You are literally NOT ALLOWED to make two PRings for the state of texas. Sorry. Read the forum rules.this thread was created NOT FOR CREWS. crews is a benifit of splitting tx. my idead WILL improve tx. screw people like hylian and morons like suspect.
IF you want to form a north and a south and a PR system for me.
Many of you have been distraught lately over the recent decision to not allow Regional or State Power Rankings. In response to this, the issue has been largely discussed in the Smash Back Room, and it has been concluded that Power Ranking threads will be reallowed. Provided that they follow certain regulations, which will be listed in this thread.
Power Ranking Regulatory Rules
1. Each power ranking thread must have a mission statement.
Mission statements simply state what the panel is attempting to do, and should list the criteria that will be looked at when deciding placement. Mission statements do not need to be unique from others.
2. Ranking threads cannot be below the size of state rankings.
This is to keep "Crew X Power Rankings" or "Small Town Y Rankings" threads from coming up. Anything below that size will be considered as spam and dealt with as such. However, in states with a high density of smashers spread out over a wide enough region, splitting a state up can be considered. As of right now, NorCal and SoCal rankings fit this description. To have a region put up for consideration of this exception, contact me with several valid reasons.
3. There will be only one ranking thread for any given state.
This is to keep rival threads from popping up and to keep the opinions focused. The only exception to this is when a state is split up into regions, as described above.
4. Threads may only be started by well-respected tournament operators within a region.
It is up to these individuals to appoint the rest of a council, as well as decide if they wish to participate in the panel or not. If they do not, they will act as a regional "sponsor", and will be responsible for thread updates and have some say in administrative choices, such as dropping/adding panelists and keeping general control.
5. A panel must consist of at least 3 members.
That would be the bare minimum. Depending on the overall population or competitiveness of a region, 3 may also be too small, and a larger panel will be pushed for. For example, having 3 people to decide the rankings for Maryland would be much too small, given the large population and density. Also, panels made up entirely of members of one crew will not be accepted. Finally, all panelists must be listed somewhere in the first post.
As for other notes, it is the responsibility of the sponsor and/or panelists to ensure that a thread is run smoothly. It is up to them and other readers to report spammers and flamers as they see them (via the "Report Post" button next to posts), so that they moderating staff can take proper action. If a thread gets too far out of hand, it may have to be shut down. So, it is encouraged to report problems as soon as possible so that they can be dealt with.
Finally, if you were one of the sponsors that had their thread closed before this, contact me via AIM or PM and I will reopen the thread. And for all users planning to start new threads, contact me in a similar manner once you have made a thread so that I can verify that it complies with the above regulations. Unverified threads will be treated as spam.