You know if Isaac misses the game I don't understand why we'd get all discouraged and stuff. Would it not be wiser to be loud as possible to get more people to take his inclusion seriously? If we lay down the sword and stop trying at that point i'd argue then, and only then. Would his inclusion become impossible. K rool fans were loud and proud about their support of the character to the very end. Even after he missed the initial launch. Heck, even after the ballot results hit and he wasn't the winner. People were upset, but they never, ever gave up hope. So much so that at the top of a lot of peoples lists for "potential smash switch characters" K rool routinely ranked high. It's only because of that persistence by his community that he made it. Would it not be wise for us to do the same? Instead of burring the hatchet, walking away, and giving up. We need to stay diligent. I'm willing to admit I distanced myself after smash 4 came and went on Isaac. But you better believe I won't this time when the smoke clears, if we don't land on top.
That having been said. I still adamantly believe he has a very realistic shot to get in. He's still a common name among the fans. He's from one of the last large-ish Nintendo franchises not yet introduced. (along with Rythm Heaven, and ARMS) And he still represents one of the last pillars of long term fan demand. I have every reason to believe he's in the game. We have a lot more going for us then against.