These two are some of the better, PG cutscenes. You honestly have to wonder "Is Peach just plain stupid? Or if she has some type of knowledge hidden behind an incredibly air-headed appearance?" After Shiek knocks the Arwing out of the air (which should have been used by Falco to destroy Duon in under 10 seconds), Peach recruits Fox into her royal army ... with tea.... and then she waltz over from a fight with a 2 headed sword and gun tank (which she slaps her butt to prepare for, I might add), and revives the being that is used to make it? And then she gives it the ultimate weapon in the game... the All-Mighty-Parasol.... Peach is crazy.... Also, WHERE DO THESE PEOPLE GET HALF OF THEIR ITEMS!?! Peach just appears to pull her Parasol out of thin air, which is acceptable to a degree, but WHERE DOES THE TEA COME FROM!?! Tea requires Hot-Water, Teabags, Tea-Cups, Teapots, Saucers, and Napkins, as well as Cookies... How does Peach just pull these out of her dress from out of no-where!?! Also, why does Fox pull his gun out on the Trophy? It's a frigging Trophy. What's it going to do now? I wonder what would have happened if Fox HAD shot the trophy. Bowser may have been able to beat up Gannon's trophy, but it still seemed invincible. Would lazers have had a better effect? And then Peach punishes Game&Watch like he's a dog. "NO! F-U!", and GW is all.... wait... what the heck would Game and Watch say? .... ...... ...... "Beep"...... ...... Game and Watch is one of the biggest reasons that Brawl's story is much better without people talking besides the occasional word or 2, sticking primarily to grunts and yells.... They should give him Shack's voice if they ever do let him talk.

But he is much better sticking with just basic beeps at high and low frequencies. Not to mention that looking at Game&Watch when he's depressed looks funny as heck. Seriously, he actually gets sad when Peach reprimands him. And it does sound like she cusses the poor guy out... And then everything's okay when he gets the Umbrella.... he's like a little kid! *puts on sissy-voice* IT'S SO CUTE! AWW! *puts away sissy voice and puts on Fanboy Nerd Voice* AND THEN METAKNIGHT GETS HIS HALIBERD BACK! IT'S FRIGGING OVA NOW! WE GOT THE HALIBERD (which Metaknight should have used to instantly kill Duon using the Combo Cannon instead of making everyone have to manually fight him... I love how people don't think rationally in video games anymore... I'M GONNA JUMP OUT OF AN ARMADA DESTROYING AIR SHIP TO FIGHT A GIANT ROBOT WITH MY BARE HANDS! CA-CAW! CA-CAW!) *puts normal voice back on* But still, once you've reached this point, it feels like the worst is behind the team... everyone has a way to get back together, the bulk of the Sub-Space-Army has been defeated in battle, killed heroes are being restored back to life, and now there's an awesome BattleCruiser to use against the remaining SSE.... the tide has changed by this point of the game... instead of several different resistance groups, it's pretty much a full, co-ordinated indepenence movement, with the Heroes gaining a huge foot-hold against the villains! Yay!
The other cutscene is much shorter, and there's only 2 things that are going for it that help it out... if it showed Samus a little bit more (being that she and Pikachu both have history with the upcoming boss), or maybe Emo-Rob (and we all know now that ROB is more emo than MyChemicalRomance and Hot-Topic Combined) gaining a backbone... spine... circuit... plastic thingy, and contributing more than helping to spread Suicides and Terrorism and Subspace by shooting at Ridley to keep him from messing with the ship for a bit, sperning the others to join in.... heck, Diddy Kong could have "busted a nut in Ridley's Arsh", or Dk could have jumped up and punched him into the celling (which would have been funny as heck, and everyone would have laughed at that). Heck, even Olimar could have thrown a Pikmin. "Omg he's throwing Carrots! Hahaha... OWW MY EYE!" Or heck, Falcon's Rising Knee would have been quite good here too... but no, they just land on his ship (which Samus or Olimar could have had their own ships to come to save them as well), and some how don't get knocked off by it flying away, as Meta-Ridley some how chases it (Ridley's not going to catch a ship.... it could barely get away from Samus' Star-Ship....). Granted, the return of Ridley, as well as the return of his theme is quite cool, but still, this Scene could have been a little more in depth.
I have to say, the Conversion of Game&Watch is a better scene, because they did it a little better, and it means a little more to the story-line as well. The Blue Falcon seems kinda... thrown on and piece-mealed together....
Frown v Tyfighter. An Epic battle between two great Photo-Shopers. One of the greatest battles in history.
Iron Man v Iron Monger
The Hulk v the Abomination
Bat Man v The Joker
Metaknight v Lucario
Mew2King v Azen
and now,
Frown v Tyfighter.
Don't miss this soon to be Block-Buster action comedy flick. No matter who wins, we all laugh our arshes off! But seriously, someone should look through the other 600 pages of posts and find the best works by both Tyfighter and Frown, and have them be judged as well as this... I don't think most people would be able to decide... I personally can't.