i still want to keep this debate going, so addressing this:
Here we have a situation where competitive experience is limited due to the small number of opponents and a community that is awfully limited or is just not unified. We also have a system that was established by these people with limited experience in terms of community + opponents. I'm not trying to demean the skill of HAXage and co. but what I'm trying to say is that you can't present the REVOLeague as an established institution if it's composed of only seven people who decided one day to make themselves the official leaders of a competitive community. It just doesn't work like that -_-
respectfully disagreeing, first of all because as the poster before the quoted one noted, we ARE the metagame and anyone trying to argue with that will run up into our multiple-year experience testing, designing, and creating new and interesting ways to play.
cac and i beat everyone we know, the only fair matches we can find around the place (except for strange fluke-y things) are between us two. now this may not be conclusive on its own, but THEN you couple it with the fact that SOMEONE has to say, at some point "I'm the metagame - i set the standards, and anyone challenging that will run up into... *quotes previous line*". no one else did it, so we tried.
i'm not trying to promote our skill as players here, but trying to get a larger amount of people to think about this. if anyone else wants to address something i said, go ahead