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SSBM: Academy of smash (Wow! It's updated!)


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
ive played WW through twice and got most of the boss's pictures and all of the ppl from Windfall and Outset, plus the sculpture for the Darknut is gold armored. :D your theory about Link and Y. Link is intriguing <--(sp?). realy Zelda from OoT is more like Zelda from WW's great great great great great grandmother, bcuz OoT was a couple hundred years b4 WW. Link from WW is Link from Oot reborn,which is the same as a new Link in the chain, just called something different, like you can say either car or automobile. in all of the Zelda games its a different Link and Zelda except for a few exceptions like OoT and MM.

if you ask me the Great Deku Tree from WW is the Deku Tree Sprout form OoT put on an island bcuz of the great flood that covered Hyrule and made the Great Sea in WW. also, i think the Rito Tribe, the bird ppl on Dragon Roost Island, are the decendants of the Zora, cuz Rito sounds like Ruto, the Zora princess, and when Medli awakens as a sage the ghost that talks to her is a Zora and says that Medli is the last one in the bloodline that can be a sage, so I think the Zora got magicly evolved into the Rito realy fast in a couple hundred years by the Great Valoo (their current god/idol/ figure) since Jabu-Jabu abandoned them when Zora's Domain got frozen over. What i want to know is what happened to the Biggoron Sword, cuz that thing was frigg'n awsome!!! in WW they should have a mini-dungeon where you go through and find it and get it back after all those years.


oya, here are some funny quotes. (i like doing this for some reason)
Ness: I’m used to having a big head, so there’s not much I have to adapt to.


King: AND YOU BL*DDY WELL SHOULD BE, YOU $%$#$%^ MOTHER OF A #$%@#$% SEA COW @#$%% NO $@#$%#@ DIRTY #@$%@#$ GIANT POTATO @#$%#$% NO CAREER @#$%!@#%$ I OUGHT TO MOON YOU GOOD!!
anyway, ill be waiting for the newest update. till then, cya!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
You like the King of Hyrule and his potty mouth, don't you?:)

Um...I thought the same thing about the Zora. But I'm not sure, the Rito really don't seem to be connected with the Zora at all. I bet the Zoras died out and because there aren't any Zora left, the sage had to stick with the next best thing...a birdie gurl. (both Medli and Makar will be in this fic)

You will never guess who the Giygas's follower is, hah aha!


Dec 19, 2002
Lemme guess...Ganondorf...jk. um I might be right though. maybe dark matter or King Dedede. Or maybe Mother Brain or Kraid:eek:.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

Zelda: you see, Tetra…I don’t have any connection to you. I’m not related to you in any way.

Tetra: ah! But…

Zelda: in fact…I was once a thief, just like you. ALL of the princess Zeldas ever were never related and were once pirates or thieves. It’s supposed to have something to do with irony…

Link: h-hey! You never told me that!

Zelda: no princess Zelda is allowed to have children, we must pass our spirit onto another, and that other must be a girl, born from a mother of a dishonest triad. Our court attendees would also pass their spirits to exist as the girl’s companions, if at all.
Hence now you are a Zelda and will one day pass your being down to a girl much like yourself so she can become a Zelda. And so forth.

Tetra: …oh…that’s…My crew!

Zelda: I think Link may have done the same With Young Link…

Y. Link: are you saying he’s my dad??

Link: EWW!!

Y. Link: EWWWW!!

King: oh shut up, the lot of you, I can’t believe how easily you can break tender moments apart!

Ness: well they are TENDER moments, aren’t they?

King: (>-<)+

Tetra: well that’s clearer, I suppose. But why did you trick me, then?

Zelda: because I’m a filthy liar and I always have been.

Fox: how nice…

Link: you where once a thief? What’s your real name then?

Zelda was about to answer when a noise like a cannon exploding filled the air and a bright light lit up the night sky. Ness and co. were knocked on their butts by the shockwave.

King: freaking h*ll! What was that supposed to be?


Fox: no time to lose! Quick! Get to the…oh cr8p…

Another bright flash of light filled the air and Specll appeared before them in a shower of magic dust. Pokey was next to follow.
Fox scowled as Specll advanced towards the group. He was grinning in a smarmy way and carrying a bag over his shoulder.

Specll: how’d I know you’d try to follow us here? Ah well, some people have no brains I suppose…Aaaaanyway, I want to make it clear that from now on we’re not going to tolerate you any more, you dig? So for the last time…stay…away…from…us!

Pokey: we’ll give you one minute to get out of the dimension and go back home.

Fox: or what?

Specll: don’t “or what” us, Fox…you know perfectly what we mean.

Y. Link: who are they? I don’t like the look of them…

Zelda: I can sense a darkness dwelling inside of them, whoever they are, they aren’t friends…

Fox: they’re traitors of the worst kind, Zelda. Don’t trust the pink one in the slightest way.

Specll: gee, Fox, you’re so hostile. It seems you inherited more than good looks from old James…

Fox: don’t say another word…

Specll: hmm…well fine. Now I hope you realize that your countdown is getting shorter.


Pokey: oops, you just cut the countdown short! Too late now! BlEWEARG!

Pokey spewed and it turned into Edward Hemorrhoid. The tumor wiggled dramatically and lightning crashed.

Specll: (flaring up his hands) maybe we ought to beat some sense into you!

Pokey: hahahahahaaa!

Young Link pointed with his sword.

Y. Link: Let us go first, Ness…CHEEEAAAAARGE!!!

Link, Young Link and Zelda ran towards Edward Hemorrhoid. The tumor began to glow a bright yellow and sent a sparkling ball of light crashing into Young Link. The force of the blast knocked him right over.
Link tried to jump-attack, but Edward detonated a cloud of fairy dust right in front of him and he floated up into the air.

Zelda: Link! That disgusting creature is a highly magical being! You can’t get close to it!

Edward: I’M n0t an It, I’m aA hEe!

Zelda rolled aside to dodge one of Edward’s spells, only to find herself trapped in a ring of fire.

Ness: oh yuck. Not only is he a semi-invincible, power hungry, mutant, giant womb tumor, he’s a MAGICAL semi-invincible, power hungry, mutant, giant womb tumor. That’s just lovely!

Edward: yAa! AnD yOu ShOUlD sEe My mOtHer! ASDF!

Blam! The incredible intensity of Edward Hemorrhoid’s attack made everyone shield his or her eyes. The air was filled with firework-like light patterns that caused most of the smashers to have temporary epileptic fits.

Specll: heh! We haven’t even needed to move and we’re beating you all! This is really something, seeing as you defeated Majora’s mask…

Fox: Shut your slimy face, Specll! We’ll see who needs to move after this! (pulls out blaster)

The laser bolts just bounced off Specll’s rejector shield.

Specll: you’ve known me for so long, and yet you still forget about my rejector shield! It’s the sole reason I got my name! There’s a one in a million chance a fox with my powers is born every hundred years. I’m just so lucky, and special! Hahahahahaaa!

G&W: I’ll help them! They’re losing! Let’s all help!

Mr. Game and Watch took out his match and ran towards Edward, who was in the middle of electrocuting Link. He didn’t get very far, because Specll quickly dashed in front of him and raked his nine-inch claws along the sprite’s face.
Mr. Game and Watch screamed and turned and ran the other way.

Specll: you’ll all have your turns. Anyone else want to try that?

Fox: (whispering) Ness! You can’t hurt Specll! I just realized that his rejector automatically protects him from almost anything!

Ness: does it have a weakness?

Fox: not that I know of…

Ness: then we’re screwed!

Fox: don’t lose hope, maybe I can trick him into revealing it!

Edward Hemorrhoid fired another stream of exploding fairy dust at Zelda. The princess put up her hands and tried to block it with her powers. But Edward was too strong. She was pushed into the ground. Edward teleported himself just next to Zelda and began falling towards her, holding her down with his magic. There was no way Zelda could escape from the body slam.


CRAAAASH! Edward smacked down on the place where Zelda had been lying with incredible force. Everybody screamed.

Pokey: ooooowh!

Specll: uh!

There was absolute silence as the tumor began to get up. Everyone stared with horror. Hoping that Zelda would be O.K. Pokey and Specll looked away…

But there was no Zelda.

Edward: HaUa!? WHErreD shE G0?!

A very tarty voice chided down from the big tree in the middle of the park.

???: ya lookin’ for me, b*#$!?

Everyone looked up to see Shiek standing up in a tree.

Link: yeah! She transformed into Shiek and vanished away! Good one!

Shiek: shut ya face, Link. You’re a useless twerp!

Link: on the other hand…

Sheik jumped from the tree and crouched on the ground in front of Edward Hemorrhoid. The tumor coughed and began charging a sparkly ball.

Shiek: don’t even think about it, ya b!5#^$

Shiek threw a needle at Edward. It buried into his spongy body and quivered there like an arrow.
Edward squealed like a schoolgirl and dropped his spell. It split up into a whole lot of pieces and electricity surged across the ground.

Ness and his group managed to dodge the shock waves, while the Links where floating and didn’t get hit. Shiek just vanished, but Pokey wasn’t so lucky, getting badly singed by the magical spell.


Specll: (he’s just standing there and all the magic is bouncing off his rejector shield) You’re pathetic, Pokey! don’t you know how to stand on your tip toes?

Pokey: I can’t, I’m too fat.

King: HahAha! Look at you all! Just dancing around like idiots!

Paula: aw shut up, ya fat poe!

King: You bad girl! I ought to spank you good!!

Shiek: oh sure, it’s like you to do something like that, eh? (ewwwwww!)

Rawk berry: AU!

Specll smiled and laughed quietly.

Specll: keep it up, Eddie, you’ll get them soon enough…

There was a pronounced squeal from further down the park. Edward, Pokey and Specll stopped whatever they where doing and turned to look what it was.

Shiek had just picked up a pig. She placed it on the ground and gave it a jolly good slap across the @$$. Edward, Pokey and Specll squealed like a supermodel who’d just broken a nail. They took off as fast as they could, stumbling over each other to try and outrun the marauding swine. Finally, Edward Hemorrhoid teleported and they all disappeared in a flash of light.

Ness: saved by the pig!

Paula: hallelujah!

Pig: (>oo<)+

Everyone: AAAAAh!

The pig turned around and chased everyone into the sea. Ness surfaced to see Shiek standing on the bank, staring at them with her hands on her hips.

Tetra: let me guess…Shiek’s the thief that Zelda used to be?

Shiek: darn straight, ya little $^!t!

Fox surfaced next to Ness and spat out a fountain of water.

Fox: where’s Mila and Cadbury?

Link: looks like they ran off…

Y. Link: cowards! Filthy cowards, the lot of them!

Paula: well you are the one running from a pig, ya fat poe!

Y. Link: YOU’RE a fat poe!

Paula: no YOUUUUU’RE a fat poe!

Ness: how about we say that I’m a fat poe and all you lot are absolutely perfect? Does that settle the argument?

Shiek: every one of you b!%<^e$ are fat poes! But not me, I’m slim and flexible!

King: and I’m just really studly!

Sound effects: oh, I think you’re delusional, no offence required…

Fox: we havn’t heard from you in a while, you invisible guy.

Sound effects: I know, I’ve been a bit slack lately…it’s all that humor in the air…

Fox: WhaTEver!

Ness: I had no idea Pokey and Specll could become so strong! We’re just going to have to stay out of their way, I suppose.

Poo: but what if they find us!?

Jeff: we’ll just have to avoid them. They’re just too hot for us to handle at this point in time.

G&W: let’s get to the shore…

Suddenly, Gannondorf appeared next to Shiek on the beach. He glared around menacingly and blew up a sign to show how evil he was.

Link: oh great…it’s Cannon Dwarf…

Gannondorf: HOW DARE YOU…I hate you all, ESPECIALLY YOU, King of Hyrule!!

King: WhaTEver!

Gannondorf: however…I have sworn a treaty so as to save this world from greater evil than my own. True?

Shiek: but if you hate us all so much, why are you helping us, ya fat poe?

Gannondorf: SIIIIIILENCE!! I’m helping you because I don’t want this world destroyed…just clothed in darkness. It’s a tad naked right now.

Gannondorf blew something up again to nail home his point. Unfortunately, It happened to be a pig. Gannondorf squealed like a preschooler who’d stepped on a toad, and ran into the ocean where the animal couldn’t get him.

Shiek: go porky!

Gannondorf: SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILENCE!!! I’m here (glub) to tell you all that (blubble) I’ve located the evil (blub) power here!

Ness: yeahh! Now it’s time to locate and kick some evil booty!

----------- --------------------
PS: you guys are nowhere close! You'll never guess! Ha aha!


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
ooo, ooo, i know who Giygas's follower is: NESS! lol. anyway, that was another funny chapter, but what are the exact properties of Spcll's rejector sheild? can it deflect physical blows up close, or do they go through like they do on Fox's reflector sheild? anyway, cant wait for the next one. cya!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
The rejector automatically comes out when Specll is in danger. It deflects projectiles and if you so much as touch it, it shocks you stupid.

link 2003

Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2002
Hey, great story! i started reading this a while ago (this story is FREAKIN HUGE, but i still like it), and i just finished what was down so far, so keep up the good work!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Here we go...


The RAWK BERRY is a supernatural being who randomly appears when you least expect it and makes a wierd noise. No one has ever seen it before, and it clearly has no intent of showing itself.
Legend has it that the mighty Rawk Berry was once created by an evil sorcerer after he got bored. Because he couldn't see it, the sorcerer accidentally misplaced it and it flew from his tabletop lair to annoy mankind.

In Ness's travels, the Rawk Berry follows him and his friends around like a bad smell. Ness is unable to attack it, and it never does anything to harm him. It is said that the Rawk berry takes a humanoid shape and can be seen banging on a pair of silent bongo drums. Only the most advanced psychics have claimed to have seen it, but they are probably lying anyway, and don't count.

The Rawk berry's piercing cries send a pang of wonder surging through even the bravest of souls. Legend passed down by the ancient Bananaranians of the Earth system (It's supposed origin) says that anyone who sees the Rawk berry in it's physical form will spontaniously combust 48 hours after seeing it.
No casualties have been traced to the Rawk berry, but just because you're a good driver, doesn't mean you won't crash, fool!
So don't bug the Rawk berry.

End of semi-entertaining documentary.

Update coming soon!


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2002
Mount Silver...Actually, Cape Cod!
I did, too...I thought it was a mutated Rawst Berry that was as annoying as John Cena insulting the Red Sox(He must be happy about the results of that baseball game...)! But, I've never played Earthbound(it WAS in Earthbound, right?), so I wouldn't know.

link 2003

Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2002
i think that a RAWK BERRY is really a type of rare berry on pokemon ruby and saphire!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
No, the Rawk Berry is an original creation. I made it up one time when I was playing Ruby version and typing. I picked a Rawst berry and just stared at the computer screen. Then I typed in: Rawk Berry: Dauui!

I really don't know why I did that, but the Rawk berry could or could not be a berry. Nobody knows what it actually looks like, but for some reason it's following Ness around and has had no real impact in the story so far.

Here's the post!!


There was, however, a slight problem. King really wasn’t big enough to carry everyone across the water at once.

King: what do you take me for, A barge??

Shiek: well ya look like one on land.

King: don’t you go talkin’ to me like that, missie!

Shiek: (rolls her eyes) uuh!

Ness: well I’m sure I can teleport us all to wherever Gannon tells us to go.

Link: oh, good. I don’t like that boat anyway. I get seasick and all…

Y. Link: he has a very delicate stomach.

Ness: really? You’d never guess…

Fox: ooh! Yum! I haven’t seen one of these in yonks!

Link: what’s that?

Fox picked up a wriggling beetle and popped it in his mouth, crunching it loudly as he chewed.
Link projectile-vomited right into King.

King: EauUrgh!! FOUL!!

Everyone: That’s Grotttyyyyyyy!!!

Link: well it wasn’t MY fault!

Paula: we weren’t talking about you vomiting into King, we were talking about Fox eating the bug!

Fox: it’s just a beetle…and they’re nice.

Ness: but it’s gross for us, because we have to watch you!

Fox: oh, O.K…I’ll only eat what you tell me…spoilsport…

King: but I’ll smell all spewy! Aren’t you going to do something about me?

Shiek: well you could try changing back into the King…

King: splendid! But this time I’ll get it right.

The boat disappeared and the King of Hyrule appeared on the beach, with vomit all over him.

Everyone: eeeeewwwww!!!

Shiek: that’s just feral.

King: (goes as red as his robes) LINK!! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!

Link: no it wasn’t, it was Fox eating the bug!


Fox: no it wasn’t, it was his fault. (Points to the air) HE showed me where it was hiding…

Sound effects: you dirty fox!!

Fox: hehehehehee!


Sound effects made a farty sound and ran away.

King: I showed him alright!

Gannondorf: oh, bravo sir, bravo…I HATE YOU!!

Ness: that’s enough! ENOUGH! LET’S GO!! LET’S GOOOO!!!!

King: eek!

Gannondorf: um…go to the Forsaken Fortress…please…um…

Ness angrily created a warp portal and jumped through it. Everyone hesitantly followed suit.


Meanwhile, Pokey, Specll and Edward were sitting under a tree on a small isle, not talking to each other, or even looking in each other’s directions.
Pokey finally broke the silence with a long, loud fart that ended with a few bubbly noises and a pop.

Specll turned to stare at the boy with a disgusted look on his face.

Specll: did you just cr*p yourself?

Pokey: so what if I did? You just shut up, wimp! Fancy running away from a pig!

Specll: you ran too, you hypocrite!

Pokey: I was following you!

Specll: no you weren’t! Had you actually DONE something in that last battle, we could have won!

Pokey: we lost to a pig!

Specll: yeah? Maybe you could have stopped Shiek before she got it mad! You’re a useless turd!

Pokey sucked in his breath and sat there, like a fat toad with his arms crossed. Some more silence overlapped before Edward Hemorrhoid made a queer sound and began flubbering up and down in a ******** way.

Specll: what’s wrong?

Edward: Ohh! Oh GrAndMummA! LoOk~! LoOoK thrOugh thE teEle=scOpe!

Specll snatched the telescope off the mutant growth and scanned the horizon. His eyes met with those of a blobby thing.

Specll: ho-ly! There is a HUGE creature out on the horizon! It’s MASSIVE!!

Edward: anD It’s GoinG to Ju<mP at YoU, SpeC!

Specll suddenly noticed that the zoom on the telescope had been turned “off.” He put down the telescope just as a red Chu chu jumped up and hit him in the face, immediately destroyed by the rejector shield.

Pokey: hahahahahaaa! That was fu…OOWWW!!

Ten more Chu chus had appeared and were jumping at Pokey. He tried to fend them off but fell over on his rear.

The whole island SWARMED with Chu chus. Specll’s shield just couldn’t keep up with them all. He, Pokey and Edward were buried beneath a surging tide of jelly. Then everything went black.

## ## ## ##

Specll sat up and blinked. He was in a temple of some sort. It looked really beautiful, with stain glass windows and a smashed statue of someone standing up on a large block of stone.
The place, however, smelled really foul.

Specll: Pokey! Did you fart?

Pokey: no…that’s not me.

Specll: pwaaao!! That canes!

Edward: HmmMm…I caN SeNse A pOWerFul rEaDinG of POWer here…

Specll was about to suggest that they leave and find a way out, but before he could say anything, a voice froze him in his tracks.

???: welcome, brothers. I have been waiting for you to arrive. Any member of Giygas’s cult is a friend of mine, so make yourselves comfortable…bUaaAArp!!

Specll: who are you, anyway? And how’d we get here?

???: that’s a long story…you see…you had no way of finding me here in this underwater kingdom of Hyrule. So I had my recently acquired army of Chu chus bring you here. I’m sure you’ll be glad to…BEALLLCH!! BuUAraRP!!…excuse me…you’ll be glad to find out that our plan is working very well.

Specll: that’s good to hear…I guess you’re the one positioned here, correct?

???: you’re smart. I’m responsible for (urp) sealing the time lock that’s been put on the Pokemon world!

Specll: …a…time lock? The time lock plan went ahead?

???: yeBLAHGH!!

Specll cringed at the thought of how many innocent lives were going to be taken from the time lock. However, his momentary guilt soon gave way to a wave of selfishness that flowed over him, completely steamrolling his conscience flat.

Specll: hm hm hm…great. A massive harvest of souls for our leader. He’ll be back in no time.

Pokey: hee hee hee…and we’ll all be soooooooo powerful…

Edward: I’M gOinG to Be a PrEsIdEnT!!

A sliding noise filled the Temple of time. Specll was able to make out a shape in the shadows. Actually, it was shapeless, whatever it was. In fact, it looked like a giant blob of cr*p.

???: I know that you’re the special one, aren’t you? You’re the one who will lead us all to power. I know this because BLURP!! I’ve been told you would come to collect the special item of this world. Here…take it. BLEAAAAHH!!

A wooden object bounced over to Specll. He picked it up. It was a small, wooden ocarina. With a green mouthpiece. Specll stuffed it in his pack.

???: objects of light Converted to bad, will make the allies of darkness glad, do you know that poem, special one?

Specll: I believe I do!

???: RUTH!!! Ehem…er…well YOU are the reaper of the seeds of darkness, the one who will make it possible for those objects of light to become objects of the night. GLUUPH!! BHLAAAAARGhrOulOUp!

Specll: are you O.K??

???: I’m fine. Now before you go, special one, I wish to ask you a favor.

Specll: What?

???: Ness…I have been forbidden to leave this temple, but I want revenge on Ness!! I was hoping that you could do something about him before you leave this dimension?

Specll put his hand up to his mouth and giggled. He stared at the pulsating blob over in the shadows.

Specll: sure. I’m sure I can. Just you wait and see.


Dec 19, 2002
oh no Edward's GRANDMA:eek:. nah just joking. must be an x parasite. Wait Giygas was almost shapeless. Maybe it's Giygas. No wait Giygas was the voice talking to dyoxis. ugh who could it be. maybe Metroid Prime. wait it has a shape and can't talk. please tell me.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Just letting you know that Giygas is DEAD! It wasn't him talking to Deoxis, it was someone else.

Hmm hmm hmm...I ain't telling you nutting, but I'm sure PsiFlameMaster knows who it is, because he's played Earthbound.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
ive got a few ideas for who Deoxys was talking to if it was someone/thing from EarthBound. could you pm me as to if it was a Your Sanctuary gaurdian or someone else. i dont want you to blow it 4 me, just tell me if it was one or the other of the above.
whats great is that if you havnt played EarthBound you dont realy know what a Your Sanctuary gaurdian is so me an' NESSBOUNDER can talk somewhat freely about that w/o blowing it 4 u guys. anyways, i also know what the artifact was that Specll got, although its about somewhere between 3 and 7 hundred years old, its still in good condition! o wait! i just realized who it realy was that Specll just spoke to! hehehe! i know it and you guys dont! *snicker*... *laugh*... BWAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!! [/evil laugh] the only question that remains to be known for certain is who it was that Deoxys was talking to. anyway, cya!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

At Gannondorf’s base, things looked like they were slightly out of hand. In fact, the whole place looked so pathetically beaten up, that King laughed out loud and began to tease Gannondorf about it.

King: this place looks like my grandmother’s face!

Shiek: yeah, this is one sad pad, ya idiot.

Gannondorf: and how does that make me an idiot?


Gannondorf: but…


Gannondorf: why I never…hmf!

Ness: so what is it that you wanted to show us, Gannon?

Gannondorf: well…I recently opened another portal to Hyrule to see if there was going to be any way I could claim it again…and guess what!?

G&W: it was your birthday?

Gannondorf: NOOO!! For one, someone had created another air pocket around it. You can walk around down there again!

King: that ain’t’ right…

Gannondorf: I know, isn’t it lovely? Anyway, I went skipping along the path, just glad to see that there was still hope in my plans of world domination, and then POW! I ran smack bang into a dirty great magical barrier!

Y. Link: now you know how it feels!

Gannondorf: I’m ignoring you, brat. SO WHERE WAS I? Oh yes, try as I might, I just couldn’t repel this strange force. I just thought that something very powerful and very evil had to have created it, sooo…

Tetra: so the great evil you all seem to be speaking of lies behind that magical barrier.

Gannondorf: yes, you’re smart. Bravo. (claps)

Jeff: but how are we supposed to break the seal?

Gannondorf: I was hoping you’d know.

King: you’re a useless twaif.

Fox: hmmm…looks like we’re kind of stuck…

Ness: never fear! Just let me read the magical properties of this “wall” and I’m sure I’ll find a way to break it.

Gannondorf took everyone down to his undersea castle via the dark portal. In no time at all, Ness found himself standing in front of a pulsating gray wall of light.

Ness: stand back everybody. I’ll have the diagnosis ready in no time.

Ness placed his fingers to his temples and hummed. After a few seconds of doing so, he looked up and turned around.

Ness: 89% magical, 11% black magic. And not too formidable.

Fox: so…how do we get past?

Ness: well, MDm2…um…we need some sort of magical key.

Y. Link: a magical key? Um…that could be anywhere!!

Ness: no! Actually, we need an ANCIENT magical key that looks like a sword, and has a handle that looks like a man holding the sword, which is the key.

Shiek: and just how do you know this?

Ness: because I’m PsIcHIc! (makes his eyes go all swirly)

Y. Link: a magical sword-key that…hey, what about that statue that Mila dug up?

Ness: what statue?

Tetra: oh yeah! That little statue! Ness, you need to check that statue and see if it has any powers!

Ness: oh man…looks like it’s time to teleport again…


Thump. Ness and all his friends landed back on Windfall Island. It was daytime and all the town’s inhabitants were walking around in their usual repetitive patterns.

Gannondorf realized that he needed a change of costume to avoid getting recognized and quickly changed into a tourist outfit.
After everyone had stopped laughing at Gannondorf’s new clothes, they quickly set off and found Mila working at Zunari’s market square.

Mila: come buy all your happy stuff here!

Zunari: no little girl, that just sounds wrong. Try another.

Mila: come and visit our super happy shop, we sell all the things you’ll need for a happy weekend…

Zunari: why don’t you just keep quiet and pretend you’re a mute…maybe that’ll attract lome customers.

Mila: I’m mute, but we still need you to come and be happy at our happy store for happy people.

Y. Link: Mila! What did you do with that statue you dug up last night??

Mila: oh hi…that old thing? Well…I’m selling it tonight in the auction. It goes to the highest bidder.

Y. Link: we need it!! It’s a matter of life and death.

Mila: hey! Just because I know you, doesn’t mean you can scab things off me. If you want it you’ll just have to try and buy it, won’t you.

Ness could see that Y. Link was about to explode.

King: you naughty girl! Give us that thing this instant!

At the sight of the King of Hyrule, everyone in the marketplace ran away screaming.

King: oops! (transforms into the boat)

Mila: oh, all right. You can have it, but unfortunately for you, I gave it to Cadbury.

Y. Link: BUH!!

Mila: if you want, you can follow me to the Island I go to and get it off him. I set sail this evening.

Link: good idea. We’ll all come with you…


Will the heroes be able to find the key? Who is the follower? Find out next update! (hopefully)


Dec 19, 2002
great update. must be someone magic that got dark magic from Giygas(when he died).


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2002
A house.
Funny and completely twistted.....JUST THE WAY I LIKE IT.

Oh, and NESSBOUNDER, don't forget that I have and beaten Earthbound. IT'S A REEEEAAAAAALLLLLYYYY COOL GAME. Man, I feel demented ever since I got Kirby's Air Ride two days ago.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
bwahah!a! i will never get tired of this story! its absolutly tarded in a funny way yet makes enough sense for a great story line to be put in. it would be funny if the island Mila takes them to is an island not on the sea chart but in the square that would be under Outset island if the chart went that far. heheheh... ARMY OF CHUCHUS!!! *runz*

link 2003

Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2002
geez, i like the story, but cam you please make an end to chapter 6 so we can go back to the acadamy and start the tournoment thingy (i think there was one)


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

You think that after chapter 6 they will go back to the academy?
You seem to be forgetting that they have to gather ALL the items together, before Specll does, and they also have to get the ones he stole back...we still have a LOT of dimensions left and frankly, I don't think I'll actually do the tournaments. This isn't a smash fight fic, it's a Smash adventure fic.

Oh, and they're not going past the Nintendo universe after all.

You think this fic is big now...HAH!!

Update on the weekend, expect a good one, too!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny

The barge that set off for Castle Island was pretty small. In fact, it seemed to be the smallest barge Ness had ever seen.

Mila: well don’t just stand there gawking, hop aboard!

Ness: yeah…are you sure we’ll all fit?

Mila: I’m sure I’m sure. But only just, it will get a little bit squashy. But the King of Hyrule could turn into a boat and sail alongside us…that would make a bit more room.

Y. Link: you heard her! Make like a boat!

King: you disrespectful little schnook!

Link: yeah, you disrespectful little…

Y. Link: oh, shut up, ya fat poe…


Poo: calming yourself down…

Shiek: yeah, take a pill.

Mila: er-HEM! In case you haven’t noticed, we are ready to leave now!

Jeff: yeah, let’s all get aboard.

On board the barge, things started to get squishy. It would probably be illegal to call it a barge because it actually had only about four rooms in total. And they were tiny.

Gannondorf: and I bet the food will be just awful…

Mila: well it’s better than scrounging from a bin. But only by a bit.

There was a groan from everyone on board.

Ness: oh, well…good thing I still have some PIGGY JELLY! CHOW TIME!

Paula: mmm!

Fox: um…Ness…the last time you took that stuff out, it transformed into Edward Hemorrhoid. One of our most powerful enemies yet. How do we know we can trust that stuff?

Ness: well back then we were still in Ridley’s horror world. I think we won’t have to worry about that anymore.

G&W: but how do you think it’s possible that Edward Hemorrhoid is able to exist now that Ridley is dead…again?

Ness: I really don’t know…I think that Edward Hemorrhoid might just be a very powerful dimension traveler who can use “Festy objects” such as vomit as warp gates! This would explain the way he can appear whenever Pokey vomits.

Fox: I guess that just means that your piggy jelly is FESTY!!! EWWWWW!!

Everyone except Ness: EEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!!!!

Ness: (looking guilty) well…it DOES tasty a little bit foul…but..er…IT’S REALLY GOOD FOR YOU!! SO BOG IN!

Paula: actually, Ness…I think we should destroy that jelly. If you ate it and Edward Hemorrhoid teleported into your stomach…

Ness pitched the piggy jelly out the window. Everyone clapped at his quick thinking.

Captain: oi! Oi! Oi!! Not so much noise, will yer? If you’re going to make any noise, then SING IT!

Everyone: EYE EYE, CAPTAIN!!

Rawk Berry: dooooOOOUIAUU!!

Captain: what in tarnation was that?

Ness: ignore it.

Y. Link: (dressed in his crawfish pajamas) ENOUGH CHAT, LET’S SIIIING!!



Here we go saiiiiileing,
Saling on the boun-cy waaaaves.
All our arms are Flaaaaailing,
As we sing like knaves!!

The sky is blue, the sea is blue, the boat is green and I am too.
We’re not gonna stop until our faces match the huuuuuuuee….
O-of the Bibbel-de Bobbel-de Sea! All on the Bibbel-de Bobbel-de sea!!

Out on the sea it’s raaaaaaining,
It’s p*ssing down in major droves,
We’re so wet we’re paaaaining,
‘Cos there’s a hole in the roof! (Oops, that didn’t rhyme…)

This song we sing, is really bull, I made it up, I’m such a tool,
Oh my gawd, we must look like fooooooools….
Out on the Bibbel-de Bobbel-de sea! All on the Bibbel-de bobbel-de sea!!


Ness realized that the now waist-high confetti was making it slightly difficult to dance. Suddenly, reality flooded back to him as he quickly discarded the fandango costume and put on his old clothes.

Fox: jeez, that was embarrassing…I hope no-one else saw that…

Y. Link: no-one but the seagulls.

Fox: (taking out blaster and firing it out the window) DIE, SEAGULLS!

Gannondorf: gracious! These skimpy stockings really don’t do my legs justice!

Everyone: (disgusted) OH FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE!! CHANGE!!!!

Gannondorf: you don’t need to tell me…

Link looked across at Young Link, who’s golden hair was now fluffing out as it should do.

Link: put your clothes on!

Y. Link: I have. I’m using my special costume.

Link: you’re in your crawfish jammies!

Y. Link: I’m in a special outfit that only the honest can see!

Link: oh? Um…yeah! Yeah, it looks good on you…


Link: DOI!

Rawk berry: aAUu!!

Y. Link: I got fooled to when grandma gave me my “special outfit” but she’s a senile old crab, and I should have known better.

Tetra: hey! That’s no way to talk about your granny!


Everyone was silent for a few seconds as they looked at Gannondorf.

Shiek: shut yoa hole, you @#$%

Link + Y. Link: YA FA…

Paula: -_0+

Link + Y. Link: er…you rotund ghoul!

Paula: ^_^

Gannondorf: I’ll have you know that I could destroy the lot of you, right now if I wanted to…

Ness: actually, you wouldn’t stand a chance if we all ganged up on you…

Gannondorf: dam…

Captain: Heat Cliffe Island er-hoooyy!!

Y. Link: Heat Cliffe Istland?

Mila: you probably haven’t heard of it. It’s where all good metals are mined from. However, there is a tribe of darknuts who live here…Cadbury’s tribe…and at night, it’s used by native poes to hold their rituals. I, however, have never seen a poe.

Y. Link: phat!


Y. Link: I mean…choice!!

Paula: oh, I thought you meant tubby sort of fat…as in fat poe.

Everyone else: NEEEEAAAARGH!!!!!!!

Paula: eek!

Mila: well, I’m also not allowed out at night to see them. But Cadbury tells me that it’s really something to behold! I’m going to sneak out and watch them tonight!

G&W: is that really a good idea?

Link: poes are dangerous!

Mila: I’m not going to go near them, just watch from a distance.

Fox: hey! Let’s go with her! This’ll be fun!

Ness: yeah! I’d really like to see a poe ritual.


Everyone was propelled off the barge with much force. It was raining and they all ran to the cover of some shelters that had been set up on a hill.

Mila: it’s here that I help the team of diggers mine for gold by cooking food.

Y. Link: aah, I wondered what you did.

The rain suddenly stopped.

Bug burly dude: hello Mila! Did you bring some friends?

Mila: yes Fred. They’re here to look for some treasure. Don’t worry, they won’t get in the way.

Fred: good. Make yourselves at home, ya all.

Gannondorf: oh great. (hangs up a cobweb)

Fred: I hear you’re planning on going out tonight and seeing the poes, Mila?

Mila: Yes! I am and nobody’s going to stop me.

Fred: well…I’ll just let you know, you’re allowed as long as someone goes with you.

Mila: all my friends are great fighters and I’m sure I’ll be fine.

Fred turned to Ness and Co.

Fred: good on ya! She’s been nagging us for ages. But all us workers have been too scared to go with her. I’ll let ya know, she’s one tough cookie.

The big man walked off and Mila turned to Ness.

Mila: come on! All of you follow me, I’ll show you where it is. We won’t be long.

Y. Link: I’ll pass, me and King are going out to sea to get this place registered on my map.

As Mila and the Ness bunch ran off into the darkness, Young Link walked out to the quiet sea. He had a distinct feeling that something wasn’t right.


After a few hours out at sea, Young Link had managed to get the island mapped from a very abusive fish, who demanded a hefty amount of rupees for his trouble.
Grumbling about the slimy thief, the hero of winds returned to the miner’s camp sight to see Fred and a few other workers looking hungry.

Y. Link: hey, where is everyone?

Fred: they haven’t returned yet. I hope something hasn’t happened…I mean…that means no soup for us!

Young Link got a gut feeling that he should go and check on them. After a quick inquiry as to where the poes held their ceremonies, he walked off into the darkness of the night.

After a while of walking around, Young Link heard familiar voices. The first voice sounded like Fox talking. Young Link smiled. Apparently they were O.K.
A second voice spoke. That had to be Ness…but there was something different about it…it had a bit more of a jeer to it…
Young Link felt slightly suspicious.
Then a third voice sounded. An absolutely posh, stupid, demented, deformed sort of voice that wiped all the hope out of Young Link’s heart.
It was Specll, Pokey and Edward Hemorrhoid.

Young Link sidled up against a broken wall and stared out at the field where the voices were coming from.
Down in the valley there was a fire lit. Specll was standing next to the fire and crooning into a dark sphere.
Young Link strained his ears to hear what the fox was saying.

Specll: oh Fox…this could have been avoided, but you disregarded my instructions as you always have done. But don’t worry brother…you’re not going to die.

Pokey: nah…he’s just going to spend the rest of his life inside a little black globe. That’s worse than…

Specll: shut up.

Pokey: …

Young Link could hear angry voices coming from inside the dark sphere. He scanned the valley quickly with his eyes.
There were poe lanterns lying all over the ground as if a massacre had taken place.
Specll was now talking in a cruel, malicious tone.

Specll: as for you…Ness…I believe an old friend of yours is probably laughing now…let’s not hang around any longer…hahaha…get us out of here, Eddie.

Fox’s half brother placed the dark ball onto the ground and walked away from it.

Specll: there you lie, for the rest of eternity. Adios, brother…I’ll miss you.

Po0F! Specll, Pokey, and Edward disappeared in a cloud of fairy dust. Young Link screamed and ran over to the dark globe. But it was too late.

Y. Link: No! How could I have been so stupid!? I should have attacked them!

???: no you shouldn’t have, they’d have just caught you as well.

Young Link turned to see Mila hiding under a fern. A smile lit up his face as a little bit of his hope returned.
The girl walked out and stood in front of him. She had a grave expression on her face.

Mila: th…those evil people attacked suddenly, without warning. They got most of the poes first…I don’t know why…just for the fun of it, I suppose…we tried to fight back but…
I’m afraid that pink fox person was in possession of a black prison. There is no escape from one of those magical tombs.

Y. Link: so they’re gone!!

Mila: I…I think that you may be right.

Young Link picked up the black prison and stared into it. Inside its swirling middle, he could just make out the shapes of his imprisoned friends, caught forever in a void.

Crying, the boy fell to his knees. Mila looked sadly away…

Mila: Link! Look!

Young Link looked up to see a few of the poe lanterns rising and floating in the air. He looked on as some of the surviving poes floated slowly back to their crushed ritual grounds.

Mila: …It’s O.K…I think I can sort this out.

A blue poe came within a meter of Young Link and Mila. Young Link moved his hand to the hilt of his sword, but Mila stared undaunted at the ghostly creature.

Poe: woooooo…curse your name…foul creatures who have destroyed and defaced our sacred grounds!

Mila: I know this looks bad, but…

Poe: SILENCE!! You have taken advantage of us! You have used our sacred ritual, the only time we voluntarily take our physical forms, as a means to purge us from this existence!

The poe grabbed a smaller poe and thrust him forward so he was looking Mila in the eye.

Poe: Jaaaahian…See before you the foul living who staged this massacre! The ones who have defied us all! Feel hatred, Jahian, feel anger!

The young poe seemed more scared than angry.


Jahian pulled himself away from the poe elder’s grasp.

Jahian: no! I feel no anger! I feel no spite! These living are innocent and are as much the victims of the evil ones as we have been, High priest. I cannot hate them.

This earned him a whack across the side of his face. The old poe floated above Jahian and hissed at him.

Poe: very well! I cannot believe that I have raised a failure! You have been trained for your role in every way, and you refuse to let the final stage take place! Jahian, you will never become one with the spirit world and you will be forever doomed to remain in your cumbersome physical form. Unless you are willing to recognize you’re role, you must find your own way home!

With this, the poe vanished. Jahian screamed and tried to run up to him, but it was too late.

Jahian: no! Don’t leave me here!! I can’t apparate! Don’t leave me here, high priest!!

The young poe sat on the ground sobbing. Mila walked up to him and looked him up and down. He didn’t seem scared of her.

Jahian was rather small and rather thin for a poe. He was dark blue in colour and the swirl on his stomach looked as if it had been freshly painted on.

Mila: are you all right?

Jahian: I’m…fine…

Y. Link: what was all that about. How come you can’t disappear like all the other poes?

Jahian: well…I have a sort of problem, I suppose…I just can’t seem to become ghostly. I just can’t do it. It means I can’t fly, it means I have to walk all the time, it means I can’t pass through walls…and I’m always in danger of being attacked.

Mila: well we aren’t going to hurt you.

Jahian: oh good…well anyway, to top things off, that’s not the only thing that’s abnormal about me…I’ve been chosen to become the channel for our god, Jalhalla.

Young Link’s eyes grew wide at the name. He leaned forward to hear better what the poe was saying.

Jahian: it’s tough. I never wanted to be the channel. I have to go through rigorous training and torture every day to prepare myself for the day I’ve been born for…the day I will become Jalhalla…

Y. Link: but Jalhalla was created from the fusion of many poes joined together!

Jahian looked at Young Link in a surprised manner.

Jahian: how do you know of such things?? Jalhalla was first brought into the world from the fusion of many poes. However, he was somehow destroyed by an incredible power. Our wishes to create a paradise from the land of the living were flattened...

Young Link remembered battling the gigantic poe god. He decided to keep quiet and hear the rest of Jahian’s story.

Jahian: but recently, the coming of Jalhalla was foretold again by our high priest. And that this time, he would be reborn from the next poe child to be born from our tribe…that was me.

Y. Link: so you exist for no purpose but to become Jalhalla…

Jahian: yes…but so far it seems that I will never become Jalhalla…in order for the cycle to be complete, I must feed Jalhalla’s soul with feelings of vengeance and hatred. Emotions I clearly lack.

Young Link smiled.

Y. Link: stay like that, trust me.

Jahian: I do not believe Jalhalla will bring us our dreams. I believe that something that grows on such emotions will only bring us pain. And I do not wish to become Jalhalla. I just want to be a normal poe and learn to play music on my flute. The ceremony you witnessed was the high priest’s last attempt to endow hatred into me. I was to be beaten until I showed signs of these emotions. I hold no love for their religion, but I’m afraid I am stuck as one of them.

Mila: that’s sad. I hope you will eventually get your freedom.

Young Link looked down at the dark prison in his hands.

Y. Link: well we have to find a way to release our friends from this thing…

Jahian jumped up and pointed to the black sphere.

Jahian: aah! I know exactly how you can do that! It’s one thing I learned from my mother before she went away…A dark prison’s bane, is a magical instrument’s flame. That’s what she told me. It means that a dark prison can be dispelled with the tune from a magical instrument.
I’m pleased to have met you. It’s good to tell someone my troubles. Now I must leave. Good luck…friends…

The poe picked up his lantern and wondered off into the dense woods. Young Link and Mila watched the light grow dimmer until it was gone. Young Link turned to Mila.

Y. Link: the Sages! The Sages of the Earth and Wind temples! They can free Ness and the others!

Mila: I don’t know what you mean, but I think we should get that statue off Cadbury first.

Y. Link: yeah, we may as well.



Dec 19, 2002
Yay an update:D. Oh no he must fight Specll and defeat him to get it:eek:. He's with only Mila and Cadbury:eek:. They are in HUGE trouble.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2002
Not too high, not too low, but juuuust right.
hey, great update. why cant Link just use his Wind Waker baton, or have adult Link use the Ocarina of Time? o, wait, adult Link is in the black sphere. dang it! im thinking of the Song of the Sun or the Bolero of Fire from OoT, unless you plan to make up one of your own, which would be neat. can you see out of the sphere if youre inside of it? hey, we've only got 2, maybe 3 ppl in the party if Caddbury joins, so its more like one of those adventury questy things. what fun! cool, Makar and Medli will be seen! WOOT WOOT'!!! i dunno why i did that. maybe that Rawk Berrie is rubbing off on me. D'oh! also, i got Soul Calibur II 4 the GameCube! Link is the ULtiMatE gUy in that game, cuz you can get the Megaton hammer for him (realy great!) and the BIGGORON SWORD!! yay! (ultra good!) whats cool about it is that he uses it just like the Master Sword as in he can use it with one hand instead of 2 like he had to in OoT. plus, his bow and arrow rox! if ur close to the enemy you can shoot them in the ankle and then start bashing on them! its great fun!

anyway, 'till later i suppose!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Heh he heh...They don't have to fight Specll, didn't you read it?

The wind waker is not an instument, it's a conductors batton and yes, this is a mini quest for young Link, Mila and Cadbury.

Two origional dungeons will be included and they're CO-OP CHARACTER! (just like the Wind and EArth temple.)

Unfortunately, Medli and Makar aren't going to play a huge role, but they will make an appearance next update (tomorrow.)

You'll have to find out next update!

(huh! Megaton hammer? pfft! The Skull hammer's so much cooler!)


Dec 19, 2002
but I thought Specll has the wind waker so how do they take it from him???


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Um...Specll never got hold of the Wind Waker...It was with Young Link the whole time. Specll just trapped all the smashers in a dark prison and now Young Link has to get the sages to free them.

Y. Link’s Mini-Quest.

Young Link stashed the dark prison in his inventory and followed Mila to where she was going. The girl paraded him around the island until they got to a large stone that seemed to be blocking the entrance to a cave.

Mila: Knock, Knock, Come in, Come again another day.

The stone slid away to the right. Mila motioned to Y. Link for him to follow her through.
It wasn’t long before they found themselves in the royal chamber of the King darknut.

King D.: well if it isn’t your little pet, Cadbury. And she appears to have someone with her. I really can’t be bothered handling this, boy. You go outside with them and see what they wand.

Cadbury seemed slightly surprised to see Mila and Young Link. He stepped down from his prince’s throne and ushered them both out of the cave.

Cadbury: what’s the meaning of bringing him here? You know my dad doesn’t take kindly to humans. You’re bad enough, but two would make him angry.

Mila: Cadbury, Link’s friends have been trapped inside a dark prison. We need that little statue that you dug up at Windfall.

Cadbury: oh…sure, I’ll just go get it. That sounds exciting, can I come along?

Mila: I’ll need a bodyguard. Please do.

After a few preparations, all three of them were siting in King. Mila had to stand on the boat’s head because Cadbury took up a fair bit of space.

King: can you get rid of that blasted armor? You’re going to capsize us!

Cadbury: sorry. (takes off his armor and puts it on the other side of the boat, balancing the weight.)

Y. Link: so, King…where are Medli and Makar. Can you locate them for me?

King: hmm, well let’s see. Yes, I can sense their whereabouts, I’ll just mark it on your sea chart.

Young Link pulled out his sea chart and looked at it.

Y. Link: hmmm. The flight control platform. I can guess what they’re doing there. O.K. everyone! Prepare for liftoff!

Mila: uh?

Young Link whipped out his Wind Waker. He closed his eyes and conducted a song on it.

V > < ^
The ballad of gales

WHOOOSH!! A massive tornado sucked them all up and deposited them over at Dragon Roost island. Everyone violently vomited over the side of the boat.

Y. Link: bleah! I’ll never get used to that…just a little bit of sailing and we’ll reach the Flight Control Platform.

Only a little bit of sailing later, Link, Cadbury and Mila stopped off at the weird little platform out at sea. Link told Mila and Cadbury to wait at the bottom while he went to look for the sages.

Mila sat down next to a weird old man with a telescope.

Old man Ho-ho: HOOOoooooooooooouuu!!!! I see! I see, said the blind man!

Mila: what exactly are you looking at?

Old man Ho-ho: HOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooouuuuuuu!!!!!!

Mila: fine, be that way.

Young Link walked over to Willi (the albatross guy who dresses like a Rito) and stood in front of him.

Willi: good morning oh new great and talented flight champion! Fly!! Fly like an onion! May your dreams be as ocean-like as your apparent victory! Skubberdie!!

Y. Link: yes, hello, hello…you wouldn’t happen to have two customers by the names of Makar and Medli in here, do you?

Willi: I believe we do! They are currently returning from a very wet and sploshie landing in the middle of the bibbel-de-bobbel-de sea. If you wish to SEA them, ha ha!! Get it? SEA them? Hah! Oh, I know that was bad…erm yes, they’re up on the platform, pay ten rupees to get up there, please.

Young Link handed over ten rupees and climbed the ladder. As he reached the top, he could hear the sounds of squabbling coming from the top.

Standing on the platform were Makar and Medli, both looking very wet. Young Link decided to listen to what the sages were talking about before showing himself.

Medli: I got a greater distance than you!!

Makar: no you didn’t!

Medli: yes I did! See? It says it here and my distance is further than yours!

The little tree sprite tried to cross his pudgy arms, but couldn’t reach across his round body.

Makar: yes, but I got a greater VERTICAL distance than you! If my vertical distance was laid flat, I’d win!

Medli clicked her beak at him.

Medli: but they don’t count vertical distance, so I won!!

Makar: spiritually, you didn’t, chicken legs!

Medli: uh! Don’t tease me about my legs!

Medli picked up a stone and threw it at Makar. The korok retaliated by taking out his cello and playing the highest, most ear-splittering note he could.
Not to be outdone, Medli whipped out her harp and began playing the Earth god’s lyric as fast as she could in a very repetitive fashion. Makar began playing the Wind god’s aria as well and as the tunes mixed it sounded as hectic as all get out.

Realising that this could be his chance, Young Link wiggled up the ladder and placed the dark prison near the sages. As the demented mixture of songs continued, it began to glow. Y. Link felt a surge of triumph…but only for a second, because it stopped glowing almost directly after it started.

Medli and Makar stopped their musical battle and turned to look at the dark prison.

Medli: oh Link…It’s nice that you come to us for help, but we can’t dispel a dark prison with only two of us.

Makar made one of his cute little noises.

Makar: hello swordsman!

Y. Link: hello Makar…so you can’t help me? My friends are trapped in there.

Medli: it’s true that sages are the only ones who can break the curse of a dark prison, but you’re going to need the songs of at least four of us!

Y. Link: but…but there are only two sages! You and Makar! What do you mean by “four?”

Medli: you are looking for what is called a “Minor sage” ages ago, when the sages of the earth and wind temple were first chosen, they created a parallel link of power to four ordinary people with potentially magical instruments. Me and Makar were to be “Major Sages,” keepers of the Wind and Earth temples. We were necessary for the restoration of the master sword should it ever need to be wielded again. As for the other two, no one knows who they were going to be, because they didn’t actually have a purpose to serve as of today and have not even been awoken yet.
They are the Sky and Sea sages and their temples lie to the extreme south and the extreme east of here. If you can awaken them, then maybe we can all play together and free your friends from the dark prison. I’m sorry we can’t help you right now, Link…

Makar: I feel like a glass of water.


After leaving the flight control platform, Young Link warped to the very borders of the map and changed the wind to head south.

King: you’ve never sailed in these seas before, Link. So you might want to get a new map…

Y. Link: don’t worry, that fish I met earlier gave me an extension map…

King: oh, that bas%^rd…yes I remember now.

Mila: oh this is so exciting. I’m glad I left a note to tell dad I’d be gone for a long time.

Cadbury: and as long as I’m around, nobody will harm you.

Mila + Cadbury: SAIL INTO THE WAVES!!!

King: that’s alright for you to say! Now sit down, you’ll capsize me!


After a LONG sail, they finally made it to a huge island with an enormous building/temple built on it. Young Link steered King over to the island and everyone hopped out. There was a big rock blocking the entrance to the temple, which was easily disposed of with a bomb.

Y. Link: I gather by the map, that this is the Sky temple.

Mila: nah, you don’t say…

Y. Link: come on, let’s go inside.

Inside, the entrance was blocked by a large rock with markings and a picture of the Triforce on it.
Young Link knew exactly what to do. He walked over to the stone and took out his wind waker and copied the directions on the stone.

\/ > ^ \/ > *
Young Link learned the SKY GOD’S REQUEIM
(* means neutral on the C-stick) Try this tune yourself!

Young Link, Mila and Cadbury watched as the ghostly form of Laruto, the zora sage appeared before them. Everyone except Young Link looked absolutely stunned.

Laruto: welcome, young waker of the winds. We meet a second time, just as I knew we would. You are no doubt here to awaken the Minor Sage of the Sky temple and free the chosen ones from their dark prison.

Young Link nodded.

Laruto: as was the last time, I will show you the instrument that the next Sage will carry.

The zora produced a trumpet that was made from mother of pearl. Link studied it and then heard Mila let rip with an ear splitting scream.

Y. Link: Mila! Shut up!!

Mila was staring at the trumpet and pointing at it. Her mouth was opening and closing like a fish.

Mila: tha…th…tha…thu…the…THAT’S MY TRUMPET!!



Dec 19, 2002
hahahahaha. um then if Specll didn't have the wind waker then what does he have???


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Um...:confused: Specll doesn't have anything. He recieved SARIA'S OCARINA (special item) from :the bad guy: and trapped everyone in a dark prison except Y. Link and Mila. Now he's gone from the dimension.

I MAY be able to update tomorrow.
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