It *is* entirely conjecture. Especially when you don't provide specifics or counter-examples. Obviously his sample size of 1.2k is small, but it's dishonest to say he "doesn't know what he's talking about" when his data has been more or less accurate. "It's managed badly and is missing factors" is not really a reasoning. But really, I'm not sure why this data is such a problem.
But here, have a much larger sample size, where the results basically line up.
But, just in case you're projecting out of fear for Isaac's place, Isaac's global results on that poll have him at literally second place. (Click the tabs) There's nothing to worry about as far as popularity.
No. They aren't. Trends are. When 50k results are recorded a certain way, that's a large enough sample size to predict trends for the ballot total of 1.8 million.
Silent majorities can't really exist for the ballot, because the only people who care enough to vote in it are Smash fans.