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SSBM: Academy of smash (Wow! It's updated!)


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Mila and Cadbury just stared at the trumpet that Laruto was holding. Young Link couldn’t believe it.

Y. Link: you…have a trumpet just like that one?

Mila: y…yes! Exactly like that one! And I think I can remember that tune from somewhere…my Trumpet’s back home!

Laruto: the sage can only be awakened once they are in the possession of their instrument. Mila…go and get your instrument. Farewell, soon-to be sage of the sky temple.

The zora vanished from sight. Mila couldn’t believe her ears.

Mila: I…I’m the sage of the Sky temple??

Cadbury: Oh! Oh that’s not…and to think you were…all along…I didn’t…

Y. Link: wow! Some people get all the breaks. Come on, let’s get back to Windfall.

Everyone walked out of the cave and hopped into King. He swore and told them all to be a bit more careful.

Y. Link: hey! Mila’s the sage of the Sky temple, so rEspEct, ya fat poe!

King: hah! I knew it was a good idea to drag her into this! How’s that for E.S.P?

Mila: I’m…going to be…a sage…

Cadbury: when you become a sage, can you get me an armor suit made out of platinum? Please?

King: you idiot!

Cadbury: only asking…

Young Link conducted the ballad of gales and blew them all back to Windfall island. After the ritual throwing up, Mila and Young Link ran ashore and grabbed Mila’s mother of pearl trumpet.
After a brief goodbye to her dad, Mila was ready to depart for the Sky temple.

Mila: mum gave me this trumpet when I was very little. I never thought it would someday make me a sage…

Y. Link: well now it’s time for you to become a sage…ready to play?

Mila looked up at the evening sky and nodded. Young Link took out the wind waker.

Y. Link: a-one and a-two and a-three…

\/ > ^ \/ > *

Mila played the tune out on her trumpet. She played Young Link’s tune and then kept on playing the song all the way through, even though Young Link had only taught her a little bit.
Laruto even appeared for a few minutes to accompany her. Young Link just kept on conducting for all his worth.
When the Sky god’s Requiem was complete, Mila turned and stared at Young Link.

Mila: I know who I am now…I am definitely the sage of the Sky temple.

King: see? We told you…

Mila: quick. Let’s hurry back to the Sky temple so we can free your friends.

When everyone was in King, Young Link played the ballad of gales again and twirled them off to the Sky temple.

Everyone: RUTH!!! (throw up over the side of King)

King: aw come on, it’s not that bad!

Y. Link: bleah…O.K, come on, let’s get rid of that stone.

Mila stood on one side of the stone and Y. Link stood at the other. Cadbury watched.

Y. Link and Mila: \/ > ^ \/ > *

Whhheeeeee-BLAM!! The rock split down the middle and fell apart exposing the first room of


Young Link looked around the room. It was pretty big. Over one side was a locked door and over the other was an open one. The ceiling seemed to be criss-crossed with strange bridge-like decorations and hanging ropes. A misty, foggy sort of haze floated in the air.

Y. Link: O.K. There doesn’t seem to be anything we can do here. Let’s go through the open door.

The door led to a large flight of stairs and after climbing them, Y. Link, Mila and Cadbury found themselves on floor 2 of the dungeon, standing on a narrow balcony.

Y. Link: hey! I can see the first room from up here!

Mila: yeah…and the next unlocked door is across that big chasm. I bet that if we could somehow lower the ropes on that bridge-like thing, we could walk across.

Y. Link: to do that it looks like we’d have to get to the third floor.

Cadbury: hey, what are those things?

Young Link looked to his left. Hanging down from the ceiling were two statues suspended by ropes. They looked sort of like big stone chickens.

Y. Link: I wonder what would happen if I cut the ropes of those things with my boomarang?

Mila: they’d fall…duh…

Y. Link: yeah. That actually wouldn’t achieve anything, would it? But we can still try it out.

Mila: suit yourself then.

Young Link threw the boomerang and neatly severed the ropes of the giant statues. The stone chickens fell to the ground and then a most extraordinary thing happened.
The whole round ceiling flipped inwards to hang on its side.

Y. Link: oh! I get it! The ceiling is like a big flat bead threaded onto a long iron pole! You one side is heavier than the other, causing it to always flip over on its side! The statues are only there to help balance the weight and make the lighter side heavier where it catches on that brick up there! (points)
By cutting the statues free, we’ve caused the thing to flip again!

Mila: brilliant!

Cadbury: why didn’t I think of that?

Young Link looked down to see a little wooden lever jutting out from the bottom of the now flipped ceiling.

Y. Link: stay here, I’m going to swing across.

Young Link took out his grappling hook and swung across to the other side where another flight of steps awaited him.

Mila: um…that’s all very good for you, but how do we get up?

Y. Link: um…you cant! But don’t worry, I’ll find some way to get you up here.

Young Link turned and ran up the stairs which took him to a room with a locked door. Suddenly, he heard a queer noise behind him.
Ouch. Something sharp and pointy jabbed him in the butt.
Young Link turned around and gave the stupid miniblin a taste of his sword.

Y. Link: take that, you idiotic, butt-jabbing little vermin!

As usual, about ten thousand of the idiotic, butt-jabbing vermin began pouring from the walls. Young link just stood there, slashing the cr*p out of the lot of them until they ceased to appear.
The locked door opened and a chest dropped. It contained a compass.

Y. Link: and I didn’t lose a single heart. How about that!?

Just as Young Link suspected, the locked door led to the third floor. He was instantly faced with the big semi-circle of the flipped ceiling. It was identical to the other side, except instead of a bridge on it, it had some sort of lever. An idea entered Young Link’s head.
Young Link looked up. There, on the roof, was another beam. He used this to swing across to the other side where there was a locked door.
Young Link ignored it.

He turned around and threw his grappling hook at the beam attached to the end of the ceiling and pulled with all his might. Slowly but surely, the ceiling flipped back the way it was before.

Young Link felt a bump underneath him as the statues he’d cut off earlier magically re-attached themselves, balancing the weight of the ceiling again.

Now Young Link could clearly see the puzzle. He took out his Deku leaf and shot a blast of air at the levers, lowering the bridge for Mila and Cadbury down on the second floor. Pleased with himself, Y. Link placed a bomb near the warp pot in the corner and waited for Mila and Cadbury to arrive. Sure enough, they did.

Mila: that was great!

Y. Link: yeah, I know. Now we just have to find a way to open this door…

Mila: that door looks like it doesn’t take a key…

Y. Link scratched his head. Was he finally stumped? Find out next weekend! I’m so sorry for this awfully short update. Ta-ta!


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
awsome. that's a pretty creative dungeon u made. lol! stone chickens! I must say that i was surprised that Mila was a sage, even if she was a minor one. so the door doesnt take a key, hmmm... did it have verticle bars going down the front of it, cuz if it didnt then im stumped! maybe it needs to be exploded! no, that would be too easy. maybe... o well. i give up. till next time!


Dec 19, 2002
Yay update. Your update is as long as my longest so don't worry about it being short. I never knew Mila was a sage and I don't even know any of this stuff:crazy:.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Uh...you didn't know mila was a sage? It said so just last update!! She isn't a sage in the game, but what the heck? I like her and I think she deserves better!

This weekend's not too good for updates, I have lots of homework so I'll have to try if I want to squeeze anything in.

Hint: it's a door with chains but no lock.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Homework...the scourge of the seven seas. my bag is overflowing with the stuff...
Never mind though, the holidays are coming up, and you can expect lots of updates then.
I'll also be gatting Animal Crossing, sooooo....expect a trip the the town somewhere in this fic.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Young Link stared at the door. It was the sort of door that was opened after an enemy battle. But from what Young Link could see, there were no enemies.

Y. Link: I’m going to have to try something else, I suppose…

Young Link took out the Wind Waker and conducted the Command Melody.

< * > *

Immediately, his mind was shifted to that of Mila’s. It really wasn’t much different from his mind, except Mila had a pointy nose that he could see.

Y. Link: (getting out of Mila’s head) how annoying…I’ll try Cadbury.

POW!! Cadbury’s mind was something else! Young Link could almost imagine tiny target-sensors homing in on every object in the room all at once. Cadbury could just SCAN the entire room without even thinking about it.
And his sense of smell was amazing!

Actually, Young Link could smell a weird musty sort of scent coming from the stone wall on his right. He piloted Cadbury over to the wall and sniffed it some more. Actually, whatever it was smelled pretty festy. Young Link made Cadbury bang his sword on the wall…hollow!

SMASH!! Cadbury’s powerful sword swipe cleared the wall in one hit. Standing in the tomb that had just been opened was a redead. It opened its mouth and squealed at Cadbury, but for some reason, Young Link could feel that Cadbury wasn’t effected by the shrill cry of the redead.

Splat. A one-hit wonder. The redead exploded into that black smoky stuff.

(discover secret tone) The chained door opened!

Mila: hey!

Y, Link: yeah, it worked!

Cadbury: yes, I’m so glad I thought of it…?…

Young Link ran through the door. He didn’t notice anything fishy until he actually was inside the room, and the door slammed shut, sealing Mila out.

Cadbury: Mila! Do we need her?

Y. Link: um…no, it looks like this door will open as soon as something happens…like a switch being hit or…

Suddenly, the room warped and twisted and generally became very, very freaky looking. Y. Link found himself standing on the floor, while Cadbury was up on the ceiling.

Cadbury: hey! How’d you get up there?

Y. Link: no, I’m down here, you are up there…

???: muuUUUUUU!!!

Y. Link: w-what was that?

???: mmuuuuuuuuUUUUUUHHHHH!!H!H!!!!!

Whoio!! A huge ghostly creature materialized in the middle of the room. It had long, dangerous looking arms, nasty-looking teeth, and glowing eyes that reminded Young Link of…

Y. Link: that looks like a giant floating redead with no legs and hair!

Cadbury: it’s a banshee!!

The banshee bared its teeth and came floating towards Y. Link. He aimed his light arrows at it and fired. They went through.

Ness: darn! It’s ghostly…but there is so much light in the room! How can it…

The banshee opened its mouth very wide and suddenly became solid in front of Young Link. He seized this opportunity to stab it in the mouth.
This obviously made the beast slightly irate. It floated away from Young Link and squealed at him, freezing his body.
The banshee came in for another bite, but Young Link came to his senses just in time and hit it with a parry attack.

The ghost wailed, went unconscious, and rose up to the ceiling where it stayed there like a fish floating upside-down in a bowl.
Young Link suddenly realized what he had to do. He played the Command Melody and took control of Cadbury.

Cadbury stared in front of him. There was a freakin huge ghost floating in front of him, vulnerable and completely stunned. Earlier on, he didn't know what to do, but now, he suddenly did, as if someone was telling him.
He slashed the crud out of it.

The banshee gave a final wail and evaporated. The room twisted back the way it was before, the door opened and a chest appeared in front of Young Link.
Young Link opened it and got a small key.

Y. Link: yaaaaay!!! Um…wait…have we seen a door that needs a key?

Cadbury: Oh! Oh! I know!! On the first floor!!


Mila: (from behind the door) ARE YOU GUYS O.K?

Young Link opened the door and walked out, flashing the key in front of Mila. He looked to his left and saw the boss’s door.

Y. Link: I must remember, the boss’s door is on this level.

Mila: come on! To the first floor!

Everyone simply hopped into the warp pot and it spat them all back to the first floor.
Young Link ran over and unlocked the door.

Mila: it sort of looks like some sort of elevator…

Cadbury: hey, It’s going up!

Y. Link: I just realized, this dungeon doesn’t look nearly tall enough to hold four floors from the outside, where is this lift taking us.

Pthoo. Youn Link found himself standing in the air, 5000 meters from sea level, with absolutely nothing beneath his feat. Mila and Cadbury squealed and clutched each other. Young Link didn’t dare to move.



Y. Link: O…K…everyone…just try to stay calm…we are definitely standing on something…solid…but…

Cadbury: I know this sounds silly, but I can smell mould up here…

Mila: wow, I knew you had a good sense of smell, but that’s just fantastic!!

Cadbury: no!! I mean I can smell mould…really close…like stone or something.

Y. Link: I’ll have a look around, perhaps there’s a sort of trick…hey! I think I can see my island!

Mila: hey! That’s a chest floating in the air!

Y. Link: oh! Yeah, I didn’t see that…I wonder what it holds? I’m going to use my hookshot…maybe I can pull it over here…

The hookshot fired and caught onto the floating chest, but instead of pulling the chest over, it dragged Young Link over towards it!

Everyone: AAAAAHH!!

Y. Link: whoa…it’s alright…I’m standing on something…I’m going to open this chest now…

Cadbury: isn’t it funny that you can’t feel any breeze up here?

Young Link opened the chest and was almost blinded by the light that shone from within. He slit his eyes, leaned forward and pulled out…

Da-da-da-daaaa!! The Lens of Truth!!

Y. Link: hey! Link had one of these!

Mila: what is that?

Cadbury: a magnifying glass?

Y. Link: sort of, only you look through it like this, and WHOA!!!

As young Link placed the lens to his eye, he saw that not all was what it seemed, in fact, they were not standing in the sky, they were standing is a dungeon…and there was a huge crevasse in front of him. Had he have tried to run across to the chest, he would have fallen.

Cadbury: what do you see?

Y. Link: it’s absolutely alright…we are standing in a dungeon.

Mila: could have fooled me…since when do they make dungeons so…so sky-y?

Y. Link: no! The top half of the Sky Temple must be invisible! There’s a passageway leading to your left, and the elevator is just behind you. Walk around, It’s fine. Just don’t come towards me, and don’t run into any walls. Now how am I going to get back?

Cadbury: you could try to hookshot onto me…

Y. Link: will that work?

Cadbury: my armor is made from silver, so I’m pretty sure…why don’t you try?

Young Link fired the hookshot at Cadbury. It caught on his armor and yanked Young Link over to the other side.

Y. Link: my, that is so useful…

Cadbury: gad! Look at that ding in my armor! Ghastly!!

Y. Link: here, look into this…(gives Mila and Cadbury the Lens of Truth)

Mila: WAA!!

Cadbury: HECK!!

Y. Link: you two crack me up…

The band of explorers fumbled down the invisible passageway. Pretty soon, the Lens of Truth revealed a large room with a blobby chest (the ones that need light to become solid) and two switches…a rusty one and a gold one. In the corner, there was another BIG switch and it looked like a block could be pushed onto it from above. Pretty simple.

Young Link ran over and pushed the block onto the big switch. It popped right back up again, almost crushing him.

Y. Link: whoa! A springy switch…maybe the block just needs more weight on it…

He pushed it back onto the switch and jumped down on top of the block. It stayed down this time.

Y. Link: Cadbury…go there…no…there…yes, there! Back a bit! Perfect, now stay…Mila…next to Cadbury and go left…lefter…even lefter…great! Now lets watch…

Nothing happened.

Young Link put the lens to his eye and noticed that Mila’s rusty switch hadn’t gone down at all. He groaned and realized that he needed to be there with his iron boots.

Y. Link: Mila…walk over to me, and watch the block.

Mila stumbled over to Young Link and stood on the block with him. Young Link hopped down and went over to the rusty switch, equipped his iron boots, and stepped on it.

A ray of sunlight fell onto the chest, materializing…the boss key chest??

Y. Link: the BOSS KEY chest?? That was a short dungeon!!

Mila: maybe because I’m a minor sage, I get a minor dungeon…

Y. Link: maybe…

Something in the room seemed not right. Young Link went and got the boss key and then turned around. Mila and Cadbury hopped off their switches and walked over to him…

SQWEEEII!!! Five floormasters suddenly appeared next to Mila and dragged her, kicking and squealing down into the floor. Young Link and Cadbury tried to do something, but the floormasters were too fast. Mila disappeared.

Y. Link: AaaArgh!!

Cadbury: no!!

Ding…Young Link noticed that something was lying on the ground. It was a compass and a map…obviously left there by one of the floormasters…how strange.

Y. Link: It says on the map that Mila is in the boss’s room! Come on!!

Getting back to the boss’s room wasn’t so easy. Large, gaping holes had been torn in the floor since the last time they’d been through the dungeon, and Cadbury almost fell down one of the invisible ones. There were a LOT of redeads and floormasters around, and to make things worse, more chicken statues were floating around and making it difficult to target things with the hookshot. Finally, Young Link and Cadbury made it to the Boss’s room. Young Link equipped himself with his best weapons, adjusted his crawfish jammies, and inserted the key.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

As the chains fell away from the boss door, Young Link prepared himself for the battle that was imminent. As he and Cadbury entered, the door slammed shut behind him.

Cadbury: I’m scared!

Y. Link: you wuss…I can’t see any monster in here…maybe…

Young Link took out the Lens of truth and looked through it.

Y. Link: Cadbury…

Cadbury: yes?

Y. Link: don’t move a muscle…

Young Link grabbed his bow and aimed an arrow to the center of the room. After a few seconds, he fired.

TCHACK!!! The arrow hit something and for a split second, the outline of a very huge, very monstrous creature became apparent. A mighty roar filled the room and a shape began to form in the middle.
Young Link and Cadbury watched in awe as a twirling, twisting mass of darkness formed in front of them. The beast appeared to be made of the same substance that a floormaster. Except this thing had a body, no head and two long arms with big hands on the end.

Y. Link: holy cow! What in the world is…


Y. Link: quick! Du…

Too late, the Master swiped at Young Link, knocking him and Cadbury to separate sides of the room. It turned on Young Link and raised its hand for a giant slap.

BLAM!! Young Link managed to dodge the smack, but was knocked over by the gust of wind created by the giant hand. He turned to find the other hand flying at him in an attempt to catch him by surprise. Swoosh! Young Link jumped aside and executed a parry, pinning the hand to the ground. The Master roared and flicked him away with its good hand and tried to slam him, only to suffer another parry to the thumb.

Now the Master seemed helpless. Young Link seized the opportunity to search for a weak spot. He ran in and started stabbing at the creature’s body, but to no effect.

Something clobbered Young Link to the ground. He looked up to see nothing at all. Bwam! The think hit him again, this time, knocking him to off his feet.
Shaking, Young Link reached for his lens of truth. Three invisible floormasters had appeared and were attacking him. Young Link destroyed them and then turned back to the Master. However, he noticed that when looking at the beast through the Lens of truth, he could see a thick and invisible black pillar protruding from where the Master’s head should have been.
He stabbed at the Master again. The dark flesh quivered and appeared to make an indentation, but apart from that, it did not do anything.

Y. Link: Cadbury! Make yourself useful and…Aaargh!!

The Master had come back to its senses and was slapping Young link around like an angry sumo wrestler. It made a fist with its right hand and punched him up against a wall.

Y. Link: oooh, fine…you wanna play like that…

Parry, parry! The Master became immobilized once more. Young Link decided to try something different. He destroyed the invisible Floormasters and began charging up his Hurricane spin.
As the energy built up inside him, he planned his route and let loose with the fantastically psycho-looking spin attack.

Y. Link: HuAAAAAaaAAAAaaAAAaaaa!!!!

Young Link circled the Master’s base a few times, slashing away like a fool. The effect was just as planned. The Master fell over on its stomach.
Now Young Link knew what to do. He struck the invisible pillar with his sword and…


It bounced off. Young Link looked puzzled. He tried again.


This time, the pillar shocked him and sent him onto his butt.

Y. Link: argh! I’m going to need some more fire power…and I can only hit that pillar at certain times…

Young Link looked over at Cadbury. The darknut appeared to be paralyzed, and was straining against something. Young Link looked through the Lens to see more invisible floormasters holding him down.

Y. Link: hold on, I’ll save you!!

Anther Hurricane spin got rid of the floormasters. Young Link quickly took out the Wind Waker and played the Command melody.

< * > *

Cadbury’s mind instantly came into focus. The powerful muscles, the amazing sense of smell, the fantastic hearing and a strange sixth sense that Young Link hadn’t noticed before. Cadbury was able to see a throbbing energy flow that pulsed through the pillar on the Master’s head.

Young Link piloted Cadbury over to the pillar and began charging a Spin attack. When the electricity surrounding the pillar stopped, he let loose with a fully-powered darknut spin attack, completely destroying the pillar.

The Master jerked back and roared. It twitched dramatically for a few seconds before slowly dissolving into a fine powder. When the ash cleared, Young Link was glad to see Mila lying on the ground, unharmed. He did his little stupid dance and ran over to help her.

Mila: oh…I don’t know what happened…Those hand things grabbed me…and then…it all went black!

Cadbury: it doesn’t matter. The demon is slain and you are ready to become a sage.

Mila’s eyes began to water.

Mila: I know. I’ll never forget you, Cadbury. I-I promise to come and visit you again…and Link…I don’t know how to thank you
At first…when I became poor…I was so angry about it that I lost my sense of decency and chose to become a thief.
That’ s when you stepped in…you taught me what was the right thing to do and saved me from sinking to that level. And now…thanks to you I am a sage! How ever can I repay you??

Y. Link: you can start by playing your instrument to help free my friends…

Mila: splendid! I will do just that.

Young Link placed the dark prison on the ground and took out the Wind Waker. Mila put her trumpet to her lips and they played the Sky god’s Requiem while Cadbury stood aside and watched. The dark prison began to glow slightly, brighter than before. When the song ended, Cadbury walked over to Young Link and shook his hand.

Cadbury: I too have learned something from you, boy…today you have taught me courage. If there is anything you wish of me, I will be on my island, but now I must part ways with both you and Mila.

Mila: Link? Escort Cadbury back to his island. I will stay here and pray. I wish you the best of luck on your quest.

Young Link nodded. After a final goodbye, he and Cadbury stepped into the light and were soon sailing back to Heat Cliffe Island. Cadbury turned and watched as the Sky temple vanished into the distance.

Cadbury: a sage…isn’t it amazing? I personally know a real sage with her own temple and everything.

Y. Link: well I know three.

King: I’ve known seventy-four! So ReSpecT!! By the way, before you drop the darknut home, why don’t you check the Sea temple? It’s only one Kilometer in that direction.

Y. Link: hm…may as well.

After one Kilometer travel, Young Link came across a tiny cave sticking out over the waves.

Y. Link: is that it? I see no temple…

King: just go in there!

Inside the little cave it was very dark. Young Link shot a fire arrow at the torches on the wall, illuminating the temple entrance. As usual, it was a big stone with markings on it. Young Link took out his Wind Waker and conducted the tune.

\/ > > /\ \/ *

Young Link learned the Sea god’s Shanty!

Fwoomf. The lights in the room dimmed and the ghostly image of Fado, the Kokiri sage appeared.

Fado: Oi! Link, how you be? Alright, alright, I know the drill. Here’s the instrument, now go fetch.

Fado produced a small, silverry flute. He tooted it for Young Link to hear and then put it away.

Y. Link: hey…why are you in charge of the Sea temple and Laruto is in charge of the Sky temple? Shouldn’t it be the other way around??

Fado: well it should…but the prophecy is a bit screwed in the head, you see. Personally, I hate it here. (disappears)

Young Link turned to Cadbury. The darknut glanced at him in a questionable way.

Y. Link: are you the next sage?

Cadbury: nup…never played an instrument in my life.

Y. Link: oh…well that’s unlucky…I can’t remember anyone I’ve met who plays a flute…

What awaits Young Link in the Sea temple? Who is the next sage? Find out on the next update of SSBM: Academy of Smash!!


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
heheh, nice boss! i guess it would have been too easy if Cadbury were the next sage. hmmm... o well.
Cadbury: I’m scared!

Y. Link: you wuss!


Cadbury: a sage…isn’t it amazing? I personally know a real sage with her own temple and everything.

Y. Link: well I know three.

King: I’ve known seventy-four! So ReSpecT!!


Y. Link: hey…why are you in charge of the Sea temple and Laruto is in charge of the Sky temple? Shouldn’t it be the other way around??

Fado: well it should…but the prophecy is a bit screwed in the head, you see. Personally, I hate it here. (disappears)
*snicker* anyway, i think i've got an idea on who the next sage is, but im probably wrong. till later then.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Holidays are here! You all know what that means...do you? ...I'll tell you. It means MONKEYS MONKEYS MONKEYS!!...well...not quite, but overall, there will be more updates soon, and a rise in evil monkeys in Fijii.
Apart from that, the weather will be fine, and weird, fish-shaped growths that smell like blue cheese will rise from the earth and scream "penut butter jelly!" over and over again.
Oh, and Christmas is coming:eek: (I must remember to set my trap for Santa.) Then I will pawn him off to the Grannery for a Mr. spagetthi turnip and I will eat him in stew.(-_@)

Sound Effects: you're getting just a tad too silly, you weirdo! Watch it, or the boogie man will give you an atomic super-sayan ninja wedgie for tea!


I'll try and update tonight. I might have to do some work a bit later on, but expect an update.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

As Young Link sailed away from the entrance to the Sea temple, a thought stuck in his head that wouldn’t go away.
Where was the temple?

All he could see was a tiny little cave. The Lens of truth revealed no invisible land, and there didn’t seem to be any foundations on which a temple could be built. Young Link shrugged and turned around to see Heat Cliffe island on the horizon.

Y. Link: well, Cadbury…there’s your home!

Cadbury: there’s no place like home…

Ten minutes later, Young Link said his final goodbye and parted ways with Cadbury. It was still morning and the birds on the island were singing nicely.
After explaining everything to Fred, Young Link ate something and prepared to depart the island.

Y. Link: I wonder who the next sage is? I don’t know any flutists…

King: oh well, you know what they say. When the bacon gets char-broiled, nobody wants to eat it with toast.

Y. Link: what is that supposed to mean?

King: shush, you impudent whelph! Do you hear that???

Young Link listened. Floating on the breeze, among the seagull’s cries, was the soft, but unmistakable sound of a flute.

Y. Link: that’s a flute!

King: yes, I know.

Y. Link: I’m going back on land to try and find the person playing it…he or she could be the sage!

King: well, judging by your lucky streak, I’d say you are presuming right.

Young Link ran up the sunny slopes of Heat Cliffe island, intent on finding the musician. He tripped over a crab and landed face-first in a bush. As the hero struggled to free himself from the ‘orrible vegetable, a young, familiar voice called out to him.

Jahian: swordsman…is that you?

Y. Link: yes! Help me, this thing has thorns!

The poe grabbed onto Young Link’s legs and pulled him free of the bush. Young Link immediately torched it with his fire arrows and began the tedious chore of pulling the twigs from his now-incredibly-mussed-up hair.

Jahian: (giggling) you look like a bush has grown on your head!

Y. Link: What are you doing out here in broad daylight, anyway

Jahian: well…I’ve taken the opportunity to sneak out of the chapel while the others are sleeping so I can practice my flute. The high priest doesn’t approve of my playing it.

Jahian put the instrument to his mouth and played a few notes. Young Link was ecstatic to see that it matched the one Fado showed him perfectly.

Y. Link: hey…that’s pretty good…er…do you think you can play this tune? (Takes out the Wind waker)

Jahian: ooh! Is that a…conductor’s thingie? The one they wave about at concerts? How exciting! Let me try and play your tune.

Young Link smiled to himself and conducted the Sea God’s Shanty. Jahian slowly played it back, botching up a few of the notes, but ultimately getting it right. Young Link and Jahian played the song about three more times, the poe eventually playing beyond the tune that Young Link conducted and sending shivers down his spine.
When the song was over, Jahian turned to face Young Link, a new look of understanding in his eyes.

Jahian: I…I know who I am now…I am not destined to become Jalhalla the Mighty…I am a sage! The sage of the Sea temple! All this…these rituals, these strict rules I must obey, these sacred rites…they are not for me! Come on swordsman…my real purpose awaits! Take me to the Sea Temple!


Once back at the Sea temple Entrance, Young Link and Jahian wasted no time in opening the ancient seal that blocked the way. After it was dispelled, Young Link cautiously poked his head into the tunnel that had been revealed.
What he saw took his eyes completely by surprise.

A very, very, VERY long flight of stairs led down under the ocean where an absolutely massive air pocket shielded what looked like a small city from the outside world.

Y. Link: woah…

Jahian: it’s beautiful! But how can such a structure exist under the sea?

Y. Link: oh, I’m not surprised. I’ve seen something like this before…

Jahian: let’s enter that temple! The sooner I get to the triforce plaque, the sooner we can free your friends.

After a long run down the many flights of stairs, Young Link and Jahian found themselves in an ancient temple. The room they were currently in was bare, except for two unlit torches and a small cubicle in the corner that had another unlit torch in it, but appeared to contain a sort of white fog.

Y. Link: well we obviously have to light these torches. Stand back, I’ll set fire to them.

Fwoosh, Fwoosh! Two fire arrows lit the first two torches in the center of the room. Young Link turned to face the third one and let fly with another fire arrow. But before the flaming arrow made contact with the torch, the flame mysteriously went out and it became just a normal arrow, bouncing uselessly against the torch.

Y. Link: huh?

He tried again, but to no avail.

Jahian: um…just letting you know, there is a sort of icy mist barrier that shields that torch…you’re going to have to stand inside the cubicle in order to light the torch.

Y. Link: oh. Now why would that be there? Hmmm…

Young Link marched into the cubicle and was immediately knocked to the ground by the freezing temperature. It was so cold that it whacked you. (Just like those awful hobo snowmen you get at Christmas time when it snows in England.)

Y. Link: c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-cccco-o00o0000ld-d-dddd!!!!

Jahian: I wouldn’t do that! An organic body such as yours cannot tolerate such extreme temperatures! You’re best letting me try. As a poe, I’m not effected by natural temperature. I should be able to walk through.

Y. Link: brilliant! (plays the Command Melody)

The poe’s mind was the worst experience Young Link had ever had the misfortune to have. There were hardly any positive feelings at all inside Jahian’s mind, everything was sadness and suffering and an overwhelming feeling of restraint. Unanswered questions and absolutely horrible memories just clouded his brain to the extent that Young Link felt his sanity starting to falter.
However, he forced himself to think of other things and piloted Jahian towards the freezing cubicle.
Just as the poe had said, he didn’t feel the cold at all. Once inside the cubicle, Young Link wondered just how Jahian would light the torch.
He decided to experiment, reaching into the poe’s senses to try and find any special powers or skills. It just so happened that Young Link was making Jahian jiggle his lantern and a small will-o-the-wisp shot from the end. Now it was clear! Young Link made Jahian swing his lamp at the torch and a thin strip of fire followed in its wake, lighting the third torch.

(Legend of Zelda Secret theme)

The wall opposite them opened up to reveal a secret passageway.

Y. Link: yaaaay!

Jahian: See? I’m glad I could be of assistance to you…

Young Link quickly exited Jahian’s mind and walked down the passageway.

As he turned the corner, the corridor dissolved into almost complete darkness. Young Link felt his mind starting to play tricks on him.

Y. Link: ooh…this place is…so…creepy…when is it going to end?

Jahian: are you scared of the dark? I’m not, but then again, I am a creature of the spirit world…


Out of the darkness loomed a creature with long, broad arms and a flat, misshapen head with no features. It didn’t seem to have any legs, but floated just inches from the ground, progressing with lurching movements.
The beast made a sort of soft moaning sound and raised its handless arms above its head to strike. Young Link found himself paralyzed by some sort of invisible force. He didn’t have time to think before the monster bashed him all the way back down the corridor and into the room he had previously been in. Young Link hit the wall and fell to the floor as Jahian tottered to his aid.

Y. Link: oh…ah! W…what was that…that thing?

Jahian: thing? What thing do you speak of?

Y. Link: that big monster! The one that smashed me!

A look of confusion spread across the poe’s face

Jahian: …monster? They…you see them as monsters?

Y. Link: I see what as monsters? There is a dirty great demon beast lurking in that corridor! Did you not see it?

Jahain: honestly sir, there are no monsters in that corridor. You were simply rejected by the wights that have possessed that corridor. It’s very strange, they’re common spirits and I’ve never seen them attack anyone before…

Y. Link: but that monster!

Jahian: the wights hate you, Link! I don’t know what you saw with your eyes, but the whole pack of them pounced at you and pushed you back into this room.

Y. Link:…weird. So what am I supposed to do?

Jahian: well, you could try talking to them…

Y. Link: get stuffed!

Will Young Link ever be able to get past the nasty wights? Or is HE the one that’s stuffed? Find out next update in SSBM: Academy of Smash!!

Edit: and I have just realised that I have spelled Sheik as "Shiek" thruought the entire fic so far! I am a NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY PERSON!! Somebody thwack me!! I before E except after Zelda cross-dresses, dammit!


Dec 19, 2002
Yay great update. Oh no something else I don't know about. I'm too confused since I don't have a single LoZ game.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Staring back down the darkened passageway, Young Link was lost for what to do. Jahian fidgeted and poked his leg.

Y. Link: what?

Jahian: go talk to them! It’s the only way they’ll let you through!

Y. Link: YOU go talk to them! (plays the Command melody)

Again, the awful mind of Jahian came into Young Link’s sights. He cringed upon the impact of all the bad memories and piloted the poe down into the darkness. Strangely enough, for Jahian it wasn’t dark at all. The corridor looked normal to him.

Further down the passageway, Y. Link encountered what looked like five or six ghostly spirits who were staring at him and blinking.

Jahian (piloted): are you lot wights?

The wights made no response.

Jahian: why do you hate m…I mean Young Link?

Again, no response.

Young Link could feel a sort of anticipation flowing through Jahian’s body. It was as if he know he could use a certain power. It was the same sensation that Medli had experienced when they stood in the light, and Makar when he’d stood on a patch of soil.
He knew what to do.

Jahian: begone, wights!

Po0f! Jahian performed a sort of exorcism and the wights disappeared into many thin plumes of smoke. It looked as if a sheet made of steam had suddenly been torn apart. Young link exited Jahian’s mind and noticed that the darkness in the corridor was gone.

Y. Link: hey, you didn’t tell me you could appease spirits!

Jahain: I…I didn’t know! Until now, anyway!

Y. Link: great! Let’s go into the next room.

Creeeeaaaaak…the door to the next room opened very loudly, alerting the two moblin guards. They attacked, but Young Link defeated them easily. This room was large and circular. Through the middle, a channel of water led into a dark tunnel. To the right was an open door and to the left was a closed one with bars over it. On the floor were intricate patterns that depicted scenes that Young Link hadn’t a clue about. There was a small stone tablet in the very center of the room.

Jahian: I’ll read that tablet, it’s in an ancient poe language. It says… “This mighty palace, now in ruins, will open to those who play the right tunes.
But he who enters must be bold, for angry spirits roam the halls.
A deadly fiend of twisted mind, stalks the corridors that wind.
Come do your worst, if so you may, for he who treads here becomes…prey.”

Y. Link: O…K….that’s a little creepy…

Jahian: I see no other way to go but through that open door…but it looks as if someone has already opened it before…it’s kind of…ajar.

Y. Link: that’s also creepy! We’d better do it, before we freak ourselves out too much.

Jahian: I’ll go first, as a I have my lantern to light dark rooms.

The open door lead to a long room with a hole in the floor that contained a staircase down into the gloom. Young Link noticed that a rather ugly statue was positioned above the hole. Its head was positioned so it appeared to be peering down the hole and grinning with cruel delight at something.

Y. Link: you go first…if anything is down there, call me.

As Jahain disappeared down the staircase, Young Link followed. Just before his head fell below ground level, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye, but didn’t get to see what it was, because Jahian called.

Y. Link: I’m coming!! Just hold on!

Young Link couldn’t see Jahian’s light, but he could hear his cries. It sounded like the poe was hurt or under attack. He rushed through a labyrinth of dark hallways, following Jahian’s screams. Finally, he came to a bare square room with hieroglyphs adorning the walls. Young Link looked around and saw the small shape of Jahain sitting in a corner of the room.

Y. Link: Jahain! Are you alright?

Jahain didn’t answer.

Young Link walked over and touched Jahain’s shoulder. To his surprise, it wasn’t Jahain he was touching, it was a doll! A rag doll, shaped to look like a poe.

Realizing he’d been fooled, Young Link turned around and saw a floormaster’s palm cover his face, and then everything went black.


Jahian wandered down the darkened passages of the Sea Temple. “Young Link is being awfully quiet…” he thought to himself.

Jahian: Link? Are you there?

No reply.

Jahian turned around to see nothing behind him. He was alone.

Jahain: Ah! I’ve lost him! Link!! Retrace your steps! I’ll find you!

There was still no reply. Jahian was about to turn around and look for him, but he felt uncomfortable about something. He turned around to the direction he was previously facing and held up his lantern.

The light illuminated the area in front of him and revealed a pale, white face with tiny red eyes and large, fanged jaws floating just a meter away.
For a few seconds, Jahian was too shocked and terrified to move, but when the creature began to drool and inch towards him, Jahian’s senses kicked in and he swung his lantern, causing the monster to rear backwards and moan.

Jahain had never felt so frightened. He turned down the corridor and ran for his life. He didn’t care where he was heading, he just ran.

Jahain: If only Link was here!! He’d save me! But where is he? Aaah!

Finally, a decently-lit room opened up in front of him. Jahian ran in and closed the door.
He sat against the wall, panting.


Jahain: (jumps) Aah! LINK! You’re here!

Jahain’s eyes fell on a cage in the corner of the room. Young Link was standing in it and rattling at the bars.

Jahain: what happened?

Y. Link: I though I heard you calling and I was lured into a room where a floormaster got me. I’m trapped, and I can’t do anything to the bars!

Jahain: the spirits in this temple are malevolent. They will fool you and try to cause you harm. But that’s not the problem! There’s a dirty great fiend haunting the place and it’s after my skin!

Y. Link: can’t you kill it?

Jahian: are you joking? You can’t kill a fiend with a lantern or poefire! You need a sort of magical spell to do that!

Y. Link: well I bet we’ll have to destroy that thing…try and find me a small key that should be able to open this lock.

Jahain: I’m not going back out there!

Y. Link: you’ll have to!

Jahian: oh…fine then…I’ll…do it.

Y. Link: and if you see any danger, run like a hare!

Jahian re-opened the door and ran down the tomb-like tunnels. He had no idea where he was going, but his blind luck eventually brought him to a room with a big pool of water in the middle, and two torches sticking up from out of it.
Jahian gazed around the room and realized that he may as well light the torches. He did so, and to his surprise, the water shrank back as if to avoid the light, revealing two more torches.
Jahian walked out onto the water (he’s light, remember) and lit these torches as well. Again, the small lake shrank down.
Three more flights of torches later, the whole lake had dried up and there, in the middle of the great crater that had been revealed, was a wight. Jahian exorcised it and a chest appeared. However, Jahain couldn’t open it at all.

Jahain: I’ll have to tell Link to come back and open this later.

He made his way towards the door, but before he could open it, a pale, clammy clawed hand did it for him.

Jahain: AAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

The fiend stood in the doorway. Its body was just as freaky as its head. With two long arms and bent, misshapen legs that stuck out from under its saggy body and a long neck that supported its fearsome head.
The beast moaned and advanced towards Jahian.

Jahain was scared, but not scared enough to overlook the fact that the fiend was very slow and clumsy. He waited until it was a bit further away from the door and then made a run for it. The fiend swiped at him, but missed.

The young poe ran back down the corridors and found the flight of stairs that had led him to the labyrinth. He hastily scaled them and found himself back in the room with the tablet in the center.

Jahain thought that he’d try going down the channel this time, so he plucked up his courage and walked down the watery tunnel. It led to a room with five wights in it. Jahian exorcised them all and another chest appeared. He couldn’t open this one either.

SLAM! A large stone door fell, blocking the exit from the room. Jahian panicked and turned around to see a stalfos emerging from the ground. It cackled and raised its club over its head.
Jahain realized that he’d have to fight this demented skeleton, but he’d have to do it carefully.

Jahian edged towards the stalfos and quickly belted it three times with his lantern, burning it. The stalfos didn’t think well of this little notion and began to swing its club. Jahain got clobbered halfway across the room. Getting to his feet, he watched as the stalfos twirled around like Mario giving Bowser an airplane ride.
Jahain waited for an opening and attacked the stalfos again, this time, holding his lantern in front of him and shooting a stream of fire at his enemy. This did the trick, and he heat of the fire caused the stalfos to fall apart and its head jump stupidly around, trying to avoid being hit. Jahain rattled his lantern, causing flames to fall out all over the ground, trapping the skull. He then twirled around and beat the crud out of it. The stalfos exploded into the dark dust and the stone door opened. To Jahain’s absolute delight, a small key also fell from the roof. He picked it up.

Jahian: finally! Now I must free Young Link and proceed through this dungeon…

It took Jahain a fair bit of time to find Young Link again. He bumped into the fiend three or four times, but managed to escape each time. When Jahain finally found Young Link again, he handed over the key and fell to the ground, exhausted.

Y. Link: thanks, Jahian. I thought you’d died.

Jahain: I…puff…I discovered some secrets…some chests…puff…but I can’t open them. You need to check them.

Y. Link: great. Lead me there, and this time, don’t lose me!

Jahian managed to find the first room easily, because he remembered which turns he took. Young Link opened the chest and found….

Y. Link: the boss key.

Jahian: oh…It’s not going to help you defeat the fiend?

Y. Link: I’m afraid not. Come on, let’s check the other one.

Jahian also found the staircase again with relative ease. He led young link back to the main room but there was one problem.

Y. Link: that water doesn’t look very swimmable…

Jahian looked at the water he was standing on. It was bubbling and obviously boiling hot.

Jahian: ou…that’s a problem.

Young Link tried to shoot an ice arrow into the bubbling brook, but it didn’t work.

Y. Link: oh no…but there’s got to be a way to cool this water down…

Jahian: hey! Look, do you see that cubicle over there?

Y. Link: no.

Jahian: it’s a frozen cubicle like the last one. I could go in there…and there’s a sort of switch.

Y. Link: I can’t see a thing!

Jahian: …

Y. Link: wait…let me try using this thing…(uses Lens of Truth) oh yeah! I see! I see said blind Fred…well off you go then, Jahain…step on that switch.

Jahian walked into the wall. He stepped on the switch, but nothing happened.

Y. Link: huh? You are stepping on the switch, aren’t you?

Jahian: yes…but perhaps there’s another switch in this room…look for it, I’ll stay here.

Young Link looked to his left. There was another cubicle directly opposite Jahain’s spot, but it didn’t have a switch in it.

Y. Link: there’s a cubicle, but it’s empty.

Jahian: that’s what you said last time, too! Use that lens thing.

Sure enough, there was an invisible switch in the cubicle. Young Link walked over and stood on it. The water stopped bubbling and cooled down.

Jahian and Young Link walked and swam down the watery tunnel. When Young Link opened the chest, he was overjoyed to find…

Po0F!! A heavily made-up fairy (The ones from Ocarina Of Time) exploded from the chest. She made that fake laughing sound and floated there, showing off her cleavage.

Great fairy: oh hello big boy (wink wink giggle giggle) I’m a great fairy!

Y. Link: I don’t know about that…(comical laugh) you’re actually pretty average-looking for a fairy. All the great fairies I’ve seen have four arms…

Great fairy: oh…well just take my word for it. (comical laugh) Anyway, I’m going to endow you with a power that the hero of time was given long ago.

Y. Link: why?

Great fairy: because I like you! (comical laugh) Now close your eyes and think HAPPY thoughts.

Young Link turned and looked at Jahian, who was totally awe-struck and closed his eyes. Thinking of the time he’d given Marth a wedgie back at the Academy. When he opened his eyes, the fairy was floating there, eating a cucumber.

Y. Link: um…did anything happen?

Great fairy: well, yes. When you had your eyes closed, I took off my bra and then put it back on again, inside out. Weren’t you peeking?

Young Link turned and looked at Jahain, who had turned as red as a beet.

Y. Link: er…no. That’s all fine and dandy, but aren’t you giving me that power now?

Great fairy: oh, alright. ShAz0Om!! I give you tha power!!

Blaut! Young Link felt something fall into his pocket. He took out a small, diamond shaped device.

Great fairy: BEHOLD! DIN’S FIRE!!

Y. Link: Din’s fire? That’s a magical spell! I can use it to defeat the fiend!

Great fairy: oh, you’re brainy. (comical laugh) Now excuse me, I have to go exfoliate my moustache.

Y. Link: …moustache?

Great fairy: yes, moustache. It grows on my bum.

Y. Link: let’s get out of here, Jahian!!


Once out of the room, Young Link and Jahian prepared themselves to take on the fiend. They didn’t have to look far, because the beast had found its way out of the labyrinth and was waiting for them on the bank.

Jahian: see that foul creature!!

Y. Link: that’s absolutely crass!

Jahian: it’s unsavory!

Y. Link: downright festy!

Jahian: well go on, then…hop out and use Din’s fire!

Y. Link: um…you’re going to have to distract it for me, I can’t get out it it’s guarding the edge.

Jahian sighed and ran past the fiend. This time, however, it actually managed to knock him over with a swipe. Jahian tried to get up, but the fiend placed its hand on his body and began to slowly lower its head towards the poe’s chest.

Hearing Jahian’s frantic screams, Young Link struggled up out of the water and rushed the fiend with his sword. It moaned and turned its attention to him, but hadn’t suffered any damage.
Young Link dodged its slashes and waited for an opening. He soon found it, and used the Din’s fire. The fiend howled and disintegrated from the powerful magical blast. Young Link turned to check on Jahian, who had several bite-marks on his chest and was crying.

Y. Link: it’s O.K. Jahian…I have a fairy in my bottle, I’ll use it to heal you…

Jahian: n..n.o….you need that…fairy for the..boss battle…

Y. Link: no I don’t, you’re the sage, you’re more important than me. Here, take it.

Jahian gratefully accepted the fairy. In no time at all, he was fully revitalized.

Jahian: thank you Link…I…

Y. Link: hey! The barred door opened! Let’s go through!

The now unbarred door led into a tiny room with a boss door in it. Young Link nodded to Jahian and inserted the key.

Y. Link: brace yourself, poe…we’re going in!


Dec 19, 2002
Yay great update:D. An announcement for those that didn't read my fic, NESSBOUNDER agreed to let me combine both fics temporarily. Not gonna give you a spoiler:rolleyes::p.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Let our fics combine!


Specll, Pokey and Edward Hemorrhoid were standing on another one of the Triforce System’s many islands. They were just about to depart for their next dimension.
Specll was turning a small device around in his hands.

Specll: this gives me the creeps, Pokey. A whole world, about to be purged of life, and here I am, holding the device that could stop that from happening…

Pokey: guilt is your enemy, Specll! Remember that this is all about us. WE’RE the most important people in the universe, and nothing will stop us from obtaining ultimate power.

Specll: but I just can’t helf feeling bad about Fox…and what I did to him…

Pokey: think of it as sweet revenge for anything wrong he ever did to you.

Specll thought for a few seconds and looked over at Edward Hemorrhoid, who was just standing there, motionless. The pink fox looked away from him. After all, big, mutant tumors are not very nice viewing material.

Wo0ba-ka-CHANg!! A bright blast of light exploded from behind them all. Specll turned around to find the source of the disturbance. What he saw, were three unfamiliar people sprawled on the ground. Pokey farted so loudly in fear, that it could be heard five miles away.
Specll blocked his nose and studied the newcomers.

One of them was wearing some kind of space suit with an arm cannon and a belt full of Pokeballs. The other was a puffball warrior with a sword and the third appeared to be an oddly-costumed boy with spoons and socks adorning his body.

Specll: hey! Who are you? H…how did you get here! Talk!

The person in the suit spoke first. Specll stared into the stranger’s visor and a feeling of intense anger seemed to build up inside of him, although he’d never him before.

MM2002: we’re allies of justice! Who are you?

Before Specll could talk, Pokey opened his big mouth and answered the question.

Pokey: Specll, Pokey and Edward Heamorrhoid we’re the evil chosen ones, thoroughly rotten, through and through. And anybody who stands in our way will be smashefied!

Edward: I aM nOt my GrAnDma!

Pokey: I’ll bet they’re some of Ness’s friends that we missed!

MewtwoMaster2002 and the others got together in a little group powwow. Specll began to think to himself…

Specll: wait a minute…you lot must be from a parallel reality line!

Pokey: who cares! Let’s fight them!

Before Specll could stop him, Pokey charged forward and farted.

The boy with the spoons coughed.

KM1112: you stink!

MM2002 quickly stood up. He pointed at Specll and Pokey with his arm cannon.

MM2002: KM1112! You take Pokey, GSK, go for Specll, I’ll take Edward Hemorrhoid!

The puffball charged at Specll with his sword raised over his head. Specll felt scared at first, but then realized that his opponent was in for a shock.

POW!! GSK was knocked flat by the power of Specll’s rejector shield.

Specll: hahahah!! You can’t hurt me, marshmallow! My rejector shield will deflect any blow you aim at my body!

GSK angrilly got to his feet.

GSK: we’ll see about that, fox! Now die!

GSK charged at Specll and slashed down twice as hard. Specll felt the blade push the rejector shield in like it was made of putty. The blade smashed against the side of his body, but didn’t cut him. But the blunt force was enough to hurt Specll. He gasped in pain and watched GSK trying to ignore the fantastic shock he’d just received.

Specll: you’re…one strong…talented fighter…pant…what’ is your name?

GSK: you will not live long enough to hear my name, fool! HIIIIAAAAA!!!

Meanwhile, Pokey was farting up G-force gales at KM1112. The boy held onto a blade of grass to prevent himself from being blown away.

Pokey: HAHAHA!!! I can fart ‘till the sun goes down!

KM1112: You can’t gas me if I’m wearing this BLUE BOOK SOCK over my head!!

Pokey: no!! IT CAN’T BE!!

KM1112: oh yes it can! GO! MY MAN EATING SOCKS!!

The two small man eating socks crawled up the slope and bit Pokey squarely on the bum. He cringed and tried to beat them off. Suddenly, MM2002 appeared in front of him, firing plasma shots at Edward Hemorrhoid, who was trying to hit him with magical spells. Pokey saw an opportunity for a cheap shot and ran behind MM2002, tripping him over.

MM2002: argh!! Why, I’ll…

Edward Hemorrhoid blasted him with a powerful magi-stun. MM2002 writhed in pain, but kept his cool and executed a psychic absorption shield. He then punched Pokey in the face with his arm cannon and turned around to fire a wave beam at Edward, who teleported away.
Pokey got to his feet, dizzied, and was immediately re-assaulted by KM1112, who repeatedly smacked him with a silver spoon.

Pokey: OW!

KM1112: you don’t like my silver spoon? Well fine, I’ll use my red yo-yo!

As Pokey got hurt, Specll and GSK were caught in a tussle. Both were straining with all their might to overthrow the other. GSK was making up for his shortness by using his sword as a sort of pusher.

GSK: I can bear the pain of your protective barrier, Specll! In fact, the more you shock me, the more I’m getting used to it!

Specll: for the last time! What is your name??

GSK: To my friends I am known as Great Saya Kirby…but you may call me…KIROBY!

Specll: righty then…Kirybaby! HAHAHAhaha!!!

Specll grabbed GSK’s arm, judo-threw him onto the ground and raised one of his legs above his head.

Specll: Hunter’s snare!!

GSK didn’t want to get heel-slammed, so he raised his sword above his head, causing Specll to skewer his own heel. Specll screamed out in agony and GSK did the same as the rejector shield paid him back double in pain.

Edward: SpEcLL! YoUr hUrt! JuSt wAiT, I’ll mAke yoU betTeR!

Edward Hemorrhoid used a healing spell on Specll. The fox gave him a grateful nod and turned his attention back to GSK, who was on guard.

MM2002: Edward! You’re a pretty good magician, for a…well…whatever you’re supposed to be, but you can’t compare with a true Psychic Master like me!

Edward: We’LL sEe abOut thAt! (disappears)

MM2002 turned to find that Edward had teleported behind him. Without even thinking, he aimed an ice beam and fired it, freezing Edward solid.

Pokey, however, had somehow managed to sit on top of KM1112. He wiggled his butt and grinned with glee as KM1112 tried to struggle free.

KM1112: help me!!

MM2002 turned Pokey over with a flick of his mind. KM1112 quickly formed five plasma spoons in his hand and threw them like darts. Pokey screamed dramatically and played dead.
KM1112 sat on the ground, too exhausted to go on.

Specll looked away from GSK to look at Pokey, and he felt the sword smash into his head again, and heard the buzzing as GSK got shocked.

Specll: auh! Ah! Y-y-you little…puff…you think you can stand the pain? Well you can’t resist my OTHER special powers! Limelight of love!! Hahaha!!

GSK tried to dodge the flying pink spheres, but he was unsuccessful. As the soft lights entered his body, he felt a wonderful sensation. He was in a grassy paddock, back on his home planet with flowers blowing gently in the breeze, there were little-SMACK!! GSK snapped back to reality to find Specll twisting his sword out of his arms! GSK held on to his blade for dear life. Specll twisted his body and tried to get him into a lever hold, but GSK stuck his foot out and used his small size to curl himself around and wrench the sword from Specll’s grasp.

Specll: you like my limelight of love, creep? That’s just one of many techniques I have at my disposal!

GSK panicked. He didn’t want to be hit with the limelight of love again.

GSK: Mewtwo Master! Tag!

MM2002: tag!

The two fighters switched places. MM2002 glared at Specll through his visor. Specll glared back.

MM2002 launched into a flying kick. Specll just stood there, smirking. PWAMH!! Specll was knocked onto his back, coloured lights dancing in front of his face. He looked up to see his enemy towering over him.

MM2002: your little shield didn’t work because I’m using my psychic powers to disable it. Now get ready to feel the wrath of a projectile for once in your life!

MM2002 aimed his arm cannon at Specll and fired a psycho beam at Specll’s chest. Specll screamed and screamed as the energy crackled through his body. MM2002 was somewhat taken back by the torturous effect of his newly tested power and stopped for a few seconds. This was enough time for Edward Hemorrhiod, who was now thawed out, to grab him from behind with a kinetic hold.
Specll got to his feet, tears pouring from his eyes and kicked MM2002 squarely in the helmet. It didn’t hurt him, because of his suit.

Specll: ‘choke’ You’ll pay… ‘sob’ …I swear! I’ll make you suffer for that!!…’gasp, sob’ FIERY VULPINE ARROW STRIKE!!

Specll jumped into the air, his rejector shield transforming into a bird, and fired himself at MM2002. If GSK hadn’t have jumped in the way and blocked the Specll mid-flight, MM2002 would have been badly cut in half.

MM2002 froze Edward again and gave the thumbs up to GSK. GSK was about to give the thumbs up back, but Specll darted in and grabbed him, threw him on the ground and hit him with a successful hunter’s snare, knocking the wind out of him.
Specll prepared to do it again, but MM2002 grabbed him from behind and tried to wrestle him down.

Specll: grunt…you must be joking!! Nobody can defeat me when it comes to close hand combat!! Aargh!!

Specll pushed his legs up around MM2002’s helmet and hit him with a reversal. Specll stood back, panting from exhaustion.

MM2002: you know…you really don’t stand a chance.

Specll: well it looks like I’ve been doing pretty well so far, you freak!

MM2002: yeah, but the thing is…I’ve been going easy on you all this time.


MM2002 nodded. He then raised his hand to the sky and created an awesome giant energy ball, crammed it into his cannon and fired a long stream of energy that Specll only just avoided. The fox ran in and tried to attack, but MM2002 dodged to the side, fired four bombs into the air and directed them over to Specll using his Psi. Specll dodged and backflipped and did whatever he could to stay alive. Finally, the bombs exploded and Specll was thrown onto his back, too worn out to move.

MM2002 walked over to him and put his foot on Specll’s chest. He half-heartedly fired another ice beam at Edward to make him frozen again.

MM2002: I think you should just quit. You’ve met your match.

Specll: no…huh…I…puff….I havn’t…gasp…yet!! TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME!! EEEAAARGH!!

Specll ripped off his gloves and activated his deadly laser claws. With a mighty slash, he tore open MM2002’s boots. MM2002 wasn’t stupid. He jumped off and stepped back before Specll could damage his foot.
Specll stood there, his hairband had fallen off and his whispy fringe was matted against his face. His red jacked and trousers had been torn and his eyes looked very dangerous.

Specll: it’s time to show you what I’m really made of! I’ll make mincemeat out of you!

MM2002 ran and dodged Specll’s claws. He quickly turned and caught Specll’s hand.

MM2002: I’ll be forced to kill you if you keep attacking me!

Specll didn’t answer. He yanked MM2002 in towards him and got him in some sort of leg vice submission hold, with his leg around MM2002’s throat.

Specll: this is a move I like to call the sweet’n’sour killer crush. You’ll see why in a second. Here comes the sweet bit…

MM2002 felt a lovely sensation floating over him. He was in la-la-land. There were pixies dancing in his front verandah. His body was limp and CRUNCH!! MM2002 woke from his stupor to find his hands bound by Specll, who had him in an unbreakable submission hold and was crushing his throat with his leg.

Specll: and here’s the sour part! HAHAHAHAHahahaah!!!

Specll leaned in and sunk his teeth deep into MM2002’s shoulder pads and activated his electrical rejector shock. MM2002 couldn’t concentrate. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t move, it felt as if he was being burned alive all through the rest of his body. He had to do something, or he’d have no hope of coming out of Specll’s ultimate attack alive. MM2002 tried to concentrate on using a psychic power, but his vision was blurring. He couldn’t reach his Pokeballs, and the situation seemed hopeless…

Suddenly, KM1112 ran up and released Blastoise from its Pokeball. Blastoise aimed its hydrocannons at Specll and hosed him right off MM2002’s head. MM2002 took several deep breaths of air and ran over to Specll, belting him furiously with the arm cannon. Specll tried his best to defend himself, but couldn’t. Finally, he closed his eyes and tilted back his head. MM2002 stopped bashing.

MM2002: what are you doing?

Specll: I-it’s over…pant…I can’t fight you anymore! I-sob-I surrender…choke…go for my throat and end it quickly!

MM2002 looked away. He suddenly realized that he didn’t want to do that. He looked over at GSK, who nodded.

GSK: go on then! We haven’t got all day!

MM2002 readied a missile into his blaster and closed his eyes…

Specll reached up, grabbed the arm cannon and twisted MM2002 to the ground, activated his claws and prepared to skewer him, but stopped.

GSK: make one move and I’ll kill you!

KM1112: make one move and I’ll spoon you!

MM2002 psychically pushed Specll back onto the ground.

Specll: why should I even bother with struggling? I’m a pathetic weakling. Giygas has no need for failures. Go on, kill me…

Pokey: no! Specll, don’t give up on us! We believe in you! You’re going to get us the power we want, and I can bet my bum on that!

Specll closed his eyes and shook his head.

Specll: you know…I may be a filthy traitor, a thief and a potential murderer, but even villains have friends, and I’m not going to let mine down!! FLOODLIGHT OF LOVE!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

A massive pink blast shot from Specll’s body. MM2002, GSK and KM1112’s faces went goofy and they fell onto the ground, playing somewhere on cloud nine.

Specll struggled to maintain his strength. The powerful floodlight of love had taken everything out of him. He had just enough time to wipe the perspiration from his face before he collapsed in critical condition.

Pokey and (thawed again) Edward walked over and stared at Specll’s quivering body.

Pokey: do you reckon he’ll die?

Edward: I cAn HeAl hIm…bUt It wILl taKe sOme TiMe, tHe waY He iS…

GSK began to open his eyes.


Edward: oh tHe DoUble!!

As their body’s began to disappear, Specll opened his eyes just a little bit and saw a device lying on the ground in front of him. That device was supposed to be in his pocket.

Specll: no…

Po0FF!! They all disappeared, just as MM2002, Kiroby and KM1112 awoke from their yummy dreams.

GSK: they got away!

KM1112: never mind that, I just had a dream about toilets in a pantyhose singing songs that had something to do with…banana custard.

(MewtwoMaster2002…do not copy this bit out.)

Edward Hemorrhoid teleported the injured Specll to another island. He began using a lifeup spell to heal him. Specll looked up and spoke in a slow, fatigued voice.

Specll: Pokey…you know what you said…that made me think about Fox…Fox used to be my friend. And I let him down, in fact…I think I probably doomed him…so why is it that I almost killed myself in order to save you?

Pokey: oh, don’t think like that! I only said that so you’d do something to save our hides. You honestly don’t think I believe in all that friendship tosh, do you?

Specll closed his eyes again and took deep, deliberate breaths before speaking again.

Specll: that device that controls the time lock on Pokemon world…I dropped it. They have it now.

Pokey’s face went green.


Back at Deoxi’s lair, the Devil’s machine felt a pang of defeat. It stood up quickly.

D.M: what is happening?? The time lock is lifting! But…but our brother in the Triforce system gave the tuning device to the chosen one for safekeeping!

Colour was rapidly returning to Pokemon world, and its inhabitants were starting to move again. The Devil’s machine screamed with fury and crawled back into Deoxi’s eye socket.

D. M: the Master will not be able to perform another time lock. I will have to continue with the original, hard job of killing off the Pokemon, one by one!

Deoxis turned and looked at Sylph lying on the ground, unconscious. He laughed and turned away.

D.M: oh well…as long as my dear little Sylph stays around, I’m guaranteed to remain immortal!


Dec 19, 2002
That's great, just one thing...WE STILL CALL HIM GSK AND NOT KIROBY. So I suggest changing from:

Kiroby: My friends call me Kiroby but you can call me GSK.


GSK: My friends call me Great Saiya Kirby but you can call me...Kiroby.

There's your mistake:).


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Update. Although most of my readers have kind of dissapeared...


Back with Young Link, the Boss door creaked open to reveal a sort of beautiful undersea courtyard. A stone floor leading out to a vast garden and a tiny stone shrine. Young Link looked up and saw the many sea creatures swimming through the “sky” and the sun shining through the water, bathing the scene in dancing patterns of rippling light.

Y. Link: gee, it’s beautiful here…and there’s the sacred plaque…but where’s the boss monster?

Jahian tottered over to the triforce plaque and turned to face Young Link.

Jahian: perhaps the boss creature was that fiend you defeated. I’m glad you DID defeat that monster…it filled me with such loathing.

Y. Link: great. Well are you ready to play, Jahian?

The poe didn’t move. He just stood there and stared at Young Link.

Jahian:…it filled me with such loathing…

Yong Link suddenly felt very uneasy.

Y. Link: um…Jahian…you said that before…

Jahian: it filled me with such LOATHING…

Jahian was now putting an accent on “loathing” Young Link began to feel frightened.

Y. Link: stop it, Jahian! Just play the…

Jahian: it filled me with such…LOOAAATHINGGG!!!!

Jahian’s voice had suddenly changed to a dark and ominous sounding drone. It was getting deeper and eviler. Young Link leaped back and watched in fear as Jahian began to twist and writhe.

Jahian: te-outa shi-kahlin sisika!! Mahuticana te-outa!! Jalhalla te-kati shikarrizanikarahara!! Mazusikaia te-niteo sinh-Jalhalla!!


The young poe suddenly stopped moving. He gave a small wail, turned his head up towards the sea, and raised his arms. A transformation began to occur before Young Link’s eyes. Jahian’s lean body began to bloat. His face puffed out to at least three times its normal size and within a matter of seconds, a towering figure stood in front of Young Link. The grotesquely obese poe cackled and produced its giant lantern from thin air.
Young Link just stared at Jalhalla. Struck dumb at seeing the poe god he thought he had destroyed.

Jalhalla: hahahaaa!! Thank you, Link! Without you, I would have never been reborn! Sweet little Jahian was lacking just one emotion…hatred…and thanks to you, this temple, and that fiend, he’s discovered it, allowing me to use his puny body as a channel! And the first thing I’ll do in this world is test my new and improved physical form on you!!!

Y. Link: Ah!! Jahian! What did you do to him?

Jalhalla: fool! I AM JAHIAN!! Jahian has served his only purpose now. You’ll never see your little friend again. But don’t worry, I’m going to squish you like a bug! That will teach you never to trust a poe!!

Jalhalla blasted a stream of fire at Young Link, who dodged and ran behind Jalhalla.

Y. Link: you haven’t got a chance, fatso! Last time we met, I kicked your tubby hide without so much as breaking into a sweat! And because Jalhalla couldn’t become ghostly, you’re vulnerable to my attacks!

Jalhalla laughed, his fat bouncing around like jelly.

Jalhalla: oh mortal, you make me laugh! The last time we met, my clumsy physical form couldn’t move because of the physical gravity!
Because of Jahain’s ectoplasm problem, I am now fully accustomed to moving around in your gravity. And what’s more, there’s nothing you can throw me onto to damage me out here! Prepare to be sat on, Link!

Young Link was surprised at just how fast Jalhalla was this time. The poe god charged at him and knocked him to the ground and began rattling the giant lantern around, causing flames to spew all over the ground. Young Link screamed in pain as the flames engulfed his body, but he determinedly got to his feet and avoided Jalhalla’s follow up attack.

Jalhalla: see now! This is a little bit different from last time, isn’t it, human? Why don’t you just surrender, and I’ll make your death quick.

Y. Link: never!

Young Link took out a light arrow and fired it at Jalhalla. The poe dodged the arrow easily and parried, yes parried, the attack, smacking Young Link to the ground.

Y. Link: aaaAAah!! I won’t let you win!

Young Link parried Jalhalla’s lantern swipe and rolled behind him. The deity spun around with his lantern, but Young Link jumped off his arm and jammed the master sword into his skull. Jalhalla screamed and dropped his lantern.

Jalhalla: You horrible little mound! (bends over to pick up his lantern)

Young Link shouted a war cry and stabbed Jalhalla squarely up his butt. He wailed and fell on his face, floundering like a fish. Young Link took out a light arrow and fired it, this time hitting Jalhalla in his back.
The poe fell to the ground, vulnerable to attack.

Y. Link: I’ve got you now! Prepare to…huh?

Jalhalla’s body dissolved and reformed. Lying on the ground was Jahian. The young poe struggled and weakly raised his tiny hand to Young Link.

Jahian: Link…please don’t hurt…me…

Young Link was horrified. He ran to help Jahian, but as soon as he got close, he felt a force pick him up from behind and hoist him into the air. Jahian’s body dissolved and reformed back into Jalhalla.

Jalhalla: hahahaha! Poor little Jahian! You’re not going to hurt a wounded friend, are you? Well that’s just too bad, for unless you slay Jahian, you’ll never defeat me!!

Jalhalla began to suck in air. Young Link had to run as fast as he could away from the poe god before he unleashed a mighty blast of fire. It missed and Young Link rolled aside.

Jalhalla came in and tried another flaming lantern swipe. Young Link parried it again and stabbed Jalhalla in the bum. Again, he collapsed and reformed into Jahian. Jahian coughed pathetically and pleaded at Young Link with his eyes.

Y. Link: no! I can’t defeat Jalhalla if I’m going to hurt you! What am I supposed to do??

Young Link looked sadly over at Jahian and noticed something was wrong. Jahian wasn’t harmed at all, in fact, it looked like he was in perfect condition.

Y. Link: Jahian? Are you alright?

Jahian: Link…don’t do it! Don’t hurt me…

Young Link felt a pang of suspicion. He raised the Lens of Truth to his eye and saw what he hoped to have seen. Jalhalla was lying on the ground where Jahian was before, flailing.
Young Link removed the Lens and saw Jahian again, still “injured.”

Y. Link: Jalhalla! You can’t fool me anymore! Now I know it’s really you under there. HaaaaaaAAAAAAA!

Young Link charged at Jalhalla and picked him up with his power bracelets. He was just about to throw him against the nearest sharp object, when Jalhalla slipped out of his grasp and picked him up.

Jalhalla: alright, so you’re onto me. But that was just bait to get you in closer. I’m not as helpless as I was last time. You STILL can’t defeat me!

Young Link was pitched into the ground. He tried to ignore the dizzy sensation in his head and noticed Jalhalla curling into a ball and rolling towards him. He instinctively started running.

Jalhalla: I’ll flatten you, ant!

Young Link desperately looked around for a hiding spot. He spied the little shrine towards the back of the courtyard and dived inside. Jalhalla was just too big to make it and crashed. Young Link nipped out and poked him while he was dazed, causing him to resume the sick replay of Jahian in pain.

Young Link didn’t know what to do. If he got closer, he’d be thrown again. He needed a powerful long-range attack.

Y. Link: (Aiming light arrow) eat this!

Blau! The light arrow seemed to become absorbed by a sort of dark force surrounding Jahian. Young Link saw the face of a spirit grinning at him for a split second.

Y. Link: okey…um…fire and ice arrows!

Both the fire and Ice arrows also got absorbed by the dark magical barrier. Young Link had but one magical spell left he could try.

Y. Link: Din’s Fire!! Hi-yaaa!!

Blo0Sh!! The dome of fire shot out and wrapped itself around Jahian/Jalhalla. The dark magical barrier disappeared in a cloud of smoke and Jalhalla’s illusion was dispelled. Young Link could finally see the evil deity lying on the ground. Jalhalla panicked and got to his feet, but Young Link shot him five times with light arrows.

Jalhalla howled and charged at Young Link, spinning around very fast and spewing fire everywhere. Young Link was hit by the flames and rolled around frantically to put them out.

Y. Link: Your number’s up, Jalhalla! (fires an ice arrow, cooling the flames)

Jalhalla looked p*ssed off. He jumped at Young Link and tried to smash him with his lantern. But Young Link parried it and sent Jalhalla onto his bottom for the final time.

Y. Link: and now you’re history! (fires off light arrows)

The final light arrow found its mark and the form of Jalhalla began melting into a surging luster of power. Young Link shielded his eyes and waited for the bright flashing to subside.
When the light finally died down, Young Link looked back to see Jahain lying on the stone floor of the courtyard, unconscious.
Young Link walked over and gently woke him up by emptying a bottle of water on his face.

Jahian: wah!! What happened? I remember all this darkness and…Link, what happened?

Y. Link: it seems you accomplished your transformation into Jalhalla after all. I was lucky that I managed to defeat him again.

Jahian covered his eyes and wailed.

Jahian: oh Link! Forgive me, I allowed that foul spirit to enter my soul.

Y. Link: it’s O.K. Now Jalhalla is gone for good and you can concentrate on becoming a sage.

Jahian: Jalhalla is never gone for good. It is amazing that you’ve managed to defeat his physical form…and you, a mere mortal…but Jalhalla will always try to return and I will do my best from now on to ensure that he is never reborn again. Link? Step up onto the plaque. Let us commence with the concert.

Young Link nodded. He took out the Wind waker and placed the Dark prison on the ground. Jahian placed his flute to his mouth and began playing.
The flute music echoed throughout the sea temple, merging with the waves. The dark prison began to glow brighter than it had ever done before. Young Link stared in awe as Jahian kept on playing, the radiance of the light became so bright that he was forced to look away. Finally, the song ended and Young Link found himself staring at his once-imprisoned friends, now freed once more.

Sheik: aw man! I was getting such an itchy butt in that h*llhole! And what about Gannondorf? He farted at least eighty times! Far out! You gonna do something about your #$%@#$ ars* or what?

Gannondorf: silence! We have a serious issue on our hands!

Sheik: yeah, I’ll say. You need to see a doctor.

Ness walked over to Young Link and smiled at him. Young Link smiled back.

Ness: thanks.

Y. Link: just doing my job.

Everyone else were yelling and cheering up a storm. Link and the EarthBound kids were dancing around in a ring-a-ring a roses. Mr. Game and Watch was beeping loudly. The only one who wasn’t happy was Fox, who had a deep, serious expression on his face.

Fox walked over to Ness and placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder.

Fox: Ness…I’ve been a fool to even think there was hope for Specll. From now on, there’s no love lost between him and me. He’s my enemy, and that’s how it’s gonna stay!

Ness: you’ll cope, Fox. You’re much more strong-willed than most of us. I think you were the only one of us who didn’t cry when we were trapped in there.

Fox: I was angry…

Tetra: Yaaaaaaay!!

Y. Link: hey! Stop it, you guys! There’s work to be done!

Young Link turned to Jahian.

Y. Link: thanks Jahian. I have to leave you now. I hope you make a great sage.

Jahian nodded to Young Link.

Jahian: I wish you the best of luck on your journey. I will remain here and pray for you.

Young Link gave one last nod to Jahian and turned around to see Ness preparing for a PSI teleport. He quickly joined the line.

Ness: I used that time in the sphere to build up a feeling for the energy flows of this dimension. And I can sense just where our evil bad guy is hiding. Hold onto your spats, ladies and gentlemen, We’re going in!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2002
A house.
I'm here. I just keep forgetting to reply.

I really did like the fight I, GSK, and MM2002 was in. I'M GOING TO SPOON YOU!

I wonder who the evil person is........BANANA CUSTERD

P.S. Check out my fic.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Eeek! Don't spoon me! :)

I've decided that after they defeat (blocked!! HAHAH) they'll go the the Kirby dimension next. I'm going to make that a VERY funny chapter and the Animal Crossing one I'm going to try to make even funnier.
All this serious stuff is making my image look bad.


Note: random Beezo approval. I think there have been two of them in my fic so far. Look out for more.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2002
Mount Silver...Actually, Cape Cod!
Sorry I haven't been replying lately... Well, now you've done it, NESSBOUNDER, you've made me jealous by putting my PM buddy in the fic! Should I hit you with Misty's Mallet or Triple H's Sledgehammer? Uh...The mallet! *Bonks NESSBOUNDER on the head with the mallet and knocks him unconcious* Oopsy!* anime sweatdrops* -_-;; BTW, good updates!


Dec 19, 2002
um PMK we were combining his fic with mines. It was my idea. I tried to tell you but your pm box is full. Ok if you didn't really understand what happened then go to my fic, or if you do but you wanna be in it then go there. But either way I lost readers already. oops off topic. um say fUzZy PiCkLeS. oops I mean update soon.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
(NESSBOUNDER dizzilly gets to his feet and grabs onto the nearest object for support)

OwiE!! How much abuse can a guy take? Spooned AND whacked!
A cowardly, nasty, come-from-behind tactic! No doubt by a very skilled ninja warrior who aussalted me with a Javanese bread roll...

(notices PokemasterKatie looking guilty)

Alright, maybe I was wrong...

I may not have time to update today, but I'm glad you liked the recent updates.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
sorry that i havnt replied in a while, but my last weekend, the only times that i can get on, was so busy i didnt have any time to post on here. i was gonna reply right after the chapter when Y. Link gets Din's Fire. the boss fight was brilliant in the way you fight the boss. as for the rest, the part where you and MM2002 combined your fics was awsome. heheheh... now i think we're going to meet that guy who gave Specll the Fairy Ocarina. you know, the guy that only me and NESSBOUNDER know bcuz we've played EarthBound. yes! LOL!!! i bet Ness will be surprized. heheheh... cya guys later!

EDIT: oo! i almost forgot! today is the first day of my winter break! yay! WOOHOO! (homer simpson style) i wont go back to school until Jan. 7th. YES!!!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
aaah, you're back, PsyFlameMaster...goodeeeevening...
Glad you liked the boss battle. I took the liberty of making Jalhalla just a little bit more hard this time. In the geme he was, in my opinion, the most stupid and easy boss of the lot. (My favourite is the second boss, the plant one who eats Makar. Man that thing was awesome...)

Don't spoil who it is for anyone else, guys...I want it to be a surprise!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Back at Pokemon world, Jigglypuff, Charizard, Medicham and Contrast were preparing for battle with the Hariama bosses of the Makuhita squad.

Makuhita#1: this first battle will begin now! Which one of you will be facing up first?

Charizard: Medicham, you can go second, I’m better than you.

Medicham: tool…

Makuhita#2: excellent! Your challenger will be…Mirakisami!

Mirakasami stepped into the field. He was fat. VERY fat.

Mirakasami: AAAAAH!

Medicham: Is he screaming, or yelling?

Jigglypuff: I think he’s yelling…

Charizard: he’s screaming! Because I’m so…

WHOP!! Mirakasami started the battle with a fake out! Charizard shook his head and flinched.

Charizard: you fat slob! I’ll toast you! ARRRGH!! FLAMETHROWER!

The flames didn’t hurt Mirakasami very badly. He laughed and pointed to his stomach.

Mirakasami: thick fat!

Charizard: doh!

Mirakasami shot forward and body slammed Charizard, paralyzing him.

Charizard: aaarhg!

Medicham: oh, you idiot…

Charizard: it’s…not…my…fault,…he’s…fat!

Mirakasami: IT’S ALL MUSCLE!!

Makuhita#3: actually, it’s mostly fat…

Mirakasami: oh, sorri.

Charizard was now slower. Mirakasami used a smellingsalt on him, doing twice as much damage, but healing him of paralysis.

Charizard: you shouldn’t have done that! I’ll use my claws…Slash!

The slash only damaged Mirakasami about a third of his energy. The Hariama used a strength on Charizard, defeating him.

Charizard: noooooooooooooooooooooo!! (faints)

Makuhita#3: the winner of this match iiis…Mirakasami!!

Mirakasami: (grunts)

Medicham: Jigglypuff, go help that idiot. I’ll take this from here on.

Jigglypuff dragged Charizard away.

Medicham stood on one leg and waved his hands around in the air.

Medicham: you wanna piece of me, tubby?

Mirakasami: AAAAh! (stomps, throws salt)

Medicham: (thinks) sped…

The match began again. Medicham suffered another fake out just at the start. He shook it off and regained his pose.

Medicham: you do realize that you have all Normal-type moves? Pathetic. (uses calm mind)

Mirakasami used a body slam. Medicham was flattened onto the ground. He was winded, but not paralyzed. He got to his feet and used another calm mind.

Blau! Mirakasami hit him with another body slam. Medicham was on low health now, but he quickly got to his feet again.

Medicham: now you are in for it! hmmm!! (uses psychic)

Medicham’s psychic defeated Mirakasami easily. The Makuhita called his victory.

Makuhita#1: great job, noble warrior. But now you have to face your second opponent, and you are badly worn out!

Medicham was bruised and panting, but he laughed in the Makuhita’s face.

Makuhita#1: fine then, be like that! Your second challenger iiiis…SUSAKI!!

Susaki stepped into the field and grunted and threw salt. He wasn’t as fat as Mirakasami, but looked tough.

Medicham readied himself to get faked out. Sure enough, the unavoidable attack whacked off a tiny amount of his health. He had just a small amount of energy left.

Medicham: recover…(recovers half his health)

Makuhita#2: hey!! Not fair! You can’t do that!!

Medicham: all’s fair in love and war, bean boy! Now for some quiet meditation…(calm mind)

Susaki lunged forward and slapped Medicham with a frustration. He must have hated himself, because the attack was powerful. But Medicham held on and used another powered up psychic attack, defeating Susaki.

Makuhita#2: eek!

Makuhita#1: aah, but now you have to fight our BEST AND FATTEST fighter who is one of the best Hariama fighters in the wild. He is on a fantastically high level, and his name is…HYAMACHA!!

Hyamacha stepped in, throwing soap around.

Makuhita#1: what’s with the soap?


Makuhita#4: but…that’s not cricket!

Hyamacha: PFFT!!

Medicham eyed Hyamacha. He was VERY fat, and appeared to be of a higher level than Medicham.

Medicham: fake out, I suppose?

Hyamacha: hee hee…no, no fake out for you.

Medicham recovered himself again and waited. Hyamacha hit him with a seismic toss, taking a third of his life.

Medicham: (picking himself up) ay! You mean business! (uses Psychic)

The psychic attack damaged Hyamacha greatly, but his incredible flab absorbed most of the attack and he had just a tiny bit of health remaining.

Makuhita#4: Hyamacha! Go for the revenge.

Hyamacha executed a revenge attack, thumping Medicham to the ground. Medicham’s low defense betrayed him and he was almost knocked out. Luckily, the attack wasn’t very effective, and he managed to pull through.

Medicham: you fought well, Hyamacha…but he who fights with brain instead of brawn will always triumph. HNnnn!! (Psychic)

Hyamacha was spun around and dumped upside down, defeated. Medicham collapsed from exhaustion and Jigglypuff ran over to check on him.

Contrast: I believe you owe us a Pelliper…

Makuhita#1: ay ay ay!!


Meanwhile, back at the Triforce system, Ness’s PSI teleport ended under the sea, in the old Hyrule air pocket. Everyone jumped out of the water they had appeared in and ran up the stairs to the temple of time.

Ness: there’s no time to lose! The evil power source is leaking from inside the temple.

Link: Sheik…shouldn’t you transform?

Sheik: into that candy @4$%$ Zelda? No fear.

Tetra: I’d better transform into my Zelda form, if Sheik doesn’t want to. (transforms)

Ness and Fox put their heads through the temple entrance to check for ambushes.

Fox: pwaar! It stinks in here!

Ness: smells kinda…

Fox: funky?

Ness: yeah…and familiar…

Jeff: hey! I’ve smelt that before as well!

Paula: me too, but I can’t recall where…

Everyone stepped inside the darkened temple. The statue of Link was still lying on the ground, in pieces.

Link: vandalism!

Y. Link: good thing, too. You’re ugly.

Link: I am not!

Y. Link: remember that time the Rito chief thought you were a girl?

Link: I’m not girly! I’m just…well I’m a lot more masculine than Marth…

Y. Link: you leave Marth out of this, we’re talking about you!

Ness: shush! The dark energies appear to be coming from the sealed off chamber under the Link statue…it’s open. I want you all to arm yourselves with the best you’ve got and follow my lead.

The stairs led to the knighting room of the temple of time. Link looked around and noted how much the place had changed.

Y. Link: they re-built it several times, but the stone where the sword goes has always remained in the same position.

Ness told them to be silent and walked slowly into the center of the room, clutching his bat like a sword. Nothing happened. Ness looked around…there didn’t appear to be anything there.

Ness: gee, maybe I was mistaken…

???: oh Ness…you weren’t mistaken. I must say…BAAUUUuup!!…I must say that you did well to…(Upchuck, Upchuck)…to get out of that dark prison.

Ness: that voice!!

Paula: no! It can’t be!

There was a loud BANG and a large object fell from the ceiling and landed on the ground. Ness dodged aside and watched in horror as the lights slowly entered the room, revealing…MASTER BELCH!!

Master Belch: Urp!! Hello Ness…surprised to see me? Heeg heeg…you thought you killed me, didn’t you? Well think again, because Giygas’s dying energy has revived me. And now I am going to blAAAAauAUa!! To spew on you!! HAHAHAheeg heeg heeg!!

Paula and Jeff looked at the giant, pulsating pile of green puke and then at Ness, who had a look of utter surprise on his face.

Y. Link: what is THAT?

Link: festy!!

Sheik: like, ew!

Tetra: ewwww!

G&W: who the heck is that??

Gannondorf:…that looks like my aunt…

Ness: w…well I hope you realize how much stronger we’ve become! I’ve defeated Giygas. There’s no way you’ll ever be as powerful as Giygas!!

Master Belch: you’re right, but had Giygas actually been TRYING in that battle, you would have been flattened and eaten for dinner! He was only using a bbuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRPSIF…pardon, a fourteenth of his true power against you! And he was a tad mental as well. It was all luck, Ness…and now I’m going to finish Giygas’s job for him. HHEEAAAGROougoiutjsgSAKJ GH!! (fart)

Paula: yuk! Don’t tell me you’ve taken up farting as well!

Master Belch: Pokey taught me! Actually, you must now refer to me as MASTER FURP!!

Jeff: what’s a furp?

Master Belch: a cross between a burp and a fart, fool!

Ness: no, Master Belch is fine.

Master Belch: actually, yeah. I can’t fart all that well. SO CALL ME MASTER BELCH!

Ness narrowed his eyes and drew his bat behind his back.

Ness: are you ready then, tubbo?

Master Belch laughed out loud.

Master Belch: bring it!

Ness screamed and unleashed a PSI Sport d. The awesomely powerful psychic blast filled the room, pounding into Master Belch with the force of a kinetic tornado. Paula jumped up onto Ness’s shoulders.

Paula: PSI Freeze d!

Whoosh!! Freezing cold air blasted around Master Belch. Paula’s most powerful attack obscured the arena in a haze of powder snow.
Poo jumped up onto Paula’s shoulders and used PSI Starstorm d, BLASTING the whole area with his fantastic, horrendously powerful star explosions. Finally, Jeff clambered his way up onto Poo’s shoulder and fired off a Multi-bottle rocket, the most deadly of all bottle rockets, right into the massive cloud of energy that had gathered in the middle of the room. The explosion reverberated around the temple.

Young Link and Link fired light arrows into the fray. Gannondorf created a blast of dark energy and hurled it with all his might. Sheik threw a barrage of needles, Mr. Game and Watch didn’t do anything, because he had no projectiles that could reach that far. Fox pulled out his blaster and fired a few shots and Tetra tried to produce a magical spell, but failed.

Ness watched with bated breath as the smoke cleared, revealing…Master Belch, almost completely unharmed.

Master Belch: ouchy! That stung quite a bit, BuAarp!! Now it’s my turn! BLALAALAAAAHH!!!!!

Master Belch burped and blew his stinking breath over everyone. The whole party began to feel nauseous. Ness and Poo had to use PSI healing d the following turn to cure everyone.

Ness: awwh! You’re much stronger than before!! How did you survive that??

Master Belch: I happen to have more HP than you can throw a stick at!

Paula: well prepare to have that HP depleted! PSYCHIC TOWER ATTACK!!

The deadly psychic tower attack started once more. PSI Sport, PSI freeze, PSI Starstorm and a shot from the heavy bazooka exploded back at Master Belch. This time, Gannondorf summoned up a type of black disk and hurled it in, and Sheik threw even more needles.
The smoke cleared and again, Master Belch appeared to still be in good health.

Ness: no way! How much HP do you have??

Master Belch: I wouldn’t try to count it, now for my CONTINUOUS ATTACK!!

Bumph, BUMPH!! Master Belch charged at the psychic tower and attacked Ness twice for a lot of damage. Ness was knocked to the ground and Fox rushed over and pulled him out of the way before Master Belch could attack a third time.

Ness: thanks Fox…but it looks like we’re going to have to design a strategy…

Ness quickly explained the strategy to everyone and turned back to face Master Belch. The pile of vomit scowled and puked.

Master Belch: finished talking yet?

Ness: yup. GO, Guys!!

Gannondorf, Sheik, the Links, Mr, Game and Watch, Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo, Tetra and Fox all charged at Master Belch and hit him with their most powerful physical attacks. Gannondorf used a warlock punch, hitting perfectly. Sheik dragged out her chain and began whipping Master Belch. Link and Young Link jump slashed and spin attacked like there was no tomorrow, Ness used his bat, Paula brandished her frying pan, Mr. Game and Watch used his turtle like a chain saw, Jeff fired with his heavy bazooka, Poo copied Link with his king’s sword, Fox got in and kicked and tetra slapped.
Master Belch didn’t even flinch from most of the attacks. He tackled Gannondorf and burped in his face.

Gannondorf: AAAHH!!!

Ness: hold on! PSI FLASH d!

PSI Flash d made Master Belch suddenly become confused. He used a burping attack on himself and made himself nauseous.

Ness: that’s a good start! Poo, use the snake bag!

Poo threw a snake from his snake bag, poisoning Master Belch.

Ness: now his health will slowly sap away from the combined nausea and poison! He’ll be losing about 50 HP per round!

Master Belch: pee-yew! I stink! Bleah!! Bleah!!

Master Belch turned and vomited on Paula, doing severe damage. Ness used PK Flash, blasting Master Belch and giving Gannondorf time to escape.

Gannondorf: you’ll pay, swine! Volcano kick! (up tilt)

The volcano kick hit. Master Belch got confused and damaged himself with a continuous attack. Ness took the liberty to cast a PSI shield on everyone. He then aimed a PK fire.

Ness: PK fire!

Paula: PSI fire d!

The burning pillar of flame and the fiery blast both found their mark. Poo and the Links had stood back and were using their hammers now. Master Belch didn’t even seem to be noticing Sheik, who was still whipping a way with her chain.

Sheik: S&M STYLE!!

Link: you did not say that…tell me you did not say that!!

Sheik: oops, silly me…I didn’t say that!

Fox had taken some time out to wipe the barf off his boots. Master Belch, seemingly cured of his confusion, came up behind him and burped him onto the ground. He then dragged his slimy body over Fox’s prone form.

Master Belch: drown to death in spew!

Fox: aahgh! Help me!! Help!!

Mr. Game and Watch rushed over and hit Master Belch with his judgement hammer. It was a six, and didn’t even move Master Belch. Mr. Game and Watch saw Fox’s head disappear under Master Belch’s poisonous body. Nobody else had seemed to notice.

G&W: guys!! Move him, Fox is under there!!

Gannondorf hit Master Belch with the wizard’s foot, knocking him off. Master Belch retaliated with a continuous attack. Gannondorf quickly whipped out his twin katanas and sliced him, but Master Belch used a fume attack that covered his whole body, knocking everyone away from him. Paula sighed and fell over, defeated. Ness panicked and healed her quickly. He then had to use PSI Healing again to cure everyone of nausea.

Poo: Psychic tower again!

BLAM!! Ness and friends regrouped to form the Psychic tower. Everyone went back to their projectile approach. Master Belch just laughed out loud.

Master Belch: (after the psychic tower blast) HAHAHA BURP HEEG HHEG!! You’ll run out of PP way before you beat me! Ha!

Ness grabbed Paula’s hand, Paula grabbed Poo’s and Poo grabbed Ness’s. They pulled off a Super Spinning Psycho Cyclone on Master Belch, racking up the damage. But Master Belch still didn’t seem to be worrying.

Master Belch: your attacks are like puny flies! BuuuUUrp!! My superior defensiveness and fabulous HP make them weak and stupid!

Jeff: (uses Spy) holy cow! He has a defensive rating of 99 000!

Ness: that’s preposterous!

Master Belch: and it doesn’t stop there…COME TO MY AID, ARMY!!

At Master Belch’s call for help, hundreds of Chuchus fell from the ceiling. It was practically raining them. Mixed among the green and red ones were yellow and blue electrical Chuchus. They outnumbered the heroes by a lot.

Ness: quick! PSI Sport a!

The weak PSI attack damaged all the Chuchus, but didn’t destroy them. Ness was about to do it again when the Chuchus attacked, burying him under a surging tide of jelly.

Master Belch: BUAAAARP!! (Makes everyone nauseous)

Ness was taking heavy damage. He used his PSI to upgrade his shield so that the Chuchus hurt themselves whenever they attacked him, and used another PSI Sport a, and defeated all the Chuchus in one blow.

Paula: nice going, Ness…but you’re almost out of PP!

Ness realized that he had just a tiny trickle of PP left. So did Paula and Poo. He ordered for the close range strategy again and closed his eyes for a special PSI power.

Paula: Ness, what are you doing?

Ness: I’m going to use my last PP to do PSI Ripoff d and get a more powerful weapon.

Paula: Ness! That’s risky! Last time use did that…you thought you were…

Ness: yeah, yeah…but this time I’ll be more careful. PSI RIPOFF D!!

Ness felt the mind of another swordsman enter his head. Although this wasn’t exactly a swordsMAN…
The fencing sword fell into his hands and a coat of armor appeared on his body. Ness let the person’s mind take over his.

Ness: En Guarde, touche, touche!!

Ness charged at Master Belch and used one of the person’s attacks.

Ness: Power Graduation!!

The jumping slash seemed to do a fair bit of damage to Master Belch. He retaliated with a continuous attack, but Ness blocked it.

Ness: vive la difference! (Retrieves his mind) jeez, who is this??

Paula: Ness, you were talking like a French chick!

Ness: this IS a French chick! I think I’m Charlotte from the SNK universe!!

Paula: wie wie!

Ness: oi! (Releases his mind) As I said before, en guarde, foul demon. I smiteth thee! SPLASH FOUNT!!! (toing, toing, toing, toing, etc.)

Master Belch was being repeatedly stabbed by Ness, whipped by Sheik, pounded by Gannondorf, Slashed by the Links and Poo, cut by Mr. Game and Watch, slapped by tetra, whacked by Paula and shot by Fox and Jeff. Moreover, was he was losing health fast from his status conditions. He roared and emitted a deadly blast of gas from his maw. It was a very powerful attack and somehow, knocked out Poo, Paula, Both Links, Tetra and Fox.
Ness retrieved his mind again and dragged them all into a safe corner of the room. He released his mind and let Charlotte take over.

Ness: SPLASH FOUNT!! (toing, toing, toing, toing, etc.)

Master Belch: NO! YOU’RE ACTUALLY BEATING ME!! Impossible!!

Ness: feel the wrath of La Rose!!

Gannondorf: Ness, you’re disturbing me…

Ness: thou are so ugly, sire. I have the moves, the looks…what a woman. Cest la Vie…(throws a rose)

Sheik: oh good on you, sister. Show ‘em who’s up yourself!

Master Belch gave a final long burp and exploded like a balloon filled with spew. The room filled with a smell that reminded Ness of burning bags of dog poo.

Ness: (dispelling the weapon) we did it! we re-defeated Master Belch! For good this time!

Jeff: yaaaay!!

Gannondorf: I am the ultimate evil!! HA!

Sheik: yeah, just keep telling yourself that, ya hoot.

Fox: pwooar! What’s that smell!!

Ness: hey, you’ve woken up!

Link: yeah, well that stink is powerful enough to wake the dead!!

Poo: mmm, pongtastical…

Paula: wow!! We did it, we defeated the evil of this dimension!

Ness: unfortunately, it looks like Specll has already gotten the special item before us…I’ll have to trace his warping route…in the mean time, thanks guys, for your help.

Y. Link: it was a hero’s duty, Ness!

Link: good luck on your quest to save the Nintendo universe!

Ness: not just the Nintendo universe…Giygas’s followers are probably planning to take over every universe that exists! And nothing is going to stand in my way.

There was a dingling sound and Sheik transformed back into Zelda. Zelda wiped the sweat from her brow and sighed.

Zelda: I swear that Sheik is a curse! Once I transform into that b…s…creepy girl, I find it so hard to change back again!! Good luck on your quest, Ness!

Gannondorf looked disgusted.

Gannondorf: I’m no hero!! Blah! (Disappears)

Zelda: poor Gannondorf…he has such a big nose…I sometimes feel sorry for him.


Ness and friends said their final good-byes and began preparing for the next dimension warp. Ness traced Edward Hemorrhoid’s magical flow and pinpointed a location in his mind.

Ness: hold on tight everyone…our next destination…The Dream system, planet Pop Star!!
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