True Blue Warrior
Smash Hero
That Ratholos picture definitely makes you think?
Pardon the interruption. I would like to voice my support for Isaac's inclusion as well. Though I have only personally completed the original Golden Sun, I remember it fondly, and still immediately recognize the melodies that make up its soundtrack. Even were it not for that, however, I have a great deal of respect for this movement, and wish to see its dream realized.
If I may: Given the trappings I come presented in, it should come as no surprise that Xenosaga's KOS-MOS is the first among my wants for inclusion. Yet in spite of her clinging to relevance through cameos as something of a Bandai-Namco/Monolith Darling, and in spite of also belonging to a well-loved cult classic... this sense of community has not formed in the same way. There are of course advantages Isaac enjoys, as a representative of the Gameboy Advanced, while Xenosaga's DS remake never made it out of Japan, but with Ultimate being developed by Bandai-Namco yet again, one might equate their overall circumstances... yet the difference in their support is unquestionable.
Much time and effort has been devoted to growing Isaac's support, to taking something a few hold with deep affection and convincing the greater whole of its worth. Not as a group of overbearing zealots, nor as a meme. Despite my jaded nature, I don't question how much of Isaac's support is ironic or otherwise disingenuous. He's not "the next on the checklist for a popular franchise." He's not "A villain and/or woman" to fill an arbitrary quota. He's a Male, Sword-wielding protagonist, and in a time where animosity towards swords is beginning to reach a fever pitch.
Yet here we are, and support, rather than dwindling, has instead continued to swell. For myself, I know not how to describe it short of awe-inspiring. Would that I could do the same.
The sun will rise again. Gaia has been dark long enough.
My apologies, but as a bit of due diligence, anyone kind enough to show support for KOS-MOS can find her thread in my signature. Please, thank you, and again, sorry.
Hey, I have been a longtime isaac supporter. He was my choice in the ballot. So add me on your list. I have so much hope for him right now. It looks like he and Geno are the most supported non-echo characters left.
Updated. Anyone else I missed?Golden Sun was my first rpg game I ever played, Isaac is my most requested character before the release of Smash 4.
I hope King K. Rool is a sign that Sakurai is giving fans what they want.
I would gladly be on support of our golden boy!
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