wants to look like town, I'm getting these same vibes from Beatstick to be quite honest.

He keeps small stances and tries to act bully bully about it to get town to jump onto other people.

Gheb's random change on me seems like nothing more than a cop out when he got called out on it. He says I'm useless and should be killed, almost trying to start a wagon, people ask more from him and he backs off immediately.

Look at this,

I'd like to know why people consider me a viable lynch target. Just because I changed my mind on Zen and think RR will be unhelpful in terms of scumhunting? Neither is scummy let alone *wrong*

This is the point I was making, taking small nudges and trying to see if he can get town to jump onto the bandwagon, but wording it carefully so he can do this,

I'm saying that figuring his posts out will not help us to find scum because that's hardly within his capabilities. Some of his posts are purposefully cryptic [which is why I think he's faking it for the sake of making himself look important or special] but some are quite easy to understand and give us an impression of his thought process. Well enough to make me think he's town for now.

Do you think all of his points are hard to understand?

So he thinks I'm faking this but then goes off and says this. Part of him makes me think he is saying this to stay uncommitted on me for the moment. But still check and prod town to get a wagon started.

While it is true not all of my messages are clear as day, and to my fault since I can't do it clearly all the time it seems :urg:, Either way I'm not liking how Gheb is going about this.

Oh boy Rajam, I know you look back and go about posts by reading from where you left off and keep going but man, at this point now it looks like your hardcore skimming and missing things. When you post, read everything first before you make one, going about it like you are is not going to help town think you are town if you are. The Vader pic was nonsense to say that what was happening/posted was nonsense.

Your missing points people are posting recently and you need to cover the recent events, you keep looking at old posts and it's not doing anything to for town posting like that.

My scum picks are Gheb, Moriarty, Zen and Rajam.


Well that is all I got for this mafia day.


Smash Rookie
Mar 18, 2011
Hep, what do you think of forum mafia so far? Are you finding it different from the game IRL?
How did you say that you found this site again? Are you a Smash player?
it's turning out to be more similar than i was expecting it to be, but it's taken some adjusting. i'm not used to looking over things for days and days. Overswarm asked me to play. he said it's more exciting than i would think it is, which might be true. i hardly know anything about super smash bros though. i've played with Overswarm before, but i barely even know what i'm doing so i never win.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
@Vand: I'm good with either lynching Rajam or X1, but I'd much prefer X1. The only reason why I switched is because no body was showing willingness to vote him, but there was willingness to vote Rajam. Now it seems to be reversing.

@Nabe: My points are right, just not how Rajam or the rest of town hall is seeing them.

@Nabe: Why do you think I'm town? I forgot if you answered this already.

@Ryu: ....

@Ryu: That was just me showing that there were a lot of possibilities for scum and that there were a lot of scummy people. If you have been paying attention you would know that my main scum list is but three people: X1, Rajam, and Circus.

@Ryu: Don't try and present abstract ideas such as 'nonsense' with your pics. The MK was obvious. And most of the others were as well.

@Ryu: Your one post a day sounds made up haha.

@Ryu: Breaking a posting restriction to see if it is true is not is not cheating at all. But you don't need to do so. Vandy is carzy.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
glg is probably scum but I kind of like him for now.
Rad is fine.
Mori is fine for today.
Gheb looks scummier, but he's doing that on purpose.
DH can wait for another day, but he is scummy. He must not be voting for a reason I guess. Usually his vote is all over the place, but I guess he has like a need to hammer ability or something.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
@Moriarty: If we're gonna leave someone for a vig kill, I would rather it be Kuz unless he's in the process of getting replaced, like, right now.

@RadFic: You actively don't believe what he's saying? Or you just think it's very plausible that he could be lying? If the former, why?

I think I'd be up to see Ryu nameclaim on a different Day unless he's going to be in danger of getting lynched soon.


Hoping OS gives us a votecount. It felt like the votes were piling on Rajam for a minute, but I'm not sure. Would be cool with a Rajam lynch, but I would rather not rush it. Still okay with a Gheb lynch right now; less okay with a RadFic one than I was before. If X1 takes any longer to make a decent new post, then he may jump up there.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I like glg's play so far, but he is probably scum. Not much to explain there.

Gheb is intentionally playing slow. Not much to explain there.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Well, no, not when you just repeat yourself without actually answering what I'm asking for. What makes you think GLG is "probably scum?" What reason would Gheb have to intentionally act scummy?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
@the glg one: I don't know o_O he just probably is. But I don't think he is.

@the Gheb one: why do you think.


Smash Rookie
Mar 18, 2011
i'll vote Nabe if i wanna vote Nabe. i'm just wondering if i'm missing something since plenty of other people must have read it by now but no one seems to care.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
@the glg one: I don't know o_O he just probably is. But I don't think he is.

@the Gheb one: why do you think.
Usually, I would think it could be to hide a PR. But as has been mentioned before, almost everyone probably has a PR in this game. Besides, if I wanted to answer the question myself, I wouldn't have asked you.

@Hep: It's kind of weird on a surface level, but I sympathize with the idea of not liking another player's style and feeling like the game would just be easier without it. More than anything though, I think the fact that he was comfortable saying it makes it null. That's kind of WIFOM-y, but it feels right.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Page 14:

For the record, Rajam's playing strikingly similar to how he did in ToS mafia. Probably too early and too little input to judge based on that but I'll have it in mind.

So, what was the purpose of this commentary again?? Tandora, my scum partner in ToS, got the same impression of me in villains despite I was town. But whatever, only Ryker and Swiss were in that game besides you as mod, so why didn't you explain the others what were the points in which my playstyle here and in ToS coincide and would make me scum here?

Rajam, you just seem to be poking a little in a few directions without actually doing things. You also seem to leave all doors open for convenience. You also changed your mind on me from "leaning scum" to "probably town" after reading only two more pages.
IDK, if it had been the other way around I suppose ones view could change that fast, but what exactly did I do during page 8 and 9 to deserve such a huge amount of townie points from you? Not only did I become "probably town", but the new posts must have been good enough to "negate" the ones you called me scum for.

FoS: Rajam
Don't want to explain in detail why or how do I get town vibes from players or else scum can fake things, but I'll just say that not evading posts/questions is a good indicator

Quoting in case RadFic missed it. Between the two of them, I'm surprised Swiss and Ryker apparently can't find more time for this game.

Despite what I may think of you I agree with this ^^^. I can understand one inactive but two? can't at least just one of the hydra members post? same goes for Moriarty

The more I see Ryu post, the more I want to see Ryu break his restriction. Less out of confusion and more out of a desire to see if OS would actually punish him.

Not settled on scum to any confident degree, but most willing to lynch RadFic or Gheb at this moment. Also maybe Kuz if he doesn't come back with content. Not really liking Rajam, but I'm shaky on my perception of him. Would like to see a post from him that isn't just random notes based around a page of past content. DH, Nabe, HepAlien and GLG are all kind of background noise to me right now.
Complete nulls, basically. It's not even necessarily based on lack of content; it's just the way the game is reading to me. It may be an overall player thing. I felt pretty much the same way about you in Royal Sleepover up until the last Day.

I don't like his/their play. Too willing to coast and obviously seem to be uninterested in reading at certain points in the thread. Like I said though, not exactly set on scum right now. D1 generally feels like a crapshoot to me.

I take issue with the wording of the question. I wouldn't necessarily say that all of my previous posts showcase scumhunting (I clearly don't interrogate other people often enough), but I would say that I've been scumhunting all game.
What?? You haven't been scumhunting, you have been just inactive-hunting >_>

IDK, you never explained how we're supposed to read possible RR scum if we can't understand his posts. If you did that I'd be good with that for now.

Thinking about it, I think Rajams latest posts deserves a vote.


Vote: Rajam
Explain. You did this same crap when voting Zen in FE, so I'd like to know the reason why you're voting me

Vote: Rajam

Down for this, X1, or glg.
Given that one before but w/e.

Vote Rajam

Willing to lynch an inactive if deadline hits but Rajam wagon is fine with me. He should comment on the current situation more than just keep on posting "catching up" filler.

why & why


Do you think I'm scum?
Answer my question first in that post and I'll answer yours then


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
What?? You haven't been scumhunting, you have been just inactive-hunting >_>
I suppose I can't totally argue with that. But I think focusing on inactives is a viable method of finding scum, especially on D1 when we have so little to go on. Plus, as I've said, just because I'm pressuring inactives doesn't mean I'm looking only at inactives.

Would really like to know your top scum pick, Rajam.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden
Breaking a restriction isn't cheating...

Def. still down for a Rajam lynch. Gonna re-read X1, but I want him to post again before I decide if I want to vote him or not.

Rajam, do you have anything other than meta to support your arguments?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Before I address individual post somebody please give a concrete reason why I'm scummy. Not whack ***** cop-outs like "he's playing different" or "he's not the gheb I know". Newsflash:I play *every* game different in case you didn't realize by now.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I was asking you when you decided that Zen wasn't scum anymore. I wanted to know if there was a reason, or if your initial suspicion was just being opportunist. Your play was all bark no bite, that's what my problem is. It's impossible to tell if you actually thought Zen was scum when you showed no reasoning. You've just felt off to me.
I initially had a scum read on Zen. It wasn't fake, I just had [and still have] nothing concrete to pursue him with.

X1, like I just said, decent lynch.
Not at all comfortable with a lynch of X1 toDay.

I would rather lose Gheb. If he's scum then yay, but I don't like his play when he's town either. This is win-win for me. His play this game, as I've said at length in a previous post, has been decidedly different.
You have said it at length that you *don't like it* and that I play *different* but not how it's *scummy*. You're just trying to justify what currently looks like a juicy mislynch with the typical scum reasoning "if he's scum good, if he's town it's his own fault because he doesn't do what I expect of him".

The emphasized part is particularly troublesome. Since when does a town aligned player play for his own sake? Why is what's "win-win for you" more important than to achieve that the town is playing for?

In particular I've concerned myself with Gheb, who seems to be the most active of the three, but has been playing at a different angle from my expectations.
Look, nobody gives a crap about your expectations. If I don't live up to them it's not my fault for *not* living up but yours for having such flawed expectations to begin with.

In fact, I'd like to know what your expectations *are* as I've been scum in the last 8/10 games or so. What exactly are you meta-gaming me off? Dissidia? Sleepover? Youtube memes? Discworld? Allstars?

Gheb has been shouting things from the sidelines, particularly in the beginning of the game, in order to make it kind of seem like he's on the field. he doesn't really justify anything he says, and recently, he only seems interested in why other people think he's kind of suspicious instead of looking outward for the mafia. it seems defensive, which is never good.
OK, let's clear up a few things.

1.) You accuse me of "standing on the sidelines and shouting things". Are you even reading this game? My stances and posts have all been 100% serious and genuine. I have not the slightest idea what gives you such an impression. If you make such claims you're supposed to back it up. And give me better reasoning that wishy-wash like "XY doesn't sit well with me, it just doesn't".

2.) How have I not been justifying anything? I think it's pretty clear why Rajam is my vote, why I changed my vote away from Zen and why I think figuring RR's riddles out is not going to help us win this game, nor do we need to see him post words in order to read him. So what is it that I'm supposed to justify.

3.) Am I being defensive? Well duh. In case you didn't notice it I'm on the defense. What a laughable accusation is that? Currently I'm mentioned as scum pick left and right by more than half of this game's roster for no apparent reason at all. So who is it again who has to justify his actions and how can you seriously consider being defensive as scummy in such a situation to begin with?

4.) What's wrong with asking for more concrete accusations? You say I'm defensive but don't justify how it's scummy. But what else am I supposed to do when I don't even know what people are actually suspicious of? All the reasoning so far has been pure wishy-wash [including yours]. There's *nothing* for me to defend from so remind me again, what other choice do I have than to be defensive?

5.) If you think I'm not scum hunting read the game again. I think you need it quite badly.

I need to address posts like these because everyone is having trouble with my restriction, so here is the scoop. I am only allowed to post once per mafia day in text, once and only once per day so I have to make it count. Text that give away my messages are off limits, so any of those ideas of me posting text on a picture will get me mod punished. Has to be pictures and emocons only.
Why did you leave certain pictures cryptic to the point where it's hard for the majority of people to even understand them? I'm aware you can't answer this so easily within a picture but did you earnestly expect people to figure out the idea behind the magic cards?

Gheb's random change on me seems like nothing more than a cop out when he got called out on it. He says I'm useless and should be killed, almost trying to start a wagon, people ask more from him and he backs off immediately.

Not *once* did I claim that you should be killed. What's up with these atrocious misinterpretations of *simple* and *obvious* points? Do you understand the difference between *ignoring* and *killing* you? Have actually even read what I've said about you?

And when the hell have I been backing off? I've gone out of my way to go into detail and justify my stance on you and had to eat all kinds of **** for it. I seriously don't need you to prove your skimming by telling me that I supposedly did the complete opposite of what I did in actuality.

This is the point I was making, taking small nudges and trying to see if he can get town to jump onto the bandwagon, but wording it carefully so he can do this
On what *bandwagon*? Tell me what fucking bandwagon you are talking about? I HAVE NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE TRIED TO GET YOU LYNCHED, VOTE FOR YOU OR CONSIDERED YOU SCUM!!!

There was absolutely nothing for me to wagon you for.

So he thinks I'm faking this but then goes off and says this. Part of him makes me think he is saying this to stay uncommitted on me for the moment. But still check and prod town to get a wagon started.
What *bandwagon*? Tell me what fucking bandwagon you are talking about? I HAVE NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE TRIED TO GET YOU LYNCHED, VOTE FOR YOU OR CONSIDERED YOU SCUM!!!

There was absolutely nothing for me to wagon you for.

Either way I'm not liking how Gheb is going about this.
No wonder, considering how badly you missed my point.

So after all this: Somebody remind me how I've been scummy in the slightest.

- I'm not playing like you guys know me. QQ moar? I play no game the same way twice. Deal with it. If you meta me off my recent history in dGames then 75% of that is my scum meta and thus entirely contradictory to what you *should* expect.

That is not scummy.

- I backed off Zen. "Backing off" is a bit too much said - I still don't think he's a bad lynch. But I still wonder what I was supposed to do? Keep on pushing for his lynch with that little I had? When I realized that as town he is far more scummy than as mafia I knew his case on X1 was - although lousy - still genuine. And again I wonder how it is a problem to change my min?

That is not scummy.

- I think we should not try to figure out RR's posts. Yes, I think so. DEAL WITH IT. He even admitted himself that some of his points are really hard to understand. I'm not even *blaming* him for anything, let alone think he's scum. But I know as well as anybody else that his points will never directly lead us to lynching scum. That's literally all I said about how to deal with it. Some of his points can be understood, making it perfectly possible to read him. Some of his points can't making it meaningless to even ask because we will learn nothing new from it. Not hard to understand.

That is not scummy.

Conclusion: I AM NOT ****ING SCUMMY.


#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Nabe, when I was finding evidence, there wasn't much, because he was still rereading. It wasn't ike I just realized this.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Why people should vote for x1:
x1 is pointing out useless observations that matter none. There's no objective behind his post here. He is simply stating things. There is nothing he would get from pointing out to Vanderzant, an experienced player, that his question sucked and then pointing out that his other question was good. Not only is this a universal type of tell, it is especially noticeable for x1.
The first paragraph here is you attacking me for pointing out what I do and don't like? How exactly is that scummy? Vand's question was bad and it only set someone up to fail or even be incriminated and for that reason its a bad question, his later question somewhat redeems him by actually being pro-town.

Now since people tend to have a problem relaying on irrefutable evidence of someone being scum i.e meta tells, I will continue on with the rest of his posts to show why he is scum based on more generalized/"reliable" scum tells.
I asked x1 a simple question: "why Gheb?" but here he shows signs of defensiveness like he feels the need to explain his actions rather than his opinion. He tells me that even if he is wrong, voting him will better his view of Gheb. This is an attempt to justify his vote. "Because he's already started getting all cute like he likes to do when he's scum." would have been just fine in explaining what his opinion on. But further adds in, feeling the need to add a subtle defense against his action as if he had done something wrong.
Third paragraph you think I'm too defensive of my actions. I posted saying that Gheb is getting cute as though he does as scum (and is doing now still FYI) but then realise I can't actually 100% read him off the little content he had. For example in sleepover I didn't notice his scum meta untill he was heavily pressured by OS. The vote was a good thing.

X1 had just finished reading through. He should know that Rajam hasn't given any content. And he should also know that Rajam had just posted hola 11 posts above him. This question is so fake looking because it's such an obvious answer. And I know it's not meant to be rhetorical.
My question response however was rhetoric. I'm pointing out that I've no reads worth posting other than the ones I did post.
Beat explains this here pretty well. x1 was trying to call Beat out on holding my hand because he is new makes very little sense. This is just x1 trying to paint something as scummy that's not even scummy. Furthermore:
You are attacking me for trying to paint Beat in a bad light? wtf? Right after I post saying I think he's town? You then even say yourself that I was defending Beat...?

x1 claims that his reason for pointing Beat out was not because he felt it was scummy but because he wanted to prevent others for thinking it was scummy. For one this is not how a townie plays. For two, he claims it is not defending when is in fact stating that he trying to prevent others from targeting Beat which is defending.
I said I thought Beat was town to point out my read, I said Beat was dumbtown specifically to stop idiots thinking its scummy, i.e explaining my read. I've already explained this seriously

Ok seriously we need to lynch Gheb, I don't see how no-one has realised but the way he defends himself is just to lead an argument round in circles

Just thought it was kind of weird that you dropped it, esp. since I don't remember you trying that hard to pressure him.
First Gheb just highlights as I just did and say "I'm sorry?" Vanderzant gives examples and then Gheb just goes back and picks a different bit and asks him about it. He's not even denying what he's done, just asking questions or elaboration on what is asked to him. There's not even an attempt to justify his actions or give reasons for what he did.

In #524 he also makes possibly the biggest unsubstantiated-non-stance-get-out-clause post ever. He says the incredibly weak meta point he's making is just "For the record" and his point then says its not at all conclusive. In #540 he just decides that he wants to know why people consider him scummy, I mean seriously. Also at the end of #544 he does the same thing as earlier against Beat. Beat asks how we're meant to read RR and then Gheb just says "Do you find all his posts hard to understand?". Gheb justs responds to accusations by asking pretty unrelated questions, and then acting as though he has responded to your case.

@Zen: Seriously how are you missing this stuff. Do you ever even take a stance on Gheb? Its like your whole reads this game are revolving around my alignment which is just dumb (looking at half #590 and how you completely refuse to take a stance on Gheb other than "lol", or "I don't care for toDay")

@HepAlien: If you were town and you found someone scummy, but you also hated their playstyle, would you not find their lynch a win-win? Explain how Nabe calling it such is scummy. Do you think a scum player is more likely to post that than a town player?
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