Phew... finally caught up from page 420ish around the time of the direct
Here's a thought, for the remaining yet to be revealed fighters, what if they're mostly unique or semi clone (4-6 is my estimate), with only 1-2 echoes remaining?
So from what I hear, Sakurai would like to add as many unique newcomers as he can. But given time and resources constraint, that isn't possible, and things get cut here and there before release. Looking back at
@Legendary Spirit Tamer's posts on
page 208 (please read before continue), echoes are made clear that they do not take much development time and are more of a bonus, should we really be expecting 5+ echoes when that about equates the work needed for a unique / semi clone? I'm assuming that "Echo Fighter" is more of a make up marketing term after the development, rather than a fundamental classification made during ultimate's initial planning / conception.
Making up a hypothetical unit EC - short for "Echo unit" - to represent the development time and resources needed to make an echo fighter. i.e. an echo fighter requires 1 EC amount of work. Looking at smash4's echoes -


wise, the estimate is around:
- 5+ EC ~ 1 unique
- maybe 2 to 3 EC ~ 1 semi clone
I'd guess that


took around the same amount of EC as smash4's echoes. Granted, Richter might be the exception as he and Simon were intended to be echoing each other.


though, seem to require more, as

has noticeable floatiness and animation work, while

mixes it up by having up-b more similar to

So not counting

, current estimate is maybe

1 +

2 +

2 = 5 EC ~ 1 unique already. I know not everything adds up like that,
(many unanticipated things come up during development, we do not know how they streamline character development process, and then there is balancing, etc...), but I can only see 1 or 2 more echoes remaining, not 4 to 5+, nor # of echoes ~ # of newcomers overall, as any more echoes than that and there could potentially have been enough EC floating around that could have gone towards creating a semi clone or unique fighter. Thoughts?
Sorry in advance if i failed to express what I'm trying to say clearly

, but if the remaining direct(s) reveals mostly newcomers, that would be way way more hype than half of them being echoes.