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the Lexx

Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2008
New Jersey
Yeah that's my problem - I'm in war with two other empires who refuse to cooperate, and even though I have 4 allies I still can't do much to hurt them ;/

It's a fun game, but... it's hard to do much when you're constantly being attacked.

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
I've become the attacker, I stopped being attacked about 2 or 3 days ago. I destroyed the 2 empires that attacked me, I even destroyed one of my hostile allies that kept on attacking my other allies.

No one has dared to attack me since then.


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2007
I've become the attacker, I stopped being attacked about 2 or 3 days ago. I destroyed the 2 empires that attacked me, I even destroyed one of my hostile allies that kept on attacking my other allies.

No one has dared to attack me since then.
I'm a lover, not a fighter...

At least, until some hostile race ticks me off... then it's on. My only problem with war is that planet's can't defend themselves, and you can't station troops at locations after the Civ stage... making you the first line of defense. And that, if you're not the planet destroying type, finishing off opponents turns into a test of patience, repeatedly attacking their homeworld, whittling down the number of cities until you win...

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
It's single player.

Pluvia: try attacking the Grox. See how that works out for you.

Also, CodeBlack, that's the thing. If I am in the center of the galaxy, the races I destroyed are coming back as pirates and purging parts of my civilizations while I am away. I am taking a week break.

Also, can someone try two things:
1. When I was in the Center of the Universe, the escape button wouldn't work. As soon as I got it, it did. Is this common?

2. Can someone start a colony, build it up, add a building, but use the Sporepedia. For some reason for me, ALL my options on the Sporedia were Maxis. Same for anyone else?


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
I just bought my copy, and wouldn't you know it, our Desktop isn't running now for some reason, and my laptop could just barely run it by looking at the specs D:

Looking forward to it, as I have for the past years and months.

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
It's single player.

Pluvia: try attacking the Grox. See how that works out for you.

Also, CodeBlack, that's the thing. If I am in the center of the galaxy, the races I destroyed are coming back as pirates and purging parts of my civilizations while I am away. I am taking a week break.

Also, can someone try two things:
1. When I was in the Center of the Universe, the escape button wouldn't work. As soon as I got it, it did. Is this common?

2. Can someone start a colony, build it up, add a building, but use the Sporepedia. For some reason for me, ALL my options on the Sporedia were Maxis. Same for anyone else?
Not found the Grox yet, I know where they are so I've just been avoiding that general area. I'm building up allies to aid me, I must have almost 40 by now.

I've not been to the centre of the Universe so I don't know, and no I can choose any building from my Sporepedia I think, maybe the reason why you can only choose Maxis has something to do with the reason why none of us can find you on Sporepedia.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
When you installed Spore CK, did you install the EA Download Manager?

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I downloaded it FROM the EA Download Manager. Plus, Brittany's character from her computer that she uploaded are in my game. Just no buildings... hmm...


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2007
Also, CodeBlack, that's the thing. If I am in the center of the galaxy, the races I destroyed are coming back as pirates and purging parts of my civilizations while I am away. I am taking a week break.

Also, can someone try two things:
1. When I was in the Center of the Universe, the escape button wouldn't work. As soon as I got it, it did. Is this common?

2. Can someone start a colony, build it up, add a building, but use the Sporepedia. For some reason for me, ALL my options on the Sporedia were Maxis. Same for anyone else?
I'd suggest ignoring the pirates if you're far away. They don't do anything but take spice, which you won't be able to collect anyway, and which will probably return to you by the time you get back. If you don't have any enemies, then the "unknown aliens" will always be pirates, and it will usually say pirating instead of attacking or raiding. If you have enemies, then it will usually be the planet that's closest to them...

About the Sporepedia thing, it takes a while before it starts downloading in bulk. Took mine about half a week. I have no idea about the Escape Button thing...

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Once you eliminate a race, they become pirates. I found this out after I killed a race and their remaining ships no longer said [empire name] but [pirates]. About 10 minutes later, I was attacked by pirates, who used 6 groups like normal hostiles - a capital ship to attack cities and defending smaller ships. They even went as far as destroying one city. The ships were designed exactly like the race I destroyed (I scanned them).


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2007
Once you eliminate a race, they become pirates. I found this out after I killed a race and their remaining ships no longer said [empire name] but [pirates]. About 10 minutes later, I was attacked by pirates, who used 6 groups like normal hostiles - a capital ship to attack cities and defending smaller ships. They even went as far as destroying one city. The ships were designed exactly like the race I destroyed (I scanned them).
Do they capture cities or just raid them?


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
If I buy the galactic edition of spore will it come with creature creator and do you need creature creator to play the game? Sorry if these questions are really obvious.


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2007
Wow... so you have to redo the colonization process? Well... that's another deterrent from war for me...

Also, the Creature Creator is different from the Creator in the main game... For one, the stats/skill system is different (quantity works as well as quality in the Creature Creator). It's unbarred, you don't have to unlock parts, and you don't have to worry about DNA points. As a result, you can make very complex creatures without worrying about having any limits, besides the complexity limit. Look on the Spore website for some interesting stuff made from the Creature Creator, or, at least, that I'm assuming was made from the creature creator.


Smash Lord
Nov 30, 2006
among the figments of your imagination
Shouldn't the colonies be able to defend themselves if they've been maxed out on the defenses/uber turret added? on several occasions I show up at a colony only to watch the raiders go down in a great fireball as the defenses take care of them.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
You'd think. I've had cities with full turrets and come in to find all the buildings and turrets destroyed. This shows how broken the game actually.

I can't find the picture, but one guy who was attacking the Grox couldn't reach their last two stars. His circle was decreased due to the gravitational well, and the closest star was no where near touching the Grox planets. This is just broken gameplay that likely won't be fixed. Sigh. What a disappointment.


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2007
You'd think. I've had cities with full turrets and come in to find all the buildings and turrets destroyed. This shows how broken the game actually.

I can't find the picture, but one guy who was attacking the Grox couldn't reach their last two stars. His circle was decreased due to the gravitational well, and the closest star was no where near touching the Grox planets. This is just broken gameplay that likely won't be fixed. Sigh. What a disappointment.
Wait... The cities are broken? Not destroyed? That's not so bad, they rebuild themselves after all. Give them, i don't know, five minutes and they're done rebuilding. Doesn't cost a dime either. You had me worried there with that "destroyed cities" thing...

That Grox thing is odd. Unless you're not supposed to finish them off, which I doubt Will Wright would do, I think it's just a trick of random star placement... So, the guy had no more interstellar drives left? And the stars were too far away in a complete circle? ****, that sucks. Oh well...

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
What? The game is broken. The cities WERE destroyed. Not sure where the misinterpretation is there.

At Level 5 Interstellar Drive, you are reduced to the distance of a level 3 in the center of the universe. The star he was trying to reach to finish off the Grox was out of range at Max Drive.


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2007
What? The game is broken. The cities WERE destroyed. Not sure where the misinterpretation is there.
I know what you said. When I said the cities were broken, i meant this:

It's possible for buildings in your city to be destroyed without the city actually being destroyed. Were the cities completely destroyed, as in you lost the planet, or were they still there but ruined? If it's the second, they rebuild themselves. If it's the first, that's unfortunate.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
The cities they blew-up were on a planet where I had a few other cities. Yes, destroyed.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2007
Slowly starting to enjoy my mothertongue again. :)
Wow. I've had my cities attacked quite a few times, but never actually destroyed, I think. All I know is that the Uber turret and having multiple cities (to split up the pirates) is far more effective than simply filling up all the turrets in one city. I've had pirates attack planets like that and straight after getting the message, the new message saying they were destroyed popped up.

For eco disaster prevention, I try to get as many of my planets to T3 as possible, and place Bio Protectors everywhere, it should slow the eco disaster rate to about one per hour.

I've noticed that there's unreachable stars in the Galaxy, but since you don't actually need to completely destroy the Grox to beat the game, I wouldn't worry about it too much. You don't even get an achievement for it, I think.

Also, Pink/Purple spice *****. You can easily get purple sold for >50k each. I actually have a system with two pink spice planets on them and I already have one of the maxed out as far as spice production goes, and I'm trying to do the same for the other one. (Maxed out = 3 cities at 180 spice production each, with the spice storage upgrade) Once I get the other one I'm gonna be rich without having to resort to cheats. :)

I've already reached the center of the Galaxy, so all I'm going to do with my current game is find Sol, then I'll start a new game on Hard where I'll be really aggressive and just kill everyone. Plus I'm gonna spend a lot of time in the editors.

What do you guys think of
the Staff of Life? I find it a very efficient way to simply get a planet to maximum spice efficiency, but it takes some of the fun out of terra forming, although you can always change the surface of the planet, which is pretty fun. Too bad the staff isn't unlimited though, I really don't want to go through the entire Grox empire again to fill up my supply.

Also, there's a patch out. I read the list of what it does, but I haven't actually noticed a big difference other than the fact that there's a big pointer above every colony if you zoom out far enough, not just your home world.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2007
Slowly starting to enjoy my mothertongue again. :)
No, he's just very disappointed, and bitter as a consequence of it, especially because the other games he was looking forward to, like SW:TFU and Mercs 2 didn't turn out that great either. I think we can let him complain a bit. I know the feeling, although I myselft enjoy Spore a lot.

Also, the patch doesn't change anything major, so if you didn't like Spore before, you won't like it now.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Wow... you're really dedicated to hating this game, aren't you?
When the game has been shown since 2006 as one thing, and the thing we get is a horrible *******ization of that, I can be as bitter as I want.


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
Ok so i just got my spore galactic edition in the mail today and I was installing it. It asked for a registration code and I can't find one. Someone please help. I'll also e mail customer service but its probably somewhere and I just missed it so please help.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
After the core, the story line is done. You can ally or destroy the galaxy at your whim now.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Alright. After about two weeks or so of playing, I would give the game a 7/10

It's a good game. Not the amazing game we were expecting, but still good. It's to easy, even on hard mode, and every stage feels to short. Even the Space Age, to some extent. It does a lot good, but when it rains, it pours.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Alright. After about two weeks or so of playing, I would give the game a 7/10

It's a good game. Not the amazing game we were expecting, but still good. It's to easy, even on hard mode, and every stage feels to short. Even the Space Age, to some extent. It does a lot good, but when it rains, it pours.
See, I agree with the 7/10, bordering on 6/10. I felt every stage was easy including space. The issue with space isn't difficulty; it's tedium. I have no desire to babysit my planets and my allies, while fighting several wars that I got into because I wouldn't pay protection money. I see potential though. If they ever let mods be made, the game will explode with awesome.


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
Well I just started playing and i like it. a lot. I evolved from the water stages and I just ventured on to land. I'm not very good at the game but I'll hopefully get better as I progress.
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