It seems like someone didn't try... Though to be fair Diddy's icon looked a bit weird too before seeing his full render in comparison to the others.
It's fake. Go look at the official page for Diddy Kong (or any character) and see how far away the Arrow and the link to the website are.
They're very spaced apart.
There also isn't a ">" symbol after the link. This symbol appears after every link on the page.
Yoshi's name isn't even centered under his icon... it's too far to the left. And looks darker than the rest of the names.
And on top of all that, there are random white rectangles where the green meets the white on the page.
So it's not just that the picture is bad, there are so many things showing it's a very bad fake.
EDIT: Yay! My first time proving something fake!
EDIT 2: just added some more proof to the top points