Going back to GameXplain really quick, I just wanted to say that it seems like they're biased for particular franchises and barely give any spotlight to the ones they aren't interested in. As a Mother fan who used to watch their videos, they would briefly mention Mother-related content in Smash and then go super in depth with other ones. I don't know who at GameXplain it was, but don't let their doubts about Issac bring down your hope.
It doesn't matter whose inside source says what, it doesn't matter what Verge says, it doesn't matter what GameXplain thinks, there is always hope. You can have all the hope you want for Issac and that's a great thing! It's brought this community of Issac supporters together. The difference is, not to let your hope manifest into an expectation. It's sorta like gambling, you're betting on a 50/50 shot that Issac is in, and if he isn't? Disappointment, unfortunately.
So to all the Issac fans, good luck on Thursday. It is undeniable that this community is one of the strongest when it comes to requesting characters. I mean 715 pages? That's amazing! So don't let all of this negativity get to you guys. If anything, go out with a bang. Keep on supporting Issac until the very last second!