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Spirited Away - Game Thread - Game Over!


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Vote Count [S1-0a]

Not Voting: FrozenFlame, bessie, somitomi, Z25, Sabrar, HeuristicCheese, Darkpit, FateShirou


With 8 players in Limbo, it takes 5 to sanction.
The deadline for Sanction 1 is Thursday, the 27th at 1:00 am MT.
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
I skimmed Swiss' recent games and I believe his posting style here is consistent with his play in both wam's Chaos game and NewD3 where he was town, while he feels different in Werevolves where he was scum. As town he seems to post whatever comes into his mind but as scum he is more focused.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
halfway thru bessie iso and damn she's aggro on laser and swiss, bessie based af
I would like a follow-up on this as you haven't offered an opinion on bessie yet. Please give me your thoughts about her alignment and if you can a potential scum-team she would fit into.


Smash Rookie
May 23, 2021
HeuryAlone | Swiss
#287 +ve sabrar

#292 and we still lynch laser ex deeee

#294 fs says:"Bessie
bessie gave out a gift to sabrar
they have been posting in their normal way
their quesioning of Somitomi's claim
their posting has felt a bit defensive, i would like to see them attack someone haha "
I hate this last line. Hate it

#303 somi votes fs

#304 oh my god z25 STOP

#305 lol he didnt stop. annoying

#311 does bessie hate this post, she should

reminder, we can prove our role today

At this point myself and somi are the top yeets
Swiss | 3/5 | FrozenFlame, FateShirou, Z25
bessie |1/5 Swiss
Fate |3/5| Sabrar, somitomi, LaserGuy
somitomi | 1/5 | bessie

#337 somi fate not scum together, there's no way somi says this as a scumteam

darkpit votes fate to l-1

sab laser unvote

#350 as of this post i have no idea how laser will end up getting lynched. Im excited

#351 fate still very odd "I had my vote on swiss for a long time, now they are starting to feel the pressure"
What pressure? I said "oh wow I might be lynched" then went afk till day end. Recolouring the past.

#354 rip

#356 Oh hello. Somi you were happy for me to be lynched? Is this an OMGUS vote or do you really feel FS' case, who you think is scum, is good?
Logic here please bud
Oh, "weak read, I'm lost" - +ve this bit. But answer anyway please
and it's z25's case. ignore me

#360 Laser vote out of nowehre.
FS/FF are townreading each other or scum or a mix?

#365 +ve ff

#366 completely disagree with reasoning

#385 sabrar why laser here?

#390 disgusting dislike fs

#402 I always like it when people say this. nai probably

#408 ff is it scummy though? whats your actual opinion here

work busy stopping catch uo more later


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2021
Is that the only question you can think of? How exactly are you hunting scum? Where is your analysis?
That's how i play mafia
if you want something out of my, you need to be direct
id go
Swiss slot > sabrar > Z25

FF has fallen off my list, do not like what they did hours before EoD with the laser flip now


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
Ok, let me be direct.
1. What do you like in Z25's content?
2. Give me your opinion on bessie vs somitomi. Is bessie's case valid?


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2021
1. What do you like in Z25's content?
at the start, Z25 subbed in as a lost townie and they got better over time
i dont like the darkpit placement in their list but thats fine
I do think there is something going on with FF

2. Give me your opinion on bessie vs somitomi. Is bessie's case valid?
I dont really trust bessie, so im reading it as scum v town interaction, i dont think its scum v scum
out of the two, id flip bessie first
they been stuck on the same point which som did to me as well


Smash Rookie
May 23, 2021
HeuryAlone | Swiss
Somi sounds like typical somi sounds scummy but flips town. Most every game I've played with somi they get mislynched. I really like the effort z25 and frozen have been putting it and I would be surprised if either were scum. Any game Ive played with scum!sabrar, something has pinged me at some level and nothing pinged me from his gameplay d1. Bessie feels less tunnel-ly this game than I would normally expect. Dark pit and fate I am still undecided about. Currently for the sanction vote I am leaning on z25, frozen or sabrar. Personal preference is sabrar since I think the other two are more obv town and should be kept around for next vanish phase.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Z25, if you're town, I understand why you're coming at me for the laser banish, but you're very obviously analyzing my play through a lens of presumption that I'm informed and was trying to "shade" him and its just not ****ing true. you're interpreting everything I did in the worst possible light, and applying a literal double standard to your analysis of darkpits play, its gross

also its pretty insulting that you think I would open buddy Fate as mate that I've literally never played with before. like not in a personal sense insulting but I'm a better scum player than making the decision to open buddy a complete wild card who could make gross missteps and sink me with them, that's just insanely risky and EVEN MORE RISKY in a format like this

anyway, abridged PBPA:

This is just the start of Frozen trying to throw shade so to speak on random users. Which makes no sense as a day one play from town.
not throwing shade, literally just calling it as I see it. swiss is one of the most aggro and least courteous players I've ever played with, and that's literally intentional on his part. I've played tons of games with swiss, when he does something off meta it sticks out to me and him opening up the game with a deferential/apologetic tone was WAY off base for him. but I guess rules for thee, not for me right? you basing your read of darkpit entirely on meta isn't suss at all and is totally cool and fine and obvtown

I think Dark Pit looks good right now and is on par with their past games. You I don’t have any issues with and I’m not the best at reading you, but I can only evaluate so much at one time. So I want to start with my better reads.
A few posts later and now frozen is trying to frame Sabrar as setting them up to tunnel others.
how is commenting that sabrar self voting had the provacative effect he likely intended "trying to frame" Sabrar? this is completely disingenuous, bro you're the one baseless throwing shade here. Sabrar didn't even deny that he made his first post a self vote as an intentionally curious move. If sabrar didn't feel like he was being framed, where are you getting it from? or just more doing that which you accuse others of doing?

Here they are buddying to fate, not throwing shade on them like they have been to others.
if you're just convinced that fate and I are mates I can see why this would look suss to you but I'm literally just giving a new player a tip because if he is town its pro town EV for him to not spoonfeed the scum everything he's thinking and everything he is inclined to do, you're just asking to get snowed if you do that

Again, now back to targeting Sabrar.
explain, when literally prompted, that I was overfocused on sabrars opening post because it seemed way off meta for him and further explaining that I didn't think it made him scum, just that it was living in my head rent free, is somehow "targeting" sabrar? the ****? I literally did not attack him, I explained my thought process in response to his provocative move

This is in response to the mention that Dark Pit was thinking out loud which Somi pointed out and was their reasoning for town reading Dark Pit. Note that at this point, Dark Pit is on Frozen's scum list for no real reason? Pit was actively participating and showing genuine enough thought. Which also Frozen literally responding to posts made on the exact page that shows Dark Pit's thinking out loud process( page 3 post 52).
insane double standard here. you literally are townreading darkpit because he is "thinking out loud" with zero explanation or illustration of the point, and then you proceed to treat my moments of thinking out loud as "pointless"

for example:
Literally, this is pointless. You know how many times I've scum go "go ahead vote me out, I don't care, do it if your gonna do it". Quite often, its an extremely common tactic, so using this post to justify a town read on Fate is just bad.
literally this is the same kind of thinking out loud that you're clearing darkpit for and are trying to crucify me for

like how is this post by darkpit ANY different content wise from the post you were criticizing in the above quote?

Their last post before they can't post for awhile. They are also town reading Maven here like hard reading, despite Maven sort of just being here and there. The rest of the users they have issue with have been providing way more content, and I'm filling in for Maven lol. From an outside perspective, it would have made no sense to town read Maven, unless they wanted to carry arguably one of the strongest players in this game to endgame, as they didn't know he was getting replaced yet. Its' better to buddy up to Maven and get him on your side than to leave him to work by himself imo.
All I said was I was townleaning maven because he has literally played exactly the way he did this game in the past games he was in and he was town every time. what else am I supposed to go on for that slot? please point to where I "hard read" maven as town, I'll wait. also, what in the world is this nonsense "FF is trying to buddy maven to take him to endgame" yarn you're trying to spin? if I was scum why on earth would I stick my neck out for an inactive townie who would probably end up getting replaced like he has in like the last 3 games he's played? maven made like what, 5 posts? and apparently I'm trying to buddy that slot for endgame dividends? the ****? there's literally no benefit for me to buddy an inactive slot as scum, I was just being open about my meta read of the slot

It comes off as an attempt to discredit Pit for playing well. Something Frozen has slowly been seeding here in the game so far.
you love to repeat "pit is playing well" and similar vacuous but positive descriptions of his play without actually unpacking how you determined his play to actually be genuine townie. you're literally just describing his play as good/town over and over without giving reasons for it and act like we're just supposed to take your word for it. and then you just frame my play with negative descriptors, again with no explanation for the assertion. you are literally open buddying pit and baselessly throwing shade at me because I'm an easy target as the spearhead for the laser banish. and then you have the gall to accuse me of open buddying fate which I very obviously am not (and if I was its not working because fate has flipped his opinion on me multiple times this game), and accuse me of baselessly throwing shade by mischaracterizing my intentions

Frozen comes back, and immediately comes in to try and get the heat off on fate, and move it back to Laser, despite Swiss being their main vote target beforehand. There was no natural progression sense here and it screams, that they are trying to protect their teammate from a day one lynch imo.
so I was "baselessly throwing shade" at Swiss in the early game, but now all of a sudden my vote on him was performative and I switched to laser to protect him? dude what? I was consistently pro swiss and laser yeet all day, I just didn't know which one would be the better play. Lasers play looked worse to me than swiss's by the end of the day so I went with him over swiss, how is that not a natural progression? the inconsistencies in your analysis here belies your very clear goal to take me down as a potential sanction candidate and you're using my being wrong on laser as a base to get away with assigning me motivations and maneuvers that don't ****ing exist

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
somehow I hit post when I was still typing and just hitting enter to create line spacing and insert a quote? weird

was trying to highlight this:

like how is this post by darkpit ANY different content wise from the post you were criticizing in the above quote?

Also as much as it sucks that Laser was a spirit because he was banished, it's almost a little validating? I should probably start trusting my gut more, and actually pushing my reads
this post is totally pointless and self fellating and yet it's not a problem for Z25, I guess it's just "protown thinking out loud" when darkpit does it but "pointless" rambling or confusion sowing when I do it :rolleyes:

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
This is ironic, because I'm pretty sure this is exact what Frozen has been doing, buddying to others and get them to make convictions toward laser so that Frozen could get that lynch.

Overall, Frozen does not seem anywhere near town aligned to me. I could be wrong, but If I'm not, I would bet money Fate is on that team as well.
where exactly is all this buddying you're talking about? you go on a lot about me buddying fate, but now you're just saying I'm buddying everyone to vote for who I want to vote for? when exactly did that happen? sabrar was independently suspicious of laserguy and my town read of sabrar made me more confident in my feeling that laser was off, bessie voted laser near the end and she was on swiss and laser's cases early on which I was happy to see because I was suspicious of both of them as well. pretty sure neither of them voted laser because I was saying to, and frankly I don't think fate voted for him on that basis either

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
basically Z25 just took all the instances of my genuinely expressing my issues with certain slots and relabeled that as "throwing shade," it's just framing everything I've done with negative rhetoric

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
In terms of sanctions, I wouldn’t oppose Dark Pit considering his claim is his skill works with the sanction. But he might be better saved for later.

Other than that I agree with Sabrar that so I could be an option. I could see the hydra maybe being an option too, but, I haven’t played with a sanction before so I’m not the best person to give an informed opinion on the best option.
"guys pit is so obvtown and we should sanction him. I wont explain why, I'll just say 'he's solving and thinking out loud' a lot and bunch of other conclusory statements with no backing and that should convince you. Oh but I get it that might be a jarring suggestion, so I'll placate you all by putting another generally town read slot out there so I don't come off too controversial or pushy. oh and I'll remind you guys that I'm new to this format so don't really listen to me uwu" :rolleyes:

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Swiss for doing absolute nothing at day end, coming in and throwing a vote down for laser
like what was that, could have worked with laser to take someone else down
uh what? this did not happen, bessie was the last vote on laser

Vote Count [B1-Final]

LaserGuy |4/5| bessie, FateShirou, Sabrar, FrozenFlame

FateShirou | 2/5 | Swiss, Darkpit
bessie | 2/5 | LaserGuy, somitomi*
Swiss | 1/5 | Z25

Not Voting: None

sab, sab
las, sab
sab, unv
sab, las
mav, las - invalid
swiss, las
som, shi
som, unv
fro, swi
swi, las - already voting
shi, swi
las, bes
swi, bes
las, shi
bes, som
las, bes
sab, unv
sab, shi
som, shi
z25, swi
las, shi
swi, som
z25, unv
pit, shi
sab, unv
las, unvo
shi, som
las, bes
som, unv
som, swi
fro, las
sab, las
z25, swi
swi, unv
swi, shi
som, bes
shi, las
bes, unv
bes, las

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
#408 ff is it scummy though? whats your actual opinion here
read the post again

I'm back! Rehearsal ended earlier than expected, thankfully

Ik the vote was less-than-ideal, but I had been told multiple times to vote, and figured it would be better to vote for the wagon I would prefer and at least show where I stood than disappear for the day having never voted, right?
this is such a lame explanation, why would a towny ever feel resigned like that "have" to vote to express where they stood? that makes no ****ing sense. darkpit is only taking action here because he "was told multiple times to." He's not thinking about it from a "am I doing a good job helping my townies know where I stand and read me through my own read expressions?" and instead is operating from a frame of "oh **** I'm not doing what others want me to do, they won't like me for that so I need to alleviate their concerns with a token gesture!" this post is appeasement, not scum hunting


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
"guys pit is so obvtown and we should sanction him. I wont explain why, I'll just say 'he's solving and thinking out loud' a lot and bunch of other conclusory statements with no backing and that should convince you. Oh but I get it that might be a jarring suggestion, so I'll placate you all by putting another generally town read slot out there so I don't come off too controversial or pushy. oh and I'll remind you guys that I'm new to this format so don't really listen to me uwu" :rolleyes:
The irony of this post.

For one you doing exactly what you just claimed I was doing, trying to frame posts completely out of context.

First off I honesty do not care if people listen to me. I subbed in cause the flavor inspiration is fun and I had some free time. If I want attention in these games, I’ll make sure to get it, he’ll look at most of what I’ve played here, particularly sorcerers mafia if you want to see what I was like as scum.

Secondly, I literally responded to Fate with several examples and points on Pits posts that should why I town read them. But okay pretend you didn’t see that. I’ve played several games with Pit when he was town. He may not always act rational because he’s still new, but I’ve seen it’s not a scum slip. But it’s also not my job to go through his games to show this.

Also this is a game with like 9 people. You ain’t seeing much of a difference in town reads with this low of count. We used to have like double the players here every game. Now things usually fall into place day one as many having the same opinions.

You would have to purposely go out of the way to make a reads list that’s controversial this game given the content we have. Which would then make no sense.

And this post further shows how your trying to throw shade. You didn’t like accusations against so now your trying to retract you solid town read on me. Which regardless of my points against you, yours against me can’t justify that. It comes off as you being more annoyed than anything else.

I’ll get to your other content shortly but this needed to be addressed first.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
ah yes, rules for thee and not for me once again, classic

I literally quoted your post and described what it was accomplishing in my own words, how exactly is that "framing out of context?"

never said you cared about people listening to you? what are you even responding to with that statement that's like completely out of the blue

no one said you had to go through darkpits games to show anything? all I said was that most of your commentary on pit was conclusory statements. weird of you to try to motte and bailey me by suggesting I was saying it was "your job" to pull meta examples, when all I was saying is that conclusory statements don't become true just by repeating them?

I literally have no idea what you're trying to say re: the game having a smaller player count and therefore "you aint seeing much of a difference in town reads"???? like seriously I do not follow

who said anything about making a controversial read list wtf?

of course I don't like being accused when the accusations are literally just conclusory statements about my intentions and deployment of negatively connoted descriptors to shade me literally just thinking out loud and pointing out oddities that stood out to me last phase. being mischaracterized is annoying


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
"guys pit is so obvtown and we should sanction him. I wont explain why, I'll just say 'he's solving and thinking out loud' a lot and bunch of other conclusory statements with no backing and that should convince you. Oh but I get it that might be a jarring suggestion, so I'll placate you all by putting another generally town read slot out there so I don't come off too controversial or pushy. oh and I'll remind you guys that I'm new to this format so don't really listen to me uwu" :rolleyes:
ah yes, rules for thee and not for me once again, classic

I literally quoted your post and described what it was accomplishing in my own words, how exactly is that "framing out of context?"

never said you cared about people listening to you? what are you even responding to with that statement that's like completely out of the blue

no one said you had to go through darkpits games to show anything? all I said was that most of your commentary on pit was conclusory statements. weird of you to try to motte and bailey me by suggesting I was saying it was "your job" to pull meta examples, when all I was saying is that conclusory statements don't become true just by repeating them?

I literally have no idea what you're trying to say re: the game having a smaller player count and therefore "you aint seeing much of a difference in town reads"???? like seriously I do not follow

who said anything about making a controversial read list wtf?

of course I don't like being accused when the accusations are literally just conclusory statements about my intentions and deployment of negatively connoted descriptors to shade me literally just thinking out loud and pointing out oddities that stood out to me last phase. being mischaracterized is annoying
Your paraphrase is no where near what I said
In terms of sanctions, I wouldn’t oppose Dark Pit considering his claim is his skill works with the sanction. But he might be better saved for later.

Other than that I agree with Sabrar that so I could be an option. I could see the hydra maybe being an option too, but, I haven’t played with a sanction before so I’m not the best person to give an informed opinion on the best option. "

Your post:
"guys pit is so obvtown and we should sanction him. I wont explain why, I'll just say 'he's solving and thinking out loud' a lot and bunch of other conclusory statements with no backing and that should convince you. Oh but I get it that might be a jarring suggestion, so I'll placate you all by putting another generally town read slot out there so I don't come off too controversial or pushy. oh and I'll remind you guys that I'm new to this format so don't really listen to me uwu"

I said I wouldn't oppose it, which is no where close to "let's sanction Dark Pit" I was asked for my choices, and I gave Fate my answers. I didn't say we should go with any of them. Just that those were who are on my mind.

And then you proceed to talk about how I gave no proof of my thoughts. Which is straight bs. I literally refered to multiple content from page 3 that showed Pit thinking out loud and voicing opinions on different things relating to the game. I've played a lot of games, and never have I seen anyone but Town have this mindset, so yeah I trust Pit so far.

Your post literally insults my reads by going "I'll just sprinkle in some names so that my list doesn't come off too controversial or pushy.

That in itself implies you think the list I made should be controversial for being to safe, because apparently people cant have lists with obvious choices on them? You terribly framed that.

Your paraphrasing, literally tries to frame my pov as " haha wouldn't it be cool if we sanctioned this obvious choices, jk, unless..." Like I literally didn't have a need for attention there, I stated my views because I was asked and I offered honest, no bs thoughts there. Regardless of if you like it or not, there is literally no reason for me to play it so safe, especially when I've been yeeted as scum for less.

And Dark Pit's game was a further example of why I believe the slot is Town. Your insulating that I just made up vague nonsense that sounds town without me actively searching. His game examples, were bought up because they further back up my points and views imo. Hence why I bought them up, so you think I'm just trying to clear Dark Pit, when I really am not. I already said if I'm wrong on him, I'm wrong, but that doesn't mean I won't stick to my reads or gut.

The point of a smaller player pool, is your more likely to see players have similar overlaps because there are less roles at play, especially in a game, where its basically glorified vanilla mafia. People will have way less to work with, and therefore being more drawn to the same conclusions as others. That's just how it usually goes.


Smash Rookie
May 23, 2021
HeuryAlone | Swiss
pulls out popcorn

I assume that z25 will not vote frozenflame today.
F FrozenFlame Do you feel z25 is a safe sanction vote today?
As much fun as all this "shade throwing" is as you young kids say, and much fun scum hunting is I'm interested right now in who people think are town for the vote this phase.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2020
Daily catch up post.

I rarely ask questions to which I presume to know the answers. You know that.
Yes, but I didn’t think you would make an assumption about important game mechanic like this I figured you probably asked the mod.

Not to mention, Laser literally wasn't going to be voted unless Frozen had their way, as at that moment, Somi was in the lead at 3 votes, while Laser had 2. This shows how aggressive they were in trying to lynch a now confirmed townie. I can't see any town aligned player acting like this, especially if the wagon they started wasn't even the one in the lead of votes.
If you think Frozen and FateShirou conspired to move the vote from somitomi to LaserGuy, do you think somitomi is town?
Note: somitomi mid tier in Z25’s #508, and moves up to #2 on Z25’s sanction list post #513.

Ok, so scum!somi points out that roles are completely random and then... makes up a power that seems to contratict the very thing he pointed out mere hours earlier. Apparently that's what you think happened and for "like at least the fourth or fifth time", that sequence of events makes no logical sense. Thinking that my role is a false claim assumes either that I didn't realise roles were randomised or that I had some kind of massive brainfart while coming up with a claim.
And yes, I went into overdrive, probably because I didn't want to get yeeted on D1 for the third time in a row. I'm aware that this was counterproductive.
Ok. I saw something that didn’t make sense, and you are angry with me for questioning you? Noted.

Because it doesn't seem like a productive use of my time, but have it your way.
Really? I asked you to clarify where you believe I misinterpreted your posts, and you think it’s a waste of time? Wouldn't you prefer that I understand your intent?

Swiss for doing absolute nothing at day end, coming in and throwing a vote down for laser
like what was that, could have worked with laser to take someone else down
Swiss wasn’t voting for Laser, he was voting for you.

navigating bessie's post are a nightmare
there is just so much fat in them, giving out summaries of what people said, like jeez i can just read what they said, no need to keep repeating it
You don’t like my posting style and that makes me what, scummy?

what the hell are you STILL on about
Tell me, top 3 you would sanction right now
That was a question for Z25 and I would like him to answer it.
[Pre post edit, Z25 hasn’t answered this yet.]

How about you give me your current town-scum list?

#311 does bessie hate this post, she should

reminder, we can prove our role today
Yes I’m still suspicious of LAMIST posts.

@ Everyone if you want HeuryCheese to prove their role someone needs to vote. Soon. Swiss claimed he can only use it early in the day.

I dont really trust bessie, so im reading it as scum v town interaction, i dont think its scum v scum
out of the two, id flip bessie first
they been stuck on the same point which som did to me as well
Well at least you have a reason other than you don’t like my posting style.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Z25, if you're town, I understand why you're coming at me for the laser banish, but you're very obviously analyzing my play through a lens of presumption that I'm informed and was trying to "shade" him and its just not ****ing true. you're interpreting everything I did in the worst possible light, and applying a literal double standard to your analysis of darkpits play, its gross

also its pretty insulting that you think I would open buddy Fate as mate that I've literally never played with before. like not in a personal sense insulting but I'm a better scum player than making the decision to open buddy a complete wild card who could make gross missteps and sink me with them, that's just insanely risky and EVEN MORE RISKY in a format like this

anyway, abridged PBPA:

not throwing shade, literally just calling it as I see it. swiss is one of the most aggro and least courteous players I've ever played with, and that's literally intentional on his part. I've played tons of games with swiss, when he does something off meta it sticks out to me and him opening up the game with a deferential/apologetic tone was WAY off base for him. but I guess rules for thee, not for me right? you basing your read of darkpit entirely on meta isn't suss at all and is totally cool and fine and obvtown

how is commenting that sabrar self voting had the provacative effect he likely intended "trying to frame" Sabrar? this is completely disingenuous, bro you're the one baseless throwing shade here. Sabrar didn't even deny that he made his first post a self vote as an intentionally curious move. If sabrar didn't feel like he was being framed, where are you getting it from? or just more doing that which you accuse others of doing?

if you're just convinced that fate and I are mates I can see why this would look suss to you but I'm literally just giving a new player a tip because if he is town its pro town EV for him to not spoonfeed the scum everything he's thinking and everything he is inclined to do, you're just asking to get snowed if you do that

explain, when literally prompted, that I was overfocused on sabrars opening post because it seemed way off meta for him and further explaining that I didn't think it made him scum, just that it was living in my head rent free, is somehow "targeting" sabrar? the ****? I literally did not attack him, I explained my thought process in response to his provocative move

insane double standard here. you literally are townreading darkpit because he is "thinking out loud" with zero explanation or illustration of the point, and then you proceed to treat my moments of thinking out loud as "pointless"

for example:
literally this is the same kind of thinking out loud that you're clearing darkpit for and are trying to crucify me for

like how is this post by darkpit ANY different content wise from the post you were criticizing in the above quote?

All I said was I was townleaning maven because he has literally played exactly the way he did this game in the past games he was in and he was town every time. what else am I supposed to go on for that slot? please point to where I "hard read" maven as town, I'll wait. also, what in the world is this nonsense "FF is trying to buddy maven to take him to endgame" yarn you're trying to spin? if I was scum why on earth would I stick my neck out for an inactive townie who would probably end up getting replaced like he has in like the last 3 games he's played? maven made like what, 5 posts? and apparently I'm trying to buddy that slot for endgame dividends? the ****? there's literally no benefit for me to buddy an inactive slot as scum, I was just being open about my meta read of the slot

you love to repeat "pit is playing well" and similar vacuous but positive descriptions of his play without actually unpacking how you determined his play to actually be genuine townie. you're literally just describing his play as good/town over and over without giving reasons for it and act like we're just supposed to take your word for it. and then you just frame my play with negative descriptors, again with no explanation for the assertion. you are literally open buddying pit and baselessly throwing shade at me because I'm an easy target as the spearhead for the laser banish. and then you have the gall to accuse me of open buddying fate which I very obviously am not (and if I was its not working because fate has flipped his opinion on me multiple times this game), and accuse me of baselessly throwing shade by mischaracterizing my intentions

so I was "baselessly throwing shade" at Swiss in the early game, but now all of a sudden my vote on him was performative and I switched to laser to protect him? dude what? I was consistently pro swiss and laser yeet all day, I just didn't know which one would be the better play. Lasers play looked worse to me than swiss's by the end of the day so I went with him over swiss, how is that not a natural progression? the inconsistencies in your analysis here belies your very clear goal to take me down as a potential sanction candidate and you're using my being wrong on laser as a base to get away with assigning me motivations and maneuvers that don't ****ing exist
Well to start, buddying doesn't equal skill level. I would even say that if your teamamte was new to working with you, that's even more to reason to buddy up to them. You could justify it under the tense of getting a feel for the player in question and you would most likely be safe, at least for awhile. That's subjective of course because everyone has different play styles. But your claim about being so skilled really doesn't matter one way or another.

-There is no me holding exclusive rights to play this game. You can take issue just as much with my playstyle and I would still understand where your coming from. Regardless, my problem is less that its Swiss your talking about, more that this type of treatment gets used for others this phase, in what feels very aggro for someone day one imo. Which is exactly what I'v been doing. Stating viewpoints based on my opinion, the same you are now. The problem is, players can always switch up their style, and be completely different in a game. If you really wanted the LYnch for Swiss, you could have pushed for it in the late game of Day One. But you didn't. Instead you decided to switch kind of out of nowhere to LAser after you were not able to be here for a bit. Which would be fine, if there was natural progression. However, the wagon at that point was nowhere near Laser. So you chose to not only ignore Swiss, but you decided to target a new players as your vote choice day one.

So why? Surely you can see how this is a little odd behavior.

moving on,

You frame your response with Sabrar, as Sabrar's vote has you tunneling. Exceplet's read that definition:

Tunneling, or Tunnel-vision, is when a player is so convinced that another is Scum that they are unwilling to look at other cases or consider that they might be wrong. It becomes the only thing they post about, and every post the player makes is seen as inherently super scummy.

You were saying, his self vote made you hard read him as scum. Except it didn't. You went nowhere with this thought. You decided, that the scum team was then swiss, laser, dark pit. So why would you suggest Sabrar is a scum read and then not do anything with it? You also assumed his goal was to get people to scum read him. This also mkaes no sense, from what perspective would Sabrar have to think like this?

I could give you that it is a good thing to help fate like that. Except again, you came in and just did a full 180 on your views it seemed, then tried getting others to follow. Also it doesn't matter what we do or say, as scum would see it regardless. There's no night pms and our abilities all seem useless. This wouldn't make much sense as advice other than to seem good in the town's eyes. Also if your scum, I'm not convinced Fate is your mate, but I wanted to address the possibility.

As for the pointless post. You attempted to town clear someone who used on the most common mafia tactics in general, wine. Just not wine on a big scale. MAybe this is more of your thinking out loud that hes town, but I see no way for that logic to add up here, when either alignment can and will say the same type of things if they think it helps. Hell I've done it as town and scum often enough too. Zen usually gets me voted out that way. Which is why I pointed that out, as I was familar with the concept, and have never met anyone who sees mindsets of go ahead vote for me as a town tell. Even if I personally believe it usually will be.

And I may town read Pit, but tht doesn't mean I don't think there are bad posts, like the first part of #69. 118 is also pretty pointless for example. Again, I attribute this to my own reads on him based on his newbiish meta he has. This would be a new setup for them, which I think explains some of the awakard moments here.

Pits #140 showcases how they are active in asking questions trying to gauge info. Also the point they make on Swiss's big switch here is a solid one imo. This why I don't get why you think he's acting overtly scummy. There's probkems, but I don't see how he is so high on your radar. Most of his content relates to questioning and trying to gain info rather than just thinking out loud.

Like tell me, do you really think scum pit, exploits a problem like that with his mate Swiss? I don't think so. Especially with Swiss in hot water day one anyway. Could Pit be scum? Sure, but I doubt its with Swiss. Whihc is why I don't see how you came to the conclusion on the team. And I've literally point out more of their content prior, but hopefully you can see why I trust Pit more atm then other reads. I know his meta, I've seen good enough contet, and trust him for now. Same With Sabrar, and same with LAser day one, although that doesn't matter now.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
somehow I hit post when I was still typing and just hitting enter to create line spacing and insert a quote? weird

was trying to highlight this:

like how is this post by darkpit ANY different content wise from the post you were criticizing in the above quote?

this post is totally pointless and self fellating and yet it's not a problem for Z25, I guess it's just "protown thinking out loud" when darkpit does it but "pointless" rambling or confusion sowing when I do it :rolleyes:
Nothin about this screams, pro town or pro scum. Its exactly as you said, uneeded. Need I remind you though.
oh goddamnit

sorry laser, I seriously just did not buy your read of me as authentic especially given it was predicated on meta. I aspire to not have a consistent meta as either alignment and I've approached this game very differently due to the fundamental differences in the setup so it was weird to me that you would choose meta to read me when the format was so different which imo should have mitigated the weight you would give to that as the format should inherently cause people to adjust their strategy. it felt like a lame excuse to buddy me and avoid a possible bullet later. guess you picked up on something I'm not aware of though because your read on me was correct, fml

so much for my day 1 solve, back to the drawing board, gonna do a re-read tonight
This is your reaction to the flip. It's the same idea of nothing being useful, but on the opossite side of you seeing laser as scum, when pit saw him as town.

This doesn't make either of you look worse, or better. I literally pointed out how Laser talked you you twice this entire game. There was no buddying towards you, so your post here makes no sense either.

Just because its thinking out loud, doesn't mean its good or bad, its a matter of how does the logic lead to that moment, nothing more. Which is why I feel you hold Pit to double standards here as well. So could you explain why you thought Laser was buddying you in more detail, or how he was scum to you more?


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
where exactly is all this buddying you're talking about? you go on a lot about me buddying fate, but now you're just saying I'm buddying everyone to vote for who I want to vote for? when exactly did that happen? sabrar was independently suspicious of laserguy and my town read of sabrar made me more confident in my feeling that laser was off, bessie voted laser near the end and she was on swiss and laser's cases early on which I was happy to see because I was suspicious of both of them as well. pretty sure neither of them voted laser because I was saying to, and frankly I don't think fate voted for him on that basis either
somehow I hit post when I was still typing and just hitting enter to create line spacing and insert a quote? weird

was trying to highlight this:

like how is this post by darkpit ANY different content wise from the post you were criticizing in the above quote?

this post is totally pointless and self fellating and yet it's not a problem for Z25, I guess it's just "protown thinking out loud" when darkpit does it but "pointless" rambling or confusion sowing when I do it :rolleyes:
Nothin about this screams, pro town or pro scum. Its exactly as you said, uneeded. Need I remind you though.
You literally kick started the wagon for Laser, by asking others if they wanted to vote for him, or bringing up your thoughts on him.

Despite as I said, your reads were not on Laser, before you came back. The progression here feels bad to me, which Is why I didn't like the way the wagon went down.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Daily catch up post.

Yes, but I didn’t think you would make an assumption about important game mechanic like this I figured you probably asked the mod.

If you think Frozen and FateShirou conspired to move the vote from somitomi to LaserGuy, do you think somitomi is town?
Note: somitomi mid tier in Z25’s #508, and moves up to #2 on Z25’s sanction list post #513.

Ok. I saw something that didn’t make sense, and you are angry with me for questioning you? Noted.

Really? I asked you to clarify where you believe I misinterpreted your posts, and you think it’s a waste of time? Wouldn't you prefer that I understand your intent?

Swiss wasn’t voting for Laser, he was voting for you.

You don’t like my posting style and that makes me what, scummy?

That was a question for Z25 and I would like him to answer it.
[Pre post edit, Z25 hasn’t answered this yet.]

How about you give me your current town-scum list?

Yes I’m still suspicious of LAMIST posts.

@ Everyone if you want HeuryCheese to prove their role someone needs to vote. Soon. Swiss claimed he can only use it early in the day.

Well at least you have a reason other than you don’t like my posting style.
If those two were mates then I could see somi being town. I would need to review the cases made towards somi after a flip though. Somi is mid tier on my list because if they are town they could be a decent option to sanction, it if scum that could backfire. That’s why Swiss is at the bottom as I still don’t trust the slot much either atm.


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2020
I dont really trust bessie, so im reading it as scum v town interaction, i dont think its scum v scum
out of the two, id flip bessie first
they been stuck on the same point which som did to me as well
So if bessie did the same thing I was doing earlier, why do you want to flip bessie first?
Oh, and that doesn't really answer the question about bessie's case.
#356 Oh hello. Somi you were happy for me to be lynched? Is this an OMGUS vote or do you really feel FS' case, who you think is scum, is good?
Logic here please bud
Oh, "weak read, I'm lost" - +ve this bit. But answer anyway please
I was basically following Z25, yes.
Ok. I saw something that didn’t make sense, and you are angry with me for questioning you? Noted.
No, I'm annoyed because you never addressed the logical problem I pointed out several times. I guess I can only blame myself for spilling wine over it, but it's still frustrating that you don't even acknowledge this issue with your theory.
Really? I asked you to clarify where you believe I misinterpreted your posts, and you think it’s a waste of time? Wouldn't you prefer that I understand your intent?
Naturally I do, but clarifying takes time and I wasn't sure it'd be a worthwile to invest it in a debate that was rather stuck in a loop at that point.
Well to start, buddying doesn't equal skill level. I would even say that if your teamamte was new to working with you, that's even more to reason to buddy up to them. You could justify it under the tense of getting a feel for the player in question and you would most likely be safe, at least for awhile. That's subjective of course because everyone has different play styles. But your claim about being so skilled really doesn't matter one way or another.
I've been scum with Frozen once (it was my second game on the site) and I think we didn't interact a lot in the game thread, just enough to not make the lack of interaction obvious. I don't know if that's what he always does as scum, but I don't think having a new teammate is any reason to buddy them in thread.
Tunneling, or Tunnel-vision, is when a player is so convinced that another is Scum that they are unwilling to look at other cases or consider that they might be wrong. It becomes the only thing they post about, and every post the player makes is seen as inherently super scummy.
Frozen already clarified that tunneling remark on P2 after LaseGuy similarly interpreted tunneling as scumreading [#55], although he did scumread Sabrar later, so I think this argument about what tunneling means isn't very relevant here.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
Started with reread of D1 Z25. Nothing pinged me as scummy, his tunnel on Swiss looked townie to me due to misinformed pov.

Sidenote: FateShirou displays the same at various points, however in his case I'm just a tiny bit paranoid and can imagine a scum-buddy advising him to ramp up his style. Outbursts like #413 are either honest or extremely calculated. And yes, I'm aware that that is not a good read.

Next I had a look at D1 FrozenFlame before re-reading Z25's case so I could have a fresh and hopefully impartial view.
  • I don't like the 'protip' in #48 because it just doesn't make sense. Giving a cookie offers no actual mechanical benefit or disadvantage, signalling a sus can be stated instead in the thread itself, if FateShirou is sanctioned then the meaning has to be explained before so that we can interpret it and the cookie can be refused. There is no possible scenario where FateShirou not 'showing his hand' is beneficial.
  • not liking #154 after #153. If FrozenFlame thinks that Darkpit's answer signals "like don't look at me, ask everyone else please." then I don't believe scumbuddies distancing themselves is a thought that would normally occur to him as the whole exchange would be scripted in this case and much more polished.
  • #370 hasn't aged well but otherwise getting townie vibes from FrozenFlame's content near (original) deadline.
  • I find it funny how FrozenFlame explains in #459 that he is sus of Swiss and LaserGuy for 'buddying' him, and then does completely the same to me in #463, #464 and #466.

Now we can take a look at Z25's case starting in #502:
"This is just the start of Frozen trying to throw shade so to speak on random users. Which makes no sense as a day one play from town."
Disagree, expressing a sus is not necessarily 'throwing shade'.

"A few posts later and now frozen is trying to frame Sabrar as setting them up to tunnel others."
It has already been clarified by FrozenFlame that this was not the reason.

"-Laser is buddying Frozen?

How da hell does this make any sense. The two laser posts I quoted show nothing of the sort. Laser has literally only responded to them twice at this point, and that behavior sure as hell wasn't buddying."
The quoted post LaserGuy saying that FrozenFlame is likely town. FF already explained how he saw that as buddying. This read is incorrect and exaggerated.

"From an outside perspective, it would have made no sense to town read Maven,"
Why? I've also town-read Maven.

"Fate and Frozen starting buddying each other here to push the Laser Lynch."
Why do you think that scum-buddies would be openly buddying?

I'm going to stop here. Z25 brings up some good points on occasion but overall the case seems to be very biased.

I like FrozenFlame's response in #529 except for this part:
"you love to repeat "pit is playing well" and similar vacuous but positive descriptions of his play without actually unpacking how you determined his play to actually be genuine townie. you're literally just describing his play as good/town over and over without giving reasons for it and act like we're just supposed to take your word for it. "
I town-read Darkpit for pretty much the same things that Z25 does and Z25 actually gave his reasons for doing it. The characterization described above is incorrect.
FrozenFlame continues to misrepresent Z25's statements in #533 (also pointed out later by Z25) and it feels he's misrepresenting Darkpit as well in #536.

Finally I really like Z25's response in #540.

So what is my conclusion? I have no freaking idea. I will let you know later. Or maybe not. It just hurts my head.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
So if bessie did the same thing I was doing earlier, why do you want to flip bessie first?
Oh, and that doesn't really answer the question about bessie's case.

I was basically following Z25, yes.

No, I'm annoyed because you never addressed the logical problem I pointed out several times. I guess I can only blame myself for spilling wine over it, but it's still frustrating that you don't even acknowledge this issue with your theory.

Naturally I do, but clarifying takes time and I wasn't sure it'd be a worthwile to invest it in a debate that was rather stuck in a loop at that point.

I've been scum with Frozen once (it was my second game on the site) and I think we didn't interact a lot in the game thread, just enough to not make the lack of interaction obvious. I don't know if that's what he always does as scum, but I don't think having a new teammate is any reason to buddy them in thread.

Frozen already clarified that tunneling remark on P2 after LaseGuy similarly interpreted tunneling as scumreading [#55], although he did scumread Sabrar later, so I think this argument about what tunneling means isn't very relevant here.
This is totally valid points. Scum can and usually will always play differently. So like I said it wasn’t something I saw as a hard scum slip, but just behavior that stood out to me.

I did not remember seeing that laser post, but I only skimmed Laser posts to see how many times he actually interacted with Frozen, without really taking full context of the rest of Laser’s posts as I had been doing a lot of reading.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
sorry everyone but I'm not going to be able to get up anything meaningful today, I got my second covid shot yesterday and it hit me pretty hard, still kinda feeling it today, and its exaggerated by the fact that this is me "on call" week and I got emergency calls every ****ing hour from midnight to 6 AM last night so I got almost zero sleep so my brain is basically not working, Im barely able to do my work for my job at this point

i will try my best to get my bessie ISO and general re-read done tomorrow after I hopefully get to sleep


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2021
FateShirou FateShirou did you do anything with my answer in #296?
I skimmed through the end and saw so many town get lynched
dunno if i want to read something this depressing

also be vary of mason claims xD
Honestly if you want to give me cliff notes on that game, that'd be good
how did the entire scum team win without any scum dying?

on the FF vs Z25 thing
i will read thru it, i skimmed it briefly, would rather see what darkpit thinks of it lol
I'm going to post more about it later tonight

You don’t like my posting style and that makes me what, scummy?
you kinda remind me of trisser when i played against them and they were scum


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2020
If those two were mates then I could see somi being town. I would need to review the cases made towards somi after a flip though. Somi is mid tier on my list because if they are town they could be a decent option to sanction, it if scum that could backfire. That’s why Swiss is at the bottom as I still don’t trust the slot much either atm.
If somitomi is town, why move the elimination from him to LaserGuy? If somitomi is town, even if LaserGuy was their preferred elimination target, why would they stick their necks out and work to move it?
And you still didn’t answer my question in post #500 which is what games are you using as baseline for my usual content because I think we have only played one game together.

I aim to review FF vs Z25 this evening.

bessie bessie I would also like your take on it.
I’m working on it, but my dog had surgery today and he is having a more difficult evening then we expected.

No, I'm annoyed because you never addressed the logical problem I pointed out several times. I guess I can only blame myself for spilling wine over it, but it's still frustrating that you don't even acknowledge this issue with your theory.
Your reaction is what I continued to find interesting.

So what is my conclusion? I have no freaking idea. I will let you know later. Or maybe not. It just hurts my head.
It’s somewhat disorienting seeing you react like a mere human.

sorry everyone but I'm not going to be able to get up anything meaningful today, I got my second covid shot yesterday and it hit me pretty hard, still kinda feeling it today, and its exaggerated by the fact that this is me "on call" week and I got emergency calls every ****ing hour from midnight to 6 AM last night so I got almost zero sleep so my brain is basically not working, Im barely able to do my work for my job at this point

i will try my best to get my bessie ISO and general re-read done tomorrow after I hopefully get to sleep
Get some rest this can wait until tomorrow. Congrats on getting the second shot!

how did the entire scum team win without any scum dying?
We had fonti.

FateShirou, most of your suspicion of Swiss on D1 was because of his power. Why didn’t you push him to use it at the start of this phase, when he could prove his power, and when the effect would be negligible?

Back in a bit.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
If somitomi is town, why move the elimination from him to LaserGuy? If somitomi is town, even if LaserGuy was their preferred elimination target, why would they stick their necks out and work to move it?
And you still didn’t answer my question in post #500 which is what games are you using as baseline for my usual content because I think we have only played one game together.

I’m working on it, but my dog had surgery today and he is having a more difficult evening then we expected.

Your reaction is what I continued to find interesting.

It’s somewhat disorienting seeing you react like a mere human.

Get some rest this can wait until tomorrow. Congrats on getting the second shot!

We had fonti.

FateShirou, most of your suspicion of Swiss on D1 was because of his power. Why didn’t you push him to use it at the start of this phase, when he could prove his power, and when the effect would be negligible?

Back in a bit.
If fate and frozen are both scum, they could have had the idea to push laser because they saw him as a stronger player. Laser is pretty experienced at these games and usually can contribute pretty well and they seem to be liked a lot in games I’ve seen or played with them. If I thought I could set up an easy lynch of a strong town player, I’d do it.

Like I said the Frozen reason doesn’t add up. You dont 180 like that. Not to mention continually ignoring these evidence i put for Dark Pit town just doesn’t make sense either imo as I’ve been saying.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
If fate and frozen are both scum, they could have had the idea to push laser because they saw him as a stronger player. Laser is pretty experienced at these games and usually can contribute pretty well and they seem to be liked a lot in games I’ve seen or played with them. If I thought I could set up an easy lynch of a strong town player, I’d do it.

Like I said the Frozen reason doesn’t add up. You dont 180 like that. Not to mention continually ignoring these evidence i put for Dark Pit town just doesn’t make sense either imo as I’ve been saying.

Sorry Forgot to address 500. I honestly remember the events of games more than their names so I’ll go and fetch those tomorrow and show You what I was talking about.
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