So, back on the topic of potential announcements, I strongly doubt we'll get a Mario-only E3/General Direct. Putting aside that games like Breath of the Wild 2 and Metroid Prime 4 will 110% get screen time if they're ready at that point, Nintendo knows better than to put all their eggs in one basket. Even E3 2018, which we all probably remember as the Smash Ultimate show, had news for games like Fortnite, Fire Emblem Three Houses, and Daemon X Machina. Depending on the exact scope of the Mario remasters they may well get a lengthy feature, but considering the rumors have been pretty specific (a remaster collection of 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy, plus 3D World Deluxe and a new Paper Mario), I doubt there are many more Mario announcements left for this year, and I believe that would be at most half their presentation (I'm guessing more like a quarter to a third). If a Golden Sun is in the cards, I don't believe any of the news we currently have gets in the way of that, barring an even bigger than expected interruption in scheduling by the coronavirus.