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Summoning the Nine-Tailed Fox - Ahri Support Thread


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
The Nine-Tailed Fox

Ahri is a Champion of League of Legends meaning she’s one of its dozens of playable characters. Released in 2011, 2 years after League’s original release, Ahri has become one of LoL’s most popular characters and arguably one of Riot’s icons as well.

She is a fox Vastaya – an umbrella term for a race composed by descendants of mortals who took the powers of Runeterra’s spirit realm into themselves and are easily identifiable by their combination of human and animal traits.

Thanks to that heritage, Ahri can draw magic from the world around her – and from people as well. In fact, she could take enough from people to kill them, absorbing even their memories and giving her a state of temporary euphoria. However, the fox Vastaya felt a lot of guilt in doing that, and thus learned to control her impulses over time – though she still drains some life essence from time to time.

As a Champion of the League of Legends, Ahri lends her abilities to Summoners in the Fields of Justice, including her lifestealing orb and the power to charm her foes.

In-game, Ahri is a mage, meaning good mobility and range, dealing a lot of burst damage by chaining her abilities into one another and, for cons, struggling against targets who can withstand her attacks for longer periods of time. Her weapon of choice is an orb that can absorb the spiritual energy of her foes – as previously stated.

League fights, at least in what is known as the “laning phase” of every match, can be a game of poking your target strategically and retreating. Ahri is one of the champions that would best translate that feel to Smash with her powers.

Like any Champion, Ahri has one passive and four Abilities. Her passive is Vastayan Grace, which grants her a speed boost whenever she hits an enemy twice with abilities within 1 and a half seconds. This falls both into her nature as a mage (chaining hits) and can also help her poking game. In Smash, it would make her a zoner that can quickly get in, deal hits, then make a getaway if need be.

Her four abilities are: Orb of Deception, Fox-Fire, Charm and her Ultimate, Spirit Rush.

Orb of Deception is a projectile with a “boomerang” effect: Ahri throws her orb in a straight line, dealing damage to any enemies it passes through. It then homes back to Ahri, dealing damage once more if it hits anyone in the way.

Fox-Fire creates three flames that orbit Ahri for a few seconds, then home in on enemies. Think Mega Man’s down special combined with Palutena’s neutral special. What’s interesting is that it prioritizes champions hit by…

Charm. It’s an attack unlike anything in Smash right now. Ahri blows a kiss in a straight line, dealing damage, interrupting dashes and, most importantly, slowing enemies and forcing them to walk in her direction. This buys Ahri time to use some of her other spells or, in a teamfight, for her teammates to focus on an enemy.

Finally, Ahri’s Ultimate: Spirit Rush. She dashes in a target direction, letting loose a few bolts of energy that deal damage to close enemy units. Ahri can recast this dash up to three times. What’s interesting is that Ahri can go through some walls with this – the effect could be translated to Smash by having a good amount of invincibility frames.

Why Ahri?

Since her release, Ahri has become one of League’s most popular champions. One indicator of this is her amount of skins – or alternate costumes - 10 (as of May 2019), which is really high for League standards. Only 8 Champions out of over a hundred have more skins than her and even then, it can be argued that some of these 8 aren’t featured as prominently anymore (such as Twisted Fate). Some of her skins include:

One of her most prominent, Star Guardian Ahri

A classic - Arcade Ahri (Fox vs Fox, anyone?)

And the skin that was in that 290M views and counting video - K/DA Ahri

Needless to say, any of these would make a good alternate costume.

Ahri has also seen some use in high level competitive play, which is also a factor, though that changes depending on what season of competitive League you’re talking about.

As far as Smash is concerned, she’s relatively easy to translate compared to some of her fellow Champions while simultaneously having the potential to bring things that haven’t been seen in Smash. Her kit is also simple enough to allow incorporation of some of the more “basic” League mechanics, such as Summoner Spells, without making Ahri too broken or too complex to play at a casual level.

How could Ahri (and League) be in Smash?

This was referred to once in the RTC thread. Here are the basics, some of it copied from there:

- League, as 2019, is 10 years old and, as of 2017, had about 100 million users worldwide. Its influence in the genre is massive, being rivaled only by Dota 2 and even then, it's widely considered "the more accessible one" between the two. League helped shape Esports into what it is today and is crazy popular in regions Nintendo is currently trying to penetrate, like China.

- Riot acknowledges the importance of Smash or, at least, some of its devs are fans. Back in 2015, information surfaced about a Brawl mod made and played internally by Rioters with League champions replacing the characters - supposedly, with all-new moves in some cases. The fact that people would do this on their free time at the company for a game that would only ever be played internally speaks volumes for how some people in there care about Smash. So it's no stretch to say that Riot, despite being kinda distant from the console market, understands the importance of Smash.

- Maybe not what most people want to hear, but Tencent is helping Nintendo with Switch negotiations in China and, as one particular user pointed out in the Newcomer Thread, it's possible that China can even become a major region for Nintendo depending on how well this goes. Also according to him, marketing the Fighters Pass along with the base game makes sense there, especially because of Terry... so who's to say another character that's popular there isn't a possibility? Sure, there's no guarantee, but the opportunity is there. And if it's there, well... why not a game that Tencent has their hand in?

- In recent times, Riot is looking to expand their brand with LoL spinoffs (including a fighting game made by FGC veterans) and new IPs, like an FPS in the style of Overwatch. Truth is, Rioters can be fans of several different genres, and it's definitely showing now. Smash, to Riot, could be a godsend to expand their influence outside of the PC crowd - most see that as a con, but I actually see it as a pro. Plus, I'm willing to bet that out of their 4-5 new projects, at least one or two might hit consoles and/or the Switch. Which brings me to my next point...

- This year, during league's 10th anniversary event, a mobile and console version of League of Legends, called Wild Rift, is set to release for consoles in 2020 and... whoa, what's that? Job listings that reference the Switch on Riot's website? My, whatever could that mean? Jokes aside, this means Wild Rift for the Switch is practically confirmed, meaning League might officially be in Nintendo consoles as soon as next year. So there's the Nintendo connection for those that are hung up on that.

This means the only obstacles left to go is... would Sakurai and Nintendo want a League character in Smash? And if they did, would they want Ahri? So I'd say the chances are pretty decent.

Pros and Cons

  • Her character mechanics are easier to adapt compared to other League characters
  • Kit has a good balance in complexity (easy to learn, hard to master)
  • Very popular
  • Can incorporate other basic mechanics of LoL without disrupting her basic kit
  • A LOT of alt costume potential
  • Unique among Smash’s zoners
  • Her company would probably be on board
  • She’s making her Switch debut soon
  • Going to debut in a fighting game by Riot soon
  • Her company is western and thus depends on Nintendo/Sakurai reaching out to them
  • Faces competition from other League candidates (such as Lux, Ryze and Jinx)
  • It could be argued that MOBAs aren't that likely to be repped as a genre

Moveset Ideas

Unique Mechanic: Vastayan Grace: Whenever she hits twice with her Specials, Ahri will temporarily gain a 1.2x increase in movement speed.

Jab: Ahri will swipe with her claws twice before throwing a fireball into their face.

F-tilt: Ahri whips her nine tails forwards to smack the opponent.

U-tilt: Ahri creates a pillar of fire at her feet that shoots upwards in a plume.

D-tilt: Ahri swipes her tails out in front of her that hits 9 times in the process.

Dash attack: Ahri will pounce forwards like a cat before rolling along the ground, much like a more mystical version of Snake’s Dash attack.

Side Smash: Ahri will reel back like a fox, then pounce towards her opponent while swiping her claws. This hits twice and deals aura damage on hit.

Up Smash: Ahri will hold one of her clawed hands downwards before waving them above her, making a crescent of fire in the process.

Down Smash: Ahri will reel backward for a moment before blasting a wave of fire on the ground in front of her. This is a reference to one of her moves in the upcoming League of Legends fighting game.

N-air: Ahri summons fireballs that will revolve around her. These will hit multiple times if opponents are near them.

F-air: Ahri will create a ball of raw essence in her hands that will hit multiple times for the entire time it’s out.

D-air: Ahri will plummet downwards while coated in fox-fire that will meteor smash anyone she manages to hit.

B-air: Ahri will smash her tails together behind her, dealing some good damage and having some great knockback.

U-air: Ahri will perform a crescent kick above herself, the kick coated in fox-fire.

Grab: Ahri grabs the opponent by their scruff. She will then claw her opponent with her free hand for her pummel.

F-throw: Ahri infuses a fist with her fire and punches the opponent with it.

D-throw: Ahri pins her opponent onto the ground and sinks her teeth into their torso. This is a loose reference to her inspiration the Kumiho, who usually devour the heart or liver of their victims.

B-throw: Ahri twirls past the opponent, performing a pirouette kick that knocks the opponent away.

U-throw: Ahri performs a rising crescent claw attack that smashes into the opponent’s jaw.

Neutral B: Orb of Deception: Ahri will toss a single orb of essence out in front of her that will reach out for ½ FD. The initial toss does very little damage that doesn’t even flinch the opponent, but the orb can come back for extra damage. If Ahri has hit opponents 9 times with any of her specials, the next Orb of Deception she uses will heal her for that amount of damage.

Side B: Fox Fire: Ahri will summon three fireballs, lock on to opponents in front of her and fire them in a salvo. If an opponent is hit more than once by a single cast, Fox-Fire will deal increased damage per extra fireball that lands.

Up B: Spirit Rush: Ahri will dash up in the direction of the joystick, shooting a fireball at a nearby opponent at the end of each dash. While dashing, Ahri is completely invincible, and she can use this up to three times before getting KO’d.

Down B: Charm: Ahri will fire a single heart that floats forwards. If the heart manages to hit anybody, the opponent will be forced to harmlessly walk towards her over 3 seconds. While this happens, they will take 1.25x damage from all attacks. Additionally, Ahri’s Fox-Fire will prioritize all opponents affected by this move.

Final Smash: Nexus Destruction: Ahri will charge a Spirit Rush, then shoot forwards. If she smashes into any opponents, they will end up on the Red (Or Blue) side of the Summoner’s Rift. Ahri will show up with Jinx, Yasuo, Teemo, and Ashe, who will completely annihilate the buildings there with their Ultimates, including the opponent(s) atop the Nexus as it explodes. If any opponents are above 100%, they will be instantly KO’d.

In short, Ahri is a hit-and-run character who takes advantage of the unorthodox effects of her Specials. Her combo potential is through the roof, and though her projectiles don’t have much kill power, their effects can benefit her in the long run. However, being a Mage in League of Legends, her defense and kill potential are terrible at early percentages, and her lack of decent survivability makes it difficult for her to live until late percentages.

Music, Stage and Spirit Board Ideas


Summoners (Support List)
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Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2018
Hey there I'd love to be on the Summoners list since Ahri is my favorite LoL character !
Some rumors mention a LoL rep being possible, so who knows.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Sure! I'll add ya tomorrow, since it doesn't work as well on mobile. Thanks for stopping by!

What about GothicSlenderman GothicSlenderman , Wunderwaft Wunderwaft and GolisoPower GolisoPower ? Should I add you guys too?
Funny you should mention that, man! I was gonna get into LoL myself! Sign me up! I even tried to craft a moveset for the resident Vastaya:

Unique Mechanic: Vastayan Grace: Whenever she hits twice with her Specials, Ahri will temporarily gain a 1.2x increase in movement speed.

Jab: Ahri will swipe with her claws twice before throwing a fireball into their face.

F-tilt: Ahri whips her nine tails forwards to smack the opponent.

U-tilt: Ahri creates a pillar of fire at her feet that shoots upwards in a plume.

D-tilt: Ahri swipes her tails out in front of her that hits 9 times in the process.

Dash attack: Ahri will pounce forwards like a cat before rolling along the ground, much like a more mystical version of Snake’s Dash attack.

Side Smash: Ahri will reel back like a fox, then pounce towards her opponent while swiping her claws. This hits twice and deals aura damage on hit.

Up Smash: Ahri will hold one of her clawed hands downwards before waving them above her, making a crescent of fire in the process.

Down Smash: Ahri will reel backward for a moment before blasting a wave of fire on the ground in front of her. This is a reference to one of her moves in the upcoming League of Legends fighting game.

N-air: Ahri summons fireballs that will revolve around her. These will hit multiple times if opponents are near them.

F-air: Ahri will create a ball of raw essence in her hands that will hit multiple times for the entire time it’s out.

D-air: Ahri will plummet downwards while coated in fox-fire that will meteor smash anyone she manages to hit.

B-air: Ahri will smash her tails together behind her, dealing some good damage and having some great knockback.

U-air: Ahri will perform a crescent kick above herself, the kick coated in fox-fire.

Grab: Ahri grabs the opponent by their scruff. She will then claw her opponent with her free hand for her pummel.

F-throw: Ahri infuses a fist with her fire and punches the opponent with it.

D-throw: Ahri pins her opponent onto the ground and sinks her teeth into their torso. This is a loose reference to her inspiration the Kumiho, who usually devour the heart or liver of their victims.

B-throw: Ahri twirls past the opponent, performing a pirouette kick that knocks the opponent away.

U-throw: Ahri performs a rising crescent claw attack that smashes into the opponent’s jaw.

Neutral B: Orb of Deception: Ahri will toss a single orb of essence out in front of her that will reach out for ½ FD. The initial toss does very little damage that doesn’t even flinch the opponent, but the orb can come back for extra damage. If Ahri has hit opponents 9 times with any of her specials, the next Orb of Deception she uses will heal her for that amount of damage.

Side B: Fox Fire: Ahri will summon three fireballs, lock on to opponents in front of her and fire them in a salvo. If an opponent is hit more than once by a single cast, Fox-Fire will deal increased damage per extra fireball that lands.

Up B: Spirit Rush: Ahri will dash up in the direction of the joystick, shooting a fireball at a nearby opponent at the end of each dash. While dashing, Ahri is completely invincible, and she can use this up to three times before getting KO’d.

Down B: Charm: Ahri will fire a single heart that floats forwards. If the heart manages to hit anybody, the opponent will be forced to harmlessly walk towards her over 3 seconds. While this happens, they will take 1.25x damage from all attacks. Additionally, Ahri’s Fox-Fire will prioritize all opponents affected by this move.

Final Smash: Nexus Destruction: Ahri will charge a Spirit Rush, then shoot forwards. If she smashes into any opponents, they will end up on the Red (Or Blue) side of the Summoner’s Rift. Ahri will show up with Jinx, Yasuo, Teemo, and Ashe, who will completely annihilate the buildings there with their Ultimates, including the opponent(s) atop the Nexus as it explodes. If any opponents are above 100%, they will be instantly KO’d.

In short, Ahri is a hit-and-run character who takes advantage of the unorthodox effects of her Specials. Her combo potential is through the roof, and though her projectiles don’t have much kill power, their effects can benefit her in the long run. However, being a Mage in League of Legends, her defense and kill potential are terrible at early percentages, and her lack of decent survivability makes it difficult for her to live until late percentages.

I initially tried to implement the Gold and Items Shop prominent in an LoL gameplay session, but I didn't know how to do that without causing Hero-style backlash. So again, sign me up!
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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
Hey there I'd love to be on the Summoners list since Ahri is my favorite LoL character !
Some rumors mention a LoL rep being possible, so who knows.
Funny you should mention that, man! I was gonna get into LoL myself! Sign me up! I even tried to craft a moveset for the resident Vastaya:
Sure add me as well
Done! Added you three.

By the way, GolisoPower, would you like me to add your moveset in the corresponding section as well? I'm making one too, but I'm unsure if I'll be finished anytime soon due to my working schedule.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Done! Added you three.

By the way, GolisoPower, would you like me to add your moveset in the corresponding section as well? I'm making one too, but I'm unsure if I'll be finished anytime soon due to my working schedule.
Sounds good to me. Go ahead. :)

EDIT: Just wanted to add this because I don't want to get a warning for double-posting.

I feel like if Ahri, or any LoL champion for that matter, gets added to Smash Bros, it'd be like a blend between Joker and Hero. Joker because literally nobody would expect them to even come near Smash Bros until the announcement, and Hero because League of Legends is an influential mega-titan in the game industry much like Dragon Quest, from the rise of the eSports career and streaming platforms like Twitch to having so many impactful methods such as free patch updates that are now accepted by practically every game developer on the planet. Smash Bros is a celebration of video games as a whole and LoL has no right to be not celebrated like this.
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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
Sounds good to me. Go ahead. :)

EDIT: Just wanted to add this because I don't want to get a warning for double-posting.

I feel like if Ahri, or any LoL champion for that matter, gets added to Smash Bros, it'd be like a blend between Joker and Hero. Joker because literally nobody would expect them to even come near Smash Bros until the announcement, and Hero because League of Legends is an influential mega-titan in the game industry much like Dragon Quest, from the rise of the eSports career and streaming platforms like Twitch to having so many impactful methods such as free patch updates that are now accepted by practically every game developer on the planet. Smash Bros is a celebration of video games as a whole and LoL has no right to be not celebrated like this.
Added to the thread's OP! Thanks for your contribution!

Regarding your edit, we were talking about the best possible timing for a League announcement, since it's normally so detached from console gaming... some of us there agreed that it would be done in a general Direct, along with a Wild Rift official teaser for the Switch. The crazier proposition would be if it somehow coincided with Worlds 2020, to draw more eyes from the League crowd. Maybe a joint announcement? Dunno.

But yes - I'd argue that League and Riot are practically up there with Valve and Blizzard (well, old-school Blizzard anyways) when it comes to game-changing PC-centric studios. And as far as MOBAs are concerned, League's only real competition is DotA 2, so if we ever got a MOBA rep, it would probably be one of the two.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Oh! I have an idea for whatever Ahri's moveset's gonna have, whether it's like mine or something else.

A major aspect of League of Legends is leveling up and distributing that level to one of your abilities. I could imagine Ahri having a sort of "upgrade" mechanic similar to Frank West in MvC. Maybe gain XP based on how far a move launches an opponent, and upon leveling up, you can use an input to upgrade whatever special is tied to that input.
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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
Oh! I have an idea for whatever Ahri's moveset's gonna have, whether it's like mine or something else.

A major aspect of League of Legends is leveling up and distributing that level to one of your abilities. I could imagine Ahri having a sort of "upgrade" mechanic similar to Frank West in MvC. Maybe gain XP based on how far a move launches an opponent, and upon leveling up, you can use an input to upgrade whatever special is tied to that input.
Maybe. Though I guess a level up or tier based mechanic is a better fit for a few other Champions who have more visible leveling changes, like Kha'Zix.

One mechanic I think Ahri (and a few other simpler mage Champions) could have is to incorporate Summoner Spells in their moveset. That seems like a cool choice too.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Got a fanmade trailer here, everybody!

*Cross flair intro*

The stage begins with a jungle landscape, where Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Banjo & Kazooie, Lucario, and Fox are cautiously searching for something to take out Galeem. Inside the bushes, a good ways away, a mischievous pair of glowing yellow eyes peer at the six intruders before disappearing. After a while of trekking, the group arrives at a strange encampment, with a massive red crystal smack dab in the middle. Curious, they look around as to what they'll find. Banjo takes in the sights until something bumps at his leg. He looks down, and sees a red-hooded warrior half his size and carrying an axe trying to damage him...but unsuccessfully. Kazooie pokes out and angrily squawks at the warrior to scare him off but to no avail. Kazooie then flaps her wings at him, but no dice. Kazooie, now understandably angry at the situation, then jumps out of the backpack and starts angrily pecking at him. Banjo tries to stop Kazooie as she gives the little warrior a face full of her beak, much to the immense exasperation of their teammates. Just then, Lucario detects a mischievous aura and manages to strike an orb of blue energy flying towards him with a Force Palm. The orb flies back until a clawed hand grabs hold of it. A new figure comes out: a beautiful red-clad lady with nine bushy tails and flowing black hair, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Well, well, well," says the woman, a sultry voice escaping her lips as she slowly struts towards the Fighters. "What do we have here?"

Donkey Kong clenches his fists. Diddy Kong takes out two popguns. Kazooie jumps back into Banjo's backpack with a glare towards the tailed lady as he takes out his own claws. Lucario assumes a combat stance, his glare never faltering. Fox takes out his Blaster and aims it at her. A wry chuckle escapes her lips.

"No need to be so tense, everyone," she says as she whirls the orb in her hands. "Come on; Don't you trust me?"

AHRI Gets Foxy!

The Nine-Tailed Fox gets an answer in the form of an Aura Sphere which she gracefully evades. She looks back up and flashes a pair of thin fangs before charging towards her foes. The trailer then cuts to Ahri in the Smash engine, her tails swaying as she holds the Orb of Deception in her hands. She then shows her moveset, which is based on her appearance in League of Legends, keeping the effects of her specials and all. It then shows her XP system, which allows her to upgrade her Specials after gaining enough XP, as shown by when it shows the difference between her unleveled and leveled versions of her Charm special. The stage is then shown to be Summoner's Rift, where armies come from both sides and attack alongside the fighters. It then shows Wario then come up to a large bovine creature with a smaller rodent using its tail as a counter. Wario stops for a moment, takes out tosses gold at the shop, and immediately equips himself with an Ore Club before running off. Ahri's Final Smash is then shown, as she strikes Fox, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Banjo & Kazooie, and Lucario with a powered-up Spirit Rush. They are then caught in the crossfire of Ahri, Jinx, Yasuo, Teemo, and Ashe laying waste to a base before Ahri shoots a final Orb of Deception that strikes the Nexus and causes it to explode, the blast enveloping the other Fighters.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X League of Legends

The fighters are lying on the ground, tired and beaten up by Ahri's trickery and magic. Ahri, who surveys the aftermath of the battle, then smiles a little bit before running off out of the base. She looks back at the six before parting final words:

"Don't you worry, everyone. We'll meet again."

And with that, she prances off with foxlike tread before the camera fades out.

@ 2018 Nintendo
Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION. / Riot Games, Inc.
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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
Got a fanmade trailer here, everybody!
Interesting! I wonder why you chose these specific characters to make an appearance, though. Are they stand-ins for specific Champions?

I like the stage gimmick you proposed. Basically Coin Battle, but with a shop mechanic attached to it, basically? It would be cool if it traveled between lanes, like:

Blue Nexus -> Mid Lane -> Jungle (Dragon Pit) -> Bot Lane -> Red Nexus -> Mid Lane -> Jungle (Baron Pit) -> Top Lane -> Blue Nexus -> Repeat

...and have different stage cameos depending on where you are. Like maybe have Garen and Darius fighting in Top, then Lux and Katarina in Mid or something of the sort.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Interesting! I wonder why you chose these specific characters to make an appearance, though. Are they stand-ins for specific Champions?
I was looking for the most popular and recognizable Champions to use for the Final Smash when I was researching what to do for the Final Smash.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Oh no, I meant the trailer. Why DK, Diddy, Lucario, Fox, Banjo and Kazooie specifically? Is it because they're anthropomorphic animals and thus a nod to Vastayans?
Oh, I didn't make that connection! XD

I suppose that's a specific reason, but because the trailer initially takes place in the jungle, I wanted some characters that would fit the setting, as well as to make a sort of LoL team composing of Smash fighters as a sort of hint of who's gonna be revealed.
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Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
never played too much lol, barely anything, but i do recognize ahri, one question though.. is there concensus that she is the most popular champion? (like min min is teh more popular arms fighter or morrigan is the most popular darkstalker) or there are other champions aiming for her throne?


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
never played too much lol, barely anything, but i do recognize ahri, one question though.. is there concensus that she is the most popular champion? (like min min is teh more popular arms fighter or morrigan is the most popular darkstalker) or there are other champions aiming for her throne?
As a fellow outsider, I've heard names like Jinx and Lux tossed around. Teemo has the infamy of being the guy everyone hates ironically, but that might not be enough. On the other hand, Yasuo is the guy everyone hates unironically, and seems to be the worst-case scenario.


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
never played too much lol, barely anything, but i do recognize ahri, one question though.. is there concensus that she is the most popular champion? (like min min is teh more popular arms fighter or morrigan is the most popular darkstalker) or there are other champions aiming for her throne?
Quite a few, actually. Like Sharklord said, Lux, Jinx and Yasuo are some that come to mind due to being known even outside League, but there's also choices that have pull inside the LoL fandom, like Ryze or Ashe.

Overall, though, I'd say she's top 5 in terms of chances. Considering League has 150 Champions, I think that's a great thing honestly.

As a fellow outsider, I've heard names like Jinx and Lux tossed around. Teemo has the infamy of being the guy everyone hates ironically, but that might not be enough. On the other hand, Yasuo is the guy everyone hates unironically, and seems to be the worst-case scenario.
Tbh, Yasuo has his fans too - quite a lot, in fact. It's part of how he got his... reputation. But yeah, he'd generate a lot of salt among League fans (if you need proof, just look at the sheer amount of "inting" jokes made on the last League cinematic trailer lol) and perhaps also among Smash fans who dislike his aesthetic.
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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
I am excited to see the fighting game, mostly to see who they will add and if any of those can translate to smash well
We already know four characters, pretty much. Ahri, Darius, Jinx and Katarina. They all appeared during the first teaser for the game.

Imo, I think we might see both "basic" and popular Champions at first. I guess Garen, Lux and Ezreal are pretty safe guesses, for example.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
you know im starting to think we'll get a LoL rep after all and it'll be Ahri, she's hella popular

imagine if we got a repeat of Hero/Banjo if E3 happened this year - Steve AND Ahri!? the internet would break even more than Steve alone

also random question - what would the LoL emblem for Smash be, like how Minecraft's is a pixel cube and Terry/Fatal Fury is the star on his jacket?


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
you know im starting to think we'll get a LoL rep after all and it'll be Ahri, she's hella popular

imagine if we got a repeat of Hero/Banjo if E3 happened this year - Steve AND Ahri!? the internet would break even more than Steve alone

also random question - what would the LoL emblem for Smash be, like how Minecraft's is a pixel cube and Terry/Fatal Fury is the star on his jacket?
I agree, there's not a chance in hell it's anyone other than Ahri.

As for the emblem, I'd imagine it being the L symbol that's used in the desktop shortcuts.
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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
How about Ahri’s Spirit Board?

my guesses:
  • Jinx (Ace)
  • Yasuo (Legendary)
  • Teemo (Advanced)
  • Sona (Novice)
  • Akali (Ace)
  • Ekko (Advanced)
  • Miss Fortune (Ace)
  • Yone (Legendary)
  • Ezreal (Ace)
Hmm, I dunno if they'd go with Yone, as he's relatively new. I'd probably replace him with Lux, maybe Katarina. Otherwise, I think this is a pretty good bet!

Who would represent each character? And what would the fight conditions be?

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Hmm, I dunno if they'd go with Yone, as he's relatively new. I'd probably replace him with Lux, maybe Katarina. Otherwise, I think this is a pretty good bet!

Who would represent each character? And what would the fight conditions be?
Ezreal - Shulk
Jinx - Zero Suit Samus
Akali - Sheik, no question
Ekko - Little Mac? Hero (DQVIII Blue) if you allow the DLC switcheroo
Teemo - Pikachu (or Piranha Plant if they allow DLC character switcheroos cause both Teemo and PP use Poison attacks) Poison floor probably
Sona - Rosalina
Miss Fortune - definitely Bayonetta
Lux (replacing Yone with her) - Palutena
Yasuo - Captain Falcon cuz I literally can’t think of anyone better. Would also have a high critical hit rate
Fiora (League of Legends) - Lucina (fitting cause she also represents Xenoblade Fiora)
Blitzcrank - ROB

decided to also add Fiora and Blitzcrank
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
With a Spirit board, I would expect some champions, but also then you have Baron Nashor, Dragons, Buffs and other camps.

There is too much to figure out for a LoL Spirit Board
Maybe not the buffs and Dragons, but for my board I could add Baron Nashor (Ridley) and the Rift Herald (Bowser)
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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
With a Spirit board, I would expect some champions, but also then you have Baron Nashor, Dragons, Buffs and other camps.

There is too much to figure out for a LoL Spirit Board
Admittedly, there are way more opportunities for LoL Spirits than what a Spirit Board would probably allow us to get.

If we could get more, my list would be (characters-only for brevity):

  1. Annie :ultvillagerf:
  2. Blitzcrank :ultrob:
  3. Cho'Gath :ultpacman:(as weird as it sounds)
  4. Gangplank :ultkrool:
  5. Janna :ultpeach:
  6. Master Yi :ultwiifittrainerm:
  7. Morgana :ultzelda:
  8. Nunu & Willump :ulticeclimbers::ultdk:
  9. Rammus :ultbowser:
  10. Teemo :ultpichu:
  11. Warwick :ultwolf:
  12. Akali :ultsheik:
  13. Ezreal :ultpit:
  14. Garen :ultike:
  15. Kennen :ultpikachu:
  16. Kog'Maw :ultduckhunt:
  17. Lux :ultpalutena:
  18. Miss Fortune :ultdaisy:
  19. Shen :ultgreninja:
  20. Swain :ultganondorf:
  21. Caitlyn :ultzss:
  22. Lee Sin :ultlucario:
  23. Orianna :ultrosalina:
  24. Riven :ultcloud:
  25. Rumble :ultludwig:
  26. Shyvana :ultcorrinf:
  27. Wukong :ultdiddy:
  28. Draven :ultrichter:
  29. Fiora :ultlucina:
  30. Kha'Zix :ultridley:
  31. Varus :ultlink:
  32. Vi :ultbrawler:
  33. Jinx :ultinkling:
  34. Yasuo :ultswordfighter:
  35. Ekko :ultshulk:
  36. Tahm Kench :ultkingdedede:
  37. Jhin :ultgunner:
  38. Kai'Sa :ultdarksamus:
  39. Sett :ultincineroar:
  40. Minions :ultrobin:(team)
  41. Gromp :ultyoshi:
  42. Crimson Raptor :ultfalco:
  43. Murk Wolves :ultwolf:
  44. Blue Sentinel :ultsquirtle:
  45. Red Brambleback :ultivysaur:
  46. Ancient Krug :ultkirby:
  47. Elemental Drakes :ultcharizard:-> Elder Dragon
  48. Rift Scuttler :ultbowser:-> Rift Herald
  49. Baron Nashor :ultridley:

Only a few repeats, whew.

Didn't know a thread existed for her. Regardless I'd like to see her in. I don't play League much anymore, but I played for so many years before I quit. Ahri is still a main and favorite.
Added to the list!

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Admittedly, there are way more opportunities for LoL Spirits than what a Spirit Board would probably allow us to get.

If we could get more, my list would be (characters-only for brevity):

  1. Annie :ultvillagerf:
  2. Blitzcrank :ultrob:
  3. Cho'Gath :ultpacman:(as weird as it sounds)
  4. Gangplank :ultkrool:
  5. Janna :ultpeach:
  6. Master Yi :ultwiifittrainerm:
  7. Morgana :ultzelda:
  8. Nunu & Willump :ulticeclimbers::ultdk:
  9. Rammus :ultbowser:
  10. Teemo :ultpichu:
  11. Warwick :ultwolf:
  12. Akali :ultsheik:
  13. Ezreal :ultpit:
  14. Garen :ultike:
  15. Kennen :ultpikachu:
  16. Kog'Maw :ultduckhunt:
  17. Lux :ultpalutena:
  18. Miss Fortune :ultdaisy:
  19. Shen :ultgreninja:
  20. Swain :ultganondorf:
  21. Caitlyn :ultzss:
  22. Lee Sin :ultlucario:
  23. Orianna :ultrosalina:
  24. Riven :ultcloud:
  25. Rumble :ultludwig:
  26. Shyvana :ultcorrinf:
  27. Wukong :ultdiddy:
  28. Draven :ultrichter:
  29. Fiora :ultlucina:
  30. Kha'Zix :ultridley:
  31. Varus :ultlink:
  32. Vi :ultbrawler:
  33. Jinx :ultinkling:
  34. Yasuo :ultswordfighter:
  35. Ekko :ultshulk:
  36. Tahm Kench :ultkingdedede:
  37. Jhin :ultgunner:
  38. Kai'Sa :ultdarksamus:
  39. Sett :ultincineroar:
  40. Minions :ultrobin:(team)
  41. Gromp :ultyoshi:
  42. Crimson Raptor :ultfalco:
  43. Murk Wolves :ultwolf:
  44. Blue Sentinel :ultsquirtle:
  45. Red Brambleback :ultivysaur:
  46. Ancient Krug :ultkirby:
  47. Elemental Drakes :ultcharizard:-> Elder Dragon
  48. Rift Scuttler :ultbowser:-> Rift Herald
  49. Baron Nashor :ultridley:

Only a few repeats, whew.

Added to the list!
How about Samira? You could use Bayonetta for her, especially since Samira literally plays like Dante lmao

and I guess add me to the list as well
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