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SSBM: Academy of smash (Wow! It's updated!)


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
CHAPTER 4: PART (I’m not going to tell you, nyah, nyah! Like you really care…)


Fox kicked open the door to the control room to expose a small party of pirates. The only one not wearing a hood was the smarmy jackal who Ness remembered was named Sellie.

Sellie: well, well…Star Fox…I thought Rupert was supposed to be dealing with you.

Fox: are you really that desperate to employ trash like him?? And to think I thought you where well organized…

Sellie: yeah, Rupert always was a tad useless, I’m afraid…

Fox: darn right. (comical laugh)

Ness: oh, no. We’re not starting THAT again…

Sound effects: oh…(looks hurt)

Fox: well it’s about high time someone does something about this little pirate gang. And that someone is going to be me! Me who is about to whup yoa hineys and get rich quick with the prize money.

Sellie: and just how do you plan on doing that?

Fox: like this! (draws blaster)

Sellie: (sarcasm)oooh, I’m terrified, you’re going to shoot us all!

Fox: unless you decide to give in, of course.

Sellie: why don’t you just try and fire that thing, Foxie? (holds up a laser block)

Fox: dam!

Sellie snapped her fingers and the other pirates all went and stood at the back of the room.

Sellie: why don’t you and me have a little one-on-one, Fox. The winner takes all and the loser…um…

Sellie stalled for a moment, snapping her fingers and rolling her eyes.

Pirate in corner: (whispering) the loser loses!

Sellie: …and the loser loses!

Fox: gee, who could have guessed.

Specll: Fox! This is a big risk you’re taking! Why don’t we all just attack?

Fox: because I wouldn’t miss this chance to smash Sellie if I tried!

Specll: oh, alright.

Fox: O.K, Jackal, let’s get this on!

Sellie: bring it!

Before Fox could even move, Sellie had started into an attack. Sand seemed to appear out of nowhere and fill the room, blinding Fox for a few seconds. Sellie used this time to execute some sort of spinning swipe, knocking him onto the floor.

Sellie: gracious, Fox. I can’t believe you forgot about the old Desert Dance trick!

Fox: you coward! Get rid of this sand and fight properly!

Sellie: where’s the fun in that? Sand Swirl Attack!

A torrent of sand swirled around Fox, grating his skin, He quickly put up his reflector.

Sellie: hey! Ow! No reflectors!

Fox: no Desert Dance!

Sellie: Sand Jackal!

BLAU! Fox was blasted against the wall under a pile of sand as Sellie launched herself against his side. He dug himself out and spat the remainder of the gritty mix out of his mouth.

Fox: curse you! It’s like trying to put in a contact lens in a sandstorm!

Sellie: zigactly! And when I use my sand powers, not only do they hurt you, they also destroy your precious control panels!


Sellie: even if I lose, which I won’t, I’ll still have disabled your ship!

Fox summed up the situation.
He was fighting in a room filled with sand, being constantly pelted by a roaring sandstorm which made it hard to see his opponent and stung very badly against his skin, despite his thick fur, AND it was incredibly hot.
Sellie obviously wasn’t effected by her own sand, because she was right up in front of him, raking her claws across his face.
So THAT’S where the pain was coming from...

Fox: Auuugh! (falls over backwards)

Sellie: I’m going to make this even harder for you, Fox…I’m going to put you waist high in sand! Desert Dance!

More Sand entered the arena. There was so much, Fox felt himself being buried under it!
And what’s more, Sellie was flailing the crud out of him with the attacking part of the Desert Dance. It was also hard to move around because of all the sand. But not for Sellie, who was light enough to run across it without slowing down.

Fox couldn’t open his eyes for all the sand. He couldn’t hear anything over the roaring sandstorm and the cheering of the pirates, either.

WHAM! Sellie kicked him in the back of the head.

This really hurt Fox, but it also gave him an idea of exactly where she was.

Fox: hiiiiyah! (uses Fox illusion)

The slicing sound could be heard as Fox bolted into Sellie at high speed. This attack cleared a long pathway between the sand.

Because of all the sand in the air, Fox knew that he now had a permanent reflector attack. All he had to do was put it up, and sand blasted off him at all sides.

Sellie: yooooowch! That stings!

Fox: taste your own medicine!

Sellie: but you haven’t beat me yet, Fox…Observe.

The jackal spread her arms out and all the sand particles spit and clumped together on opposite sides of the room. The ground was now clear of sand and Fox could move freely.

Fox: you’re so stupid! I can constantly reflect you with your own sand when it’s on, but if you turn it off, I can beat you hand to hand!

Fox sprinted towards his opponent with his fist raised. Sellie just stood there with her arms parted.
Just as Fox approached the middle of the room, Sellie brought her arms together as if swatting a mosquito.

Sellie: SAND CLAP!

WHACK!!!!! The sand formed itself into a vice and crashed together on either side of Fox like a pair of giant cymbals. Therefore, creating a fox SANDwich. (har-de-har-har)

Fox: gaah!!

Sellie: now I’ll rub you raw!

It was impossible to breathe, because Fox was completely enclosed in a big ball of sand. The reflector wasn’t going to help him, but the Fox illusion was!

Fox activated this power and flew out of the deadly sand tomb like a rocket. But Sellie was prepared for this move.

Sellie: switching from Sand Clap to SAND BOMB!!!

BLAM! The sandball exploded with heaps of force, knocking Sellie over, but not as far as Fox, who was slammed and pinned against the wall.

Fox: let me go!

Sellie: hahaaa! You’re not going anywhere, and I’m coming to throttle you!

Fox couldn’t move at all, and this didn’t help the situation at all as Sellie ran over and punched him in the gut.

Fox: dOOO0H!

This action freed one of his legs from the sand, and he kicked out, catching her on the side of her head.

Sellie: uh…you…so you think you can defend yourself, can you?? Well when I’m done with you, you’ll be screaming so hard, you won’t be able to move at all!

With these words, she bounded over and sunk her teeth into the side of Fox’s neck, vampire style.

Fox never recalled a moment in his life when he’d felt so much pain all at one time. It took at least three seconds for his brain to register what was happening to him, and another three seconds to tell him to start screaming.

Fox: AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHGH!!!!

Even through this awful sensation, and despite the tears pouring from his eyes, Fox was able to think clearly. The reflector wouldn’t help at all. It would merely push Sellie away from him, and that might cause her to rip out his jugular.
Fox illusion was completely out of the question. There was only one thing to do.

Fox: FIRE….FOX!!!

Flames surrounded Fox’s body. Sellie squealed in surprise and released her death lock. Because This wasn’t Smash Bros, Fox took a while to charge up his attack, and the heat given off by this move melted most of the sand around him into molten glass.
As the pool of molten glass crept further out, Sellie backed off in an attempt to avoid stepping in it. Perfect.

Fox aimed his snout right at Sellie’s chest and blasted off, right over the top of the molten glass and into the jackal, catching her off guard.

BLAM! Fox kept on going and slammed her into the wall, leaving a huge burn mark on the steel surface.
Sellie slid silently down the wall to land in a heap of sand.

Fox’s fall was also cushioned by a pile of sand. He lay there for a moment, panting and catching his breath. The pirates in the corner had stopped their cheering, for obvious reasons.
The sandstorm had subsided, and the sand in the room was beginning to fade, seeing as Sellie could no longer keep it “alive” (it’s part of her attack)

Fox walked over to the charred jackal and inspected her condition. It wasn’t good, but she appeared to be still alive.
Fox glanced back at the pirates in the corner.
Each and every one of them was staring at him, waiting for him to finish off their leader.
Fox looked back at Sellie. It would be so easy just to take out her laser block, turn it off and end it all with a simple blaster shot. But something held him back.

Fox turned to the pirates in the corner.

Fox: I could easily kill all of you right here, right now if I felt like it…

There was a murmur from the assembled pirates.

Fox: but I have my morals and in my books, putting down a defenseless foe is not on. But if you try anything funny, I won’t object to shoot them, got it?

Another murmur, and a lot of nodding heads.

Fox: hmm. Now get up against that wall, all of you!

Bustle bustle bustle.

Fox: Ness, are you here?

Ness: yeah…

Fox: did you see me? I trounced her!!

Ness: um…none of us saw you, Fox. The sand blocked our view.

Peppy: but we where vouching for you the whole time, weren’t we, Slippy?

Slippy: yeah! We where! Heheheh…GO FOX! Yeah…that’s right…um…

Fox: @_@

Ness: …but…YOU WON! YAAAAY!

Fox: uh…yeah, right…@_@…Peppy, lock these crims away, please? And Ness, Can you heal me? And then I want you to heal Sellie.

Ness: sure Fox, but why?

Fox: ‘cos she’s worth more to us alive. General Pepper gives double the bounty for captured prisoners.

Sellie: you…ha…”cough” Our boss will get y…

Fox: oh, shuttup and be grateful, you stupid cow.

* * *

While Fox had won a battle in his dimension, something totally different was happening in another battle in Pokemon world. “What?” You say. Something about the Pokemon war?
Yeah, but to find out exactly what, you’ll have to read the next update of SSBM: Academy of Smaaaaaaaaaaaash!!!


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
hehe... nice update!
Fox: well it’s about high time someone does something about this little pirate gang. And that someone is going to be me! Me who is about to whup yoa hineys and get rich quick with the prize money.

Sellie: and just how do you plan on doing that?

Fox: like this! (draws blaster)

Sellie: (sarcasm)oooh, I’m terrified, you’re going to shoot us all!

Fox: unless you decide to give in, of course.

Sellie: why don’t you just try and fire that thing, Foxie? (holds up a laser block)

Fox: dam!

Sellie snapped her fingers and the other pirates all went and stood at the back of the room.

Sellie: why don’t you and me have a little one-on-one, Fox. The winner takes all and the loser…um…

Sellie stalled for a moment, snapping her fingers and rolling her eyes.

Pirate in corner: (whispering) the loser loses!

Sellie: …and the loser loses!

Fox: gee, who could have guessed.
*snicker* yay! pokemon war in the next update! lousy sand... go Charizard!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
My, there ARE a lot of Pokefans buzzing around this fic, arn't there?
I'll try to update soon, but don't expect anything till next weekend.
Howevoir, I'll try to start the new fic during the week, parents permitting. (what's it about? Not telling! Ha!)
At least the last /\ date was kind of long. (see my /\ date? That stands for update, cool eh? Um...why is the room so silent? And why do I have this big "L" pasted on my head??)



Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
hehe... beezo:beezo: ive always liked Pokemon and SmashBros., but ive just found EarthBound a few months ago but that doesnt decrease my liking for it!:p its just that im real excited about the pokewar cuz no one realy writes about pokemon on this board anymore. the fic seems to be doing pretty good, so keep at the good work, and cant wait till next weekend! cya!

im starting an RPG clan in the Clan Grounds room. just go there and look for the topic under my name. hope a lot of you join! :D


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2003
Well, I'm not exactly a Pokefan, but so far I've enjoyed your fic, Nessbounder. Hopefully, you can update more often.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Jigglypuff gazed at the towering Aagron in front of her. He was obviously not friendly and not the slightest bit merciful either.

Aygrin: muhahahaha! Nice to see you’re braver than you look, Jigglypuff! But your efforts to defend yourself where in vain! You are finished!

Jigglypuff was badly hurt. Deoxis’ Steel army had attacked the rebel Pokemon base without the slightest warning or indication. Before Pikachu had even got the time to tell her what was going on, she was being pounded around by this huge brute while battle raged around her.

Aygrin smiled wickedly and poised his huge foot to stomp on her prone body. Just when Jigglypuff thought it was all over, a tremor shook the ground, knocking the oversized Aagron on his shiny butt.

Jigglypuff glanced sideways to see the Flygon known as Flynn standing defiantly in a position that showed an earthquake attack had just been used.
Using this diversion to her advantage she ducked to safety.

Flynn: why do not you try picking on someone your own size, you fat hole…

Jigglypuff groaned under her breath. Flynn was too brave for his own good, and what made it worse was the fact that he had a somewhat posh air to his voice, and was very unlikely to intimidate his foe by threatening.

Aygrin just stared stupidly at Flynn for a little while, before launching into a surprisingly swift attack that caught the Flygon right off guard.

Aygrin: Iron tail!

Instead of the usual tail sweep movement of this attack, Aygrin gripped Flynn around his bat-like wings and butt-slammed him six feet under. Flynn’s agonized cries alerted some of the other rebels who where battling with the lesser minions. In reply, an Unnamed Charizard who had been close by breathed a jet of fire all over Aygrin’s back.
He roared and discontinued his iron tail crush on Flynn to face his new foe.

Jigglypuff looked away from the two giants as they scrapped it out to see Pikachu fending off a Magneton. Both Electric-types where blocking each other’s thunderbolts with spectacular flashes of light, but it seemed like the Magneton had the upper hand, and Pikachu was already looking tired.

There was a green streak in front of Jigglypuff’s vision for a second before a spectacular cracking sound filled the air. The Magneton smashed into separate pieces as it fainted from the deadly brick break attack.
Madame Breela stood among the twitching Magneton, rubbing her tiny knuckles. There where a few more cracks as she applied a finishing attack, and the Magneton exploded in a shower of metal dust.

Jigglypuff felt incredibly useless. There wasn’t much she could do. The only thing she could think of was to go over and help Flynn.

Jigglypuff: don’t move, I’ll see if anything’s broken.

Flynn: it..i..t…“gasp”…It’s just a broken…AAAaagh!! WHO AM I TRYING TO KID? IT HUUUURTS! IT HUUUUUUUUUUUURTS!!!!!!

Jigglypuff: try to calm down. You’re not fainted yet, so you’re not completely vulnerable. If anyone tries to kill you, all you have to do is flame them before they can touch you. Steel types rarely have any projectile attacks.

Flynn: (sob)

Jigglypuff was about to take cover again when she heard someone shouting. She looked around to see someone from the Steel army waving a white flag.
Charizard and Aygrin stopped wrestling to see who had surrendered.
There, in the middle of the field, surrounded by Magneton guards was a Mawile. However, Jigglypuff knew that he was no ordinary Mawile. This was Byter, the Steel R.O.T.N. (ruler of the night)

Byter: this battle is over!

Breela: really? You seem to have quite a lot of soldiers left, and so do we…

Byter: I’ve realized that what I’m doing is wrong. I don’t want to be a R.O.T.N. any more (sniff) I…(choke)…I want to be friends with you…(sob, sob)

Jigglypuff watched in awe as huge crocodile tears trickled down Byter’s yellow cheeks. He looked up with his big, wet puppy eyes and quivered his bottom lip.

Breela looked quizzically over at Blaze, a tall, powerful-looking Blaziken, who shrugged in reply.

Jigglypuff noticed that the whole Steel army backing away very, very slowly as their leader advanced towards Breela, still waving his little white flag.
Jigglypuff also noticed that he was doing something peculiar with his throat as he walked along, kind of a back-to-front swallowing movement.

Breela stepped foreword and stood, towering over Byter with her “paws” on her hips.

Breela: I’m not sure a revolting little sneak such as yourself would suddenly have a change of heart like this. Remember, If you try anything, I’m super effective against you, and one smash from me and you’re out of this, got it?

Byter: why doesn’t anyone trust me..(sob) Just because I’m a Mawile, you hate me just because of that…

Breela was definitely not racist. She looked indignant at the mere suggestion of it.

Breela: I hate you because you hate us…

Byter: I don’t hate you anymore! So (sob) shake my hand and (sob) I’ll help you get the humans back, I swear on my trainer’s grave…

Breela was taken aback by Byter’s words. Seeing the mass of tears pouring from his pitiful eyes, her mental defenses weakened and she extended her paw.

For a half of a second, Breela saw Byter’s now completely dry eyes lock onto her with one of he most evil glares she had ever seen. That was before he wrenched her to the ground and regurgitated a fully complete, three-stockpile spit up attack directly into her head.

Blaze gasped and rushed to his leader’s defense, kicking Byter off her unconscious body before he could finish her off.

Aygrin somehow managed to catch his master in mid air before he flew too far from the kick, Byter bit him hard, causing Aygrin to drop him to the ground.

Real tears filled Byter’s eyes this time. He stuttered curses and other things at Blaze before summing up his anger into a simple sentence.

Byter: you’re…You’re STUPID! You’re all STUPID!! Your leader is STUPID! Th…this whole rebellion is all STUPID!! You will all DIE! And I hope it’s BLOODY painful, too!

He turned to face Aygrin.

Byter: you’re STUPID! And you, and you, and you…STUPID beyond repair! Beam us back, Spinner…

With a flash and a bang, the whole Steel army teleported back to Deoxis’ lair, leaving a very worried rebellion all to themselves.

Pikachu: did you see that? That sneak! How could he…

Blaze: quick, somebody get Breela back to base for treatment. Pikachu, get back to the base and organize it to be moved to another place. Mack…Mack…?

Pikachu: Mack’s dead.

He gestured towards a pile of leaves on the ground.

Blaze: darn. The best Rozelia we had…oh well…Flynn, help the wounded.

Jigglypuff: Flynn’s wounded.

Blaze: than help him first. Right, I want everyone to get back to base as fast as possible, leave no tracks. GO!

Jigglypuff didn’t know how much more of this she could take. Almost every week their bases where raided. And right after that, they had to move base again. She grabbed the medicinal bag of berries and began popping sitrus berries into the Flygon’s mouth.

* * *

Meanwhile, In a sinister mountaintop lair, Deoxis was not in a good temper.
The Devil’s machine pulsed evilly from the socket in which his left eye should have been.
The machine could change size at its holder’s will. Deoxis had found it safest to place his most prized possession inside his own head, allowing its evil tendrils to influence his brain.

Staring down at the quivering Mawile in front of him, he wrapped his tentacles slowly around the arm of the chair he was sitting in.

Deoxis: so, Byter…you failed to wipe out the leader of those fools like you promised you had, is that so?

Byter: y-y-yes-s master…I-I’m sorry-I came this close…but..

Deoxis: I am not interested in your lame excuses, I will expect better from you next time.

Turning to his left, Deoxis addressed the other Pokemon in the room, besides himself and Byter. A silent Gardevoir turned to stare at him with a mixture of fear and respect showing in her incredibly emotional eyes.

Deoxis: Sylph…Take this underling to the red room and give him what he deserves.

At the mere mention of the red room, Byter began to wail and beg uncontrollably before Deoxis silenced him with a glare.

Sylph obediently herded the blubbering Byter out of the room. As the door slammed shut, Deoxis smiled an invisible smile and touched the Devil’s Machine with one of his tentacles.

Deoxis: Soon, oh great one…Soon…you shall have all the power you ever wanted, and more.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Yeee-HAW! Holidays!!! You all know what that means...
Hey! Welcome to the fic, shadowarrior88, glad you like it.

And in other news, Not only am I a new Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan, I absolutely LOVE Ultimate Muscle! It just aired in cartoonnetwork in Australia and I think it's really, really funny! Just seeing Kid Muscle cry makes me snicker. And you can make endless jokes about Dik-dik van ****. (dik-diks are a small member of the gazelle family. cough. SMALL. cough.)...

Expect more updates and expect Ness and Fox's adventure to eventually reach beond the Nintendo universe! (I had to do it!)



Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2002
Mount Silver...Actually, Cape Cod!
YAY! Blaze made his appearence! I don't really like Ultimate Muscle; I prefer regular wrestling myself(partictularly Smackdown; Kurt Angle rules!). As far as Yu-Gi-Oh goes, it's my second favorite anime(guess which anime's #1 on my list...), I really like Yami Yugi; he's really cool!


Dec 19, 2002
Yay it finally mentioned dyoxis and the devils machine. Nice update. wanna read more.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2001
In my reality
truely awesome update can't wait for the next one, and i can't wiat until you put in Manectric


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
cool chapter! the resistance sounds like its pretty bad off. poor flygon... that Devil's Machine in Deoxys' eye sounds realy creepy... *shudders*
go Charizard! go Charizard! go Charizard! go Charizard! go Charizard! [/chant] beyond the Nintendo universe... hmmm.... i think i have an idea of where you would be going..... but i wont tell!:bee: cant wait for the next chapter!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
It's kinda obvious, isn't it? Don't worry though, I've thought of a clever way for it to all make sense and fit in properly.

Here's the next update, it's not as long as the last one, but it'll have to do.


The controls for the Great Fox where ruined.
The Arwing Dock was ruined.
Fox’s room was all smashed up.
The shower room had been egged.

Fox: well we may have beaten those pirates, but in a way, they still won.

Slippy: not if I can help it, I should have this ship back to working order in no time.

Fox: I hope you’re as good as your word, this place is smashed up baaaaaaad…

Ness: Fox! We’ve got your half brother, but we need a special item from this dimension, let’s be quick, Verdice is waiting for us!

Fox: oh, yeah! I’ve got just the thing.

Fox walked over to his quarters and pulled a glowing thingie out of a drawer.

Ness: what’s that?

Fox: It’s the Neonite carving I made in Art class back in grade 8. It’s very special to me…

Ness: that will work, the item just has to be special, and that counts, but are you sure that you’re going to give it away now?

Fox: for a good cause, eh?

Specll: yeah, although you only got a “C” for it…

Fox glared unpleasantly at his half brother, who shrugged and began whistling a tune.

Peppy: what? You going already, Fox? But you only just got back!

Fox: and I’m going again!


Ness: alright, everybody, hold my hand, and we’ll teleport out of here. On the count of three…One…Two…


Photoman: I am a photographic genius, If I do say so myself. Ness! What on earth do you think you where doing? Leaving on a journey without telling me? How do you expect me to appear out of nowhere and annoy the crud out of you at really inappropriate moments???!?

Ness: uh…

Photoman: you’d better be, foo. Now say “Fuzzy Pickles”

Ness: (does the peace sign while everyone else looks stupidly at Photoman)


Photoman: I will always bring back the most nauseating memories whenever you think about me. Tally hoe! (Spirals away.)

Fox:…who was that?

Pokey: yeah…who WAS that?

G&W: um…

Specll: well are you all just going to stand there? Or are we supposed to be teleporting?

Ness: oh…yeah…PSI TELEPORT B!

In just under two seconds, the whole party was shooting through hyperspace and back to the Starman Planet.

* * *

Bamph. Ness landed hard on his butt. He was just about to get up when all his friends fell out of the air on top of him.

Ness: hey! Gerroff me!

Specll: whoop! Sorry, Hey! What are you supposed to be?

Ness: I’m in my natural state and this is my home dimension. I’m a human, and for the time being, so are you.

Specll looked at himself. He looked similar to Fox in his human state, except for his pink hair.

Specll: cool!

Paula: that’s one way you could put it, but I think it’s freezing!

Poo: I must remember to brahaive!

G&W: what?

Poo: it’s something my father said, before he got sucked into a cup of eggnog and was never seen again, except in the bathroom on Tuesdays.

Pokey: I won’t ask.

Ness: hey! Here comes Verdice.

By luck, they had all landed right outside the Starman City gates. Verdice was running towards them.

Verdice: Ness! We don’t have much time! The Pajamen have threatened to destroy the city if Father does not co-operate!

Ness: Specll, do something about that computer!

Specll walked over to the computer on the gates and tapped it’s screen.

Computer: oy! What do you think you’re doing, you big pink-furred suckuh?

Specll: shut yoa sound box!

Computer: oooh, big words. I bet you needed a dictionary to find out what that phrase really means. The same way you had to use an encyclopedia of airships to find out what they call your mother!!

Specll: you think you’re smart, don’t you?

Computer: I outrank you in that category!

Specll: really? So if I do THIS, you’ll know how to guard against it?

Specll quickly tapped a tune on the computer using some kind of tuning fork. The computer’s screen momentarily showed the password for the gates.

Specll: I thought not. “Srings of milkeye”

The computer bleeped and the gates swung wiiiiiiiide open, exposing an absolute HOARD of armed and dangerous Pajamen.

The leader Pajaman issued an order and a hail of stunner firefilled the air.

Ness tried to put up a shield, but the stunners weren’t slowed by it. He collapsed to the ground, too weak to move.
The stunners got through Fox’s shield, Mr. Game and Watch’s bucket, and any other defense that the team had.
Pretty soon, everyone was lying on the ground, twitching. All except for Specll, who was standing there, totally unfazed.

Pajaman Leader: The Power told us that the pink one would not be effected. Get the steel net instead!

Specll stood calmly and defiantly, slightly smiling as a pink light shield surrounded his body.
He didn’t even protest when the Pajamen threw a steel net over him and the others, and they where soon being hauled off by the Pajamen before being thrown into a smelly cell.

Pajaman guard: I hope it stinks in there! Our master will be sooooo happy now that we have a bargaining chip…the King’s son!

Verdice: h…how dare they…

Ness used PSI Healing c to rid himself of paralysis and stared angrily at Specll, who was sitting in the middle of the cell, cross-legged.

Ness: you weren’t effected! Why didn’t you DO something??

Specll: because I figured that we might as well save time. The Pajamen took us straight to the palace. We’re in the castle dungeons. See?


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
shiznick! i like that word, kuz it makes no sense!
The controls for the Great Fox where ruined.
The Arwing Dock was ruined.
Fox’s room was all smashed up.
The shower room had been egged.


Ness: alright, everybody, hold my hand, and we’ll teleport out of here. On the count of three…One…Two…


Photoman: I am a photographic genius, If I do say so myself. Ness! What on earth do you think you where doing? Leaving on a journey without telling me? How do you expect me to appear out of nowhere and annoy the crud out of you at really inappropriate moments???!?

Ness: uh…

Photoman: you’d better be, foo. Now say “Fuzzy Pickles”

Ness: (does the peace sign while everyone else looks stupidly at Photoman)


Photoman: I will always bring back the most nauseating memories whenever you think about me. Tally hoe! (Spirals away.)

Fox:…who was that?

Pokey: yeah…who WAS that?

G&W: um…

Specll: well are you all just going to stand there? Or are we supposed to be teleporting?

Ness: oh…yeah…PSI TELEPORT B!


Poo: I must remember to brahaive!

G&W: what?

Poo: it’s something my father said, before he got sucked into a cup of eggnog and was never seen again, except in the bathroom on Tuesdays.

Pokey: I won’t ask.


Ness: Specll, do something about that computer!

Specll walked over to the computer on the gates and tapped it’s screen.

Computer: oy! What do you think you’re doing, you big pink-furred suckuh?

Specll: shut yoa sound box!

Computer: oooh, big words. I bet you needed a dictionary to find out what that phrase really means. The same way you had to use an encyclopedia of airships to find out what they call your mother!!

Specll: you think you’re smart, don’t you?

Computer: I outrank you in that category!

Specll: really? So if I do THIS, you’ll know how to guard against it?

Specll quickly tapped a tune on the computer using some kind of tuning fork. The computer’s screen momentarily showed the password for the gates.

Specll: I thought not. “Srings of milkeye”

The computer bleeped and the gates swung wiiiiiiiide open, exposing an absolute HOARD of armed and dangerous Pajamen.

me: Oh shiznick!
hehehe.... try saying that word. its funny! "the shower room was egged." *snicker* hey! that gives me an idea! who wants a snicker bar!?! *hands out snickers* mmmm... *eats his own snicker*
anyway, nice update, and keep up the good work!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

After Ness and Poo had de-stunned everyone, Paula got to work melting the steel bars with her PSI Fire.
When the guard came to investigate the noise, Fox shot him with his blaster, (They forgot to take it off him) And pretty soon the team of heroes where tiptoeing silently down the dungeon corridors.

Verdice: I know the way around here. The dungeons lead to the main hall, which in turn leads to the meeting room. That’s where father is. And all we have to do is go in there and save him from the Pajamen…

Ness: sure, we’ll just follow you…

The Starman Palace was huge and complex. Ness lost track of the time as Verdice led them down twisting hallways until they entered a huge ballroom.

Verdice: this way! Up those stairs!

Ness: how are we supposed to do this?

Verdice: storm in with PSI powers blazing if we have to, get ready, the meeting room is just ahead.

Ness could hear voices coming from up the stairs. He motioned to the rest of the team and they nodded in reply. As they slowly crept towards the meeting room, Ness could make out some of the speech going on. As they neared the top of the stairs, Ness carefully poked his head out from around the corner to see what was going on.

A big, regal-looking Starman Deluxe was sitting in a comfy chair, clearly uncomfortable with the situation as the Pajaman Leader was jeering at him and prodding him with a pen, surrounded by buff guards. They looked mean. And itchy.

Pajamaster: Nesell Starr…We’re not messing around any longer. Either you join our cause or we’ll execute your son!

Nesell: …you seem to act as if I have a choice! Why should you threaten my son for something that is MY decision? Our race no longer supports…(shudder)…the Evil Power or ANY dark deity for that matter!

Pajamaster: well that’s too bad. Because right now, we have a satellite dish aimed at this planet. If you refuse to aid our cause, we will activate the SUPER NASTIE WEDGIE RAYTM and it’s beam will cause every living organism on your planet to be torn in half by its bum crack! That is, AFTER we torture your son to death in your presence! HaHahaa!

Nesell Starr looked flustered and frightened. He seemed as though he couldn’t take the strain any longer.

Nesell: fine…we’ll…

Verdice: we will NOT!

Before Ness could stop him, Verdice had leaped out of his hiding place and was standing in the famous hands-on-hips Starman fighting stance. The leader Pajaman almost looked as surprised as Nesell.

Verdice: don’t give in to these scum, father! It is better that we all die rather than do their evil biddings!

Pajamaster: it’s the brat! Get him!

On this order, the burly Pajaman guards swung into action. One shot a PSI Thunder at the prince, but he was to fast for them, returning the attack with a PSI fire. It had little effect, though, and to top it off, the Pajamaster threw a doughnut at his head, knocking him to the floor.

Pajamaster: well, well, Nesell…what a spirited son you have. Such a pity he has to die like this…

Nesell: you let him be!!

Pajamaster: (Producing a laser knife) hahahahaha! And miss out on a whole lot of fun? You must be kidding!


Ness, Paula and Poo ran across the room, joined hands to form a circle, and used PSI Fire, Freeze and Thunder all together. The force generated by these attacks connecting caused them to spin around like a gyroscope, a super psi-charged gyroscope.
At just the right time, Paula and Poo released Ness, who channeled the attack within his body and became the ultimate PK Cannonball. (hit yourself with PK thunder in Melee)
The leader Pajaman copped the Super Spinning Psycho Cyclone right in the gut. As flames, ice and electricity swathed the Pajaman’s body, Ness grabbed hold of him and followed through with another PSI combo.


Ness slammed the Pajmamaster into the ground with a blast of fire, the evil undergarment quickly got to his feet and patted out the flames.

As Ness readied himself for the next assault, one of the guards tried to grab him from behind, but Ness activated a new move, which he’d been perfecting since his last adventure.

Ness: PSI Ripoff!

Ness slowed down time and Matrix-kicked the Pajaman in the collar, the then landed, dressed in a black trench coat, ran up the wall and laid waste to the last two guards with a pair of twin uzis.

Fox: oh sure, let’s use plagiarism to our advantage, why don’t we?

Ness returned to normal and slammed his Magicant bat into the back of the Pajamaster’s legs.
As his foe fell over, Ness grabbed him in a submission hold.

Ness: get your troops off the planet now, or crumple you!

Pajamaster: Dahaheheohohohohhawhhw! (Pulls out phone) Get all troops off the planet now, and make it snappy!

Ness and co. dragged the Pajamaster outside where all the Pajaman troops where getting into a big ship.

Ness: swear you won’t attack the Starmen ever again.

Pajamaster: we won’t ever attack the Starmen again! I swear on that and that just ran by…

Ness: (throws Pajamaster forward.) get out of my sight! I don’t ever want to deal with you again.

The head Pajaman ran to the safety of the escape pod before turning back to face Ness with a triumphant jeer.


The door to the pod slammed shut and it sped off into the distance.

Ness: …

Fox: so this was all a TRAP??

Pokey: quite a clever one too, if you ask me…

Paula leered at Pokey, who wet himself with fright.

Verdice: oh Ness…I’m so sorry…you’ve saved us…but your planet is doomed!

Verdice turned around as King Nesell Starr placed a tentacle on his son’s shoulder. He seemed determined.

Nesell: Hero of Earth…you have saved me, you have saved my son, you have saved our planet…and I think it is time for me and my people to return the favor. Teleport back to Earth. I swear that the Power will not harm a single one of its inhabitants. Not if my Starman Army can help it!

Ness: what are you going to do?

Nesell: we will stall the power long enough for you to defeat it! But go! It’s world-crushing magic has already started!

Ness: right! Hang on, guys! PSI Teleport a!

Ness and friends traveled directly from the Starman city, through Hyperspace, to Onett. As Ness picked himself off the pavement, he looked up at the sky and got the shock of his life.

A HUGE disgusting zombie-like head was leering down at him from the sky. It looked like a rotten moon with a face.

Ness: it looks like a huge disgusting zombie-like face stuck to a rotten moon!

Paula: that IS the moon!

Fox: with a face!

G&W: and it’s ugly!


The moon’s revolting yellow eyes stared horribly down at them. It looked as if it wanted to eat the noses right off their faces. Ness was overcome with a sense of déjà vu…but only for a second, as Pokey farted in fear.

Everyone: you stink!

Pokey: well I can’t help it…

Ness: whoa! How are we supposed to stop that thing!?

Ness heard someone approach him from behind.
He spun around to find a small girl walking up to him. Apart from the strange mask obscuring her face, Ness recognized her instantly.

Ness: Tracy?

Tracy stared back at her brother through the eerie yellow eyes of the mask. She slowly raised her arm and leveled a finger at his head. Suddenly she spoke in her innocent little voice. But for some reason, her sweet voice chilled Ness to the bone.

Tracy: Darkness powers, ever growing
Trace your steps within my mind.
Light and Love are never knowing
What lies in store for them who’re blind

Deep destruction dries these nerves
Into a swath of cold, black age
Fixing a shroud of deadly curves
That chain within this evil mage

Hatred, Loathing, streams of sorrow
The cries of agony and pain
The death and darkness of tomorrow
Directly influence my brain!!

Tracy flung her hands towards the sky and screamed with all her might. The air was filled with crackling black magic. Ness tore his gaze from his sister and looked at the moon. It seemed to be somewhat excited and was speeding its descent towards the Earth.

Ness glanced back at Tracy and recalled something that Link had told him back in the Academy. An ancient mask, with the power to possess souls. An evil, grinning moon. It was all coming back to him.


The mask didn’t reply, but Tracy stepped towards Ness, the eyes of the mask glowing malevolently.

Tracy: why don’t you try to take it off her, Ness? Why don’t you just rip it from her face? Purge me from influencing your sibling’s soul? It is too late, whatever you do. You’re planet is doomed. Giygas has his revenge at last…


The mask was only centimeters from his face, it’s eyes glowed as if taunting him. Ness held back his anger as the mask spoke through Tracy once more.

Tracy: There is nothing you can do, Ness…you cannot hold back the moon. No matter how powerful you are! The stupid Pajaman race have done their bit for me. If you had not tried to save the Starmen, you could have stopped me, but there is no hope for you now.


Ness: NO! It will only harm her!

Tracy: wise words, I can see why you heroes are so easily defeated! You are weak! Foolish!

Grinding his teeth, Ness looked up at the enormous moon. It blocked out most of the sun, bathing the land in darkness.

Tracy: tell me, Ness…Have you ever played with puppets?

Ness tried to ignore the taunting of the mask. He racked his brains to try and find a way to avert this disaster.

Tracy: I have always played with puppets…The wonderful feeling of being able to control a completely helpless being, and knowing you are in full power…

“Shut up! Shut up!” screamed Ness inside his head. He wanted to hide from it all, to be swallowed up by the ground.

Tracy: my love of puppets took me to greater heights…I started using REAL puppets. My powers became absolute! I was a child, and the world was my toy chest.

Ness fell to his knees from the pressure, he desperately tried to block his ears from the mask’s awful story.

Tracy: but then my spirit was torn from me by the one being who had the power to oppose me, I was trapped forever inside this mask…
But then came the skull kid…foolish and weak. He put me on, and therefore nearly allowed me to destroy Termina…

The throbbing inside Ness’s head was starting to hurt, he turned to face the mask with anger burning in his eyes.

Tracy: then came that meddling hero of time, and banished me, once more, inside this mask. They thought that my evil power was all gone, but some of it remained, and here you see me now, Ness…Giygas’ defeat allowed my power to once more become strong! And now I have myself a whole new set of toys to play with!

Majora’s mask made Tracy laugh. The sweet little girl voice was soon transformed into a vile cackle, which soon became a piercing shrieking sound as the mask itself began to laugh with her.

Ness was broken. His planet was about to be flattened by a rabid moon, and his sister was possessed by Majora’s mask and there was nothing he could do.
Closing his eyes, Ness abandoned hope. There was no point in trying any longer.


Paula: OOH!

Tracy: !!

Ness looked up and almost jumped with shock. The moon was surrounded with a bright yellow light and had stopped moving as the whole Starman army pulled it away from the Earth with tractor beams.
Although it wasn’t enough to actually pull the moon from Majora’s grasp, the mass of flying saucers had frozen the moon in its tracks.
Ness didn’t know weather to spew with delight or simply pass out.
But he didn’t need to rejoice, seeing as the rest of the party where doing it for him.

Tracy just stood there, seething with rage.

Tracy: you haven’t won yet, Ness! All I have to do is enter the moon itself to create an impossible downwards-force! Those puny tractor beams will be completely useless! I’m much stronger than last time, and I have everyone in this world imprisoned inside my magical realm! I dare you to follow me there, and then I will destroy you all!

The mask plopped off Tracy’s face and flew off towards the moon.

For a few seconds Ness thought of going over to his sister to help her up, but then he noticed a dark portal open just a few feet in front of him.

Jeff: I’ll go first to check if It’s safe…

Ness: be careful…

Jeff walked into the portal and disappeared. He was closely followed by Fox, Paula, Poo and Mr. Game and Watch. Specll and Pokey, however, couldn’t enter the portal for some reason.

Specll: I can’t get in!

Pokey: me neither!

Ness: gee, I wander why? Never mind, you two stay here and look after my sister, I’m going in!

With a quick sprint followed by a graceful leap, Ness jumped into the portal and disappeared in a flash of light.

NEXT UPDATE: The battle against Majora’s mask! The update that made me re-plug my Nintendo 64 so I could find out the attacks that stupid mask uses!


The Pokemon war! The Third Night Ruler shows herself! And Jigglypuff goes undercover!

Log in to the next cool update, whatever it is!


Dec 19, 2002
Nice update. For some reason I knew that it was Majora's mask. dunno how I knew. Well can't wait for the next part.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
heh! looks like you've got ESP or something...good guess!
I reckon the mask's poem is pretty spiffy if I say so myself...

I can't wait untill I get Zelda: The Wind Waker. That looks soooo awesome, it's not funny.

Yeah, Majora's mask is my second favourite villain. when he evolves for the third time he just looks so darn choice! And he's got whips!


Dec 19, 2002
what is ESP. check your pm cuz I told you the characters of Earthbound 0.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
E.S.P: Extra Sensory Perception. The psychic ability to predict events that may occur in the near future. Cats have it and so do chickens. That's why they cluck when it's about to rain.

I got your PM and Darmn, that Guigue or whatever he's called looks RAD!

And I know just how I can fit him into this fic, too!


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
cool. the pajamen have completed their "planet-crushing magic" so now the moon is heading for Earth! i knew it was Majora's Mask cuz of the trophies in SSBM! hehehe... that Super Spinning Psycho Cyclone sounded awsome! lol! Psi ripoff!
Nesell: …you seem to act as if I have a choice! Why should you threaten my son for something that is MY decision? Our race no longer supports…(shudder)…the Evil Power or ANY dark deity for that matter!

Pajamaster: well that’s too bad. Because right now, we have a satellite dish aimed at this planet. If you refuse to aid our cause, we will activate the SUPER NASTIE WEDGIE RAYTM and it’s beam will cause every living organism on your planet to be torn in half by its bum crack! That is, AFTER we torture your son to death in your presence! HaHahaa!

Nesell Starr looked flustered and frightened. He seemed as though he couldn’t take the strain any longer.

Nesell: fine…we’ll…

Verdice: we will NOT!

Before Ness could stop him, Verdice had leaped out of his hiding place and was standing in the famous hands-on-hips Starman fighting stance. The leader Pajaman almost looked as surprised as Nesell.

Verdice: don’t give in to these scum, father! It is better that we all die rather than do their evil biddings!

Pajamaster: it’s the brat! Get him!

On this order, the burly Pajaman guards swung into action. One shot a PSI Thunder at the prince, but he was to fast for them, returning the attack with a PSI fire. It had little effect, though, and to top it off, the Pajamaster threw a doughnut at his head, knocking him to the floor.

Pajamaster: well, well, Nesell…what a spirited son you have. Such a pity he has to die like this…


As Ness readied himself for the next assault, one of the guards tried to grab him from behind, but Ness activated a new move, which he’d been perfecting since his last adventure.

Ness: PSI Ripoff!

Ness slowed down time and Matrix-kicked the Pajaman in the collar, the then landed, dressed in a black trench coat, ran up the wall and laid waste to the last two guards with a pair of twin uzis.

Fox: oh sure, let’s use plagiarism to our advantage, why don’t we?


Ness and friends traveled directly from the Starman city, through Hyperspace, to Onett. As Ness picked himself off the pavement, he looked up at the sky and got the shock of his life.

A HUGE disgusting zombie-like head was leering down at him from the sky. It looked like a rotten moon with a face.

Ness: it looks like a huge disgusting zombie-like face stuck to a rotten moon!

Paula: that IS the moon!

Fox: with a face!

G&W: and it’s ugly!


The moon’s revolting yellow eyes stared horribly down at them. It looked as if it wanted to eat the noses right off their faces. Ness was overcome with a sense of déjà vu…but only for a second, as Pokey farted in fear.

Everyone: you stink!

Pokey: well I can’t help it…
a donut to the head for Verdice, and a stinkey pokey fart! :chuckle: i dont know how u come up with this stuff. ur fic is realy great! neway, cya!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Sylph led Byter down endless corridors, it seemed they’d been walking along them for ages.

Byter: (sob)…please…(choke) c…can’t you just TELL the Deoxis that I went in the red room? He wouldn’t know, and…

Sylph stared down at the tiny Pokemon with a cold look in her purple eyes.

Sylph: don’t refer to the Master as “Deoxis,” It’s “Master.” And you’re getting what you deserve.

Byter: oh, sure, because I failed to exterminate that stupid Breloom, I’m being sentenced to torture…

Sylph: I never argue with the Master’s ways.

Byter: that’s because you’re a stupid, stupid puppet! He USES you, you have no free will! You’re STUPID! I’m going back right now! And Deoxis can sit on a pin, for all I care!

There was a yellow flash and Byter sunk to the ground, screaming as electricity ran through his metal body.

Sylph stepped forward and hoisted him into the air with her psychic grasp.

Sylph: that thunderbolt may have hurt you, Byter, but if the Master caught you speaking of him like that and disobeying my orders, the pain you would feel would be twice the amount of that! Either you die, or you take the red room, do you understand me?

Byter nodded.

Sylph: I’m doing this for your own safety. I would feel terrible if the Master executed you, because I would be responsible for your loss!

She let Byter fall to the ground. He stared up at her in disbelief.

Byter: what do you care? What is your gain if I stay alive??

Sylph: because you’re my ally. And unlike you, I realize what that truly means.

Byter: … I’m surprised you’re not with those rebels, Sylph! I’d be darn lucky to find any of the OTHER R.O.T.N. s speaking like that!

Sylph: …

Byter: fine! Take me to the red room! Just to keep you happy! (sniff)

Sylph: how brave of you.

Byter: don’t be sarcastic, um…do you even know the way there? Please say you’ve forgotten!!

Sylph: …


Sylph: It can’t be that bad…I’m sure you’re exaggerating.

???: oh, but is he?

Sylph turned in the direction of the voice to see two creepy orange eyes staring at her from out of the shadows.

Sylph: Spiteshade…

Spiteshade stepped into the light. She was a rather thin Banettess with cruel eyes. She was quite pretty for a Banette, and also very intelligent-looking. Her zipper was very shiny and very golden, and her tail was spikier than normal.

Spiteshade: all YOU do is shove ‘em in the room and turn the thing on! Bet you’ve never actually BEEN inside…

Sylph: I’ve never done anything to deserve a punishment.

Spiteshade absentmindedly began playing with the handle of her zipper. After a moment of silence she looked back at Sylph with her ever-smiling face.

Spiteshade: wanna know how it works?

Sylph: How do you know what it does? You’ve never been in there…

Spiteshade: but I’m an expert! I hang around that room every time someone goes in. You’ve probably never noticed me.

Sylph: you…

Spiteshade: I pass through the wall and watch through the window on the other side. It’s great entertainment, to see em’ thrashing around and screamin’…

Byter: you…you’re SICK!!

Spiteshade: well thank you, sugah, that’s a mighty fine trait where I come from. And I not only watch ‘em, I often borrow Spinner’s mind monitor and SEE what they’re actually screamin’ about! Hahahahh…good fun.


Spiteshade: ‘course I have, you’ve been in here three times…

She leered horribly at the quaking Mawile, jingling her zipper with her right paw.

Spiteshade: this Is your fourth. Heehee…I never get tired of seeing how amazingly pathetic you where when you where just a baby…and I never get tired of seeing what happened to your dad!!

Byter’s face screwed up into a mask of hatred, he struggled against Sylph’s hold to try and get at Spiteshade, who was laughing and jingling her zip handle.


Sylph: that’s enough! I’ve had enough of this childish behaviour! (hoists both into the air and psy-slams them against a wall) I’m here for the sole reason of getting Byter his punishment for failing a mission, not to listen to you taunting him!

Spiteshade: aagh…(choke)…but you (gag) do want…to know how…it works..eh?

Sylph: no, I don’t! Now kindly allow me to get on with my work.

Letting them drop, Sylph turned and opened a door to expose a bare, red-walled room with one window on the other side. She glared at Byter and pointed through the door. He didn’t argue, slowly entering the room, all the while leaving a trail of tears on the ground.

Sylph slammed the door behind him and went to press a red button on the wall, but before she could do so, an explosion of giggles from Spiteshade interrupted her.

Sylph: what?

Spiteshade: hehehehehh…I love seeing a grown Pokemon cry! It’s so heart-rendingly pitiful…haha…makes me laugh…

Sylph: well zip up, I haven’t got time to listen to your sadistic ramblings.

Spiteshade: but I feel so selfish, keeping all the fun to myself…why don’t you come look what actually happens inside that room?

Sylph: …

Spiteshade: come on, I know ya want to, just turn that thing on and I’ll show you some quality entertainment!

Sylph stared at the button for a while before finally pressing it. She glided over to where Spiteshade was grinning at her from the wall.

Spiteshade: hold my paw, and I’ll take you to the other side of the room to that window.

Sylph didn’t argue. She allowed Spiteshade to take her through several walls untill she was watching through the window on the other side.

In the room it was filled with a red mist. In the middle of the haze was Byter, down on his tiny knees and babbling to himself in an insane way.
His eyes where screw shut and he was shaking his head from side to side as if to try and despell a certain memory as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Spiteshade: heheh…isn’t this great? Here, put this on, It’ll let you see what’s going through his mind. I’ve seen it before, so I know what’s happening. You have a go!

Spiteshade thrust the mind monitering machine into Sylph’s head. She put it on and focussed the eyepiece on Byter’s quivering body.

Instantly her mind was fused with his. She just stood there with her mouth open, gazing in shock at the horrible images unfolding in front of her eyes.

Byter as a child, being attacked by a pack of Makuhita. His mother being captured by a trainer. His father being crushed beneath a falling boulder. Him being viciously pounded as he tried to beg food from a family of Nosepass. Him being constantly tortured by the leader of the gang he just joined as a last resort.

Sylph couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She almost felt like trying to defend Byter from the pain that was being inflicted on him.

But then came a part of his memories that disturbed Sylph to the bone. The gang leader dangling a berry in front of Byter’s poor, starving face and telling him he must pass a “test.”
An Azurill playing in the water. Byter grabbing it, pulling it aside, opening his jaws…

Sylph ripped the mind monitor off her head and threw it at the ground, it splintered into hundreds of pieces at her feet.

Inside the room, Byter was covering his face with his hands and screaming a single word over and over again.

Sylph couldn’t watch any longer, she turned to look at Spiteshade.

The Banette was grinning wickidly and lapping up every single one of Byter’s spasms. She looked like she was watching a hilarious movie.

Sylph felt an incredible rage building up inside of her, but she managed to contain it. Shaking slightly, Sylph walked over to Spiteshade and fixed her with a piercing stare.

Spiteshade: wasn’t that great? Hahah! I never tire of watching that…why did you break the machine??

Sylph didn’t move. She continued to stare at Spiteshade. The Banette smiled at her and raised her eyebrow.

Spiteshade: did you see what happened to that Azurill? Wasn’t that just…

Sylph: take me back to the other side RIGHT now!

Spiteshade: oh sure, it you’re sure you’ve had enough…

Sylph and Spiteshade returned to the controll panel and turned the red room off. She opened the door and dragged Byter out. It had only been half time, but Sylph couldn’t bring herself to expose him to the room any longer. He lay on the ground, wimpering.
Sylph wanted to pick him up and console him, but she couldn’t allow Spiteshade to see her do this.

Sylph: that’s quite enough punishment…I’m sure the Master won’t mind a few minutes off the full time.

Spiteshade: the red room ressuructs all your worst memories in full detale. Hahaha…fear is such a wanderful thing, as long as you’re not on the receiving end of it!

Sylph felt an incredible surge of guilt and anger at the same time. But she was loyal to her cause and simply ignored everyone else in the room.
As she made to return to Deoxi’s throne room, she heard Spiteshade taunting Byter again.

Spiteshade: Tomorrow, Deoxis is gonna let me ‘an my army take on those rebels. I’m gonna do a lot better than YOU…those rebels won’t know what hit ‘em!

Sylph’s emothions where somewhat befuddled now. She knew that Spiteshade was an excellent warlord, her army was extremily powerful, the rebels wouldn’t stand a chance…
But she remembered that she used to have a trainer too. That hat also been taken away from her. Byter was right.
It was only her loyalty to Deoxis that was keepin her on his side. And no matter the pity she felt for the rebels, she and her psychic army would excell in combat against them when the time came.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Introducing Spiteshade the Banette. One of my strongest Pokemon. Don’t you just hate her already?
Ok, so I lied about Jigglypuff going undercover in this update. But next one, she will, OK? Good.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
pokemon chapter! yay! ooo... the red room. what it does sounds a lot like the Dementors from Harry Potter (love those books!). Spiteshade is sick. *shudders* who could take such pleasure in stuff like that unless youre sick/evil/mental. also, i found an error:
Origionaly posted by NESSBOUNDER:

fear is such a wanderful thing
it should be:

"fear is such a wonderful thing" wander is like to roam around, just travleing with no particular destination. wonderful is what u were trying to say. cant wait till the next chapter. bye!


Dec 19, 2002
yay nice update. well I gotta go take care of my younger cuzins soon. I wanna know when you'll put Ninten(Earthbound 0's main character).


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

all the OF's and SMASH's on this fic have been turned RED!
How do I get rid of this?

Anyway, Next update:

Back at the rebel base, Breela had quickly recovered from Byter’s sneak attack. She was back on her feet and making plans and decisions as usual.

Breela: I think it’s high time we sent out a few spies to find out exactly what’s happening at Deoxi’s lair. Our secret agent Contrast is definitely ready for duty, aren’t you?

A Keclion standing behind her nodded in reply.

Breela: good. Now Contrast here is a very important part of the alliance, and he’s going to need some backup, in case anything goes wrong.

Charizard: ME! ME! I’ll be his bodyguard! I’m big and tough and srong! Raaahr!

Breela: right! You’re TOO big and strong, and will stand out like a big rock in the middle of the desert! We need someone small and insignifigant…

Her beady eyes fell on Jigglypuff, who was subbling on a rawst berry.

Breela: Jigglypuff! You can go with him! Pose as one of Spinner’s henchmon.

Jigglypuff: ME?? But I’m small and weak and puny! Eehewwwiew.

Breela: you’re the world’s strongest Jigglypuff! And I’m sure Spinner won’t pay much attention to you.

Jigglypuff: sigh…I suppose I have no choice?

Breela: no, you don’t

Blaze nudged her with his elbow.

Breela: I mean…It’s a brave thing you’re doing, we’ll all be proud of you…Rod should be back by now, I wonder (WONDER, not wander (*_^) ) what’s keeping him?

As madame Breela finished speaking, a very tired looking Manectric plodded up to the assembled party. He dropped a small package at her feet.

Rod: the leftovers you required, ma’am.

Breela: excellent! These will give us all an edge in battle. Now as out undercover agents prepare to leave, I want everyone to continue training. Charizard! Go get berries! Medicham! Train the troops! Pikachu! I want you to come with me and Blaze to deffine some strategies. The rest of you can go.

Rod: um…I encountered a messanger from the opposition…He wished to speak with you in person. I felt it unwise to trust him, so I intercepted the message and disposed of him myself…

Breela stared violently at the Manectric in front of her.


Rod: I got the message…


Rod: but


Rod: gulp…

Breela: what where you thinking? Are you SURE you finished him off?

Rod: I may not have done the job properly…

Breela: I sure hope not! You get back there and find him, and bring him back here for medical help, and if he’s dead you are in trouble!!

Rod: b-but caring for an enemy?


Rod: I’m going, I’m going!

Breela: but before you go, what did he have to say?

Rod: something about another attack from Deoxi’s armies.

Breela: …did he say which one?

Rod: I think it was a Ghost army…lead by a Pokemon called Spiteshade, have you heard of her?

Breela: …Spiteshade? SPITESHADE? The Banette? She’s the most rotten apple I’ve had the misfortune to know! Spiteshade the Banette has been around since before this war has started. She’s always had her own little hoard of ghost fighters and used to raid settlments of peaceful, weak Pokemon…I had no Idea Deoxis would give her a proper job…This means big trouble for us! I want all Dark-types to report to me, immediately. Rod, go and get that messanger.

As Rod sprinted off, Madame Breela pointed her paw at Jigglypuff and Contrast.

Breela: now get going, I want spy reports back as soon as possible. It’s a fair trek, and Flynn isn’t well enough to take you, you’ll have to go by foot. Charizard! Medicham, you go with them untill they reach the lair, then I want you to return, got it?

Charizard: yes ma’am! I’ll protect them with my very own life, I will!

Medicham: you disturb me, weirdo. We’re not doing anything stupid, just following the spies to make sure they make it there in one piece.

Charizard: aww, that’s no fun! I want to char grill some a...

Breela: you’re going with them! Now get going, I’ve had the others pack you a berry bag for your journey…

Her speech was cut short as a panting Rod nudged her in her back with his nose.

Breela: that was quick! Where’s that messanger, then?

Rod: right here.

Rod lowered himself to the ground and allowed a dark shape to crawl off his back. The Sableye stared at Breela with a pair of very shiny, very beaten-up looking diamond eyes.

Breela: you’re obviously part of Spiteshade’s army…

The Sableye continued to stare.

Breela: not very vocal for a messanger, are you? Never mind, please excuse the violent attack this Manectric launched on you and rest up here…

Sableye: your kindness is appreciated, but I’m afraid that I cannot accept your invitation. Spiteshade will personally kill me if she finds out what has happened. Allow me to return to the army.

Breela: no, we can’t allow you to do that, you’re staying here as a prisoner.

Sableye: please! I have witnessed what happens to other members of Spiteshade’s army who allow themselves to become captured! You must let me go!

Breela: you’re staying here! Your wounds are too severe, and you know too much. Trust me, you will be protected from your leader.

Sableye: you leave me no choice but to fight you! I always thought the rebellion would be more understanding than this, or so my friends tell me. But it appears you are no different than Spiteshade’s army, condemning me to a fate worse than death!

Blaze: bite your toungue!

The Sableye fired a weak shadow ball towards Breela, but she nimbly dodged aside and hit him smack bang in the face with a stream of spore.

The Sableye fell to the ground, completely out of it.

Rod: what did I tell you, ma’am…Sableye are sneaky little Pokemon, may I have the pleasure of executing him for you?


The Manectric was much taken aback at Breela’s sudden outburst. He looked ashamed and slunk away with his tail between his legs.

Breela: as for Jigglypuff and Contrast…

There was a chilling presence that came over everyone. Jigglypuff looked over at Pikachu and Pichu, who gave her a look of warning.

Breela immedeately turned her head to face a large tree to the right of them, there appeared to be a dark-coloured Pokemon sitting in it’s branches.

???: I wouldn’t lock away that Sableye, it you care for his life…

Breela: who are you? Come out of the shadows and show yourself!

The figure jumped down from the tree, and sunk quickly into the ground. Breela recognised this as an attack movement and put up her fists, as the shape popped up right in front of her, she swung her paw into its gut. Hard.

Her paw hit the air.

???: my, how predictable you lot are. Certainly not very well prepared in the art of psychological combat…

Breela looked up to find her paw sunk deep into the belly of a Dusclops. She quickly jerked it out and backed away from the mysterious Pokemon.

Dusclops: back on topic, if you care for that Sableye’s life, you will have no choice but to let him go. If you do not agree to my terms, I shall consume him. And there is no stopping me!

Breela: who are you?

Duskull: my name is Relinquiss. I am the supreme commander of Spiteshade’s army and the executioner of traitors. I have many victims wandering around in the maze of darkness that is my inside, and if you refuse to return that sableye to us, then he shall join them. I could assasinate you right now, Breela, but I am an honorary fighter and will save my skills for proper battle. But we cannot allow you to have ANY means that would give you an advantage over our forces, so I’m taking back that Sableye, and he shall be punished, but spared. OR you can stubbournly defend him and lose a lot more than you bargained for!!

Breela: I hope you realise that we outnumber you, Relinquiss, and a simple gang attack could spell the end of you. But like yourself, we won’t stoop to underhanded tactics. Take your Sableye and get out of here. I’ll see you on the battlefield!

Relinquiss silently retrieved the snoring Sableye from where he lay and without as much as a nod, sunk through the ground again.

There was an eerie silence that swept through the camp.

Breela: we HAVE to move base, RIGHT NOW! If that Duskull can find us, so can the rest of the army. Get packing!

She turned back to Jigglypuff, Contrast, Medicham and Charizard.

Breela: and you lot get going too. Our new base will be somewhere near the fortree area. I’ll see you there, hopefully…

As Jigglypuff turned around she saw Pikachu staring at her with raised eyebrows (or where his eyebrows should be)
He pointed persistently at her and then to Contrast, and then back to her again, and then to his eyes.

She didn’t have time to figure out what he was trying to tell her, because Charizard picked her up and placed her onto his back, and was beginning to walk off.

Jigglypuff: I can walk!

Charizard: I know, but you’d better save your walk for when you get there!

Contrast was walking on the ground, next to Medicham. This infuriated Jigglypuff.

Jigglypuff: well can’t you at least speed things up? I’m not a baby! And you’re supposed to be able to fly!!

Charizard: well I can’t, so there.

Medicham walked over and slapped Charizard’s face.

+ + +


Ness was standing in a beautiful prairie. It seemed to stretch on for ever and ever. Fox and Mr. Game and Watch where back to their normal forms and where staring in awe at the beutifully blue sky. There was a strong magical sensation coming from a single tree in the middle of the field. It seemed incredibly far away, yet so close.

Ness: w-we must be inside the moon!

Fox: this is the inside of the moon? I thought I’d died and gone to heaven!

G&W: (speechless)

Jeff: this is a physical impossibility, there is no way a field such as this could exist inside of a moon…

Paula: but it is! So it musn’t be all THAT impossible, musn’t it?

Jeff went red in the face.

Poo: I’m getting a very special feeling from that tree!

Paula: me too, we should go towards it!

It took a full five minutes of walking to get to the tree. Once close enough, Ness discovered a small boy standing under a tree wearing Majora’s mask. Ness stiffened into fight mode, but theboy didn’t look dangerous.

Boy: will you play with me?

Ness: um…

Boy: I’ve been waiting for you. Please…don’t dissapoint me, come play with me!

Ness: er…alright, we’ll play with yo…

Before Ness could even finish the sentence, his mind seemed to separate itself from conciousnes. He was floating…no, he was standing…on nothing. Actually, he was standing on a surface of some kind, in a room of some sort. The walls of the room seemed to be made of throbbing purple energy. On the wall furthest from him was a strange fiery symbol. Fox, Paula, Jeff, Poo and Mr. Game and Watch where all standing behind him, but he felt as if he was alone.

Ness took one step forward and was immediately halted by some invisible force. He felt invisible hands touching his body, reaching into his soul and extracting energy from him. He was suddenly split into two separate parts as a Ness mask was created from his own face.

The mask smiled at him before joining the masks created from Paula, Fox and Mr. Game and Watch. These masks attatched themselves to the walls of the room.

Ness felt as if a part of him had been removed. He felt much weaker than normal. It was like something was feeding on his energy.

Fox groaned and fell to his knees. He was clearly feeling very sick, and Paula and Mr, Game and Watch where using each other as supports to stop oneanother from falling over.

Looking up, Ness noticed two glowing eyes staring at him from the symbol on the far wall. There was a cracking sound as Majora’s mask broke free from the symbol, but there was something different about it.
It was much bigger.
And it was trailing locks of long, red hair from behind it.
It seemed to be alive.

Majora’s mask: Ness…Fox…Paula…Game and Watch…Welcome.

Ness: w-w-what have you…done to…us?

Majora’s mask: oh, nothing really, I’m just using your souls to give me power. When Young Link faced me, he had the four diety masks with him, I had no choice but to use those masks to revive my form. But you, Ness, did not bring any masks of your own, so I created some from your own souls, halving your power in the process, while increasing mine!

Ness looked at Fox, then Back to Majora’s mask, then to Jeff and Poo.
He knew the mask had tricked him, and all his, Fox’s, Paula’s and Mr. Game and Watch’s abilities would all be considerably weakened.

Jeff and Poo would be the only ones in top shape.

Majora’s Mask: now, Ness…Let’s play…


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2001
In my reality
awesome update...

"we do not attack messengers" :chuckle:

can't wait till the next one, keep the good stories comin


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
cool update! i know ive been gone for about a week, but that was because ive been playing Zelda: The Wind Waker! its so fun! u guys gotta play it! so the mask took half of everyones power except Jeff and Poo. hmmm... and what happened to Ness' sister?do you mean Charizard realy cant fly, or is he just being mean? cuz Charizard are some of the best aerial fighters i know of. heheheh... "WE DO NOT ATTACK MESSENGERS!!!"

anyway, to those of you interested, my clan is going good, and i still have 5 openings left! if any of you want to join, just go to the clan grounds and look for my topic! cya!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
hee hee...THIS Charizard can't fly:D

Breela in my game has an adamant nature, so now you all know why she hammers home her point.

I want to get the Majora's mask part finished soon, cos' then this fic will stop being serious and start being SPeDly again!

(Just you wait, I'm going to make you all laugh out loud!)

I'll update (or try) tomorrow.

Ps. Yu-Gi-Oh! is'nt on anymore for some reason, so I can focus all my attention to Ultimate Muscle. I love stupid, twisted anime!


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
what? it cant fly? NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO(10 years later)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o well... *sniff*

hmm..... more SPeDly eh? btw, what exactly is a sped, cuz ive only heard the term on this fic, and its probably a British term (u live in Britan, right?) and i live in the USA. ooo, more i-can-barely-keep-myself-from-falling-out-of-my-chair funnyness!!! i love that stuff! cant wait!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
I don't live in Britan! I said I'm Australian some time back in this fic!
Um sped...Special Education. (********)

Majora’s Mask floated evilly above the heads of Ness and his friends. It seemed to be waiting for an attack.

Ness really didn’t feel like fighting. He had practically NO PP left. He only seemed to have enough to use one PSI Sport b, and that really wouldn’t help much.

Ness glanced over at Fox, who was shivering, sweating, and looked as if he was struggling to keep himself on his feet.

Paula’s face was slightly paler than usual, but she wasn’t nearly as fazed as Fox. Game and Watch was skipping a lot more frames than normal, Ness wondered how this could effect him.

He glanced over at Poo and Jeff. They where confused, but looked ready to rock.
Majora’s mask hadn’t totally disarmed the party…because they still had Poo. Poo could use PSI, and as long as he could fight, they would be O.K.

Ness: Do your worst, Majora!!

Majora’s mask: oh, I always do…

Suddenly, the mask turned on its side and began to spin. Ness put up a fighting stance. The mask continued to spin. It reminded Ness of a circular saw. What was it trying to do?

A circular saw?

The mask rocketed towards Ness at a blinding speed. The boy screamed and switched to defensive mode, thrusting his schoolbag in front of him like a shield.

Majora’s mask hit the bag and knocked Ness to his stomach, but it was deflected at the same time, spinning off at an awkward angle.

The fiend didn’t stop. It shot past Paula, past Fox, past Mr. Game and Watch, completely ignored Jeff altogether and careered into Poo.
Poo screamed, took incredible amounts of damage, and was slammed into the wall. But the mask wasn’t finished.
It flew in and ground Poo into a corner, Beyblade style. After only a few seconds of drilling, Poo went down, unconscious.

Majora’s mask: ahaa! Haa ha haa! Look at you, puny mortal! You are most pitiful in that corner, and very vulnerable indeed! It will give me great pleasure to cleave you in half!

The evil mask turned on its side so that it’s edge was vertical, it was preparing to cut Poo in half. But just as the mask was about to begin its deadly assault, Fox shot it in the back with his gun.

Its weak spot having been hit, Majora’s mask shuddered and floated slowly to the floor. Ness wasn’t slow to act. He charged towards the prone foe and brought his Magicant bat slamming between its yellow eyes. The mask obviously didn’t like it one bit.

As Ness fought the mask, Jeff and Paula inconspicuously dragged Poo to another corner of the room and hid him behind a clay pot.

Ness didn’t care if he was using too much energy, Majora’s mask had tried to kill Poo! He slammed, crushed, pummeled, beat, and socked the evil plaything with all his might.

Ness attacked and attacked until the mask couldn’t take it any more. It tore itself out of Ness’s swing range and glowered hatefully at him.


Majora’s mask quickly launched back into its cutting attack, Only this time, it went straight for Fox!

Fox screamed in pain as the mask’s sharp spikes tore into his side. It shot past him, chucked a U-turn and homed in for the kill. But before it could hit Fox a second time, Paula and Jeff had barred its way. Paula reached into her bag and pulled out a pink love heart, while Jeff grabbed his Slime Generator.


Paula used the Monkey’s Love. A tiny monkey appeared out of nowhere and body slammed Majora’s mask, just as Jeff coated it with sticky slime.

As the monkey pushed Majora’s mask onto the ground, the slime dried like superglue, holding it to the ground. Ness and G&W where on it in an instant, bashing, smashing, flaming, chairing, kicking, punching, spraying, hammering and manholeing. The mask’s eyes where dimming with each blow. Suddenly, it shot up into the air, pulsing with energy.

There was a weird noise as the Ness mask, the Fox mask, the G&W mask and the Paula mask came off the walls and began floating around by themselves.

Majora’s mask: hoards of darkness, hear my order,
I alone provide you life,
Pack around me, near my borders,
Defend my cause when I’m in strife.

A shell of hatred, my creation
Wrought from one so pure and fine,
Defeat your only known relation,
So that my darkness rules sublime!!

The masks floated silently above their heads. They didn’t look that dangerous, seeing as they didn’t attack…

The Ness mask shot a little beam at Mr. Game and Watch, who took it right in the stomach. He fell over, but didn’t seem hurt.

“These masks could get annoying!” thought Ness. “there has to be some way we can get rid of them…”

Ness hurled his bat at the Fox mask. It exploded in a flash of light. Gone.

Ness tried to recall the bat, but his Psychic grasp had been shorted out. He ran forward to retrieve his weapon.

Suddenly, everything went red. And yellow. And Ness’s skin was burning. And burning. And burning.

Ness fell to the floor, swathed in flames. It was a full five seconds of torture before they died out.

Looking in the direction of the heat, Ness saw Majora’s mask, surrounded by the Ness mask and the Paula mask. Its eyes glowed with the power of fire.

Ness’s vision began to blur. He saw the mask arranging the hairs flowing from behind it to look like the rays of the sun, its eyes flaring up with a bright glow.

He was going to fry!

Ness screwed shut his eyes and hoped he’d be able to survive the blast. Just as the horrible whining sound of the fire beam filled the air, Ness felt a quick whisp of air in front of him and something soft brush up against his face.

Ness: (thinks) what was that? I thought it would be hotter…

An electrical “clink” filled Ness’s ears. The clink kept on clinking. Rapidly.

Ness looked up to see Fox standing over him with his reflector on. The fire stream was bouncing off the shield and hitting the wall. It was the nicest clink Ness had ever heard in his life.

Ness: Fox! You’re O.K.!

Fox was much to tired to answer, he was panting heavily while trying to maintain the shield. With a quick twist of his body, he directed the fire stream at the Ness mask, then the Paula mask and finally the G&W mask.
All three of them fell burning to the ground.

By now the beam had become intense. Majora’s mask was trying with all its might to crack Fox’s reflector.
Fox’s knees began to buckle under him, he was gasping for air and fighting to keep his shield up.
With a final surge of strength, Fox aimed the blast right back at Majora’s mask.

The flames crept up its long hair and established themselves directly to the mask’s face. It fell, writhing to the ground, where it remained still, bathed in fire.

Fox collapsed. His fur was matted into scruffy-looking clumps. Ness ran over to check if he was all right.
Ness turned Fox over on his side. The Lylatian was emitting tiny gasps of pain, he had tears streaming down his cheeks. There was a HUGE gash on his side from Majora’s earlier attack. It didn’t seem like much, compared to the state that Poo was in. Ness glanced over at Poo. He’d come to and was watching Ness anxiously, with no signs of pain.

Fox, on the other hand, was really in a bad way. Ness pulled off his jacked so he could get a better view of the wound. It wasn’t pretty at all.

But why was Fox so effected by it? He should have been stronger than Poo, who was really badly torn up, but Fox only had a gash and was almost dead. Ness was sure he’d seen Fox handle worse wounds than this very easily. It didn’t make sense…

Suddenly it hit him. Fox had been weakened by the soul split! This meant that he was now much weaker than Poo. That’s why Majora’s mask had attacked Poo right away.

Paula walked up to Ness to inspect Fox. She grimaced at his condition.

Paula: I think you’d better use your last PP to heal him, Ness.

Ness: I…but…

Paula: the mask is finished, you don’t need to worry. I think you should heal him.

Ness: …O.K.

Ness placed his hand on Fox and tried Lifeup b. He closed his eyes and relaxed, thinking healing thoughts.

“there, Fox should be fine now” Ness thought to himself. He removed his hand and opened his eyes to see Fox lying on the ground, just as before, with an almighty gash in his side, coughing pitifully.

Ness: uh? It didn’t work!

Paula: …you must still be weak from the soul split…that makes no sense, the mask is dead!

Mr. Game and Watch lifted Fox up and put him in the corner with Poo. He almost dropped him, because of the frames he was skipping.

Ness: no…it’s not over… Link said something about…about

Jeff: Ness? Um…look…behind you…

Ness heard a horrible squelch behind him. He turned around slowly to see Majora’s mask floating in the air, quivering.

And it had just sprouted a lanky, skinny, red-coloured leg.

Ness screamed, Paula screamed, Jeff SQUEALED, Mr. Game and Watch beeped loudly.

The quivering mask sprouted another leg. Then a long, lanky arm…and another arm.
But the mask itself seemed lifeless, somehow. Its eyes where dull and dark. It didn’t look like a mask anymore, but more of a…body.

As if on queue, a tiny eyeball with horns erupted from the top of the mask. It blinked at Ness and co.

Ness stared at the ridiculous creature in front of him. It looked like a long, lanky human with a bloated, heart-shaped body and a stupidly shrunken head that consisted of one eyeball and two horns.

The creature gave a childish squeal and began swaying from side-to-side as if it where getting ready to dance, all the while emitting curious noises.

Ness: …Majora’s incarnation…

The incarnation sprinted off at an amazing speed. It ran from one side of the room to the next, it danced, it moonwalked, it was like a hyperactive child playing in a sun-lit field.

Ness just stared as it raced around the room, squeaking and singing. Could this truly be the incarnation of the terrible Majora? Link had never described this faze to him. But it seemed wrong…how could this childish creature be the same thing that was firing fire blasts at them a few minutes ago, or threatening to crush the Earth with its own moon?

All Ness knew was that it wasn’t his friend, and he was in for a fight.


What dark secrets does Majora’s incarnation hold? Find out next update of SSBM: Academy of Smash!
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