This may have been asked before, but why do you guys like Mewtwo so much?
For me it's the first movie, he made such a big impression on me that i was really static when i unlocked him (this was a surprise for me) in Melee, he sucked, but i still mained him. Ofcourse his OST in Red and Blue also helped a lot!
personally, I prefer Mew.
But Mew and Mewtwo are two faces of the same coin. A very precious golden coin.
Yes, the first reason was also for me the first movie. Then the videogames, when he was still the only uber.
I like his freak appareance, his psychic powers, and all the features that accentuates these characteristics (as his long floating tail, his rounded fingers -I don't know why, but i associate all these things with his psychic powers, and moreover with his being a "genetic creature" -, and, in Melee, his floatyness and capability to handle items without using his hands -I didn't play much Melee and i don't very fond of melee's mewtwo, though)
and then i LOVE cats!