In some cases, Golden Sun finds you lol. My run in with it came when my cousin brought over some games he borrowed from a friend at school. He then let me borrow the game he borrowed and the rest is history.
And like decades of pages back, some people were mentioning their crush on Jenna, well little old me had a massive crush on Ivan lol.
Dark Dawn came out during my graduating senior year and about a year or so in college, same cousin mentioned above, came to visit one day and saw Dark Dawn on my dresser and asked if he could borrow it. Which surprised me that he even remembered Golden Sun as growing up he steered more towards Xbox and first person shooter types of games and didn't really invest in Nintendo consoles anymore.
Though given his track record when it came to games, I knew if I gave it to him I'd probs never see it again, luckily I had pretty much played the game in it's entirety, had used up all the save slots so I pretty much got all my games worth out of it. And even up till now I see my cousin and still don't know whether he's actually beat the game or not, I actually keep forgetting to bring it up lol.