Mewtwo doesn't get stomped by the top tiers like you would think.

is either even or slightly in M2s favour since her kill options are so limited now. This is one of our few MUs where living past 150% is actually possible and Mewtwo with high rage is a rare but terrifying beast. Her reduced weight only makes it easier for her to die from U-throw, F-air or any other kill move M2 has. Sure her frame data is far superior to ours and needles can still force our approach but her lack of kill options is a major weakness that Mewtwo can punish.

is also even or slightly in our favour. Mewtwo gets a free charged Shadow Ball if Cloud decided to charge limit and I feel that SB is very dangerous in this MU as it can punish Cloud both on and off the stage. speaking of off stage, Cloud without limit is pretty bad at recovering, we all know this, but Mewtwo especially can massacre him when he's trying to get back. The Mew² vs M2K match is a decent example of this although it could be argued M2K had no idea what he was up against. Browny made a good post about this MU a while back but sadly I can't find it.

is bad for most characters but Mewtwo doesn't get curb stomped. I've only ever seen this MU at a high level once so it's difficult for me to say how good or bad it actually is but Abadango was able to take two sets over one of Japan's better Bayos so I'm willing to say it can't be much worse than -1

is Another even MU as Mewtwo can efficiently get rid of Luma thanks to F-air's crazy knockback. Rosa is barely heavier than Mewtwo so she'll fall victim to U-throw earlier than almost anyone else and her tall frame makes her easier to combo. If Luma is around then M2's approach will be much harder and he'll die very early if he doesn't it. He also has to be wary of her U-air as it kills very early and exploits Mewtwo's poor landing.

Doable but in Diddy's favour as his neutral is so deadly and banana confirms kill quite early. Surprisingly I haven't seen this MU much but I'm confident Diddy edges Mewtwo out.

has always been bad but it's more manageable now than it ever has been. Her neutral and combos are difficult to overcome but the nerfs mean we'll get a few more chances to get hits in. Probably only -1 now as opposed to the -2 it used to be.
Honestly Mewtwo's MU spread against top tier is the main reason I thought he was top 20 before Pound. his worst MU's come from high and mid tier.
You have to remember that those results are irrelevant now as Apex 2015 was only a few months after the Wii U version came out so people weren't sure on certain MUs like

in such a new metagame and EVO used Custom rules which have been abandoned by the community.