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Sunrise, Sunset - Isaac for Smash Ultimate #GoldenSunday


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
Been saying this for months. And it's good for us. I really think Isaac might be one of the last newcomers shown, given how well he did on the ballot and the Rathalos tweet.
100% agreed. I think that + the trademark being renewed years earlier and with way more content than necessary + the ballot and people here saying that many went to vote for him back then… I think we got more than enough reasons to have strong belief, nothing should bring it down until we hear from sakurai himself "and that's all, everyone!"


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2018
I think Verge will be a repeat of Gematsu. This has nothing to do with my support for Isaac either, mind you. The community is already acting like Verge is infallible. I think he is going to get something wrong (Steve not being playable and a stage instead, no new SE rep, no Incineroar, a character like Banjo being in instead of his, etc...) and people are going to start panicking and acting like they never believed him all along. I don't think all of Verge's current info is legit.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
Verg never said Steve was 100% playable, he said it could be possible, he heard that but never went 100% whit it.
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Golden Icarus

Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
I certainly don’t think Verge is a fraud. He clearly has some legitimate sources. I understand being skeptical, but his guesses have been way too accurate to doubt him at this point. Sure he might not know everything, but he’s flat out said that there are things he’s unsure about. But when he’s sure about something, he’s sure. I’d say he’s definitely someone to be trusted.


Fukou Da...
Apr 9, 2014
Vancouver Island
Switch FC
I certainly don’t think Verge is a fraud. He clearly has some legitimate sources. I understand being skeptical, but his guesses have been way too accurate to doubt him at this point. Sure he might not know everything, but he’s flat out said that there are things he’s unsure about. But when he’s sure about something, he’s sure. I’d say he’s definitely someone to be trusted.
Well, his sources have also tagged other leakers with the info provided by him, and verge historically does kinda pick from others' leaks.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2018
Yeah, Stealth kinda exposed him. I do think Verge has some degree of credibility with his past leaks being fairly accurate minus some important details (Castlevania compilation for example). Gematsu was fairly accurate too, though. A lot of the community behaved the same way when it came to that. This just feels like we're heading down the same path. I think everyone who's expecting Incineroar, Ken, Steve, and Geno/Sora/some other SE rep as the only remaining characters is going to be disappointed in a few months when we only get one or maybe two of those. Also I don't think a Pokemon newcomer is a guarantee but that's an argument for another day.

Fire Tactician

Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2014
I’d say he’s definitely someone to be trusted.
Amusingly, he's not. He's sharing confidential information that either was told to him in confidence or was told to his sources in confidence. The very nature of a leaker is violating people's trust, so it's hard to draw a line at where their deception ends and their "good nature" starts.

Deleted member

Yoiko’s Minecraft Survival was an interesting show, so I decided to start playing Minecraft. I don’t usually go back to games after I’ve completed them, but when something piques my interest, it can’t be helped. Wait a second. This time I’m going to be playing on the Nintendo Switch, so I’ll be starting with a fresh slate, without my previous save data. I’m also going to go through Survival Mode instead of Creative Mode because it puts an exciting spin on the game.
This isn’t a mode where you can relax and take a carefree approach. You have to hurry to chop down trees, hurry to build a shelter, and hurry to start digging. Survival Mode is more intense than even a lot of action games. There’s no time to get lost! I have to hurry!!

This is from an interview Masahiro Sakurai had about Minecraft in Famitsu before Smash Ultimate was announced full credit to the folks of Source Gaming for the translation.

He is aware of the series and has played it. Does not mean anything but he is aware of it.
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Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Yeah, Stealth kinda exposed him. I do think Verge has some degree of credibility with his past leaks being fairly accurate minus some important details (Castlevania compilation for example). Gematsu was fairly accurate too, though. A lot of the community behaved the same way when it came to that. This just feels like we're heading down the same path. I think everyone who's expecting Incineroar, Ken, Steve, and Geno/Sora/some other SE rep as the only remaining characters is going to be disappointed in a few months when we only get one or maybe two of those. Also I don't think a Pokemon newcomer is a guarantee but that's an argument for another day.
I do think one thing that might help a possible Pokemon rep is that one of the five yet to be announced stages could belong to Pokemon (and thus come with a newcomer since hiding it would seem odd if that's the case) with Mario and Zelda receiving new stages (and obvs Splatoon being a new franchise).

Steve and the Square rep, I only see one of those happening because if Castlevania is anything to go by, Sakurai does like to treat these third parties as honorary guests and I don't see a bunch of third parties being shoved into the base roster without Sakurai giving them equal treatment especially if there's only one more smash direct to expect. Cloud and Ryu were DLC so not every third party nameable needs to make base roster just because this game is called Ultimate.

Deleted member

As far as Vergeben is concerned I still believe he's credible. He's got stuff correct so far still think he is right. If he's wrong well he's wrong but for now I still believe he has sources and has some knowledge of the game.

But that's me.

Nothing but the best to the guy.

Hope he can go on doing what he's doing with other games when all the Smash stuff is done.

So my best to him.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2018
I honestly don't believe in his credibility. But that's just me, I honestly want official announcements over leaks anyways.

Golden Icarus

Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
Amusingly, he's not. He's sharing confidential information that either was told to him in confidence or was told to his sources in confidence. The very nature of a leaker is violating people's trust, so it's hard to draw a line at where their deception ends and their "good nature" starts.
Yeah that’s true lol. He’s most certainly a scumbag. As with just about any leaker. But as far as leakers go, he’s the man to trust.

Frosty Pops

Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2018
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Minecraft Steve as a fighter.
What??? My 6 year old daughter understands how to use Megablocks. Ooooooooooooolhhhhhhh¡!¡!¡!¡!
Lol I am just messing with ya, couldn't resist.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2018
Only voted for Isaac this time, as I'm fairly neutral on the rest.

Mr. Leaker is outta material. Poor Mr. Leaker, I feel SOOOOOOOOO bad for you.


Banned via Warnings
Apr 25, 2015
The moon
You know if Isaac misses the game I don't understand why we'd get all discouraged and stuff. Would it not be wiser to be loud as possible to get more people to take his inclusion seriously? If we lay down the sword and stop trying at that point i'd argue then, and only then. Would his inclusion become impossible. K rool fans were loud and proud about their support of the character to the very end. Even after he missed the initial launch. Heck, even after the ballot results hit and he wasn't the winner. People were upset, but they never, ever gave up hope. So much so that at the top of a lot of peoples lists for "potential smash switch characters" K rool routinely ranked high. It's only because of that persistence by his community that he made it. Would it not be wise for us to do the same? Instead of burring the hatchet, walking away, and giving up. We need to stay diligent. I'm willing to admit I distanced myself after smash 4 came and went on Isaac. But you better believe I won't this time when the smoke clears, if we don't land on top.

That having been said. I still adamantly believe he has a very realistic shot to get in. He's still a common name among the fans. He's from one of the last large-ish Nintendo franchises not yet introduced. (along with Rythm Heaven, and ARMS) And he still represents one of the last pillars of long term fan demand. I have every reason to believe he's in the game. We have a lot more going for us then against.

Deleted member

In all honesty, I think this would suffice for a base game roster.


*Ken (Ryu's Echo)
*Shadow (Sonic's Echo)
*Medusa (Palutena's Echo)
*Dixie Kong (Diddy Kong's Echo)

Sure you would likely hear complaints about so and so not getting in, but that's where DLC comes in, and more than likely, any additional third party fighters would be DLC choices as a means to make additional revenue for Nintendo, and while not the flashiest of newcomer choices, they at least give a conservative round-up for a base game, especially if Mii Fighters are likely excluded from Spirits Mode or anything else.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
In all honesty, I think this would suffice for a base game roster.


*Ken (Ryu's Echo)
*Shadow (Sonic's Echo)
*Medusa (Palutena's Echo)
*Dixie Kong (Diddy Kong's Echo)

Sure you would likely hear complaints about so and so not getting in, but that's where DLC comes in, and more than likely, any additional third party fighters would be DLC choices as a means to make additional revenue for Nintendo, and while not the flashiest of newcomer choices, they at least give a conservative round-up for a base game, especially if Mii Fighters are likely excluded from Spirits Mode or anything else.

It'd round out the base roster perfectly to 82 fighters (Pokemon Trainer and Mii Fighters are counted as one).


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2018
Isaac and Geno just feel like they should finally make it in after all this time, just like Ridley and K Rool.
It just feels so wrong to see "leaks" and them not having Isaac and Geno, given the constant support those two have had to make it in for so long.

Deleted member

I'd personally say Banjo deserves it more than Geno.
Honestly, Sakurai would like Geno to be in the base game, and logically look at Banjo & Kazooie as prime DLC material. Not everyone would be keen on Banjo being a DLC fighter, but it is something to look at.

Organization XIII

Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2015
There's always DLC you know.
I mean I'm aware but it was a hypothetical and for base Banjo would be more deserving of a slot than Geno.

Honestly, Sakurai would like Geno to be in the base game, and logically look at Banjo & Kazooie as prime DLC material. Not everyone would be keen on Banjo being a DLC fighter, but it is something to look at.
Holding back characters for DLC is garbage and not something we should ever expect or be ok with. And regardless my opinion is if Sakurai is going to add a third party none is more worthy of a spot than Banjo.
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Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2018
My big hopes for the roster after all is said and done (including future dlc) would be these 5 characters
Banjo kazooie
(This last one is a one in a million shot)
Saki Amamiya from sin and punishment


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2018
Switch FC
I found the leaker that said Steve will be playable he's not a hundred percent sure Steve is actually playable but representation of Minecraft is in the game he didn't word it well


Smash Ace
Jul 26, 2016
You know if Isaac misses the game I don't understand why we'd get all discouraged and stuff. Would it not be wiser to be loud as possible to get more people to take his inclusion seriously? If we lay down the sword and stop trying at that point i'd argue then, and only then. Would his inclusion become impossible. K rool fans were loud and proud about their support of the character to the very end. Even after he missed the initial launch. Heck, even after the ballot results hit and he wasn't the winner. People were upset, but they never, ever gave up hope. So much so that at the top of a lot of peoples lists for "potential smash switch characters" K rool routinely ranked high. It's only because of that persistence by his community that he made it. Would it not be wise for us to do the same? Instead of burring the hatchet, walking away, and giving up. We need to stay diligent. I'm willing to admit I distanced myself after smash 4 came and went on Isaac. But you better believe I won't this time when the smoke clears, if we don't land on top.

That having been said. I still adamantly believe he has a very realistic shot to get in. He's still a common name among the fans. He's from one of the last large-ish Nintendo franchises not yet introduced. (along with Rythm Heaven, and ARMS) And he still represents one of the last pillars of long term fan demand. I have every reason to believe he's in the game. We have a lot more going for us then against.
I think the big thing is it feels like this is a perfect storm for not just getting Isaac, but getting a full Golden Sun revival as well. Obviously him not making base isn't killer, but it really feels like this is his last, best chance.

Anyway, my characters that I want:
Paper Mario
Bandana Dee
Phoenix Wright
Literally anybody but Steve


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2018
There's a small chance honestly. We have yet to had seen him or her as an assist and Sakurai is a fan of Sin of Punishment having based Uprising's gameplay off of it.
That certainly works in his favor, but given how niche sin and punishment is having only two games with the last one on wii being a commercial failure, it seems not high for him. Though with an inevitable n64 mini on the horizon, I think saki could be put into smash to help promote it if sin and punishment was included. I’ve wanted saki in since smash 4 so thanks for that encouragement man. Means a lot.

Frosty Pops

Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2018
I certainly don’t think Verge is a fraud. He clearly has some legitimate sources. I understand being skeptical, but his guesses have been way too accurate to doubt him at this point. Sure he might not know everything, but he’s flat out said that there are things he’s unsure about. But when he’s sure about something, he’s sure. I’d say he’s definitely someone to be trusted.
Except that most, if not all, of his "leaks" were guessed by someone else first. To me it looks like he picked through everybody else's predictions and chose what he thought were the safest bets. Which is why he missed K. Rool and getting close to half of the other characters so far. Now all I am waiting for is a complete miss when one of his "safe bets" is flat out wrong.

Deleted member

Holding back characters for DLC is garbage and not something we should ever expect or be ok with. And regardless my opinion is if Sakurai is going to add a third party none is more worthy of a spot than Banjo.
It might be a Microsoft request in exchange for letting this happen.

I know the idea sounds frustrating, and well, you have every right to feel that way. That being said, it is something we should have to think about if new information trickles down instead of explodes.

Anyway, Verge lost points in my book when he decided to lash out at people when one of his ideas was deconfirmed. That did not mean he was a fraud entirely, but rather that his reaction to something should be examined a little bit.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2014
If Microsoft requests someone else to include with B&K I'd rather have Master Chief.

Actually, if Banjo is on the base roster, then he could be our new Cloud.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Holding back characters for DLC is garbage and not something we should ever expect or be ok with. And regardless my opinion is if Sakurai is going to add a third party none is more worthy of a spot than Banjo.
"Holding back" for DLC is a ridiculous way of putting it. Sakurai isn't holding back on characters for DLC. He's planning characters for DLC. The Plan was finished in 2015. Every character that is in the game was decided on then. Is he just not allowed to brainstorm new characters throughout the course of development?

That makes no sense. That's limiting creative potential. Planning DLC does NOT equal "holding back" characters for DLC.

I do agree with you on Banjo. Even though I hate the term deserves, I feel like Banjo JUST missed his chance with Melee and it's been a long time coming since then. Now is the perfect opportunity.
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Organization XIII

Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2015
"Holding back" for DLC is a ridiculous way of putting it. Sakurai isn't holding back on characters for DLC. He's planning characters for DLC. The Plan was finished in 2015. Every character that is in the game was decided on then. Is he just not allowed to brainstorm new characters throughout the course of development?

That makes no sense. That's limiting creative potential. Planning DLC does NOT equal "holding back" characters for DLC.

I do agree with you on Banjo. Even though I hate the term deserves, I feel like Banjo JUST missed his chance with Melee and it's been a long time coming since then. Now is the perfect opportunity.
He said that Banjo was prime DLC bait. That makes it sound like, they planned from the beginning that they were only going to add his as DLC in that scenario which would indeed be holding back for DLC. But even still any character planned for DLC from the outset is a bad business practice. A company should have any plans for DLC till the game goes gold.

It might be a Microsoft request in exchange for letting this happen.
Why would they request it be DLC?
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2018
I know I'll probably be told to suck it up and all, but December 7th seems so far away ironically speaking even though I have waited for far longer lol
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