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Street Fighter


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
I mean, that's fine though, even if you can't combo into it, even look at the highest lvls of play, usually when people land the Shinkuu-Hadouken, it's not even off of a link, but by itself. Because one wiffed attack, or missed shot fireball can mean guaranteed damage by a Shinkuu-Hadouken.

Ky Kiske

Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2005
I like ST. Ryu because of that. It seems that more people would rather choose his CE. or Turbo version for whatever reason. =\


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
I like ST. Ryu because of that. It seems that more people would rather choose his CE. or Turbo version for whatever reason. =\
There are differences in how Ce/Hyper Ryu play compared to ST. Ryu, because Ce/Hyper Ryu's zoning capabilities are much more superior to ST. Ryu's because they have arguably the best Hadouken traps/setups in the game (aside from Gouki of course), due to having the fastest Hadouken and the fastest recovery from it. Not only that, but all of their throws can't be teched out of, and since jabs where far more powerful in the older versions, things like c.lk, s.fp, fp Hadouken where strong 3-hit combo's that could and would dizzy you if connected, not to mention Ce/Hyper Ryu had extremely powerful jab mixups.

Ce/Hyper Ryu are also capable of dizzing their opponents extremely quickly, like the combo stated above is a guaranteed dizzy. Or the simple over with fk, land, c.lk until the opponent is dizzy, simply put everyone from Hyper downward can dizzy opponents much faster than Super to ST where it has become harder. Then you have the invincible hurricane kick, it seems like even at high lvls of play everyone seems to have forgotten this tatic, however since it's more ST players playing HSF2:AE anyways, it's to be expected since most of the great OG players from the Ce/Hyper days have pretty much retired.

However say if your fighting ST. Ryu and he happens to fireball fight you, well Ce/Hyper Ryu at the start of their hurricane it has an invincible frame where it can go through pratically anything in the game. This can allow Ce/Hyper Ryu to fly right through the fireball and stuff the opponent, so if you think about it, this tool can be extremely effective and not just against fireballers but many other attacks as well.

The only differences between Ce. Ryu and T. Ryu is that Ce. Ryu is the strongest Ryu in HSF2:AE because his damage is very noticeable from his combos to his throw, they just drain huge life, only WW Ryu is up to par with Ce. Ryu(However WW. Ryu sucks compared to the other Ryu's). T.Ryu although weaker, he has the aerial hurricane kick, something that Ce. Ryu lacks, and this is great in combos, such as a jump in fp, neutral jump fk, canceled into hurricane kick and this does huge damage, however the more useful tatics are like avoiding corners with it, or else if your fighting taller characters like Sagat, T. Hawk, Vega, etc, and you happen to jump kick and hit them, and since they are tall, they can recover before you and land in a throw, however with T.Ryu one connected jump attack can be canceled into the hurricane kick, allowing a 2 in 1 combo, doing good damage and getting you out to safety as well.

These are what made the old Ryu's extremely powerful and a constant contender for being in the Top 5 best characters and, in Hyper Fighting, T. Ryu was definetly the #1 overall best character in the game handsdown. will post more later...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
I guess I'll post something that I posted up on gaia...and oh yes, this happened last weekend so yeah...

Be prepared for a long post, I was tired as hell from yesterday and I finally got some sleep, but here I am, to post the results from the tournie. I ran the tournament pretty ghetto, but everyone didn't seem to care, and thanks for my bro's and cousins for helping me out, otherwise I would've been in the crap hole if it wasn't for them in managing the brackets and helping us keep the peeps entertained.

28 people came to play, but I shall only be posting up the Top 8 Finishers, since I'm tired and I'm too lazy to post the rest. However, I have to thank all the peeps who showed up, on only a three day notice lolz! It was fun, and I got a great workout on my matchup's.

Top 8 Finishers

1. Vincently (CE. Sagat/O. Sagat)
2. LarlySephiros(Me of course!) (Turbo Ryu)
3. Berry (Ce. Guile/Ce. Sagat)
4. T.G.O. (Ce. Bison)
5. Money (St. Dhalsim/ST. Balrog)
6. Johnathan (Ce. Bison/Ce. Guile)
7. BOO (Ce. Guile/T. Blanka)
8. Chewy (St. Ryu/T. Ryu)

My brother's Ce. Bison (T.G.O. is my brother), was just sickening to see him win rounds in just 10 seconds using Ce. Bison. I will say this again, Ce. Bison in HSF2:AE does way more damage than his CE counterpart at the arcades, Scissor kick into c.mp, s.mk does more than half life in HSF2:AE but in the arcade version it did fairly close to half life, but not more.

Two combo's and you where dead, it was just stupid how if my bro landed just one c.mp, it would usually go right into a scissor kick combo, it was nuts. Not to mention some matches with him where just downright stupid sometimes, because he would do Psycho Crushers from screen to screen to get wins or else those massive chip damage lockdowns that he would switch up with either scissor kick, c.mp, s.mk, scissor kick repeat, or scissor kick. s.lk, s.lk, scissor kick repeat.

He would also at times then bait with the lockdown for some characters can actually counter the lockdown in the few small windows that it is vulnerable, for example, he was locking down Ryu, and after the s.mk going into the scissorkick, Ryu can shoryuken it, however after the s.mk my brother would just sit there and bait the Ryu to shoryuken, this would give him a free throw and if they where mid-screen, right after the throw, he would either slide to get right next to them again and proceed to pressure or else start the Psycho Crusher crap...sigh, this is Ce. Bison for you.

However he couldn't stop Berry's Ce. Guile, even though he perfected Berry's Ce. Guile one round too, SB's where just too tough for Ce. Bison to try and counter or jump over, if my brother tried to jump over or do a headstomp Berry would land an aerial grab, a s.rh, or jumping back with fk, so my brother had resorted to jumping straight almost always and getting chipped and clipped by c.mk's to death. Berry still plays a mean Ce. Guile, back in the day, that was who he played all day, good stuff.

As for the final matchup between Vincently and I, if you can tell I didn't win, however I almost came back and won in the last round, the championship match was Best out of 7 and he took the first two sets, I took the next three, he took the 6th set and it was 3-3 even into the 7th and final set. It came down to 1 round a piece for both of us, it was dead even, however he took me down to like 25% life on the final round and it looked like I was gone, but he shot a low Tiger shot, I had anticipated this and I jumped in early then landed and did a c.lk, s.fp, fp Hadouken and it dizzied him. Then I landed a jump in fp, neutral jump fk, into fk Hurricane kick and I basically brought him down to almost as much life as I had.

Then it came down to zoning with Hadouken's and Tiger shot's each trying to have the other one make a mistake. I then took the initiative and made a gamble at jumping in on him, since there was only 6 seconds left and I would lose if time ran out, because he still had slightly more life than me. I then jumped forward but did an early jumping fierce kick, he did a TigerUppercut as I wanted him too, and I stuffed him and this should've been my victory right here, because I should've canceled it into a 2 in 1 aerial Hurricane kick for the victory.

Instead for some stupid reason on my behalf...I didn't pull off my aerial hurricane kick, so Sagat being big and tall, recovers before me and he threw me when I landed for the win. All I can say is, I almost cried...it was so not right! However, Vincently deserves the win, since he was basically slapping around with Ce. Sagat, he only used O. Sagat twice throughout the entire tournament.

Btw, T. Ryu is so pimp! Invincible Hurricane Kick StartUp has to be one of the single best moves in the game, I stuffed out so many attacks it wasn't even funny, and not to mention it was hilarious in some cases where some of the guys would try to attack me after I was going to land from my hurricane kick, yet their attack would just go right through me, because the invincbility happens at the beginning and in the end of the hurricane

Sorry for the long post, but it was fun, we had tons of money matches afterwards and definetly casuals of course(This is where I got my revenge on Vincently, muahahahaha), we "did" have a camcorder, however for some reason it got messed up, so we only recorded like...the first three matches...which is just depressing. Overall, it was fun, if I do set one up again, I'll be sure to post it up on here, and at least a month's notice before it happens...so if you live close to me and want to attend, that you may be able too. One last thing, if there's any grammar errors or horrible sentences and wording...sorry, I've been in lack of sleep mode, so I'll probably be heading off to bed again.

Keep Street Fighter Alive, Practice, Practice and Have Fun!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
I'd practice, but my stick is broken and need to wait for my new parts from Akibaharashop to come in. :/

But good job on the tourney! Was it only AE?
It was basically all AE pratically, since half of the guys where people that I used to play with back in the early and mid 90's. It was one of those spare of the moment things, I mean, I only gave everyone a 3 day notice, lmao...reasons why I stated a "ghetto tournament". However I was very pleased by the 26 people turn out, and having new faces comming in to play as well.

We did do casuals/money matches in other games like 3S, Capcom vs. Snk 2, and Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and even in Tekken3/TekkenTag/Tekken4, but it was mainly HSF2:AE, since most of us are OG players (most of us are in our early 20's, me included) and HSF2:AE was our favorite and go to fighting game. I could seriously sit here and talk about HSF2:AE all day, since it's become my favorite fighting game to play, and tell all of you of what I think of matchup's and what not, but I'll keep it down for now.

Great turn out, I'll probably host another one again sometime, maybe...I dunno, we'll see again.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2005
Texas and New Mexico
Good stuff. Especially for a 3 day's notice.

I hosted a tournament last month and it did fairly well. Well, for over here anyways, 3rd Strike got the best turnout which is depressing, followed by Guilty Gear XX Slash, while MvC2 only had 7 entrants and CvS2 got cancelled. lol


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
3rdStrike is just way too popular(competetion wise) here in the United States period. Every forum I see, everywhere I go for competetion when I have the time and money, I'll see people talk about 3S more than anyother fighting game. I'm very pleased that people are getting into this game, but I would hope that by excepting 3S, they would also except HSF2:AE, however to some the game mechanics from 3S to HSF2:AE is just too different for some people.

While some moron's believe it's just a random "shooting the fireball" fighting game and cannot hang with some of today's fighting games...in which they are completely false about this comment. 3S is a great game, and I do play it as well, but I would still rather prefer SF2's game engine over 3S anyday.

As for you MarthMaster, I don't know of anyone in SouthGate, MI, but I could maybe ask some guys that I know who play HSF2:AE if they know anybody who plays at all in MI, I'm pretty sure there would be some players, you just have to really look sometimes. My only saving grace is that my cousins, some of my buddies and I played SF2 heavily back in the day, plus we know some other people who played back in the day and do now, so we can get together from time to time to play, not alot, but still, it's better than not having anybody to play with at all.

Btw, if I hadn't said this already, I really despise fighting up against Turbo Balrog...he has to be, w/out a doubt, my worse matchup in the entire HSF2:AE cast when I play T. Ryu.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2005
Texas and New Mexico
Meh, I just don't really like 3S. I had a interest in it before I went to Texas Showdown 6 and saw better games, but now it's just a stale game to me. The only other thing I don't like about it is how much praise it get's because it's "balanced"

But oh well.

Ky Kiske

Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2005
Third Strike is a great game but IMO but it's stagnating now. With the same characters dominating tourneys and all the elitist players shutting out any possibility of change, the scene isn't going to grow anymore. In fact, it will whither away. I play a ton of different fighting games and have observed their scenes and to me, the Third Strike scene, by far, has to be the most elitist among them. Why must people look down upon those who are making an active effort to try something new to keep the game alive? It makes no sense.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
3S from what I've seen myself is still growing, imo it will take some time to diverse because 3S was only getting popular in the US during late 2004. I'm not sure by what you mean by Elitist, but in 3S's defense, I feel that through more time, we'll see more variety and as time goes on, much like how the Japanese scene is today. Just watch their tournaments of SBO and you'll notice players being successful with characters like Makoto, Yang, Gouki, Dudley, Urien and even Ryu.

Infact, characters like Makoto, Yang, Gouki, Dudley, and Urien have from what I've seen of SBO have made it into the final 8's before. I just feel that it's only a matter of time before there is more diversity within the game here in the US. I also believe that no one is really holding anyone out from trying something new in 3S, I've been encouraging people that I know who want to play their character regardless of the tiers to keep sticking to it...I mean, I still play Ryu/SAIII regardless of him being middle-tier.

Again, I still don't know by what your trying say by elitist, maybe you could clearify it more to me on your next post, since my brain isn't functioning really well at this moment, lolz. As for RockMan, I agree with you about the whole "balance" praise, I feel that for me, a fighting game doesn't necessarily have to be "super balanced" to be great.

If this was the case, all of us would've dropped 95% of the fighting games out there, and we'd all be screaming like school girls while playing Virtua Fighter 4. To me, it's all about the feel of the game, the game engine, the competetion, and the funfactor of the game, other things to a lesser extent are character appeals and etc. For me, 3S is a solid game, it's a fairly technical game, and very demanding in many aspects, I mean, it has proven itself now for 2 years that it's still the #1 most played game in the US. As for how long that will stand will remain to be seen.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
Lol...guess I'll double post again to keep this thread going...

Here are some matches of Jeff (An OG player of the SF2 Golden Era Day, one of the best players ever during the height of SF2 in the US definetly in the Top 3, the only guy that I could honestly say who was better than Jeff was w/out a doubt, Tomo Ohira) vs. Daigo Umehara in HSF2:AE.

All of these matches took place during 2004, when Jeff asked if Kuni would invite Daigo over so that they could get some rounds of HSF2:AE going. Daigo excepted the offer and they duked it out, at the end of the whole thing, Jeff did win more than he lost against Daigo in HSF2:AE. Now some may say that Daigo didn't play well because was because he was using the American sticks and that he has no big knowledge of the characters before the Pre-ST era.

However, Jeff himself has not played for over 10 years, and not only that, he is not at all used to the speed of HSF2:AE but the older games moved slower, so throwing off his timing. So if you look at it from both sides, then they basically balance on another out. Also, Jeff has the upmost respect for Daigo, he even bought Daigo, Kuni and their buddies drinks and he paid for all of Daigo's games...so there is not rivalry or anemosity between them.

Anyways, these are some excellent gameplays, and a big reason why I will always like HSF2:AE (gosh, i really can't stand ST).

Go and download and watch, crazy stuff I tell you...

Daigo played DeeJay, ST. Ryu, ST. Balrog*, ST. Bison, O. Sagat/CE. Sagat, while Jeff played obviously CE. Guile*, Hyper Blanka, CE/O. Sagat, forgot which one, but mainly Jeff played Guile for the most part I believe.


Next time, I'll post something about Tomo Ohira the legendary Street Fighter II player from the early and mid 90's.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
About Tomo Ohira...

I remember reading up about him in gaming magazines and what not back in the early 90's when Street Fighter II was the hottest and most popular video game at the time. I had read that he was considered the best player in the US, however little did I know of just how good he was during those early days, until a year or two down the road.

Tomo Ohira without a doubt is the most decorated Street Fighter II player of all time, with well over 80-90+ tournaments under his name with only 4 of those in which Tomo Ohira did not place 1st. One out of those four, was a Major Tournament in which he took 2nd Place, however this was SF2:WW, and Tomo at the time was still very young, however he showed tremendous potential at this time already, and the craziest thing is, he was only 13 years old at the time! Jeff has stated that from his memory, he has never ever remembered Tomo going into the Loser's Bracket, not even once, out of all the SF2 tournaments Tomo entered in.

As stated by the players who played him during that time period, saying that he was in a completely different level of play. His reaction time was just beyond everyone elses, but most importantly his adaptation and the way he played could never be studied so that it could be countered, unlike most of the top players who at the time had some sort of pattern. He was so good that he could literally adapt within the round and eat you apart, I mean, you've got to be good if during this time you had an Agent, yes, Tomo Ohira had an Agent. Mike Watson one of the best OG SF2 players from the Golden Era Days was a player during the height of Tomo's reign and even he has stated that he could never beat Tomo on consistantly on any level.

During SF2:WW, Watson stated that Tomo's Ryu was pratically untouchable, in Champion Edition, Watson would use Ce. Bison (considered the most overpowered character in the CE roster) and up against Tomo, Watson went 20-80 against him out of 100 matches...yes, Tomo winning 80 times over Watson's 20, when Watson was Ce. Bison, and Watson was hands down one of the best in Champion Edition either #2 or #3 at the time. In Street Fighter II : Hyper Fighting Tomo's T. Ryu was beyond anyones level, Watson also played T.Ryu as well, and he would go only 30-70 up against Tomo.

Tomo's Ryu and Guile at the time where pratically undefeatable, and even if you watch how Jeff plays, even Jeff has stated that he's tried to play his Guile much like Tomo's, and Jeff's Guile is just simply sick, yet Tomo's Guile was far better than Jeff's, which is just crazy, considering after seeing how Jeff plays his Guile.

Even Kuni, vouches that if Tomo had played against the top players in Japan during the height of SF2, Tomo would've easily, easily been in the Top 3 hands down without question, there was one player, Tachikawa from Japan who was I believe at the time was considered to be at Tomo's level of play...as to who would've been the best, can and never will be said since there was never a US vs. Japan at those times. Competetion from both the US and Japan would've been on equal footing since it was popular in both countries to the same degree.

When Super Street Fighter II came out, Tomo had lost the motivation to keep on playing SF2, however he went for one more major tournament in Super Street Fighter II, and obviously, he won that as well, so he ended his incredibly phenomenal Street Fighter II career going out on top as the Champion. After that, Tomo quit playing SF2 competetively and went on to do other things.

I have asked if Tomo or Jeff would ever consider comming back and playing one more time in a major tournament for HSF2:AE. However Jeff has clearly stated that Tomo and himself will never again play in another major tournament ever, they only play casualy from time to time now, saying that 1992 is long gone. Even though the early and mid 90's are gone, Tomo Ohira is still the most recognized SF2 player, even today, I don't even believe anyone in any fighting game series has dominated like he did, and to make it even more incredible, he did this during the height of SF2's popularity, but most importantly during the very height of SF2's competetion, when there was a ton of excellent players, where tournament turnouts where not just in the 100's, but 200-300+ players competeting for the top crown.

All of this may sound like I'm pulling stuff out of myself and making him better that what he really was, but ask any of the Top Players at the time, Mike, Jeff, Tony, Kuni or anyone else who was there to see Tomo and play against him. Tomo was on a level of his own, he was bar none, the best SF2 player of all time from World Warriors through Hyper Fighting in the US.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
Everyone should go here and download under the request section in Preppy's Site

The video is Street Fighter II Tomo Training Video, it's sweet and it has some basic as well as advanced setups that you can do in this game, plus it has Tomo Ohira The Legendary OG SF2 player in it as well. It's a gem, and a must get.


Of course he's got a ton of MvC2 vids as well, great site.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
I'm not much of a big fan of it either, it's still a good fighting game, however I prefer OG SF2 over it anyday of the week. Also, Peaches...hey, don't you post up on gaia too man??? If you do, you should know me, I'm Larly Sephiros on there :laugh: ...hopefully I'm talking to the same Peaches, lolz.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2004
I'm not much of a big fan of it either, it's still a good fighting game, however I prefer OG SF2 over it anyday of the week. Also, Peaches...hey, don't you post up on gaia too man??? If you do, you should know me, I'm Larly Sephiros on there :laugh: ...hopefully I'm talking to the same Peaches, lolz.
Same Peaches ^_^

I need to play Third Strike again, work on my win button with Makoto (s. FP xx SA2 xx fukiage).


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
Haha, cool to know its the same person, anyways, I've pretty much quit on 3rdStrike, not alot of competetion anymore where I'm from, and the peeps I play with don't really like 3S, so I'm basically playing HSF2:AE, CvS2, and SF2:HF when it pertains to SF games.

Also, anyone heard about that rumor, was on srk as well about how Capcom plans to remake Street Fighter II...if so...this would completely rock. If it's really a Street Fighter II remake, then No Super Specials, No Parries...music to my ears then, spacing/zoning/chipping Ryu and Guile ftw!


Smash Ace
May 10, 2006
Haha, cool to know its the same person, anyways, I've pretty much quit on 3rdStrike, not alot of competetion anymore where I'm from, and the peeps I play with don't really like 3S, so I'm basically playing HSF2:AE, CvS2, and SF2:HF when it pertains to SF games.

Also, anyone heard about that rumor, was on srk as well about how Capcom plans to remake Street Fighter II...if so...this would completely rock. If it's really a Street Fighter II remake, then No Super Specials, No Parries...music to my ears then, spacing/zoning/chipping Ryu and Guile ftw!
does anyone else like the idea of having no super specials and no parries? at least parries makes the game a little more fair for those who abuse projectiles


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2005
Texas and New Mexico
That's the thing about Street Fighter II. You have to know how to deal with your match-ups. If someone abuses projectiles on you, then you need to figure out how to get around that.

In fact, parries are ********. 50/50 guessing games that can lead into big damage. (depending on the situation of course)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
That's the thing about Street Fighter II. You have to know how to deal with your match-ups. If someone abuses projectiles on you, then you need to figure out how to get around that.

In fact, parries are ********. 50/50 guessing games that can lead into big damage. (depending on the situation of course)
QFT! That's the reason why I was never a big fan of the SF3 series, don't get me wrong, SF3 is still a great series, however in my opinion, adding in something like Parry completely takes away from the gameplay concept. Because in a game such as say HSF2:AE or SF2:HF, things like Ryu's Hadoken where an obstacle, this meant that it could be used to pressure/zone/chip this basically meant that if you where going up against Ryu, you had to learn the tatic of how to avoid the fireball.

For example, in HSF2:AE my character is T.Ryu, while my brother plays a mean CE.Guile (yes, we are OG players). Guile has no remote hope and prayer of being able to use SB's to fight up against T.Ryu's Hadoken, and Guile's zoning has become limited because he cannot use SB as much as he should be able to up against other characters.

This means, that in order for the Guile player to fight up against Ryu, he has to learn how to avoid fireballs. So the tatic that is utilized at the highest levels is jumping straight upward, this is the best tatic. If you see the match, I'll be trying to throwing Hadokens (Well thrown Hadoken's btw) out like a mad man, while my bro is jumping upward, sometimes jumping upward, charging for a SB to release upon landing, ever slowly moving forward towards me, because once Guile gets in close, he has a strong chance.

Because now he can resort to c.mk's to stuff me, or backfist, a SB, the whole works. This is why I liked SF2 over SF3, because you had to deal with things. In SF3, Ryu's Hadoken is no longer a Zoning tool...which completely annoys me quite alot, because it's now been resorted to a poking tool, outside of ex-hadouken's just how great is a regular hadoken...infact if you read the good points about Ryu in 3S, his Hadoken isn't even mentioned.

Whereas in SF2:WW/CE/HF* and even in ST, his Hadoken is a factor into his gameplay. There are alot of other reasons as to why I like SF2 over SF3, another is corner traps, in SF2, corner traps where strong as hell, in SF3, they aren't the same. Samething with Ant-Airs...good gosh, this is frustrating sometimes, I've pretty much stopped trying to anti-air with Shoryuken in 3S unless I'm playing Ken, because it can be parried...which to me, if you jump towards me, and I anticipate it, you should always be punished for that. Character's like Remy would greatly benefit from there not being any Parry, he would have a strong zoning game then with his high/low projectiles.

I was also never a big fan of Super Specials...reasons why I never really liked ST as well. It's a solid game, but super specials to me just annoys me, like for instance, if I'm playing ST.Ryu I could be winning the entire matchup, then the ST. Balrog player unleashes his Super Special against me, draining half my life...he's basically back in the match again...that to me is just ludicrious.

Same with 3S, which imo is even more super dependant, ever noticed how Super Arts are a huge factor into some of the characters placing in the tier listing...if we removed Genei-Jin, Yun would be Middle-Tier at best, it's just crazy to how because of his super art, he's the #1 overall best character in the game.

This to me takes away from the regular specials...like Hadoken's, Chunli's fireball(her fb was beastly in Super and ST) which with parry has already watered them down, however they are now outclassed by superarts which is a dependency within the gameplay now. SF3 was made with the sole intention of having regular specials watered down, with SuperArts being the big form for big damage.

Even though I may seem like I dislike SF3 from everything above, I actually, really, really like the game. I've always had a motto, either adapt to the gameplay (which I did with 3S), or else just move and don't bother playing it. SF3 brought out a completely new playstyle, which is what the people in the majority wanted back then (I was the few he didn't want change :p ) and what Capcom achieved.

It's mixup's of high/low, kara-attacks/throws, parry and parry baiting is some **** good tatics to learn and watch. SF3 is built the way it is and I have no beef with it, it's suited for that style of play, parry is definetly needed in a game engine such as SF3, just imagine if Parry wasn't there in SF3, someone like Gouki and Ryu would be undisputed Top Tier, Aerial Fireball would be tough as nails to go up against, and Denjin-Hadouken would be broken.

However, when it's all said and done and if I had a choice to make, I liked it better back in the SF2:HF days where big combos where rarely seen if at all, it was all about spacing, zoning, chipping and controlling the clock. If you where down in the match, you had to come in and earn your damage, not sit there and wait for a whiff or parry and then do c.mk in SAII. Reasons like even today games like HSF2:AE is my most played fighting game.

Again, don't distriss, I'm not hating on 3S, great game, just not my favorite SF game tis all.


Smash Ace
May 10, 2006
I see where you are coming from onewingsephiroth, but i still prefer parries and supers. guess thats just me.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2004
Ryu can sorta zone with EX fireball. . .

Anyways, the advantage to supers is that it makes the game higher stakes when you get that charge up. There's a lot of disadantages (spamming meter building moves; easier comebacks).

That's what a lot of people like about it though, much more exciting to watch. However, people who disrespect zoning with fireballs and winnign by timeout are missing the bigger picture.

J Flo

Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2007
UC Riverside//San Diego, CA
Ryu can sorta zone with EX fireball. . .

Anyways, the advantage to supers is that it makes the game higher stakes when you get that charge up. There's a lot of disadantages (spamming meter building moves; easier comebacks).

That's what a lot of people like about it though, much more exciting to watch. However, people who disrespect zoning with fireballs and winnign by timeout are missing the bigger picture.
There are actually people who try to win by timeout? That's pathetic. But EX fireballs are good for zoning, but better just to keep pressure on your opponent even though they can be easily parried. But making your opponent parry can distract them from other stuff you have up your sleeve...I sometimes like to attempt a jump-in combo after a parried EX hadouken, but be careful not to do this too much, since an opponent can easily anticipate it if you do it more than once or twice. MINDGAMES!!!


Smash Ace
May 10, 2006
If i choose ryu, i usually start spamming a couple hados, and when they start parrying them i use hado to shinku haduken and then follow up with other attacks


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Skokie, IL
If i choose ryu, i usually start spamming a couple hados, and when they start parrying them i use hado to shinku haduken and then follow up with other attacks
Just wanted to say spamming full screen hado's is never a good thing you can be to easily punished. Also, shinku haduken is a pretty bad SA in its own right and doing it from full screen is even worse. The only reason people choose SAI over SAIII is to gain the extended meter for EX moves which is one of Ryu's stronger qualities.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2004
I really wouldn't go as far as saying that Shinkuu is a bad super art; it's actually quite good because you can get decent damage off easy hit confirms and it can be used for a mixup, especially if they parry it.

However, it is missing the options of Denjin. Denjin is so hard to use properly though. If only Ryu still had 2 stock denjin. Seriously though, Full screen Shinkuu is just a waste of meter.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
If Ryu had 2-stock Denjin, he would be Top Tier without question, 2-Stock Denjin is dangerous, the only reason SAIII isn't as versatile as SAIRyu is because Denjin's ex-options are lacking, if you use Ex-Options alot with SAIII you won't have alot of Denjin play at all, so imo if you do infact use ex's I'd strongly suggest SAI, far more versatile and far more ex-option setups.

If your going for damage potential, and fearfactor, Denjin is the way to go, it just needs to hit once or twice and that's almost a full stun, if there was already stun damage before the initial denjin impact, then it's a guaranteed stun. Jump in fp, s.fp, fk.hurricane kick hurts and it builds up a quarter of the meter back as well.

J Flo

Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2007
UC Riverside//San Diego, CA
2 stock denjin would seriously make ryu a broken character. If you had 2 stocks of meter, you could dizzy your opponent with the denjin, then bust out some damaging combos from ex moves...especially an EX joudan. That would easily take out more than 1/4 hp.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Skokie, IL
I really wouldn't go as far as saying that Shinkuu is a bad super art; it's actually quite good because you can get decent damage off easy hit confirms and it can be used for a mixup, especially if they parry it.
In combo purposes Shinku still false short of doing decent damage. Anything linking into EX Jouden -> F. Shoryu will easily do as much if not more damage then a shinku with MUCH less meter being used.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
2 stock denjin would seriously make ryu a broken character. If you had 2 stocks of meter, you could dizzy your opponent with the denjin, then bust out some damaging combos from ex moves...especially an EX joudan. That would easily take out more than 1/4 hp.
If you have 2ndImpact...play it, Ryu has 2-Stock Denjin in there, Muahahahaha, not only that, but the bar for Denjin was much, much smaller too...****, however Ryu was Great in 2ndImpact even without Denjin so it didn't really matter...just that with 2-stockDenjin, he was beastly. Still as strong as he was, he was the #4 most powerful character only...Ibuki was clearly #1, Gouki #2 and yes, Sean at #3...he was a freaken machine wreck in 2I.

2-Stock Denjin is crazy though, that can basically mean a round guaranteed. Unleash the first denjin, dizzy, jump in fp, s.fp, lk hurricane kick, land, HadoukenxxDenjin again...Dizzy, jump in fp, s.fp, fk hurricane kick, thats sick damage man.

If it was 2I Ryu in 3S with no changes, he would be in the Top 3 hands down without question, arguably even contender for #1 in 3S. The thing is, Yun and Ken where already great in 2I, it's just that guys like Ibuki, Gouki, Sean, Ryu, Yang etc where all far stronger then them, however going into 3S, they all got nerfed severely, while Ken pretty much stayed the same, while Yun just got a small upgrade.

Trust me, Yun is a powerhouse in 3S, however comparing Yun to someone like Ibuki from 2ndImpact...he's a fruitcake compared to her. Her SF3:NG ver. I heard was even more ridiculous then her 2I version.

What I would give to have 2StockDenjin back for Ryu...seriously. You can actually have 2-Stock Denjin back in 3S, if you unlocked the Extra Options, just mod the super arts bar for one more, and bam...2-Stock Denjin. My friends didn't think it was going to make that much of a difference, however after 50 matches against my 2-Stock Denjin Ryu laying the smackdown, they demanded that it be switched back to default settings again, lmao.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2003
Funny, cause I think CFE=Total trash.

And yeah, 2 stock Denjin Ryu was in 2I, too bad he wasn't even in the top tier then either. lol
CFE isn't bad, it's just that its so gosh darn boring, there is nothing really exciting about it, and it's a game in which we all know that Capcom just throw characters together and completely made a garbage game. Seriously...how in the world does SF character fare up against DarkStalker characters when those characters can air dash, air cancel and all that crazy stuff...makes absolutely no sense to me. Also, those Red Earth guys, Hauser or w/e his name is...**** his range it's ridiculous.

About 2-Stock Denjin Ryu, yeah he wasn't Top, but he was right under it, #4 best character hands down. The only reason he's not top is because Ibuki, Gouki where ridiculously overpowered(I will vouch for this, 2I Ibuki would walk all over Yun, Chun, and Ken in 3S), and Sean was just slightly better than Ryu(Sean had better stun and damage potential than Ryu). However 2IRyu in 3S would run house like a mad man. To me, he didn't need to be top tier in 2I, the mere fact of having 2stockedDenjin, with much better combobility made Ryu great.

The sad thing is, I played it the other way around, I played 3S Ryu first before 2I, at first I was like...wow, Denjin is great, then my friend came over, popped in 2I on the DC we played it...and I was like...Omgosh?! Ryu is a **** beast!

He then showed me the **** of Ibuki...seriously, it's ghey, combo ***** up the face, it seems like everything she did it lead to a huge combo that did humongous stun damage, with SAI being able to link into it...then right after SAI I get bounced back up for another combo barrage and I haven't even touched the **** ground yet, after that's done, on wakeup I'm still stun, because I hadn't lost it through the entire time frame of that barrage...seriously...wtf?!

As broken as 2I is though, I think it's more fun than 3S, because of the presentation of 2I, it looks and feels more cartoony, although Yun and Yang's voices sound like little kids who hadn't reached puberty yet. Overall honestly, I do like 2I more, it definetly isn't as balanced as 3S though, that's for sure.

Aside from that, I've been playing alot of CvS2 lately, I used to be a top tier whoring person back in the past for that, however after watching Buktooth over and over, I've switched and converted to Hibiki.

My new favorite team is now N-Groove Ryu/Hibiki/Sagat, so only one Top Tier character in my team now...I still love my A-Groove team of Blanka/Sak/Dictator, and don't get me wrong, A-Groove has more **** factor, however I just love Hibiki's style of play, and with N-Groove I can play Ryu quite solidly because he can rushdown, something imo in which he needs.
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