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Sunrise, Sunset - Isaac for Smash Ultimate #GoldenSunday

Isaac for Smash Pls

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2018
Btw, I've basically been staying away from the cancer that is the main thread, but I dipped my toes in there and now everyone seems convinced Dante of all people is in? What's with all this sudden support for him coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden? Can someone give a summary? I tried looking through for myself but that thread is a mess. Why hadn't we heard a single peep about Dante before now?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2018
United States, Tennessee
Already seems like a few of us are accepting it without any sort of argument against it... what in the hell happened? Why does Vergeben scare you all so easily?? Did anyone follow up and try to even ask him HOW or WHY he knew? Is no one going to do it? Really? No follow up there?
Jeez... and here I thought you'd be more willing to pursue the truth of the matter.
Oi vey.

If I sound harsh yeah, it was on purpose. Sometimes it's what you NEED to hear. Not what you WANT to hear. I hope tomorrow (or rather later today for me) that I see a return of some optimism in here!

Btw, I've basically been staying away from the cancer that is the main thread, but I dipped my toes in there and now everyone seems convinced Dante of all people is in? What's with all this sudden support for him coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden? Can someone give a summary? I tried looking through for myself but that thread is a mess. Why hadn't we heard a single peep about Dante before now?
I saw a reddit post about it like a month or two ago. But it was quickly swatted away as fake and debunked (or so I had thought). I have no idea why it would resurface like this.
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Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
Btw, I've basically been staying away from the cancer that is the main thread, but I dipped my toes in there and now everyone seems convinced Dante of all people is in? What's with all this sudden support for him coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden? Can someone give a summary? I tried looking through for myself but that thread is a mess. Why hadn't we heard a single peep about Dante before now?
I think someone mentioned it was some 4chan thing. So it’s nothing.

Plato Xaiver

Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Switch FC
I honestly don’t understand it, let’s say Isaac is indeed back as an Assist Trophy. Sakurai listens to the community, he’s definitely seen the demand for Isaac, then why put him back in as an Assist Trophy. I don’t know if he did well on the Ballot or not, I choose to believe he did, though fan polls =\= actual ballot results (atleast in my opinion)

Are we just not being loud enough with our demands? Honestly I’m worried, I’ve been having a nervous feeling in my stomach, and what I’ve been hearing doesn’t make it better.

I still choose to believe Isaac made it into the roster, but I am prepared just incase he isn’t...which, I hope won’t be the case.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Even if Isaac were to become an Assist Trophy, its not the end. Four years ago, when Sakurai had personally de-confirmed Ridley as being a character who was simply not suited to be playable, I thought that that very well could have been the end of Ridley ever happening for an official Smash Bros. title.

With Isaac, him at least returning in some form is at least something. It shows that he has not been forgotten, and unlike the other veteran Assist Trophies, they could not simply port assets from Smash 4 to make him happen.

Ridley fans had to deal with defeat and disappointment in Melee. In Brawl. In Smash 4. It was only until Ultimate that our distant dream was finally realized.

I have personally contended for a while that Isaac is the successor to Ridley and K. Rool. Not Geno. Not Skull Kid. Not Waluigi. Golden Sun has had a passionate fanbase since 2001. You guys had your hopes dashed for Brawl. Then again with Smash 4. And it could very well happen again with Ultimate.

Pick up the pieces, and start again. Hopefully that rumor of a new Golden Sun game ends up being true that way it gives an opportunity for a whole new generation to enjoy and explore that universe that captivated and endeared so many.

Even if Vergeben is claiming Isaac is an Assist Trophy, there is the possibility he may not know the whole picture. Even highly accurate leakers (like Sal Romano/Gematsu) ended up getting some details wrong. Chrom ended up being Robin, Mii Fighters ended up being three different characters (still technically correct, but there was more there than just a playable Mii), and Chorus Kids (or any Rhythm Heaven fighter for that matter) was not playable. Its plausible that Vergeben or his source mistook Isaac for Matthew. Regardless, just spend these last 30 hours before the Direct drops just to dream.

Continue dreaming and hoping. Even if Isaac does get deconfirmed tomorrow, there is still a silver lining. Isaac has not been forgotten and the character is still cherished.
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Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
I honestly don’t understand it, let’s say Isaac is indeed back as an Assist Trophy. Sakurai listens to the community, he’s definitely seen the demand for Isaac, then why put him back in as an Assist Trophy. I don’t know if he did well on the Ballot or not, I choose to believe he did, though fan polls =\= actual ballot results (atleast in my opinion)

Are we just not being loud enough with our demands? Honestly I’m worried, I’ve been having a nervous feeling in my stomach, and what I’ve been hearing doesn’t make it better.

I still choose to believe Isaac made it into the roster, but I am prepared just incase he isn’t...which, I hope won’t be the case.
1. Smash Ballot
2. Rathalos Tweet
3. Growth Psynergy item (maybe)
4. No AT seen yet
5. 5 more possible stages for newcomers

There’s enough going for him that I think he’s in.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2018
United States, Tennessee
I didn't think I'd have to be the optimistic one right now cause I thought I'd be the LAST person here to be the morale booster (or at least attempting it). I think all of us would be upset with ALL of this evidence just to end up with an assist. That's like the biggest middle finger. I just have trouble seeing Sakurai being THAT mean towards a fanbase (he did a 180 with Ridley after all the things he said). I'll be upset if it's true sure, but I get an intense feeling that these people really don't know jack**** and are just saying the first thing they get told without even checking for credibility at this point. I'm glad it's almost over cause I'm sick of tired of it now. I'm done. Through with it all. It's been so. ****. Toxic. It needs to end.

Plato Xaiver

Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Switch FC
Its plausible that Vergeben or his source mistook Matthew for Isaac. Regardless, just spend these last 30 hours before the Direct drops just to dream.
A part of me actually wants Matt to get the Alph treatment, but however you have a point. I’ve seen a lot of people who’ve never played Golden Sum get Isaac and Matthew confused.

Honestly probably an unpopular opinion but I prefer Matts desgin :^) ...Adult Isaac is still the waifu tho.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
Well, to look on the potentially bright side. If Isaac DOES get in after all this atleast it will be a surprise and not as expected again lol.

Isaac for Smash Pls

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2018
Even if Isaac were to become an Assist Trophy, its not the end. Four years ago, when Sakurai had personally de-confirmed Ridley as being a character who was simply not suited to be playable, I thought that that very well could have been the end of Ridley ever happening for an official Smash Bros. title.

With Isaac, him at least returning in some form is at least something. It shows that he has not been forgotten, and unlike the other veteran Assist Trophies, they could not simply port assets from Smash 4 to make him happen.

Ridley fans had to deal with defeat and disappointment in Melee. In Brawl. In Smash 4. It was only until Ultimate that our distant dream was finally realized.

I have personally contended for a while that Isaac is the successor to Ridley and K. Rool. Not Geno. Not Skull Kid. Not Waluigi. Golden Sun has had a passionate fanbase since 2001. You guys had your hopes dashed for Brawl. Then again with Smash 4. And it could very well happen again with Ultimate.

Pick up the pieces, and start again. Hopefully that rumor of a new Golden Sun game ends up being true that way it gives an opportunity for a whole new generation to enjoy and explore that universe that captivated and endeared so many.

Even if Vergeben is claiming Isaac is an Assist Trophy, there is the possibility he may not know the whole picture. Even highly accurate leakers (like Sal Romano/Gematsu) ended up getting some details wrong. Chrom ended up being Robin, Mii Fighters ended up being three different characters (still technically correct, but there was more there than just a playable Mii), and Chorus Kids (or any Rhythm Heaven fighter for that matter) was not playable. Its plausible that Vergeben or his source mistook Matthew for Isaac. Regardless, just spend these last 30 hours before the Direct drops just to dream.

Continue dreaming and hoping. Even if Isaac does get deconfirmed tomorrow, there is still a silver lining. Isaac has not been forgotten and the character is still cherished.
Thanks, friend. Honestly I always stayed away from posting even though I was a lurker on these boards for both Brawl and Sm4sh speculation seasons. Do you know what finally convinced me to post? It was the emotion I felt from seeing Isaac's fanbase not only still around after two games, but getting bigger and stronger than ever. There's just something special about this thread and it's great to have other people going through the ups and downs with you. If Isaac is an AT, yeah we'll be pretty down in the dumps here for a few days, but it's just like you said. As soon as Smash 6 is announced, I'll be right here waving that flag and cheering for our guy.

But enough of that talk. The fight isn't over yet and the fact is that NOBODY knows what tomorrow has in store for us, so let's stay positive.

Plato Xaiver

Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Switch FC
1. Smash Ballot
2. Rathalos Tweet
3. Growth Psynergy item (maybe)
4. No AT seen yet
5. 5 more possible stages for newcomers

There’s enough going for him that I think he’s in.
Trust me, I still 99% believe Isaac is in, but there’s that 1% doubt thats hurting me.

Weather the outcome be positive or negative, I’m going to cry. Either tears or joy or dispair (Ok maybe I won’t cry if worst comes to worse, but Im definitely crying if he gets in.)


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
Well, to look on the potentially bright side. If Isaac DOES get in after all this atleast it will be a surprise and not as expected again lol.
Has Isaac ever been expected? As an Isaac fan you learn that he’s not expected ever, you’re just hopeful. No matter how much he may have going for him.

Plato Xaiver

Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Switch FC
Has Isaac ever been expected? As an Isaac fan you learn that he’s not expected ever, you’re just hopeful. No matter how much he may have going for him.
“The Isaac fanbase is used to being disappointed.”-Someone on Reddit


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Would you be willing to share some of the things that have changed your mind?

Not trying to probe and it's okay if you don't want to get into it. You just come off as a very pragmatic person who wouldn't change their mind on something like this willy-nilly.
Based on this thread, I totally get why it would seem willy-nilly. That's about the extent of what's to be said, sorry. :/

I wish I could say that I respect that decision, but I feel more disappointment for how easily you threw in the towel. (I wasn't even talking about Verge in particularly anyway.)

I've been through that feeling about 3 times now with one of My most wanted picks. I get it. It sucks.

But I'd thought you would at least humor the possibility. Shutting it off and becoming negative is exactly what I did.

But hey, I hope you cool off and join the thread when you've changed your mind, or after the direct.

Have a good night, N3ON.
Well, fwiw, I'm not upset. Disappointed, sure. But you can look in the main thread, I was trying to tell people Isaac as an AT is still better than no Isaac at all. That didn't work either, lol. I'm happy that Isaac is in this game, whatever form he takes.

Good luck. :)
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Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
Has Isaac ever been expected? As an Isaac fan you learn that he’s not expected ever, you’re just hopeful. No matter how much he may have going for him.
Well with all the stuff going on before Vergeben verged, people were feeling alot more confident on his chances.

Plato Xaiver

Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Switch FC
I was trying to tell people Isaac as an AT is still better than no Isaac at all. That didn't work either, lol. I'm happy that Isaac is in this game, whatever form he takes.
I sadly have to disagree with this, while yes the series would atleast be represented.
-Rathalos pic
-Mysterious Spourt Item
-Lack of AT, even though most popular pics were already revaled to be ATs.

I’m sorry if Im coming across as rude, but if Isaac is shown off as an AT in the last direct. It would feel like a slap in the fact, I won’t be upset, but I will be disappointed.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
I'm not worried in the slightest. My gut is telling me he's in and it hasn't been wrong so far.

It called Isabelle. It called Ridley. And King K Rool, Dark Samus and Chrom. It called Shovel Knight and Monster Hunter would appear as well as the return of Snake. The only thing it didn't call was Castlevania because I didn't remember it at the time. Had I done, it would have been positive too.

So I am going 110% that Isaac is in. Geno is in too. I never had a single doubt thanks to the Smash Ballot.

I wouldn't know why anyone would doubt it now.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2018
Switch FC
SW 6766 2698 9475
Just read Vergeben's claim about Isaac and oooh is so sad. I really want him to be wrong

After all this hints, it would be so heartbreaking bringing Isaac back as an AT
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2018
Also I'll be kind of disappointed in Sakurai tbh. I know Isaac isn't a very big deal in Japan comparatively but I'd hoped he would have had the grace to rip the band-aid off clean like he usually does. Either he has some personal vendetta against Isaac or he just really is that out of touch when it comes to this specific series.
I feel the same way. I remember the ballot asking for reasons why we support whatever character we voted for. Unfortunately, I don't think the shipment numbers from Chris' thread on neogaf were posted before that, and I can't remember at all what I had written on there.

But the first Golden Sun nearly sold two million copies on the GBA. A very young audience made up the GBA's demographics, if I'm correct. This is a series that sold very well, helped drive momentum for the Game Boy Advance hardware, AND created a young new fan-base for a brand new IP.

Think about it this way. Between the release of Golden Sun 1, and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Fire Emblem had five world-wide releases in between them. None of those FE games sold as well as Golden Sun: The Lost Age, much less, the original Golden Sun. Xenoblade just got its first million seller with XB 2, a third entry in this series, including X.

Golden Sun surpassed these games on a much smaller budget and had a young fan-base whom today have strong nostalgia for the games.

Yeah, Golden Sun Dark Dawn probably bombed at retail. You know what else bombed though? Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon. But that didn't stop that series from getting it's Awakening.

Bayonetta is getting three games now despite less than mediocre sales. Star Fox is having a rough time right now too, but the support is clearly there from Nintendo.

The point from me is that it is very disheartening to know Golden Sun had proven itself already. The series is still very unique among the sea of Role-Playing games that have released since, and yet Camelot and Nintendo never felt any need to recognize this series' accomplishments or keep the momentum it once had going.

In front of all this information, plus the suspect that Isaac did extremely well on the ballot (runner up to K. Rool?), Sakurai would have had to notice us, but then decided that either Golden Sun has no future entries coming, thus irrelevent and not considerable, he couldn't envision an Isaac move-set amongst the cast, or he has a bias himself that doesn't prioritize Isaac unless a new Golden Sun were to come out and become too big a massive mainstream hit to ignore.

As a fan, it's so disappointing because I feel we have a very strong argument for our character.

I mean, look at this:

This is Isaac in a nutshell (and then some). Here he is, 'dancing.' Who could look at this and not think this would be very unique and interesting amongst the Smash cast? If Sakurai needed a stronger visual guide to see Isaac 'dancing' in his head, here it is. It helps that Avatar: The Last Airbender had become a big hit in North America a couple years after Golden Sun was released.

Our character enjoyed stronger sales than some characters already on the roster. Our character is old enough to have nostalgia with once young players that played his popular game many years ago. Our character could grow to be popular AMONG SMASH FANS, thanks to the unique abilities he could bring to the roster. He could be an exciting addition to non-Golden Sun fans. His game has amazing music tracks to dig from. His game has interesting potential stages to draw from. And more!

I believe we have a strong case for our character, and strong numbers requesting his addition. It's very disappointing to think Sakurai couldn't quite see Isaac's appeal the way we do. Other people on other boards don't quite get the appeal, but there has long been this feeling that, once Isaac got in, they'd come around once they saw what the character could do.

Anyway, we'll see what happens. Still hoping for the best, of course.
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Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
Well with all the stuff going on before Vergeben verged, people were feeling alot more confident on his chances.
Sure, but you always have that feeling of “don’t get too hyped you know how this usually ends”.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2018
Switch FC
SW 6766 2698 9475
I'm not worried in the slightest. My gut is telling me he's in and it hasn't been wrong so far.

It called Isabelle. It called Ridley. And King K Rool, Dark Samus and Chrom. It called Shovel Knight and Monster Hunter would appear as well as the return of Snake. The only thing it didn't call was Castlevania because I didn't remember it at the time. Had I done, it would have been positive too.

So I am going 110% that Isaac is in. Geno is in too. I never had a single doubt thanks to the Smash Ballot.

I wouldn't know why anyone would doubt it now.

I really really really hope You're right


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2018
Switch FC
I guess I just don't understand how with all the evidence we have, without the Leak, people are still convinced Isaac isn't in. It just boggles the mind.
I don't get it either, but I will stand strong and will keep believing that Isaac is in! I refuse to think otherwise in my own opinion, but it's not like I am denying the other evidence either. We will have to wait and see tomorrow morning.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
I sadly have to disagree with this, while yes the series would atleast be represented.
-Rathalos pic
-Mysterious Spourt Item
-Lack of AT, even though most popular pics were already revaled to be ATs.

I’m sorry if Im coming across as rude, but if Isaac is shown off as an AT in the last direct. It would feel like a slap in the fact, I won’t be upset, but I will be disappointed.
I’ve already said I’d rather him not be in at all then be an assist trophy again. If any other Isaac fans are okay with that then that’s fine.

But the last thing I want is to have a 1/60 chance of seeing Isaac pop out of a trophy and think “He should have been playable... After all these times and all those hints and votes.. he should have been playable.”

Going from AT ——-> cut out completely ———- highly voted on———-> back to AT. No thanks...


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
I really really really hope You're right
It also helps my gut instinct called Bayonetta back in the Wii U days for Smash 4 and look how that turned out :)

EDIT: As well as Rosalina, Shulk, Little Mac and Robin. It seems I have a knack for knowing who they put in
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2018
Switch FC
SW 6766 2698 9475
I really love reading all your possitive comments!

Im going to change my mind and stay possitive till thursday! :happysheep:
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Isaac for Smash Pls

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2018
I feel the same way. I remember the ballot asking for reasons why we support whatever character we voted for. Unfortunately, I don't think the shipment numbers from Chris' thread on neogaf were posted before that, and I can't remember at all what I had written on there.

But the first Golden Sun nearly sold two million copies on the GBA. A very young audience made up the GBA's demographics, if I'm correct. This is a series that sold very well, helped drive momentum for the Game Boy Advance hardware, AND created a young new fan-base for a brand new IP.

Think about it this way. Between the release of Golden Sun 1, and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Fire Emblem had five world-wide releases in between them. None of those FE games sold as well as Golden Sun: The Lost Age, much less, the original Golden Sun. Xenoblade just got its first million seller with XB 2, a third entry in this series, including X.

Golden Sun surpassed these games on a much smaller budget and had a young fan-base whom today have strong nostalgia for the games.

Yeah, Golden Sun Dark Dawn probably bombed at retail. You know what else bombed though? Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon. But that didn't stop that series from getting it's Awakening.

Bayonetta is getting three games now despite less than mediocre sales. Star Fox is having a rough time right now too, but the support is clearly there from Nintendo.

The point from me is that it is very disheartening to know Golden Sun had proven itself already. The series is still very unique among the sea of Role-Playing games that have released since, and yet Camelot and Nintendo never felt any need to recognize this series' accomplishments or keep the momentum it once had going.

In front of all this information, plus the suspect that Isaac did extremely well on the ballot (runner up to K. Rool?), Sakurai would have had to notice us, but then decided that either Golden Sun has no future entries coming, thus irrelevent and not considerable, he couldn't envision an Isaac move-set amongst the cast, or he has a bias himself that doesn't prioritize Isaac unless a new Golden Sun were to come out and become too big a massive mainstream hit to ignore.

As a fan, it's so disappointing because I feel we have a very strong argument for our character.

I mean, look at this:

This is Isaac in a nutshell (and then some). Here he is, 'dancing.' Who could look at this and not think this would be very unique and interesting amongst the Smash cast? If Sakurai needed a stronger visual guide to see Isaac 'dancing' in his head, here it is. It helps that Avatar: The Last Airbender had become a big hit in North America a couple years after Golden Sun was released.

Our character enjoyed stronger sales than some characters already on the roster. Our character is old enough to have nostalgia with once young players that played his popular game many years ago. Our character could grow to be popular AMONG SMASH FANS, thanks to the unique abilities he could bring to the roster. He could be an exciting addition to non-Golden Sun fans. His game has amazing music tracks to dig from. And more!

I believe we have a strong case for our character, and strong numbers requesting his addition. It's very disappointing to think Sakurai couldn't quite see Isaac's appeal the way we do. Other people on other boards don't quite get the appeal, but there has long been this feeling that, once Isaac got in, they'd come around once the saw what the character could do.

Anyway, we'll see what happens. Still hoping for the best, of course.
Amazingly well put. It breaks my heart knowing that Golden Sun has so few actual obstacles to its inclusion and it would fit in so well, and it could actually REVIVE the series. But for whatever reason Sakurai and Nintendo, who ultimately pick the winners of Smash, have decided that a 10th Pokemon is a more worthy inclusion than a character who brings all of the things you said above.

That’s why my heart of hearts still believes that Isaac is in. My brain has prepared itself for the possibility that he’s not but I’m going to continue believing and supporting all through the Direct, and after that until the Smash series gets canceled.

Plato Xaiver

Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Switch FC
I’ve already said I’d rather him not be in at all then be an assist trophy again. If any other Isaac fans are okay with that then that’s fine.

But the last thing I want is to have a 1/60 chance of seeing Isaac pop out of a trophy and think “He should have been playable... After all these times and all those hints and votes.. he should have been playable.”

Going from AT ——-> cut out completely ———- highly voted on———-> back to AT. No thanks...
I am definitely not okay with it, yeah its representation, but why delay it this long to tell us?

“Oh, I see this Isaac character is highly requested. I should probably add his Assist Trophy back.”-Sakurai

Doing that would make it seem like Sakurai is as disconnected with the fanbase as Masuda is, but Sakurai isn’t because he actively listens to us. Screw my doubts, I’m now 100% on Isaac being in. I trust Tetiros gut!


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
I think there is a lot of confusion going around right now. I have seen DLC, in and AT as all "legit" outcomes to whether or not he is in.

It's fair to say NO-ONE actually knows other than Nintendo themselves. And anyone who does isn't going to say at all. NDAs work on the characters as well as the game. So I wouldn't trust anyone's judgement.

I have more faith in the Grinch leak than insiders because we know the background history behind the claims. Not a single insider has given such detail


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
ATs now a day actually fight and have several moves. So if his AT is shown then it will be an updated HD model with new animations and new attacks to be seen. It will still be something.

I just realized, how ironic would it be if Isaac did get cut from the September direct because his AT casts Earthquake? I doubt he was cut from the direct, but if he is in fact an AT and he also casts Earthquake I think I will be able to laugh a bit even if it will make me sad.

Also, I see you N3on. I think I understand exactly what you’re talking about .
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Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
I'm interested to see if any interesting developments will pop up Wednesday or early Thursday before the direct.

As someone who has never **** on Verge but also not take his word as gospel, and as someone who was convinced of the Grinch leak (and still kinda am), but wasn't going to act like it was completely 100% true and sweep all opposing points under the rug.

I'm in a very mixed and anxious state.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
The insider behavior is the only thing I don't get.
For one thing, none of these people are insiders.
Their "sources" are the insiders.
None of these people have first hand experience. Stealth confirmed that when he said he knew it was fake "because of what he was told".
We hear that over and over.
These people have "sources" that "tell them" that it's fake.
Why do they believe these sources 100%?
Anyone who leaks is already proven untrustworthy. They've lied to their employers. They've lied to their bosses. They've actually broken signed legal agreements. But they won't lie to a game reporter guy?
They're denying everything. All logic brought against them, all reasoning or things they've seen with their own eyes, out of trust for these people.
They say "we're not owed any information". That may be true. But neither are the reporters. Nor are the reporters or the insiders owed trust.
So why are they trusted so blindly? What have the insiders done to make them more credible than someone's own senses?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2018
United States, Tennessee
There we go. Finally you're coming back around. Screw Verg. Screw the insiders. They don't know what's really happening.
Edit: I've been so back and forth these past few months I swear. And staying up late hasn't been helping. Tch.
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Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
Remember guys, the people who are negative tend to be louder and noisier. The ones who believe in Isaac will keep the fight going and show the support.

But our commitment will not be broken. Our beliefs will not be tarnished. Our dreams may get shattered but our hearts will not stop.

"Faith shall be my shield."


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2018
Switch FC
This is not a time to have doubt, this is a time to be optimistic, positive and confident! We need to stop hiding in the dark and be proud Golden Sun fans! We need to stay strong and not give up hope yet! I mean look at K. Rool and Ridley Cut throats they kept pushing and believing and they got it! Now it's our turn! It looks really good for us, we have evidence and coincidences to back us up!

I said it before and I will keep saying. Isaac is in! Even if he becomes an AT, I will be happy about that, but I don't believe he will be this time. You folks may think I am too sure of myself, but I believe in Sakurai! I believe in a guy who develops video games and loves to make his fans happy! This is what gives me hope in Isaac, when has he ever tweeted something hinting a playable character that didn't make the cut unless he was completely sure he wanted him in? Or when have you ever seen him tweet out hints at an Assist Trophy? If I am wrong than I will take the L standing tall and deal with it.

Let's have some faith in Sakurai! Hell let's be proud that we get anything related to Golden Sun in Smash Bros. I will be certainly greatful and I won't let anyone take me down and hinder my opinion until I have been proven wrong!
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
I am not sure what happened since I don't follow everything anymore but if I got it right, now that the Grinch leak happened, Vergeben reappeared and said Isaac is an AT? Just now he says this? Yeah right, bye Vergeben, ich vergebe dir....


Smash Cadet
Oct 31, 2018
I just like to imagine how Isaac being revealed would be if done like K.Rool

Sakurai says "And now, a former assist trophy joins the fight. Please take a look"

Then the silhouette of Isaac appears, only to find that it was Tingle in disguise. He laughs maniacally at the screen, then the real Isaac appears and kicks him out and a glorious remix of Isaac's battle theme starts to play.

29 hours and we'll know
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