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Sunrise, Sunset - Isaac for Smash Ultimate #GoldenSunday


Fukou Da...
Apr 9, 2014
Vancouver Island
Switch FC
You seem to be framing his method as a negative, but this is journalistic procedure. He should do it outside of Smash as well, because strangely he's far less diligent about that other stuff.
I'm framing this as a negative because Vergeben isn't a games journalist, he's a leaker. Picking and choosing information to boost his credibility isn't "proper", it's shady.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I'm just afraid that everything pointing to Isaac will make me enter the direct with some kind of optimism.

My overriding emotion right now is fear.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2014
Paris . France
We should just relax and enjoy Halloween. Try to keep our mind off the smash scene and do relaxing halloween activities like carving pumpkins, decorate your house, steal candies from kids and make A ****ING LANTERN OUT OF VERGABEN'S SKULL !!!.... /pants ... sorry about that :drsad:

Isaac for Smash Pls

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2018
Yes, that is the proper procedure, you shouldn't proliferate sources you don't believe in. Loz exposed it in regards to Incineroar, but Verg was right in not moving forward with the Incineroar claim until he had vetted it thoroughly. Verg having multiple sources (as he claimed) wasn't new information, he was citing multiple sources as far back as Ridley.

Having multiple sources is significantly better than having a single source. In the professional sphere, almost all outlets have multiple sources before they run a story so they can properly vet it or withhold it until they deal with conflicting information. Verg is absolutely doing the proper protocol here for making claims, as he's working with multiple disparate sources (which he's candid about) and not running with a claim unless he's vetted it (which he's candid about - like why we haven't heard the SE character's identity). You can still be misled this way, but it's much harder than just with a single source, as all your unrelated sources would need to provide the same misinformation.

However, in this context he really shouldn't have disclose what a single source was reporting if he wasn't confident enough to endorse it, which is why Isabelle is a strange blip in the professional manner he usually employed, but as he simply acted as messenger instead of guarantor, it's not comparable to his actual claims.

You seem to be framing his method as a negative, but this is journalistic procedure. He should do it outside of Smash as well, because strangely he's far less diligent about that other stuff.
Out of curiosity N3ON, do you think Verge is on to something with his claim that Isaac is an AT? Like you, I believe that he does have insider info and his track record so far has been accurate, if incomplete, and he's never claimed it was complete. However, in this case it just seems to me like he's being petty, especially with the mic drop gif. We know he's not above losing his temper (and fair play, I would be salty too if I had to deal with the undivided attention and the dregs of the Smash community on a daily basis like he does), but at the same time this seems like quite a big statement to make. Like I've already made clear in this thread, I think Isaac being an AT just doesn't line up well with everything else we've seen which is why it seems like such a strangely specific claim, but of course he could very well be right.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
I wonder if anyone in yesterday's madness noticed there was no music added to the Smash website like they typically do?
I definitely noticed that. The schedule has definitely changed, since typically the Stage post is posted in the evening of the music post. I think it's likely they didn't upload it now because they wanted to avoid another "Bloody Tears / Monster Dance" situation where they accidentally leaked Castlevania was coming to Smash Bros.

Perhaps if we're getting a newcomer, even if it's Isaac or Chorus Men or whatever given the amount of content we've got coming up, they'll properly upload the music then.

And speaking of that kickass Castlevania soundtrack, it's perfect for the night of Halloween and trying to finish off this animation assignment I have so I can get on with the rest of my other assignments.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I'm framing this as a negative because Vergeben isn't a games journalist, he's a leaker. Picking and choosing information to boost his credibility isn't "proper", it's shady.
But both leakers and journalists break information to the public, and he's literally employing tactics made to ensure better credibility. The reason it's journalistic procedure is because journalists do it for a living, so it should be the level of vetting amateurs should aspire to. It's a good thing.

It's like employing medical training to better deal with an injury even if you aren't a doctor. Or familiarizing yourself with pertinent laws even if you aren't a lawyer. Or following the recipe created by a professional chef. It's a quality practice because it's the one done by the professionals.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
I'm just afraid that everything pointing to Isaac will make me enter the direct with some kind of optimism.

My overriding emotion right now is fear.
I know I broke my rule that I wouldn't post, but **** it.

Fear over a possibility? Okay. Sure. Fine. But don't let it take it over. Fear and negativity plaguing your thoughts is not healthy. It beats you down.

Balance it out at least. We know you have just as much going for Isaac as it does going against him. So have some confidence in him.

And like people on this thread told me, "Don't try to repeatedly be negative on here. It brings down the moral of everyone here, and it ruins the atmosphere."

Alright, now I'm done. Positivity everyone.

Edit: yes. I changed my profile that I chose to keep because I was unsure when he'd be revealed. I'm THAT confident.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2018
United States, Tennessee
If Nintendo DOESN'T make him playable at all OR assist purgatorys him then I'll have proof that they have no faith in their franchises anymore. Niche OR NOT. Being niche is honestly irrelevant at this juncture.


Banned via Warnings
Apr 25, 2015
The moon
I'm gonna try to capture that optimistic spirit again. That's all I can promise. I'm gonna try. I'm sorry for letting you guy's down. I know that i've generally been the happier one in the past. Digging through all this information to piece together a narrative. It's been...rough. To say the least. I went into this looking for a path in. I walked out with a sea of doubts. I steeled myself as best as possible for the worst outcome. If I hadn't I think it'd have spilled over onto my discord and my twitter. The only good thing about this blow up for me here and now is that i'm at least not as likely to cry during that direct if the worst should happen. I'm gonna try and genuinely consider the outside evidence. And the insider evidence as one from here on. If the ship sinks, I sink with it. But i'm not gonna be the man who sunk it.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
However, in this context he really shouldn't have disclose what a single source was reporting if he wasn't confident enough to endorse it, which is why Isabelle is a strange blip in the professional manner he usually employed, but as he simply acted as messenger instead of guarantor, it's not comparable to his actual claims.
Why is it a source and not just Vergeben testing to see what is true and what is not? Why is Vergeben's reputation increased with right information but the sources take the hit for wrong information?
Why is this a heads I win, tails you lose sort of situation for Vergeben?
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2018
Switch FC
I'm gonna be very blunt. But most of you all are not trying to even hope.

You have all these hints, and all these factors you can consider. Verge might be one obstacle, but he's an obstacle that's possible to overcome.

The possibility of Isaac being in Smash is a lot more likely than it's ever been. Even if you guys don't want to believe any of the evidence, it's better to at least hope that he's in. The isaac fans at least have it better than the F-Zero fans, who have nothing to go off of at This point.

You all told me that I should be more positive when we were at our lowest back in September. But people should take that's advice too. If anything, negativity makes this thread become more depressed to be in. It's not healthy for a thread like this.

So if nothing else, Positivity is the thing we should spread. Not negativity.
Hell yeah, Xeno! Preach it!


Smash Cadet
Oct 31, 2018
Hi guys! I've been following this thread for months, but haven't made an account until now.

I still think the Grinch leak is true, regardless insiders say. For me, it's too well done and the circumstances surrounding it kinda look "coherent".

I have a theory that these insiders' sources are ordered to give them false information to keep the hype for the direct intact (and if my theory is correct, they have made a damn good job).

Also guys, remember Motoi Sakuraba hasn't suspiciously appeared yet as a composer!

Please, count me as an adept.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2014
Why is it a source and not just Vergeben testing to see what is true and what is not? Why is Vergeben's reputation increased with right information but the sources take the hit for wrong information?
Why is this a heads I win, tails you lose sort of situation for Vergeben?
This is what's bothering me with all the leakers coming out against Grinch. I can't help but think they are trying to abuse the situation. If Grinch isn't real, boost to credibility. If Grinch is, well if so many leakers are getting it wrong in same way, surely Nintendo planted false info, so they aren't really to blame.

It's irritating. I can't tell who has real info and who is trying to get an easy follower boost. But there's no way so many people have roster info they haven't been leaking for who knows how long, but just now when Grinch shows up decide they do want to share that info, but only in vague terms.

Isaac for Smash Pls

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2018
I'm gonna try to capture that optimistic spirit again. That's all I can promise. I'm gonna try. I'm sorry for letting you guy's down. I know that i've generally been the happier one in the past. Digging through all this information to piece together a narrative. It's been...rough. To say the least. I went into this looking for a path in. I walked out with a sea of doubts. I steeled myself as best as possible for the worst outcome. If I hadn't I think it'd have spilled over onto my discord and my twitter. The only good thing about this blow up for me here and now is that i'm at least not as likely to cry during that direct if the worst should happen. I'm gonna try and genuinely consider the outside evidence. And the insider evidence as one from here on. If the ship sinks, I sink with it. But i'm not gonna be the man who sunk it.
That's the spirit. Honestly just try and distract yourself with something else until the Direct. We know that the info is on the way, and we know exactly when. Trying to piece together what's real and what's fake at this point is just fruitless effort when we'll know everything in 32 hours anyway. Go play some games, listen to your favorite music, read a nice book, hang out with your loved ones, pet your dog/cat, and then go into the Direct refreshed and with an open mind. And remember that at the end of the day it's just a game. We Isaac fans have been through worse before, and at least this time our character has seen more support than ever!


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
Hi guys! I've been following this thread for months, but haven't made an account until now.

I still think the Grinch leak is true, regardless insiders say. For me, it's too well done and the circumstances surrounding it kinda look "coherent".

I have a theory that these insiders' sources are ordered to give them false information to keep the hype for the direct intact (and if my theory is correct, they have made a damn good job).

Also guys, remember Motoi Sakuraba hasn't suspiciously appeared yet as a composer!

Please, count me as an adept.
Welcome fellow adept to Smash Boards and I hope you enjoy your stay.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2015
I know I broke my rule that I wouldn't post, but **** it.

Fear over a possibility? Okay. Sure. Fine. But don't let it take it over. Fear and negativity plaguing your thoughts is not healthy. It beats you down.

Balance it out at least. We know you have just as much going for Isaac as it does going against him. So have some confidence in him.

And like people on this thread told me, "Don't try to repeatedly be negative on here. It brings down the moral of everyone here, and it ruins the atmooshere."

Alright, now I'm done. Positivity everyone.
I never thought Xeno would be the one to try calming you all down lol.

Thank you for trying Xeno. I agree completely with him that everyone needs to chill and simply wait and see on Thursday. Insider info is all over the place and until others start to claim the same thing on Isaac then don’t worry about it!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2018
Switch FC
I don't care what anyone says, I believe Isaac is in. You can all believe whatever you like, but I have hope. I believe Sakurai would not tweet about an assist trophy being in the game. If Isaac would have been deconfirmed through AT he would have been a while back.

I refuse to be negative at this point, come on guys! Don't let the final stretch to the Direct hold you down and don't let leakers stir the pot, because that's what it looks like to me. At this point it is all or nothing! I still don't think the Grinch Leak is real, but until the direct shows up and tells us otherwise than this isn't the time to throw in the towel!

If Isaac isn't playable, than I will man up and take the AT with pride! If he isn't in at all, I will push for DLC! If Isaac in as a playable character than we can finally lay all our worries to rest. We can still push for a new Golden Sun! It's not only about Smash Bros, but it is also about Golden Sun!

If you think Isaac isn't in as a playable character, than feel free to tell me why and give me your reasons!


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
You know, I’m actually glad so many people believe Vergeben/Kencineroar or don’t have faith in Isaac/the Grinch. That means you’re going to be hella stoked when the Direct rolls about.

Unless you’re an Incineroar fan, in which case sorry, but hey, maybe he’ll get in after 10 years?


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2014
Paris . France
XenoWarriorX XenoWarriorX being so positive is both unexpected and refreshing :dr^_^: I was wandering why you disappeared buddy.

I hope I don't sound too negative though I really am not that pissed actually because I only trust Sakurai, not the leakers and insiders army. #TeamPositivity


Smash Rookie
Jul 29, 2014
Eh, everyone is claiming to have different info. The one constant is the Grinch. Having to put trust in someone questionable is annoying. Grinch shows me a roster that makes sense given this game is built upon fan demand and the ballot. Everyone else is pushing for relevancy. Incineroar goes against the intention of the game since he wasn't even on ballot and isn't even that popular. Honestly, the info given by Grinch leak makes more sense to this game than anything Vergeben can conjure up at this point.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Out of curiosity N3ON, do you think Verge is on to something with his claim that Isaac is an AT? Like you, I believe that he does have insider info and his track record so far has been accurate, if incomplete, and he's never claimed it was complete. However, in this case it just seems to me like he's being petty, especially with the mic drop gif. We know he's not above losing his temper (and fair play, I would be salty too if I had to deal with the undivided attention and the dregs of the Smash community on a daily basis like he does), but at the same time this seems like quite a big statement to make. Like I've already made clear in this thread, I think Isaac being an AT just doesn't line up well with everything else we've seen which is why it seems like such a strangely specific claim, but of course he could very well be right.
I'm not going to say he outright can't be wrong, but sadly I do believe him. And I certainly won't argue that he's being petty here. And smug. And all that's really special about him is, unlike other insiders, he never kept his yap shut. And the worst part is I bet he takes pride in that.

But regardless of what I think of him as a person, I do find him credible. I know people here are staunchly anti-insider, especially should they be painting a negative outlook of Isaac's odds, but there's been a breadcrumb trail all over resetera and beyond that makes Isaac seem... unlikely, even past Verg. And one leaker, sure, that can be an aberration. Case in point, I'd love to believe Mystic (or papagenos), but right now they're the odd men out. Really for me, Verg was just the final piece. Though an important one, I believe.

However, don't get me twisted, despite me defending Verg's credibility, which I do believe in, I would like nothing more than for him to be wrong, and for me to be wrong. Obviously. I'd love it, and I'd eat a feast of crow, smiling the entire time. And I know people here don't agree with me, and I don't blame them - I am, in effect, arguing against Isaac being included here. But I think the writing is on the wall.

I guess we'll see.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2018
United States, Tennessee
Hi guys! I've been following this thread for months, but haven't made an account until now.

I still think the Grinch leak is true, regardless insiders say. For me, it's too well done and the circumstances surrounding it kinda look "coherent".

I have a theory that these insiders' sources are ordered to give them false information to keep the hype for the direct intact (and if my theory is correct, they have made a damn good job).

Also guys, remember Motoi Sakuraba hasn't suspiciously appeared yet as a composer!

Please, count me as an adept.
True Blue Warrior True Blue Warrior Tag this guy if you want in.
Edit: Wording.
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Fukou Da...
Apr 9, 2014
Vancouver Island
Switch FC
But both leakers and journalists break information to the public, and he's literally employing tactics made to ensure better credibility. The reason it's journalistic procedure is because journalists do it for a living, so it should be the level of vetting amateurs should aspire to. It's a good thing.
the innate difference here is that leakers "break" otherwise unconfirmed information to the public, while journalists break information that is likely already known to the public for wider audiences. There is fact checking done in journalism because it must be done to maintain a specific level of accuracy. With leaking it's a whole different story, since you don't have facts to check, only what you know/have seen/have been told/ etc. So, if leaking doesn't ever have a guaranteed level of accuracy, what then? The only thing left is vergeben only leaks what he thinks is real. That should be irrelevant, since if he doesn't actually work or is otherwise involved with the process, then he has no innate reason to doubt or pick what's being said to him. It goes through his biases.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
XenoWarriorX XenoWarriorX being so positive is both unexpected and refreshing :dr^_^: I was wandering why you disappeared buddy.
You'll find me in the Discord...crying about F-Zero. xd

But being positive for Isaac has become easy to do. There's so much evidence for him now, I can't help but smile.

But honestly, I didn't think I was welcomed here after acting like a child. So I don't come around much now.

Seriously though. Gotta sleep. Can't keep breaking my promise of not posting until the direct. >.< Good night.

Edit: N3ON, you shouldn't see this as writing on the wall. If there was a literal writing on the wall based on these leaks, it'd be a bunch of scribbles that contradict each other. You're ignoring and blocking off the other possibilities as well. I get you have low expectations, but as the thread creator, you should be more positive about The Golden boy.
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Jupiter Ivan

Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2018
I'm gonna be very blunt. But most of you all are not trying to even hope.

You have all these hints, and all these factors you can consider. Verge might be one obstacle, but he's an obstacle that's possible to overcome.

The possibility of Isaac being in Smash is a lot more likely than it's ever been. Even if you guys don't want to believe any of the evidence, it's better to at least hope that he's in. The isaac fans at least have it better than the F-Zero fans, who have nothing to go off of at This point.

You all told me that I should be more positive when we were at our lowest back in September. But people should take that's advice too. If anything, negativity makes this thread become more depressed to be in. It's not healthy for a thread like this.

So if nothing else, Positivity is the thing we should spread. Not negativity.
Well you came out of bum **** nowhere. Nice to have you back, Xeno, hope you stick around.

I agree. I think people are overreacting to one mans claims. A man that has a spotty record. A man that told us something we didn’t want to hear in the most condescending way seemingly without being provoked and without a single drop of other information. I’m positive it was a ****post before he disappears from the speculation scene.

Ultimately we just need to wait and see. We have more evidence for Isaac’s inclusion now, not just the Rathalos tweet. I’m cautiously optimistic, of course, but I’m sure as hell not gonna give up, and I don’t think anyone should. This is not how you represent a franchise you love.

It’s funny. A few pages ago I was trying to real peoples excitement in and remind everyone that anything can happen. Even the worst.

And now. With a ****post from Veggietales, it’s the end of the ****ing world.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2014
I'm starting to brace for a Smash 4 situation: no Isaac at all.

I really hope it's not the case. Especially because I'm sure all these leakers will point to it as proof they were right because of their vague claims. Worse, based on past experience, I feel confident even with Verg's AT claim people would say he was 100% right about Isaac if he wasn't there at all.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Why is it a source and not just Vergeben testing to see what is true and what is not? Why is Vergeben's reputation increased with right information but the sources take the hit for wrong information?
Why is this a heads I win, tails you lose sort of situation for Vergeben?
Because it's the only claim he attributes to someone else.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
Because it's the only claim he attributes to someone else.
But how is it someone else and not Vergeben just covering his butt incase information is wrong? Why does your statement justify Vergeben's reputation not being damaged at all?
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Isaac for Smash Pls

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2018
I'm not going to say he outright can't be wrong, but sadly I do believe him. And I certainly won't argue that he's being petty here. And smug. And all that's really special about him is, unlike other insiders, he never kept his yap shut. And the worst part is I bet he takes pride in that.

But regardless of what I think of him as a person, I do find him credible. I know people here are staunchly anti-insider, especially should they be painting a negative outlook of Isaac's odds, but there's been a breadcrumb trail all over resetera and beyond that makes Isaac seem... unlikely, even past Verg. And one leaker, sure, that can be an aberration. Case in point, I'd love to believe Mystic (or papagenos), but right now they're the odd men out. Really for me, Verg was just the final piece. Though an important one, I believe.

However, don't get me twisted, despite me defending Verg's credibility, which I do believe in, I would like nothing more than for him to be wrong, and for me to be wrong. Obviously. I'd love it, and I'd eat a feast of crow, smiling the entire time. And I know people here don't agree with me, and I don't blame them - I am, in effect, arguing against Isaac being included here. But I think the writing is on the wall.

I guess we'll see.
Nah man, that's a completely fair take. Even if he's being a smug d-bag about it, it still takes some nads to go in front of the entire Smash community and make such a specific claim that directly challenges one of the largest fanbases. To do that he has to be either 100% confident with rock solid evidence or just wants to give everyone a final middle finger before speculation season comes to a close and he moves on to some other game.

So I've never ruled out the possibility that he's right. I just won't let myself believe it until I see it with my own eyes. And even then Verge has definitely lost my respect forever for the way he's handled this. However professional his vetting procedures are, his attitude and temperament shows me that he's barely fit to be a coffee boy as far as the REAL professional world goes.

Also I'll be kind of disappointed in Sakurai tbh. I know Isaac isn't a very big deal in Japan comparatively but I'd hoped he would have had the grace to rip the band-aid off clean like he usually does. Either he has some personal vendetta against Isaac or he just really is that out of touch when it comes to this specific series.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2018
Switch FC
I'm gonna try to capture that optimistic spirit again. That's all I can promise. I'm gonna try. I'm sorry for letting you guy's down. I know that i've generally been the happier one in the past. Digging through all this information to piece together a narrative. It's been...rough. To say the least. I went into this looking for a path in. I walked out with a sea of doubts. I steeled myself as best as possible for the worst outcome. If I hadn't I think it'd have spilled over onto my discord and my twitter. The only good thing about this blow up for me here and now is that i'm at least not as likely to cry during that direct if the worst should happen. I'm gonna try and genuinely consider the outside evidence. And the insider evidence as one from here on. If the ship sinks, I sink with it. But i'm not gonna be the man who sunk it.
I believe you are thinking too much, all this worrying is getting to you. This hype is really tense, but you can't let other people put ideas in your head or lead you into a sea of doubt. The direct isn't out yet and until we have seen it and seen the characters that have been really confirmed/deconfirmed than we can get emotional about it.

Have more confidence and hope until than! We have taken hits like these before, they may take you down for a bit, but you can always build yourself up even stronger!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2018
Hi guys! I've been following this thread for months, but haven't made an account until now.

I still think the Grinch leak is true, regardless insiders say. For me, it's too well done and the circumstances surrounding it kinda look "coherent".

I have a theory that these insiders' sources are ordered to give them false information to keep the hype for the direct intact (and if my theory is correct, they have made a damn good job).

Also guys, remember Motoi Sakuraba hasn't suspiciously appeared yet as a composer!

Please, count me as an adept.
I've been wondering that myself honestly. It would make sense to spread such things around. Now no one is truly sure so everything still ends up a surprise.

I've noticed Motoi Sakuraba still isn't there. I'm just hoping it's really a hint. :D


Smash Cadet
Aug 15, 2018
I'll be hoping for Isaac through and through. I'm in too deep not to be disappointed anyways. And like September if he's not there I'll suck it up after like a day!

Bring on the Golden Sun! Even If I get burned to a crisp at least I'll embrace my fate!

But seriously speaking lurking with you guys has really at least made me realize I need to be more vocal about my love for the series Golden Sun and Isaac.
Otherwise, Camelot and Nintendo will never know how much I actually liked this series! Even though I own all three games I guess my money isn't a big enough indicator. I need to shout louder!

Makai Wars

Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2013
Deepsea Metro
Dropping by from the Shantae thread to wish you guys luck, even if the Grinch leak isn't real I feel really good about Isaac's odds. Good luck on the 1st!


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Even if this makes me a little nervous about what the future may hold, I'm still holding out hope for Isaac. Heaven or Hell, I'm seeing this ride through to the end. If anything, I'm prepared for the worst, but I'm hoping for the best come the Final Smash Direct!
-edited slightly because the image uploader's a tad borked again.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2018
United States, Tennessee
What baffles me still is all the mounting freaking evidence just for what? An assist? Are you actually ******* with me? Are you? Really? Are you?! That's sadistic as **** no matter how you slice it.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Edit: N3ON, you shouldn't see this as writing on the wall. If there was a literal writing on the wall based on these leaks, it'd be a bunch of scribbles that contradict each other. You're ignoring and blocking off the other possibilities as well. I get you have low expectations, but as the thread creator, you should be more positive about The Golden boy.
Despite what feels like the last five hours of this discussion, Verg is only part of the picture for me. I know there are other possible outcomes, however very little would surprise me more than them coming to fruition. But hey, I hope you guys end up being right. I really really do. But I've said all I can, and I'm not going to change any hearts, that's clear. And that's fine. I guess it would be strange if I did.

That said, embracing something I don't believe would feel disingenuous, so I'll take my leave for now. It's nice to see so much optimism. Let's just do our best to take everything in stride, I suppose.

Isaac for Smash Pls

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2018
Despite what feels like the last five hours of this discussion, Verg is only part of the picture for me. I know there are other possible outcomes, however very little would surprise me more than them coming to fruition. But hey, I hope you guys end up being right. I really really do. But I've said all I can, and I'm not going to change any hearts, that's clear. And that's fine. I guess it would be strange if I did.

That said, embracing something I don't believe would feel disingenuous, so I'll take my leave for now. It's nice to see so much optimism. Let's just do our best to take everything in stride, I suppose.
Would you be willing to share some of the things that have changed your mind?

Not trying to probe and it's okay if you don't want to get into it. You just come off as a very pragmatic person who wouldn't change their mind on something like this willy-nilly.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Despite what feels like the last five hours of this discussion, Verg is only part of the picture for me. I know there are other possible outcomes, however very little would surprise me more than them coming to fruition. But hey, I hope you guys end up being right. I really really do. But I've said all I can, and I'm not going to change any hearts, that's clear. And that's fine. I guess it would be strange if I did.

That said, embracing something I don't believe would feel disingenuous, so I'll take my leave for now. It's nice to see so much optimism. Let's just do our best to take everything in stride, I suppose.
I wish I could say that I respect that decision, but I feel more disappointment for how easily you threw in the towel. (I wasn't even talking about Verge in particularly anyway.)

I've been through that feeling about 3 times now with one of My most wanted picks. I get it. It sucks.

But I'd thought you would at least humor the possibility. Shutting it off and becoming negative is exactly what I did.

But hey, I hope you cool off and join the thread when you've changed your mind, or after the direct.

Have a good night, N3ON.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 18, 2015
I guess I just don't understand how with all the evidence we have, without the Leak, people are still convinced Isaac isn't in. It just boggles the mind.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
What baffles me still is all the mounting freaking evidence just for what? An assist? Are you actually ******* with me? Are you? Really? Are you?! That's sadistic as **** no matter how you slice it.
Which is a big reason I don’t believe it. If he were simply brought back as an assist trophy again I don’t see why Sakurai would wait until the last Direct to reveal that. Notice how Waluigi, Lyn, Shovel Knight, Ashley, Zero, etc. we’re all revealed early on? Yet he would hold out on Isaac despite knowing how popular he is?

Isaac, Shadow, and Skull Kid haven’t been shown off yet and I believe that’s because Isaac and Shadow are playable and Skull Kid is a boss. I refuse to believe Sakurai would torture us like that.
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