Smash Lord
if you're releasing a beta, then count me in. i've got a wii, brawl, and nothin' to do this week.
I have a entire week off from school this week and got no plans for anything else, so it would be perfect (for me) if you released a beta for us to test out. :D
i'd be interested in a copy of MK64.
Ok, it's decided, I'll upload the beta today, it will be an open beta, so anybody will be able to test. I'll try to fix a little the warps and then I'll put it in mediafireBeta sounds fun. S:
You can get the default code PW posted anyway O.o Well, I could try to make a MARIO BROS version, that's my intention for the final release, didn't think on doing it now... But I'll get it a try. Anyway, you can use rel files to make it work in any stage, as the version I'll release today will be compatible with both Final Destination and Wifi RoomI as well would be very interested in MK64, though I'd prefer if it went over an existing stage (probably Luigi's Mansion or Mushroomy Kingdom if possible, seeing as how those two stages are the only mario related ones I have that don't have awesome textures yet...)
Though I wouldn't mind having another stage overwritten for it, as a buddy of mine is working on getting the multiple-stage-hack-selector thing-y going for us.
He hasn't had time to implement the additional stage icons though... so I still can't get the online waiting room stage going yet...
Some pics of how the stage is now: