I really love to be in this thread this time around. Maybe nothing happen but is cool to be around Isaac's fans
When I was 10 yo Smash Bros. was my first game on the Nintendo 64, my mom told me that the console came with a football game, but she knew I don't like that so she changed it to a game with Mario on the cover. Then it became my favorite game. Later, in school I knew GS and get my GBA and all I want was to Isaac be in the game, because I loved the game so much. Melee was already out, so I was hoping for the next game. He didn't make as a playable fighter in Brawl and was cut in smash 4, but now more than 12 years later, I find myself more opstimistic than ever with Isaac's inclution
Maybe it's not going to happen, or maybe being here with you got my hype and hopes up, but I really like it. Ive been follow Smashboard for so long now, but because english is not my first languaje I never registered in. But I think this time was the right time.