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So many pictures I've taken of Isaac since Smash Ultimate came out and I STILL have a ton that I haven't posted yet. Haha. I wonder how much longer it will be till I stop? Who knows, but I know there will be a time where I will slow down or stop. I'm not getting any younger and life gets more and more busy.
I am personally so excited for Sora & Mii Doom Slayer coming to Smash! These 2 characters were my "Never Ever", "Impossible", etc. characters. But, they were characters I would have LOVED to get in Smash in any way; be it a Spirit, Mii or fighter.
My top 3 "
Impossible Most Wanted" list of characters were:
1) Doom Slayer
2) Juno/Vela (Jet Force Gemini)
3) Sora
I NEVER thought I would be able to check off anything from that list and here I am checking off Doom Slayer and Sora on the same day in the final Smash Reveal. I am in awe right now!!!
However, I will be eternally sad knowing I won't be able to play as a fully fledged Isaac fighter alongside these great characters. Honestly, had Isaac been in as a fighter already, my hype levels for Mii Doom Slayer and Sora would have been EXTREMELY higher. I really hope our push for Isaac's inclusion continues on and hopefully he'll finally get in Smash. Never let that spark fade again, Adepts!
Fortunately, this isn't the end of our "Golden" campaign. Smash Ultimate is done, but our fight to revive Golden Sun still continues. There's still a lot to be hopeful for from here on out. When GS does inevitably return, lets make sure this series stays active for many years and hopefully land Isaac as a fighter in Smash one day. The Golden Sun WILL rise again! Let's make sure it stays risen for good, Adepts.