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Sunrise, Sunset - Isaac for Smash Ultimate #GoldenSunday


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2015
Nagoya, Japan
I don't see a source for where Sakurai actually said this. I wanna check and see if his Japanese tweet or whatever also called it 'close to going gold.'


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
That's an interesting turn of phrase. "close to going gold." I'm not familiar with using it that way in either English or Japanese as a particularly common way of saying "almost finished."

...going gold like Golden Sun?
Um... its extremely common. That's the phrase always used when a game is officially complete. How have you NEVER heard that phrase before?


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
That's an interesting turn of phrase. "close to going gold." I'm not familiar with using it that way in either English or Japanese as a particularly common way of saying "almost finished."

...going gold like Golden Sun?
Gets used literally all the time with video games. Gold is basically the fact that’s game is ready to be printed on to cartridges/discs.

Don’t make anything out of that.

And yeah, this was generally expected and makes me believe that we won’t see much more except in the Smash Direct we have left. And even then I’m afraid we’ll only get like in reveal...


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Even if all things look bleak now if Sakurai said there might not be more character reveals, even if come December 7th and there's still no sign of Isaac as either a playable fighter or Assist, I say there's more reason to keep our voices up and keep pushing for DLC.


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2018
Based on this information we can probably say nothing is coming out in October, unless Sakurai is mega-trolling us.

Better hope November is one hell of a month


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2018
That article has been up for 4 hours almost, why hasn't source gaming mentioned anything about it? Also how reliable is this source (sorry I'm just trying to be optimistic here lol)


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Based on this information we can probably say nothing is coming out in October, unless Sakurai is mega-trolling us.

Better hope November is one hell of a month
I'm still calling an October one-off reveal at the very least. The second surprise in the final Direct would be the new game mode instead of another full newcomer.


Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Western Massachusetts
Let's say Inceniroar gets in, what music would they play? The battle theme has already been featr

Nah, I that's just reaching. What we have to ask ourselves is if they're going to go all out on one last direct or if it's because there's a really low amount of characters left.
Probably a boss theme or one of the overworld themes

Cant wait for Guzma remix


Smash Cadet
Aug 22, 2018
Completely expected and not surprising. My opinions haven't changed. Still predicting about 2-3 full newcomers (leaning on 2 now) and 2-3 Echoes (leaning on 3). We've still got 2 and a half months to go until launch.

I think Sonic will get one. There's 6 new tracks for Sonic in the game and Shadow is still a pretty likely Echo.
My fear is that this is all falling into the hands of Vergeben’s leaks and that even if there are a few more left they will just be Incineror, Ken, and a Square rep.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2015
Nagoya, Japan
Hmm... I found a Japanese blog post saying that Sakurai was quoted in Famitsu as saying these things. Not sure how reliable the actual blog is, but Famitsu would be reliable enough. (No screenshot or proof of the magazine interview existing on the website that I could see.)

He DID quote the "going gold" bit though: Sakurai said: "あと少しで完成する・・・予定!! " (The game will be on sale... soon/on schedule!!) Using "hanbai" (on sale) instead of any kind of form of "Ogon" (the word for Gold used in Golden Sun's JP title).

Damn, got my hopes up.

Isaac: Venus Adept

Smash Lord
Dec 31, 2015
Regardless of what Sakurai recently said I still think Isaac has a really good shot for both base and DLC. The only thing this makes me less hopeful for is a Felix echo.

By the way the IsaacForSmash Twitter account is only five followers away from 500. If anyone with a Twitter hasn't supported the campaign yet it'd be appreciated if you do https://twitter.com/IsaacforSmash
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Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
That's an interesting turn of phrase. "close to going gold." I'm not familiar with using it that way in either English or Japanese as a particularly common way of saying "almost finished."

...going gold like Golden Sun?
Going gold is a term used for when a game has been sent out to be mass produced on disk for shipping out to retailers.

Nothing to do with Golden Sun unfortunately.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
Completely expected and not surprising. My opinions haven't changed. Still predicting about 2-3 full newcomers (leaning on 2 now) and 2-3 Echoes (leaning on 3). We've still got 2 and a half months to go until launch.
Yeh I wouldn't worry about it too much at the moment. When you put it down on paper it seems bad. But it's not really.
  • March only had Inklings
  • June had Daisy and Ridley
  • July had nothing
  • August had Simon, Richter, Dark Samus, Chrom and King K Rool
  • September had Isabelle
He is most likely referring to August as that was a huge blowout on it. If we go by the normal standard, we're still going to get at least 3 characters. Then again Sakurai has been known to ramp it up and down upon whimsy to drive hype and temper it.

Either way, 5 more newcomers is what I'm thinking. 3 Unique, 2 Echo


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2015
I honestly wouldn’t worry too much over those comments. If you really think about it, in 3 months of the gameplay reveal we got:
Simon Belmont
Richter Belmont
Dark Samus
King K Rool

9 characters in less than half the time between gameplay reveal and game release. Saying reveals will slow down literally means not to expect another 9 characters. I personally believe we have 6 more characters but time will tell.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Yeh I wouldn't worry about it too much at the moment. When you put it down on paper it seems bad. But it's not really.
  • March only had Inklings
  • June had Daisy and Ridley
  • July had nothing
  • August had Simon, Richter, Dark Samus, Chrom and King K Rool
  • September had Isabelle
He is most likely referring to August as that was a huge blowout on it. If we go by the normal standard, we're still going to get at least 3 characters. Then again Sakurai has been known to ramp it up and down upon whimsy to drive hype and temper it.

Either way, 5 more newcomers is what I'm thinking. 3 Unique, 2 Echo
So if the rumours are true:
What I'd love to see that satisfies this whole thing in a final reveal:
Incineroar, Square Enix character, Isaac and end the Echoes with Ken and Shadow.

Anyways, it's late (hence the weird sentence structure). I'm sure we'll jump ahead 5-7 or more pages next time I log in to this thread.
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Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2018
I still think we are due for at least one more smash direct and perhaps one more character surprise reveal like how robin and lucina were revealed.

Isaac for Smash Pls

Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2018
I have one word for you:


Splatoon proves this idea completely. They could've easily opted to include Splatoon via DLC and did not. This time around, ARMS will have been out well before DLC happened, so I think ARMS will happen as DLC this time. But NOT the base roster. Sakurai isn't a fortune teller. Even if he knew about ARMS (which isn't very likely), he won't be able to know how successful it is in advance. ARMS simply won't be included base roster for this very reason, and in all honesty, if it was going to happen I think it would've been announced by now.

I think we're going to get an "Other" music track show up for ARMS on the website eventually and that's the end of it.
No I understand the idea and I understand that Splatoon is the precedent everyone is using here, I'm just saying I don't think it's a sure thing like everyone else is saying. Everyone else seems to think that ARMS can ONLY happen as DLC, but I'm not so sure. I still think Sakurai knew about ARMS in advance, and whether or not he could predict its success ahead of time, it's still a brand new first party franchise that easily lends itself to this game. We have 5 unrevealed stages if Corocoro is to be believed, and I think ARMS could easily be one of them, even if the character itself is saved for DLC.

I don't think a hypothetical character reveal would have necessarily happened by now either. We've only had 3 actual batches of info about the game (4 if you count the Inklings reveal trailer). E3 already had enough going on with EVERYONE IS HERE, the 8.8 direct was similarly chock full of info and had 5 other character announcements, and Isabelle was only meant to tie into the Animal Crossing for Switch announcement. If they're spacing out the hardcore fanbase pleasers and the general audience pleaser reveals, I can see ARMS being part of its own mini-reveal next month or a good way to kick off/close out a Smash focused Direct.

I'm not saying ARMS *will* be in the base game, just that everyone else seems to think it's a 0% chance and I'd say I wouldn't be surprised to see them in the base roster, especially because we have 5 stages left to see. I'm just identifying what I consider to be a big blind spot that everyone is ignoring just because ARMS didn't make much of a splash in the West, so nobody's really going to bat for it. But ultimately yes I think DLC at the very least is inevitable and if they're not in the base game it'll be the first piece of DLC we see.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
That's an interesting turn of phrase. "close to going gold." I'm not familiar with using it that way in either English or Japanese as a particularly common way of saying "almost finished."

...going gold like Golden Sun?
"Going gold" is the industry way of saying the Game is getting printed for sale, nothing more.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
Also sorry if this has already been discussed but this probably isn’t good news


All the box theorists and Verge disciples are going to be insufferable now

Edit: whoops my bad didn’t mean to quote anyone
That's what we've been talking about and honestly it changes nothing. All it means is we are not getting Wii U huge with newcomers.

But let's be honest guys, even if Isaac isn't in. Even if he is just an AT, I actually prefer Sakurai's current approach to newcomers.

There may be less of them but holy heck he has been meeting the mark on quality. Just look back at who got announced. If that's not Smash Fan Service I don't know what is

  • Inklings - Highly demanded since their debut
  • Daisy - Been a fan favorite for years
  • Ridley - Wanted in Smash for over a decade
  • King K Rool - Same as Ridley
  • Simon - The demand for him runs deep
  • Chrom - Fans wanted him since Awakening
  • Dark Samus - This one I recalled being highly wanted even as a kid
  • Isabelle - Her fanbase. It is HUGE
There has not been one character who wasn't heavily requested minus Richter. And he was one heck of a surprise
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
That's what we've been talking about and honestly it changes nothing. All it means is we are not getting Wii U huge with newcomers.

But let's be honest guys, even if Isaac isn't in. Even if he is just an AT, I actually prefer Sakurai's current approach to newcomers.

There may be less of them but holy heck he has been meeting the mark on quality. Just look back at who got announced. If that's not Smash Fan Service I don't know what is
I just hope the Smash fan service keeps up. Isaac and Geno or Banjo would be such a hype ending to this run.

Isaac: Venus Adept

Smash Lord
Dec 31, 2015
That's what we've been talking about and honestly it changes nothing. All it means is we are not getting Wii U huge with newcomers.

But let's be honest guys, even if Isaac isn't in. Even if he is just an AT, I actually prefer Sakurai's current approach to newcomers.

There may be less of them but holy heck he has been meeting the mark on quality. Just look back at who got announced. If that's not Smash Fan Service I don't know what is

  • Inklings - Highly demanded since their debut
  • Daisy - Been a fan favorite for years
  • Ridley - Wanted in Smash for over a decade
  • King K Rool - Same as Ridley
  • Simon - The demand for him runs deep
  • Chrom - Fans wanted him since Awakening
  • Dark Samus - This one I recalled being highly wanted even as a kid
  • Isabelle - Her fanbase. It is HUGE
There has not been one character who wasn't heavily requested minus Richter. And he was one heck of a surprise
Even if Isaac isn't base he has just as strong as a shot post launch if they keep this pattern up. The strong reception to K.Rool and the immense popularity boost that the Rathalos tweet gave Isaac can only mean good things

Desert Croc

Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2014
Switch FC
Regarding Sakurai's statement, I think it means there are going to be less character reveals in each direct from now on. I can see us getting 3 Uniques and 3 Echoes, 4 in one Smash Direct and 2 in a General Direct or a one-off announcement.

I wouldn't be too worried about Isaac's chances, since there's always DLC to think about, and where bound to be getting somewhere around the same amount of characters as Smash 4 did (7).

Just imagine if Isaac was revealed as the first DLC character in the same way Mewtwo was.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Regarding Sakurai's statement, I think it means there are going to be less character reveals in each direct from now on. I can see us getting 3 Uniques and 3 Echoes, 4 in one Smash Direct and 2 in a General Direct or a one-off announcement.

I wouldn't be too worried about Isaac's chances, since there's always DLC to think about, and where bound to be getting somewhere around the same amount of characters as Smash 4 did (7).

Just imagine if Isaac was revealed as the first DLC character in the same way Mewtwo was.
I'm far more inclined to believe Isaac is base roster than anything. IMO he's the most likely non-Echo left.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 9, 2018
Personally I think we're going to get one last huge smash direct some time in november.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
That's what we've been talking about and honestly it changes nothing. All it means is we are not getting Wii U huge with newcomers.

But let's be honest guys, even if Isaac isn't in. Even if he is just an AT, I actually prefer Sakurai's current approach to newcomers.

There may be less of them but holy heck he has been meeting the mark on quality. Just look back at who got announced. If that's not Smash Fan Service I don't know what is

  • Inklings - Highly demanded since their debut
  • Daisy - Been a fan favorite for years
  • Ridley - Wanted in Smash for over a decade
  • King K Rool - Same as Ridley
  • Simon - The demand for him runs deep
  • Chrom - Fans wanted him since Awakening
  • Dark Samus - This one I recalled being highly wanted even as a kid
  • Isabelle - Her fanbase. It is HUGE
There has not been one character who wasn't heavily requested minus Richter. And he was one heck of a surprise
I think in Japan and Latin America, Richter is actually way more popular than Simon Belmont, to the point that some Latin American gaming news outlets needed to run articles explaining who Simon was, but not Richter.
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Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
I think in Japan and Latin America, Richter is actually way more popular than Simon Belmont, to the point that some Latin American gaming news outlets needed to run articles explaining who Simon was, but not Richter.
Really? Huh. Well in that case even he was highly popular.

Now I am even more hyped for the remaining characters. Isaac or not :)


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Really? Huh. Well in that case even he was highly popular.

Now I am even more hyped for the remaining characters. Isaac or not :)
Do you know what else is huge in Latin America? Digimon. But this is not the thread for that.

Golden Sun still has pockets of fan followings (a lot of them very dedicated), mostly in Western Europe; I can honestly see Isaac being Europe's #1.


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2010
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Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Honestly, I still think I'll criticize the **** out of Sakurai for once again passing up Isaac for base. AGAIN.

Seriously, does GS have to do your ****ing taxes to get in, Sakurai?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2018
I woke up to read that and yeah it is a bit gloom piece but we still have to wait for better translation, and even if the announcements do slow down I still believe Isaac is just in an excellent spot to be the next Smash fan based reveal. When in doubt, remember the Rathalos tweet


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
We also have to remember that Sakurai has been known to make huge waves and small waves.

Back in Brawl days, there were actually at least two months with ZERO announcements. But when each month of reveals happened, we get 3. With January and February having 1.

And with Wii U, we got one every other month basically but with 2 E3s being massive blowouts.

And now with Ultimate, we are seeing similar wavelengths to Brawl. It would not surprise me if October had nothing either but November was a huge blowout. Or a sturdy flow of content. Who knows!

Either way, we should wait and see


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2018
Really? Huh. Well in that case even he was highly popular.

Now I am even more hyped for the remaining characters. Isaac or not :)
I can give faith of him being popular here, however since the announcement it has been said that Richter got in because he is the most beloved character for those who are Castlevania fans but they also got Simon because it is the face of the franchise to those who just played the first games or never played. It is funny because I feel it is something similar to Isaac and Felix, Isaac is the face of the franchise and he is the one recognized by people who didn't play Golden Sun (even confusing Matthew with him) but Felix is just as much a protagonist as Isaac is


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2012
I need an october direct :C
The wait will consume me at the end...
I just need another hint about Isaac in Smash, I know about the Rathalos tweet but the Incineroar + Ken only is haunting me.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
I need an october direct :C
The wait will consume me at the end...
I just need another hint about Isaac in Smash, I know about the Rathalos tweet but the Incineroar + Ken only is haunting me.
I'll take an Echo fighter at this point. I just need something


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I need an october direct :C
The wait will consume me at the end...
I just need another hint about Isaac in Smash, I know about the Rathalos tweet but the Incineroar + Ken only is haunting me.
Rathatlos tweet + Golden Sun trademark + Sakuraba hasn't gotten a music on the website yet + we always get a couple of new IP characters + "I looked at the ballot for new fighters"


Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Western Massachusetts
We also have to remember that Sakurai has been known to make huge waves and small waves.

Back in Brawl days, there were actually at least two months with ZERO announcements. But when each month of reveals happened, we get 3. With January and February having 1.

And with Wii U, we got one every other month basically but with 2 E3s being massive blowouts.

And now with Ultimate, we are seeing similar wavelengths to Brawl. It would not surprise me if October had nothing either but November was a huge blowout. Or a sturdy flow of content. Who knows!

Either way, we should wait and see
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