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Sunrise, Sunset - Isaac for Smash Ultimate #GoldenSunday


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
Hey Tiymako Tiymako you did quite a bit of double posting on the last page there. It's against the rules of the board to double post.

You're supposed to edit your last post, rather than adding new ones (I'd assume it's to avoid one person taking up too much of the forum space, but don't quote me on that).

Jupiter Ivan

Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2018
That recent picture by Sakurai though. Do you guys think it’s a nod to GS? Or are people grasping at straws? Forgive me if this topic has already been covered here.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2018
Switch FC
Hey Tiymako Tiymako you did quite a bit of double posting on the last page there. It's against the rules of the board to double post.

You're supposed to edit your last post, rather than adding new ones (I'd assume it's to avoid one person taking up too much of the forum space, but don't quote me on that).
Oh, sorry about that, I didn't mean to really. Maybe, I just didn't notice it. I keep forgetting that I can just edit and reply with one post. This is still kind of new to me.
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Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
That recent picture by Sakurai though. Do you guys think it’s a nod to GS? Or are people grasping at straws? Forgive me if this topic has already been covered here.
I think it as neither. I see it as an opportunity. A genuine chance to have our voice heard. Whether it is a tease or not, intentional or accidental. Heck even a troll.

It is a chance for us to make Isaac known. So raise our flags, show our hands and reach high in the sun to gather Sakurai's attention

EDIT: Jeez, I got over 256 likes in the span of three days. I have more likes here than Facebook
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~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I don't think Sakurai is like that though. I think he genuinely cares about his fans. Most of the time people portray Sakurai is cruel or mean spirited is because he disconfirmed their character or didn't do something people wanted. (but that has nothing to do with cruelty)
Yeah, maybe for us GS-fans that'd be bit needlessly cruel since as of now it'd be directed to a fans of a dead series, no less.

I mostly try to view it from his own perspective of having to deal with so much crap before like that - but it'd be bad business-ship if he went that way.

Nevertheless maybe we could give tweet a rest, just for this hardworking man's sake.
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Smash Rookie
Aug 13, 2018
Switch FC
Oh man, I thought I was over Golden Sun, until yesterday. I used to be a huge GS fan when The Lost Age just came out, but interest in the game just wavered. Super SMash has been one of my favorite game series though, although I never owned a Wii and never have seen Isaac as an Assist Trophy. Ever since the picture posted yesterday, I've been watching gameplay, listening music... and my hype for Isaac is completely blown out of proportion. Joining here and discussing it is only going to fuel the flames burning inside me, let's go!

Valkyrie is right. Instead we should think of what stage Isaac should get!
If I have to guess, either Sol Sanctum or Venus Lighthouse. Sol Sanctum started everything off, and a Lighthouse would be very iconic.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
  1. _Sheik
  2. 1/128
  3. 9Blades
  4. ☆Jisatsu☆
  5. *Verrix*
  6. ?!?!?!
  7. Accursed
  8. Adeptmune
  9. Agk0001
  10. AgatioGanon
  11. Aguki90
  12. airConditioner
  13. aldelaro5
  14. alguidrag
  15. Altais
  16. Amberloo
  17. Amtoj
  18. AncientArk
  19. andimidna
  20. Androobie
  21. Apollyon
  22. Aqua Rock X
  23. AquaDork1
  24. AquaSol
  25. Arcadenik
  26. Arsenal234,
  27. Arteen
  28. Asian_Charizard
  29. Astraltar
  30. Aureola
  31. Aurora Jenny
  32. AustarusIV
  33. AwesomeCauliflower68
  34. Awesomedude444
  35. Backgammon
  36. Baddies are back
  37. Balgorxz
  38. BandannaWaddleDee
  39. Bane84
  40. bassem6
  41. Bassoonist
  42. Billybae10K
  43. Bingoshi
  44. Bkupa666
  45. Blackwolf666
  46. Blaziken
  47. Blue7113
  48. BluePikmin11
  49. BoltDragon
  50. BoN~
  51. Bowser-Daimao
  52. BravadoMan_13
  53. BridgesWithTurtles
  54. Browny
  55. Buddy002
  56. Bunny8093
  57. BUnit
  58. Burruni
  59. Calane
  60. CactusBlah
  61. candyissweet
  62. Capita
  63. Cap'nChreest
  64. Captain Toad
  65. CardStealer1
  66. Chapter Serf
  67. CheckmateChuck
  68. CheeseBroJoe
  69. Cheezey Bites
  70. Chromfirmed
  71. ChronoPenguin
  72. ClinkStryphart
  73. CliffJumper
  74. cocy965
  75. Cos.
  76. Coaltergeist
  77. Crap-Zapper
  78. CrossDispatcher
  79. cybersai
  80. Dalek_Kolt
  81. Darkdarkness
  82. DatoSm
  83. Dendros
  84. Desert Croc
  85. Destroyer713
  86. Dezeray112
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  92. DJBor
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  159. Isaac: Venus Adept
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  429. Zuppo
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~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I think it as neither. I see it as an opportunity. A genuine chance to have our voice heard. Whether it is a tease or not, intentional or accidental. Heck even a troll.

It is a chance for us to make Isaac known. So raise our flags, show our hands and reach high in the sun to gather Sakurai's attention
Well, it's really working if going by what I've seen so far when scouring through internet last days. Since we're also running lower on feasible and profilic newcomers lately, Isaac's harder to ignore than ever.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
I went and backtracked through this board's history (considering we Smash fans are no doubt the most vocal) and even when he was just an AT in Brawl, his support was huge. Wii U he had great support too. It's amazing how much support goes into our boy
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Valkyrie is right. Instead we should think of what stage Isaac should get!
There's two I can think of. The most obvious is Venus Lighthouse. However, a close second I see is in the form of Elemental Stars Chamber. It could also just be called Sol Sanctum.

Very unlikely, but somewhat plausible, is that of Vale itself. Vale could make an interesting stage set around the waterfall and river. But Elemental Stars Chamber and Venus Lighthouse would both be far more interesting stages, especially since Elemental Stars Chamber could occasionally turn from water to lava.


Smash Cadet
Oct 20, 2017
Alberta (near Edmonton)
They could have Kolima Forest as a stage that turns you into a tree if you're not shielding, which would I don't know, do a whole bunch of damage and freeze you in place.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
I've always wanted The Elemental Star chamber. It would be a varied stage with the main large platform in the middle and the smaller ones on the outside. Plus it would just be gosh darn beautiful and I love the music. lol (Anyone who wants to say that the The Elemental Stars music can't work in Smash needs to go take a look at the fact that pieces like Midna's Lament are in the past two SSBs)


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2014
I would like the top of Mt. Aleph, with the 4 beams in the background forming the Golden Sun.
With a lengthy Alex/Wise One cameo in the background, recreating the ending scene of The Lost Age.

...would probably be too much work though. But they went through the trouble of creating a huge two-eyed moon as an Assist Trophy, so why not a smaller one-eyed round rock, huh?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
With a lengthy Alex/Wise One cameo in the background, recreating the ending scene of The Lost Age.

...would probably be too much work though. But they went through the trouble of creating a huge two-eyed moon as an Assist Trophy, so why not a smaller one-eyed round rock, huh?
That would be so cool, to have these 2 as cameos!

Isaac: Venus Adept

Smash Lord
Dec 31, 2015
In terms of stages the lighthouses are always the obvious pick as they are the focal point of the story. The Wise One can show up to fix the lighthouse after it split in half or we can have a Saturos/Menardi boss battle. If they want to go with a different stage they can always do Kolima Forest or Sol Sanctum or one of the Rock locations


Smash Apprentice
Aug 9, 2014
Calgary, Alberta
With how much traction there is in our favour right now and just how much demand there is for any type of Golden Sun representation, even if it doesn't happen this time around, I'd like to think it's only going to be more and more likely from here on out. It's not like we're going to pack up and go home if we're let down again.
Well since the ballot has of course long passed, and the fact that a couple highly requested characters have now made it in, now is most certainly the time for us Isaac fans to be most vocal. It's really important not only for Smash, but the GS series itself. One will lead to other, and seeing how popular he would be in Smash would hopefully convince the Takahashi brothers to finish the series off with another game. I feel like fans were overly critical of Dark Dawn and that is why there is still no sequel to it yet. It wasn't even that bad of a game. We as proponents and supporters of the series should be regretting our disdain for the last game. If Isaac doesn't make it in this iteration of Smash, we may or may not have another chance. To reiterate, the time is very ripe to show Sakurai-san how much we love Golden Sun! I know I do!


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Well since the ballot has of course long passed, and the fact that a couple highly requested characters have now made it in, now is most certainly the time for us Isaac fans to be most vocal. It's really important not only for Smash, but the GS series itself. One will lead to other, and seeing how popular he would be in Smash would hopefully convince the Takahashi brothers to finish the series off with another game. I feel like fans were overly critical of Dark Dawn and that is why there is still no sequel to it yet. It wasn't even that bad of a game. We as proponents and supporters of the series should be regretting our disdain for the last game. If Isaac doesn't make it in this iteration of Smash, we may or may not have another chance. To reiterate, the time is very ripe to show Sakurai-san how much we love Golden Sun! I know I do!
The real issue with Dark Dawn was that it released late on the DS lifespan. If they just pushed it back a year or two onto the 3DS it probably would've done far better.

Baddies are back

Smash Apprentice
Jun 14, 2018
I actually really liked Dark Dawn. It was a bit tedious at times but it's as fun an experience as the other games in my opinion.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
I actually really liked Dark Dawn. It was a bit tedious at times but it's as fun an experience as the other games in my opinion.
I really need to get round to completing the games. It's not their fault. Every time I got round to playing them a brand new Mario Kart or Smash came along...I think Christmas I am going to give myself some time to play them


Hell’s Worst Nightmare
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I actually really liked Dark Dawn. It was a bit tedious at times but it's as fun an experience as the other games in my opinion.
My only problem with it was the fact that there was a lot more points of no return. The other two had them but they usually warned you if I remember right and they were always few and far between. Otherwise, the game is masterful.

Jupiter Ivan

Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2018
Valkyrie is right. Instead we should think of what stage Isaac should get!
I always thought either the Elemental Star room or Venus Lighthouse would be a good pick for Isaac.

I would say Sol Sanctum, but I just feel as though the ESR was more visually pleasing. Plus the stage could constantly shift with stone pillars rising out of the water. With the stars shining in the background it could make for a very pretty stage.

My only problem with it was the fact that there was a lot more points of no return. The other two had them but they usually warned you if I remember right and they were always few and far between. Otherwise, the game is masterful.
For me it were the points of no return and the lack of motivation. Your primary goal and reason for setting out on a journey is to get a Roc feather because Garets son is an idgit. Riveting. Granted it does pick up later, but I just could never take it seriously.

Mod Edit: Please don't Double Post. Use the Edit function instead
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Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2015
Well... I think we will get our ultimatum soon, Fighter or AT, Playable or Suporter, is or isn't we will get our awsner one way.
Maybe will be in a trailer soon of his debut
Maybe he will follow Ashley and go to AT graveyard
Maybe his music will appear in the stages that it was in Smash 4
or Maybe he will disapear of the internet until the game is datamined prior release
just time will tell
if our golden sun... will rise


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
Hmm...I've been thinking. Sakurai might have a pattern regarding how many character reveals he does and how often.

Maybe I should take a peak? I like to do statistics. Did it a while back for Franchise frequency and Direct frequency and that had truth behind it.

But dare I?

Well... I think we will get our ultimatum soon, Fighter or AT, Playable or Suporter, is or isn't we will get our awsner one way.
Maybe will be in a trailer soon of his debut
Maybe he will follow Ashley and go to AT graveyard
Maybe his music will appear in the stages that it was in Smash 4
or Maybe he will disapear of the internet until the game is datamined prior release
just time will tell
if our golden sun... will rise
Oh please don't. Ashley missing out was a bummer. I posted sympathies to that group as I felt bad for them


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2018
I've never played a Golden Sun game (I really need to get around to doing that), but I support Isaac. After campaigning for years, I think this is finally Isaac's time. Normally, I would never believe something as silly as Sakurai's tweet, but the the whole red eyes thing and possibly the E3 room hinting at K Rool is making me believe it's really possible. I really hope h makes it this time. I'd like to be added to the supporters list


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2018
Long Island NY
If Isaac is not in the final roster before Dec as long as he is not an AT DLC is the next best option.
No news is good news. I honestly wonder if Sakurai sees the demand for Isaac, ballot or not.

Even if Felix is an echo fighter it would fill the whole villains vs heroes thing
Even though Felix is not the bad guy

I am thinking in the terms of, who is left?
Sakurai wants to make everyone he can happy.

Ridely, King K Rule, Wolf
he put in the fan favorites

Now look at first party
Skull Kid, Isaac, Bandana Dee

That is all he needs to do to make everyone happy

If we look at 3rd party
Banjo and Geno (Crash too, but not that high of a demand)

That in total is just 5 highly requested newcomers.

I am 50/50 on this.

Isaac will be in smash one way or another I feel.
Sakurai wants to make as many people happy.


Smash Rookie
Aug 13, 2018
Hey guys I've been a supporter for Isaac since the Brawl days. I love the GS games with all my heart and continue to enjoy playing the games time from time. I just want to say I'm extremely happy for what this community has done for The GS series and everything for its revitalization. Hopefully I can help in anyway possible to the campaign. I'd be honored to place my name on the supporters list. Cheers Everyone!

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom

  1. _Sheik
  2. 1/128
  3. 9Blades
  4. ☆Jisatsu☆
  5. *Verrix*
  6. ?!?!?!
  7. Accursed
  8. Adeptmune
  9. Agk0001
  10. AgatioGanon
  11. Aguki90
  12. airConditioner
  13. aldelaro5
  14. alguidrag
  15. Altais
  16. Amberloo
  17. Amtoj
  18. AncientArk
  19. andimidna
  20. Androobie
  21. Apollyon
  22. Aqua Rock X
  23. AquaDork1
  24. AquaSol
  25. Arcadenik
  26. Arsenal234,
  27. Arteen
  28. Asian_Charizard
  29. Astraltar
  30. Aureola
  31. Aurora Jenny
  32. AustarusIV
  33. AwesomeCauliflower68
  34. Awesomedude444
  35. Backgammon
  36. Baddies are back
  37. Balgorxz
  38. BandannaWaddleDee
  39. Bane84
  40. bassem6
  41. Bassoonist
  42. Billybae10K
  43. BillyBat
  44. Bingoshi
  45. Bkupa666
  46. Blackwolf666
  47. Blaziken
  48. Blue7113
  49. BluePikmin11
  50. BoltDragon
  51. BoN~
  52. Bowser-Daimao
  53. BravadoMan_13
  54. BridgesWithTurtles
  55. Browny
  56. Buddy002
  57. Bunny8093
  58. BUnit
  59. Burruni
  60. Calane
  61. CactusBlah
  62. candyissweet
  63. Capita
  64. Cap'nChreest
  65. Captain Toad
  66. CardStealer1
  67. Chapter Serf
  68. CheckmateChuck
  69. CheeseBroJoe
  70. Cheezey Bites
  71. Chromfirmed
  72. ChronoPenguin
  73. ClinkStryphart
  74. CliffJumper
  75. cocy965
  76. Cos.
  77. Coaltergeist
  78. Crap-Zapper
  79. CrossDispatcher
  80. cybersai
  81. Dalek_Kolt
  82. Darkdarkness
  83. DatoSm
  84. Dendros
  85. Desert Croc
  86. Destroyer713
  87. Dezeray112
  88. Dhragen
  89. Diddy Kong
  90. Dimensionsword64
  91. DivinexRose
  92. DJ3DS
  93. DJBor
  94. D-Man9293
  95. DogManStar
  96. DoodleDuck97
  97. Doncalot
  98. DraginHikari
  99. Drakonis
  100. Dromader
  101. DukeNapoleon
  102. DustyPumpkin
  103. e105beta
  104. Eagle
  105. EclipseSmash
  106. EddyBearr
  107. ED Cantu
  108. Edlocke
  109. egaddmario
  110. ElPanandero
  111. El Syd
  112. EndlessChrom
  113. EndlessRain
  114. EnhaloTricks
  115. EricTheGamerman
  116. ETFruitNinja
  117. ethanrodgers223
  118. Ezequileste
  119. Falgor
  120. Falkoopa
  121. False Sense
  122. FamiconDisk
  123. Felix_the_Slayer
  124. fenyx4
  125. ferioku
  126. Fire Rider
  127. Fire_Voyager
  128. FirstBlade
  129. Flareon
  130. Flik
  131. Flintike
  132. Flynn.Scifo
  133. fogbadge.
  134. foolssigma
  135. FreddyOnDrugs
  136. Friesnchip
  137. Frosty Pops
  138. GalacticPetey
  139. Gazorpazorpfield
  140. Geno Boost
  141. Ghirahilda
  142. GladiusVortex
  143. GM_3826
  144. Golden Icarus
  145. GoodGrief741
  146. Gotann
  147. GraveEclipse567
  148. Hakerson
  149. heylodom
  150. Huanchi
  151. hwrdjacob
  152. iam8bit
  153. Icana
  154. iDazedX_x
  155. Inawordyes
  156. IntelliHeath1
  157. Invisible Shiny Bulbasaur
  158. isaac3000
  159. IsaacOrRiot
  160. Isaac: Venus Adept
  161. Istry555
  162. IvanQuote
  163. JaidynReiman
  164. Jak_spoon
  165. JamesDNaux
  166. Jamurai
  167. JDogindy
  168. JohnnySparkxs
  169. Jupiter Ivan
  170. Just a random scrub
  171. jweb22
  172. KCCHIEFS27
  173. KeniththeGatherer
  174. KeybladeSmasher
  175. Kikaru
  176. Kind Dedede
  177. KingCloud
  178. KingShadow
  179. KiraYoshikage
  180. KirbyDragon
  181. Kirbyfan391
  182. Kisae
  183. Klimax
  184. KMDP
  185. KoalaNut
  186. Kokirikory
  187. Koori
  188. Kremling Man
  189. Kumatora
  190. Kycse
  191. Lady Palutena
  192. Lampy
  193. LaniusShrike
  194. lanky_gunner
  195. LasermasterA
  196. Leafeon523
  197. LeeYawshee
  198. Legendary Spirit Tamer
  199. legendofrob1
  200. LemmyKoopa
  201. lightdasher
  202. LightheartedBum
  203. Lightosia
  204. Linq
  205. Lisbon Mapping
  206. littl-myth
  207. Liverpool19
  208. Lone (Thirteenth)
  209. Lonodel
  210. Lord-Zero
  211. Lucanic
  212. Lucimar
  213. Ludjinnado
  214. lunarum
  215. Lukingordex
  216. Lurxy
  217. Lynn Eslie
  218. M23-X0
  219. MacSmitty
  220. MagiusNecros
  221. MAGMIS
  222. MainJPW
  223. Malcolm Belmont
  224. MaskO'Gears
  225. Master Rapier
  226. MasterMushroom
  227. Mav485
  228. McLapras
  229. Mega Bidoof
  230. Mendelsin
  231. MetalMario128
  232. Metocles
  233. Miifighters4Smash5
  234. Minato Arisato
  235. Mikegamer0608
  236. Mishudo
  237. Monkokaio
  238. MonopolyRubix
  239. MorbidAltruism
  240. Moydow
  241. MrMacBeth
  242. MrToxicVoltage
  243. Muirkat
  244. Mythzotick
  245. mynameisv
  246. MysticKnives
  247. N3ON
  248. Nauzgo
  249. Neo Zero
  250. NessAtc.
  251. Niala
  252. Nimbostratus
  253. Ninjakid41592
  254. Nintendokusou
  255. NitrusVirus
  256. NonSpecificGuy
  257. NoOtherPersona
  258. NoR4U
  259. Octillus
  260. Oddyesy
  261. Olo
  262. Oniric Spriter
  263. OptimisticStrifer
  264. Oracle_Summon
  265. Organization XIII
  266. osby
  267. otarolgam
  268. Oz37
  269. Pacack
  270. Papagenos
  271. ParanoidDrone
  272. Pcubed007
  273. Pennate
  274. Phaazoid
  275. PhilosophicAnimal
  276. Pizza Robo
  277. P.Kat
  278. Plain Yogurt
  279. Playcube
  280. PlayfulMushroom
  282. Powerman293
  283. PSIguy89
  284. PrinceGal3n
  285. PWN3
  286. Pwnapplez
  287. QcSlayer
  288. R.O.B.
  289. Radical Beam
  290. Radori
  291. Raetah
  292. Raykz
  293. Raziek
  294. Red Ryu
  295. RegiGygas117
  296. Replica
  297. Retro gamer
  298. RhymeswithEmpty
  299. Roger Smith
  300. RosaPeach
  301. Royaru
  302. Royvolution Ream
  303. Ryan
  304. Ryuji
  305. Ryuutakeshi
  306. Sabrewulf238
  307. Saer2k
  308. Sagittarius
  309. Salocin
  310. sandfall
  311. SanicJan
  312. Scatmansworld25
  313. Scoliosis Jones
  314. Seb9k+
  315. Secret Sexytime
  316. Seleir
  317. Seoxys
  318. sheik93
  319. Shin F.
  320. Shinhed-echi
  321. Shog
  322. Sidboylol
  323. Silo777
  324. SirCamp
  325. skaaaa
  326. Skeleton o' Fun
  327. SkullKidKing
  328. Skyblade12
  329. Skyfox2000
  330. sman3975
  331. Smash_Handle69
  332. SmashBro99
  333. smashkirby
  334. SmashShadow
  335. smashtriforce77
  336. smileMasky
  337. SmilingMad
  338. SMX
  339. Solfiner
  340. someonetookjacob
  341. SonicLink125
  342. SonicSmasher
  343. SorrowOfAcheron
  344. SoulofKhaos
  345. Spatman
  346. Spazzy_D
  347. Speedwagon
  348. spoilerowl
  349. Spootondorf
  350. Sqid
  351. SSBFan
  352. Staarih
  353. StaffofSmashing
  354. Strider_Bond00J
  355. StrikeBlade
  356. SuperBrawler
  357. Superfiremario
  358. SuperNintendoKid
  359. Supersmash77
  360. Superyoshiom
  361. Swampasaur
  362. Sykin
  363. Takasmash
  364. TBone06
  365. TCT~Phantom
  366. Techno1000
  367. TeenGirlSquad
  368. TehEpicRyuga
  369. Tetiro
  370. ThatShadowLink
  371. THE 6r
  372. The Curious Volnutt
  373. The One Who Wrote This
  374. Thekewlusername
  375. T-Hell
  376. TheRealHeroOfWinds
  377. TheSeanMan
  378. TheSpaceKing
  379. The Stoopid Unikorn
  380. TheTactician
  381. thethirdkoopa
  382. TheZoologist
  383. ThirdDay
  384. ThoughtfulWanderer
  385. ThunderOverload
  386. TimeSmash
  387. Tiymako
  388. ToothiestAura
  389. Travix Man
  390. True Blue Warrior
  391. Turmalinium
  392. UltimateWario
  393. Ultinarok
  394. Vann Accessible
  395. Vegito2727
  396. Venus of the Desert Bloom
  397. Vintage Creep
  398. Violenceman
  399. walph
  400. Warheart_666
  401. Wigglytuff ★
  402. winterofsilver
  403. Wintropy
  404. WhiteEaglePL
  405. Xelion
  406. Xenigma
  407. XenoWarriorX
  408. XeVioN
  409. Xiivi
  410. xLemmy_KoopaX
  411. xpnc
  412. XTremeGamer1234
  413. XxLtxX
  414. YellowLord
  415. Yoshi444
  416. YoshiandToad
  417. Young Horsetail
  418. Your Hero
  419. YwhaletailY
  420. Zabadoo
  421. zagman505
  422. zaiman12345
  423. Zandro
  424. ZanZero
  425. ZarroTsu
  426. ZeldaMaster
  427. ZelDan
  428. ZestyÑ
  429. Zulyar
  430. Zuppo

Well... if "Hero vs Villain" can act as "Rivals" so Felix is a rival of Isaac
Well, K. Rool's trailer is called "Rivals".
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Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
Well, K. Rool's trailer is called "Rivals".
Hmm.. I think this is a coincidence rather than a truth. After all wouldn't Simon have a rival? As would Inkling? I've been thinking about it and it makes more sense that people just really REALLY wanted villains (K Rool, Ridley, Dark Samus) and Sakurai listened. It would snap in place with Inklings, Daisy and Chrom.
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Frosty Pops

Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2018
Well would be a lot cool if Nintendo made a "Ballot direct"
"If you remember Bayoneta got the First place in the Ballot, but let's see the other top picks
1. Bayoneta
the camera swoops quickly down and
?. King K.roll
the camera swoops quickly down and
?. Ridley
the camera swoops quickly down and
?. Geno
Geno doll simply gain life and start of his trailer in the title "Geno joins the Party"
after Geno's Trailer we will get another look at the ballot rank

the camera swoops quickly down and
We see a Final Destination stage
Master Hand kill Yoshi
and when Master hand is about to Kill Link another mystical hand appears to save Link
Link look back and see a Young blond Swordsman coming, he just Smiles and raise his sword arm
Its Isaac and his title is "Isaac Lends a Hand" "
Actually Geno shoots for the stars woukd be better lol, also i heard bayonetta was already going to be in the game and was being developed. and the ballot was actually for this game.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2015
Hmm.. I think this is a coincidence rather than a truth. After all wouldn't Simon have a rival? As would Inkling? I've been thinking about it and it makes more sense that people just really REALLY wanted villains (K Rool, Ridley, Dark Samus) and Sakurai listened. It would snap in place with Inklings, Daisy and Chrom.
Well Simon have dracula in story mode...


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2018
Long Island NY
Neogaf Leaker again, I honestly think this is all bs and he/she is yanking our chains

Alright everyone this will be the very last update I will be giving until Launch since my source won't provide me any information for the future due to various reasons. Any questions you might have after this one I simply can't answer from now on since I am not the source but simply the "deliverer" of the information. And remember, I get this information piece by piece which is why I need to update my current information like last times. With that said I will try to answer as many of your questions you asked here as possible and also I will mention some more surprises that I got.

Who is the "other" Bandai Namco character?

According to the information I got, that character will be Lloyd from the Tales of Series.

What about Skull Kid?

Whoever provided that information was indeed 100% correct. Skull Kid will indeed make an appearance based on his transformations from the "Majora's Mask". But there is something missing on which I am going to get in a minute.

Will there be an adventure mode?

There will indeed be something among those lines. There will be an "upgraded" mode which is a mixture between the Brawl's Subspace and Melee's Adventure Mode.

How can Galacta Knight be playable if he is already used as a skin for Meta Knight?

That you would have to ask Mr. Sakurai himself. I only tell you what I got, I don't know why or how. With that said, some surprises I will be showing to you in a minute will also fall into that category.

Why are you deleting your posts at all?

Let's just say it's part of the "deal" for providing the information, even if it doesn't make sense to some of you.

I guess those weren't any questions here, but here is a little bit more of information I got:
- Boss Battle Mode will be in the game
- There is now an option to switch your characters voices from english to japanese and vice versa
- There will be a new mastermind in the game like Tabuu from Brawl
- The motto "Everyone is here" wasn't only meant for the playable characters

With that out of the way, I mentioned few more surprises. Those who have been following my information until this point will understand why this is surprising. Since this is my very last post I wanted to play a little game and let you figure out who I am talking about. There will be one hint for each surprise I got.

Hint 1 (in relation to the Skull Kid information):

The princess will be happy to see this person again.

Hint 2:

A young man's unstoppable destiny. One will live and one will die.

Hint 3:

Beloved little guy, with blue as his favorite color.

Hint 4:

Dynamic Duo.

That was it for my final information that I got for the game. As always you are free to believe it or not. And I will also delete these posts in a few days.


Frosty Pops

Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2018


I just facepalmed so hard about that.. how could people even compare the two arts
Nintendo payed them to cover it up, it is a conspiracy!!!!
Is what I would say if I thought it was.....but it could be 0_0!


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Hmm.. I think this is a coincidence rather than a truth. After all wouldn't Simon have a rival? As would Inkling? I've been thinking about it and it makes more sense that people just really REALLY wanted villains (K Rool, Ridley, Dark Samus) and Sakurai listened. It would snap in place with Inklings, Daisy and Chrom.
This is what I'm thinking too. Sakurai didn't go "hmm this Smash is going to be the Smash Bros for villains". He's just listening to what people want, and Smash Bros having a lack of villains is a common sentiment I've heard. So that was likely reflected in the ballot.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
Well Simon have dracula in story mode...
I was more referring to the playable characters. Playable characters tend to be the foot in the door for more content
This is what I'm thinking too. Sakurai didn't go "hmm this Smash is going to be the Smash Bros for villains". He's just listening to what people want, and Smash Bros having a lack of villains is a common sentiment I've heard. So that was likely reflected in the ballot.
It is that Ballot alone which connects the characters. As while Ridley and K Rool have been begged for years, Chrom and Inklings have not. They were popular demand.

Put it like that and Isaac is very likely now
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