I haven’t been as active in this thread as usual. Partially due to the fact that it just moves by so quickly these days. Which is absolutely amazing considering this thread was sitting on around 2000 at the time of the August Direct. I’ll always love to see all of this support come out for Isaac.
I’ll admit to being down on his chances with the whole 103 stage theory, box theory, and so on at play. We realistically don’t have many unique newcomers left and I’m terrified of who might have priority at this point (I’d love for nothing more than to NOT see the Incineroar/Steve combo make it in). I really want, just this once, to see the big names of requests make it in. I know we don’t have perfect polls, but with Ridley and King K Rool in, Geno and Isaac are the last of the old guard request wise and it feels like their last big opportunity. I know Isaac has the added disadvantage of coming from his own relatively dead series, but I don’t see why that needs to prevent him (Though I have to admit I do think it hurts his chances).
But seriously. The tweet that sakurai liked having so many similarities, the renewal of the trademark for Golden Sun early, his generally excellent performance on the ballot (again from what we’ve seen), and the passionate fan base of Golden Sun fans... That all can’t be for nothing, right? That can’t all just culminate in songs or just him returning as an assist trophy, right?
I think I’m doing the same thing all of us are doing and reaching out for some sort of comfort in these times. A little extra justification as to why Isaac can finally make it in. And that’s the hard part of this, staying positive when the ground below is continuing to shrink. We know DLC is 99% going to be a thing, so he isn’t out til after that obviously. But Isaac would fit the game for the fans promise of base Ultimate so well. And he’s just a Nintendo owned character to boot. He doesn’t have the third party strain of Geno or Banjo. He would represent another unique series that Nintendo could possibly work on reviving and have some basic interest in. He just seems like such a no brainer for inclusion, with his only real negative being his series is no longer “relevant.” I’d hope that Sakurai wouldn’t see things that way, and would give the fans who they wanted. Because at this point, and I don’t mean this negatively, the only thing stopping Isaac is Sakurai....
So I hope he’s heard us and sees fit to include him finally! But damn, is keeping the positivity continuing to be hard right about now.