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Spirited Away - Game Thread - Game Over!


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
No daily catch up from me - work too manic sorry guys - 12 hour days if I’m lucky

Will get one out tomorrow
And remove Laser sus v2

New wagon

-Swiss has not read the thread, but decides to start a wagon on Bessie.
Damn just realised it looks like I’ve tried to make a Bessie wagon to get heat off my back.

Zen be more careful with when you do those vote counts next time
"Oh No I tried to do something pretty scummy, better retract that!"

Swiss literally said new wagon, meaning he wanted to start a wagon on Bessie. Now they are trying to pretend it wasn't intetntional.

Wtf? That's not town intent at all.
Town 'Leader' at least in his eyes. Like the mayor of the village. Town

No strong opinion. I was leaning town on her despite wagon vote. Like her big catch up. See Laser for more

Scumlean, no meaningful comment

Liked Maven even if for bad reasons.
No way does z25 come into this as a scum and his team haven't told him who I am. Read on me from not knowing I did know about NK's from sign ups is very natural. Town

You said I feel tonally the same as last game, could you go more in depth on that please. See Laser for more.


Started off scummy. I like him much more now. Meta on me is accurate, I am extremely conscious of how differently I am playing here. I am far more scatter brained. Had a comment on Bessie, don't recall it now.


Plays like I used to. The 'oh I didn't see' etc from D1 is extremely planned. I appreciate the hypocrisy here but listen to this.

As an aside, if my ability to dedicated meaningful time to this game doesn't improve I will replace. I cannot abide quick posting while on a call but never really being able to sit down and think. It's why I left mafia years ago when I was building the business and recently it's exploded again. Shame as you seem a nice bunch even if you make me be polite.
"I Think Bessie Is Town, but I thought it be really funny if I tried starting a wagon on them"

You don't try to start a wagon on a town read. This literally shows Swiss isn't caring this game, he has no care for town and is just doing what he wants or thinks can be worked into sounding town. This behavior is pretty terrible.

Here we have the Hydra's introduction.

#287 +ve sabrar

#292 and we still lynch laser ex deeee

#294 fs says:"Bessie
bessie gave out a gift to sabrar
they have been posting in their normal way
their quesioning of Somitomi's claim
their posting has felt a bit defensive, i would like to see them attack someone haha "
I hate this last line. Hate it

#303 somi votes fs

#304 oh my god z25 STOP

#305 lol he didnt stop. annoying

#311 does bessie hate this post, she should

reminder, we can prove our role today

At this point myself and somi are the top yeets
Swiss | 3/5 | FrozenFlame, FateShirou, Z25
bessie |1/5 Swiss
Fate |3/5| Sabrar, somitomi, LaserGuy
somitomi | 1/5 | bessie

#337 somi fate not scum together, there's no way somi says this as a scumteam

darkpit votes fate to l-1

sab laser unvote

#350 as of this post i have no idea how laser will end up getting lynched. Im excited

#351 fate still very odd "I had my vote on swiss for a long time, now they are starting to feel the pressure"
What pressure? I said "oh wow I might be lynched" then went afk till day end. Recolouring the past.

#354 rip

#356 Oh hello. Somi you were happy for me to be lynched? Is this an OMGUS vote or do you really feel FS' case, who you think is scum, is good?
Logic here please bud
Oh, "weak read, I'm lost" - +ve this bit. But answer anyway please
and it's z25's case. ignore me

#360 Laser vote out of nowehre.
FS/FF are townreading each other or scum or a mix?

#365 +ve ff

#366 completely disagree with reasoning

#385 sabrar why laser here?

#390 disgusting dislike fs

#402 I always like it when people say this. nai probably

#408 ff is it scummy though? whats your actual opinion here

work busy stopping catch uo more later
While I'm not positive, the tone and mention of working atm, leads me to believe this is Swiss posting.

Which means despite my town read from him, his post here dislikes quite a bit of my content, and his reads don't line up with this post. Further cementing he is making it up as he goes along.
Somi sounds like typical somi sounds scummy but flips town. Most every game I've played with somi they get mislynched. I really like the effort z25 and frozen have been putting it and I would be surprised if either were scum. Any game Ive played with scum!sabrar, something has pinged me at some level and nothing pinged me from his gameplay d1. Bessie feels less tunnel-ly this game than I would normally expect. Dark pit and fate I am still undecided about. Currently for the sanction vote I am leaning on z25, frozen or sabrar. Personal preference is sabrar since I think the other two are more obv town and should be kept around for next vanish phase.
Again back to my slot looking good. What is this flip flopping?
pulls out popcorn

I assume that z25 will not vote frozenflame today.
@FrozenFlame Do you feel z25 is a safe sanction vote today?
As much fun as all this "shade throwing" is as you young kids say, and much fun scum hunting is I'm interested right now in who people think are town for the vote this phase.
This is probably not the Swiss half of this, given the mention of us a young kinds. Meaning the other posts have to come from Swiss given the timing of each posts.

I think this continues to show Swiss's content and logic don't add up. It seems to literally be getting made up as he goes along, and they quickly backtract from things they realize make them look bad. Which tells me he is really concerned about how his slot gets viewed. Which in my personal opinion, Town would not have this hesitant behavior or retract this much.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Better head of hydra here. Screen broke last night and couldn't be on for deadline. :'( (Any recommendations on what type of phone I should buy next?)
What I was thinking was looking at the activity level of each player between phases.
The first number is the total number of posts made to date. The second number is the number of posts made after the first phase. Percentage is the percentage of posts made made after first phase.

bessie 22 posts - 7 posts 32%
Frozen Flame 64 posts - 14 posts 22%
Somitomi 36 posts - 9 posts 25%
Z25 55 posts - 35 posts 64%
Darkpit 45 posts - 2 posts 4%
FateShirou 92 posts - 19 posts 21%
Swiss/Hydra 92 posts - 7 posts 8%

Z25 was the only truly active player during phase 2 and I read that as town. Darkpit being gone I read as more NAI. Bessie, while still having the lowest posts over all, that's more due to her posting style. She comparatively was the second most active player and I read that as being consistent and town. Frozen, somi, and Fate were all in the same realm. I'm not familiar with Frozen's town so much. Can anyone give any comment on Frozen playing so aggro defensive as scum? Somi still sounds so typical somi that sounds kinda scummy and ends with a mislynch. Fate I was really expecting to hear more from during the last phase with such a high post count. Fate ended up having the lowest percent of comparative posts excluding the players on the inactive side, which I find rather suspicious. I'm going to make an assumption that in this playstyle of game in seems more advantageous for mafia to wait a bit more than the norm to vote during sanction phase.
Last post for this slot.

This should be heuro posting based on them saying they did the statistics later. Which would further back up Swiss posting the other things. Which means these two have different opinions in kind of large scales. Swiss kept flip flopping and doesn't seem to big on my slot or others, yet his other half here is a bit different. Which isn't a *** tell, but it really shows me that Swiss's actions make no sense currently, nor do a lot of his thoughts. Which looking back at real early content definitely gives the vibes that swiss is not town aligned, and his other half is trying to fix these issues with his slot.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
My other scum option, is Frozen still. I've already talked a lot about that slot, so I don't have anything major to add to it. The last slot I want to look at today is Bessie. Also keep in mind, I'm not saying this is the team of scum, just that each one will have varying rates at being scum and hopefully I will be right and one of them get chosen today. I'll cover the other two slots in Somi and Pit/Ryu tomorrow as well. My next few posts will cover Bessie for now though.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I am careful with hydra's being inconsistent, since it happens with 2 people posting.

Still my issue is the later content just being such super fluff it rubs me the wrong way. Generally when something feels like it has no passion and then feels like it adds little it tends to make me think it's scum posting.

I know effort =/= town but I think about what do we all get from it and the stuff about percentages really don't say much when activity is not always a tell.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Woof! Like usual, I don’t play during working hours (I’m in California). I have a window of a few hours around this time on weeknights, and more time on weekends for analysis.

Hi FateShirou, welcome to Dgames! Always happy to see new people!

Right on time. 🤔

Oh great idea! I love mass claims please please can I go first??
View attachment 315607
Just kidding. How about NOOOOOOOOOO???
Pre post edit: What’s with all the claiming???? Boo.


This is probably NAI, I’ve learned that some people don’t read the rules, others quickly forget them anyway. Why so quick to assign town points for this?

View attachment 315602


I’ve only played two games with Swiss, it’s the most recent two, Wam’s Chaos and New D3 if you want to read through them they're not too long. He had similar LAMIST-type openings in both (and was town in both).

If the demons somehow have a useful role why couldn't they just false claim a role?

Re your comment to me. You posted this at 1:35pm PDT. I don’t play during work hours, California (PDT) time. I stated this in my first post in the previous game (New D3). And in my first post in the game before that one (Wam’s Chaos). And I say this somewhere in almost every game I play. For ten years, almost half of them with you, have you forgotten this already?

Interesting, what would stop scum from breadcrumbing a false claim? Or potential false claim(s) so they could point to it later?
I actually like this opening post for the most part. The one thing that does not make sense is their dislike of a mass claim, even though they give the impression they read all the rules and read laser's post. Meaning they would know this set up makes for that. So there isn't a reason to find this scummy in this game.
There's also something else worth noting here but this next post has to be looked at first.
I am in principle against unprovoked D1 claims. More so power claims, because I feel that mass claiming on D1 is against the spirit of the game. If I had an easily searchable archive of old games, I could probably find at least a half a dozen references where I have discussed this previously. [Note to self: Meta Mafia II almost ready to post finish it up.] And I say this as someone who is a very mechanical player that enjoys late game power role strategizing. But I also enjoy the unknowns of early game (and add the usual stuff about protecting town PRs, anti-claim mechanics, etc).

For this particular setup, the roles are very likely mostly harmless, and there is no night kill, so protecting PRs isn’t an issue. However, I still feel it would have been fun to let some of the powers be revealed as the game progressed, instead of having a D1 mass claim.

For the record, I have a bunch of one-shot gifts that I can give, some of which will be apparent in thread similar to FateShirou’s power. My power should be confirmable sometime after 7:00 am Central European Summer Time. :smirk:

In the context of this particular setup, why are you so insistent that everyone claim so early in the game?

This question was for somitomi. Why didn’t you let him answer it?
Note: somitomi responded to my post in his #116, but did not respond to the question that LaserGuy answered for him. He answered a similar (but not the same) question asked by Sabrar.

Maven’s not a newbie. I played my first game with Maven on xkcd in 2017, and he had been playing on Smashboards before, though I don’t know for how long. And as I said, I think reading/comprehending/retaining the rules is NAI. But my opinion aside, it seems premature to me to label Maven town so early in the game and based on that one post, like perhaps you’re looking for a reason to do so?

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Interesting, since you missed in your next post #120 that Swiss already claimed.
Also, you did not answer my question to you in #107.

I just wanna highlight this BECAUSE IT IS VERY IMPORTANT AND VERY TRUE!!!
Bessie mentions a dislike of claiming power roles, specifically pointed out posts of Swiss's, yet ignored their fake claim. Why not grill Swiss over his claim if its such a problem?
Yet Laser gets issues taken with it for really no reason.
I guess your interpretation that a reset is a change is valid. However, you being suspicious of Swiss for having this power is not, because the mod stated that the roles were randomized to the alignments.
[Note that I am making an assumption that this is not a ******* game and that everything in the OP is in modvoice and therefore true, but I have no reason to suspect otherwise.]

It is Sabrar’s usual playstyle to try to find the most logical strategy to guarantee a win utilizing game mechanics and power roles, even if it is somewhat counterintuitive. I had the perfect example to link and just searched the Wayback Machine for it but alas it is not archived (X Men Mafia). I don’t have an example from this forum because most of the games here tend to be low in power roles, and have normal game mechanics. So I can see Sabrar theorizing about this in thread as any alignment.


I picked Sabrar just because, and picking Sabrar was not in any way an alignment read. I have more gifts of equal or less utility so I didn’t see any reason not to use one for fun.

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Again talks about Swiss's power, defending them. However Bessie compared her power to Fate's and sill thought he was scum. Meaning at this point, there's no reason to think fate or swiss could be of different alignment, but that's not what alluded to here, as Bessie seems against fate for similar reasons they appear to like the Swiss slot.

Yet Fate flipped town and this hasn't seemed to change Bessie's mindset.
Daily catch up.

Noting this for now, because I might want to come back to it later.

Interesting that you would use this in making your read; it's like the easiest thing to fake. It refers to OOG content and can't be verified.

Just noting that I don't agree with this. I think early unprompted claiming is very LAMIST and suspicious, however I know that some have this view, and at least it is something that is observable in thread, unlike your earlier comment on Darkpit.

So you think your top two scum reads aren't aligned? Nice hedge.

Please explain how my content so far this game differs from my early content in D1 of Wam’s game (New D3 is a little different because of the points gambit I was pulling more quotes than I usually do to assign + points).
[Note: Sabrar asked the same question.]

Let's have your detailed reasons to back up that vote.

Note that this evaluation is in retrospect. It is much easier to judge what content was useful in a game that is already completed, than in a game where we are still on D1. Interesting though considering that we are in D1 that you already can make a judgement on what in my content is useful and what is not.

See above, NewD3 is not a reasonable comparison because I was posting excess content to support my gambit; and some of that content didn’t necessarily move the game forward, there was just more of it.

Re my posts thus far in the game, I think that my suspicions are not obvious in my content but this is pretty typical of me; they are there with a careful reading. I suspect that you are trying to downplay my content because you don’t like the direction my thoughts are going.

I don’t like mass claims, and LaserGuy pings me for suggesting it.
Swiss pings me for assigning town points to Maven for something that I believe is NAI.
Swiss LAMIST which usually pings me, but this is normal for him.
somitomi gives me a serious ping for reasons I am thinking about so I asked him a question, which he didn’t answer because LaserGuy jumped in and answered it for him.
FateShirou small ping. Note to those that don’t know me, I often use the word “interesting” to denote pings. Interestingly, LaserGuy should know this.

Detailed reply to LaserGuy’s re claiming with extra meta context because not everyone in this game knows me.
LaserGuy gives me a serious ping for answering a question I had for somitomi.
Explain to Swiss why he pings me re Maven, also Maven is not a newbie.
Fluffy dog pic.
FateShirou pings me, he claims to be keeping track of claims, but has missed Swiss’s claim; he also did not answer my question.
Very important meta information.

FateShirou’s reply to me does not make sense, ping.
Explanation as to why I answered LaserGuy’s question the way I did.
Serious ping to LaserGuy for attempting to justify why it wasn’t necessary for somitomi to answer my question.
Somitomi ping because his reply to me doesn’t make any sense.
Me claiming in my fluffy style.
Serious ping to FateShirou because he suspects Swiss for his role, which is random and NAI.

Explanation/reinforcement of my FateShirou ping.
Meta information on Sabrar which was requested by Darkpit.
Response to Darkpit.
Fluffy dog pic.

Response to Sabrar, I am suspicious of LaserGuy but it isn’t very clear in this post; possible Sabrar would pick up on it (and perhaps LaserGuy).

View attachment 315969

Deadline is Friday night and the phase will end whether we vote or not. Like LaserGuy said, we usually use all the time, especially in D1. Early hammers are viewed with suspicion unless there is a consensus.

Thank you Z25 for replacing.

The dog pics are not a hint or breadcrumb in any way to my role.

OOG but sorta relevant: Last year I was new here and I still had a dog clipart for my avatar. Now that I am more comfortable with this site and the people I met here, I am posting my dog pics to emphasize my content as I occasionally did on my home site. Most of the pics are of my actual dogs. My avatar and the pics of the lab with dark eyes is the late BessieDog, the greatest thing ever in the whole world. The stockier lab with the lighter color eyes is Hoku, my current bundle of mischief.

Reads list to follow.
I like the creation of a reads list here, but we don't see more reads in the same format down the line.

Returning to something in my previous post re somitomi.

Claims thus far:

I had tried to question somitomi on fake claims, because his claim stands out to me. It is the only claim that mentions an alignment, or that targets a specific alignment. I am suspicious that this is a false claim and that somitomi was trying to claim a townie power.

I am suspicious of LaserGuy for answering my question to somitomi re demons false claiming, and for attempting to justify why it wasn’t necessary for somitomi to answer my question.


This is actually an intriguing point on Somi. If somi flipped scum, I would say Bessie looks a bit better. At the same time, there is no reason I can think of to fake claim this game. Although early day one, it seems several people weren't reading the rules, or pretended to. So scum somi may have made a mistake and tried to get by with it.
Daily catch up.

Ok, interesting.

You’re missing my point, which is that you’re giving town points to someone for a remark that is very easy to fake because it can’t be verified. Your reason feels forced to me.

I want to say Peaceful Whale claimed as town in Crossover and as mafia in another game I can’t remember but I think it was Refrigerator mafia, which is a game I haven’t started working on yet. My encyclopedic mafia memory is faltering after a year and a half (I have discussed this somewhere on this site recently) but I will think about it, I just don’t want to use the hours before deadline searching old games. So for right now I will concede that you currently have more supporting data than I do.

I did that’s why I noted that Sabrar asked the same question.

And that you are being subjectively selective in your groupings.

I’ve presented my analysis, and a summary of my analysis because you didn’t comprehend the original, and like I pointed out before, I feel you are downplaying my content because you don’t like where my analysis is leading me.

Interesting you scum read me for content that you don’t want to take the time to read carefully.

This from the person that had blocked my attempts to question somitomi. You mean I’m digging into people you don’t want me looking at.

So, you are confirming I am correct in that you were not completely accurate in your role claim? I need to think about your revised claim.
Your question refers to what I have been pondering. I tried to question you on this earlier, when LaserGuy answered my question to you and attempted to justify why it wasn’t necessary for you to answer my question yourself.

Hey, not every dog picture is fluff! Fluffy maybe, but not necessarily fluff. I sometimes like to use the dog pics to denote agreement or skepticism and I thought it was obvious when I did this but maybe not.

You keep bringing up that you are suspicious of FrozenFlame because of his role, and it has been pointed out many times that roles are NAI. I have already said that I am suspicious of you for this reason.

Interesting your perspective on this. There are other targeted actions in this game that aren't kills. I’ve already used one.

Can you honestly tell me that you think nitpicky focus is out of the range of someone that has been known to tunnel people based on their confirmation posts??

Roles are NAI. Roles were determined, then alignments were randomly assigned to roles, like I keep reminding FateShirou. It’s in the OP and has been much discussed in thread.

How would Swiss using his power clear him as town? He can reset the vote in the first half of the day it’s a power that does nothing substantial because we have two and a half days to revote.

I believe the intent of most (if not all) of the powers is that they don’t have a lot of effect on the game like FateShirou’s, putting an asterisk next to somitomi’s name doesn’t affect his vote in any way. And the powers that do something like the bus driver just swap vanillaish powers to other players. All powers are NAI.

Ok but powers are NAI so I still don’t see what you think using a power would clear.

Back in a bit.
Laser V Bessie is pretty natural and both sides make sense. At the time I was town reading Laser because Laser didn't have any behavior that felt out of the ordinary for him. He did seem to be trying to me, even if not everyone agreed with his ideas. So I don't think Bessie looks bad here. Still I feel like if they were scum reading Somi, they should have stuck to that. It would have confirmed without a doubt that Laser was scum, rather then risk the Laser lynch at that currently time.

If bessie is scum, it could have just been an opportune time to kill two birds with one stone, by taking advantage of Laser's content, then going after Somi. That's all speculative though.

I'm here.

Yes that’s what I was saying, I believe most if not all of the powers are supposed to be vanillaish. Even if FateShirou didn’t claim his power and target, how’s it going to help you solve the game if you find it out?

What do you want to talk about? I feel I have been open with my thoughts. I think I caught something odd in somitomi’s claim, he also made an early comment about demons keeping secret their roles. When I try to poke somitomi on what he thinks about the demons false claiming, LaserGuy answers for him. Ok hmmmm. I point out that this question was for somitomi, and LaserGuy says that my point was trivial and he didn’t feel it was important who answered. No. I wanted somitomi to answer, and that was the reason.

I have since established that somitomi’s claim was not completely accurate, as I suspected.

I feel LaserGuy has been deliberately misrepresenting my content. I think he is trying to distract from my early ping on somitomi.

FateShirou, I am suspicious of you because of your suspicion of FrozenFlame for his role. I am a little suspicious of Z25 because of some things he had said about the role mechanics, but Z25 replaced and hasn’t been thinking about the game mechanics for five days like everyone else so he gets a bit of an allowance for that.

Ninja'd by the extension.
-Again knows powers are vanilla, had no reaction to Swiss's fake claim and has kinda of ignored their content to focus on Laser and Somi. They also are way off on Laser, but there's nothing that really shows they learned from that. They had someone who was completely honest with their claim, suggested the mass claim, that would expose somi having some miss information.

Yet in this scenario, Laser is somehow more scum to Bessie? I don't see any reason why Bessie would abandon a strong scum read with a lot backing it, for laser, a slot that can't compare tbh.

So this logic doesn't tract, if anything, I could see this as scum theatrics and Bessie potentially protecting Somi hard, under the pretense of yeeting an actual townie.
somitomi post analysis

#23 RVS FateShirou, notes that roles are weak and unrelated to alignment.
#33 Unvotes, claims a role that is related to alignment.

#96 Likes Darkpit, responds to questions and Swiss’s comment about wagoning him.
#97 Comment that demons would want to keep their role a secret, prods me (although he knows I am at work).
#116 Replies to some questions re fake claiming (not mine), responds to a different question from me.
#126 Responds to comments by FateShirou, defensive over comment by Swiss re eliminating FateShirou.
#165 Responses to Swiss, Frozen re false claiming; no opinion on Sabrar.
#177 Response to FateShirou, Frozen, and me re false claiming, doesn’t think scum would claim a made up power; Sabrar has not made an impression.
#216 Responds to Swiss; says he will have to read Sabrar because he still has no opinion; responds to me re inconsistencies in his responses re false claiming; responds to Darkpit re sanctioning thoughts.
#244 Response to FateShirou re his power; caught a shroop (Darkpit re me).
#246 Darkpit, LaserGuy townie, no scum reads.
#285 Questions Sabrar on why he didn’t claim; responds to FateShirou’s question as to who he would vote for and says he would OMGUS vote me; revises his role claim in response to my questioning him on it (and is very defensive about it).

#303 Votes FateShirou for weirdness (looking for reason to vote?).
#326 Responds to FateShirou, is mildly concerned LaserGuy is sheeping his vote.
#332 Confirms he received FateShirou’s cookie.
#337 Responds to FateShirou and Swiss.
#353 Unvotes and claims he never wanted to eliminate FateShirou; responds to Swiss.
#356 Votes Swiss, claims he is sheeping someone’s case (who? Unclear, but Frozen is the only person voting for Swiss at this point.).
#435 Responds to me re my ping over his claim (and misses why I was suspicious); responds to FateShirou re his voting (somi claims to have no strong reads).
#440 Concerned that LaserGuy is buddying him; explains his votes on FateShirou and Swiss (claims both were weak); thinks Laser might be scum, suspicious of me to a lesser extent.
#441 EBWOP.
#446 Votes bessie for being off; questions Frozen’s scum picks of Darkpit/Swiss/Laser (then why was he sheeping Frozen's Swiss vote?); responds to Laser re buddying comment (Laser’s town reading him, answered a question for him, sheeped his vote on FateShirou).
#449 Responds to my explanation on what I found suspicious in his claim (continues to miss why I had my initial ping, deliberate?). Tries to turn the conversation to the would-I-do-this-as-scum?? meta argument.
#450 Would-LaserGuy-do-this-as-my-buddy?? meta argument. Somi says LaserGuy is in his townreads??
#452 Responds to FateShirou that he still thinks LaserGuy might be scum.
#454 Signing off, might not be back before deadline.

1. somitomi completely fails to understand my initial ping; I explained several times so I think this is deliberate. He also fails to recognize that his reactions are reinforcing my suspicion.
2. somitomi’s votes have all been for weak scum reads (he has said that his vote for FateShirou and Swiss were weak and he was sheeping with the Swiss vote, and in #441 he claims his suspicion of me is to a lesser extent than Swiss).
3. somitomi is concerned LaserGuy is buddying him and claims that he is scum reading LaserGuy, but has not voted for him.
4. somitomi ends the day with a vote on me in #446 for “wine-adjacent and gut-feely” reasons, even though in #440 I was a weak suspicion (lesser than Swiss) and Laser was a possible scum read.

I would vote for somitomi or LaserGuy because I think they are aligned.
Bessie goes off on a full breakdown on why Somi is scum. Refuses to stick to voting for them. For somi to seemignly be their strongest scum read and not vote for them, screams to me that was a show.
I'm here.

This is what I mean by revised.

Revise (verb)
1 to amend or alter
2 to alter something already written or printed, in order to make corrections, improve, or update

I mean that something was changed, in this case a word, which is the word that originally pinged me. somitomi’s original claim pinged me because his was the only claim that mentioned a specific alignment. I explained this. somitomi revised/amended/altered his claim to be more precise, the wording of which in itself would not have pinged me. But his reaction which included a would-I-do-this-as-scum comment I feel confirms my suspicions that he is scum.

This is not the only reason I suspect somitomi. He is voting for me which is whatever but I was not even his strongest scum read, not that he has any. His previous vote for Swiss was sheeping someone. He claims to be suspicious of LaserGuy but is not voting for him.

I already said I would switch to LaserGuy if needed to secure an elimination because I feel they are both scum.
Hell here they complain Somi is not voting their top scum, but Bessie does the same thing by voting Laser.

Its very contradictory.

Also for note, Sanction phase, Bessie completely ignores anything about Somi at this point. Instead they go on to talk about how concerned they are over Dark Pit now. Such as shown here:
My concern right now about sanctioning Darkpit is that he hasn’t posted since Sunday and might not be following the game closely. He also has missed his opportunity for discussion and asking questions this phase. If we sanction him, does he have a good enough grip on the game to solve if there is a judgement?

I think it was only the one game. You said my content didn’t feel the same as usual, but to gage someone as "usual" I think you really need at least a few games (noted, that you have spectated other games). And I don’t expect players to read other games to use for meta, unless it is something that they want to do.

I like Darkpit for townieness but see above for my reservations. I like Sabrar for ability to choose correctly in judgement. I am rereading now, concentrating on FrozenFlame and Z25 but will also reread to get an idea of who else I could support for sanction.

I will try to be awake at deadline, but it’s midnight my time and I got almost no sleep last night. The dog has to be confined in his crate and he’s wearing a cone so my whole night was being woken up by him banging his cone on the side of the crate, and whimpering.

Ninja’d by FateShirou. You have an unanswered question from me in #556.
Yes the Banish phase is different, but why ignore the flip from the day prior, and why never discuss your scum reads?
Ok. Gut reads list without a reread, up to the post I’m quoting.

Darkpit/Red Ryu
Frozen Flame

For Darkpit there’s not a lot to work with so mostly my overall impression form phase 1.
[Pre post edit Red Ryu as done a lot of catching up, from my initial read Red Ryu can stay at the top of my list.]

I’m still working on my read of Z25 vs Frozen, Z25 is currently higher in my list because I like his overall content.

Roles are vanilla and random to alignment, so it doesn’t make any sense to false claim. This has been discussed extensively.

That reminds me I still have a bunch of one-shot gifts I forgot about because they’re pretty worthless, if anyone wants one.

Somewhat, I had a secret meta reason, but because I outed it in the previous game it is no longer fully reliable.

From my opening post in this game:

I don’t usually do wagon analysis because I doubt the usefulness in a regular game. This is a little different though because of the sanction mechanic. I still don’t see there is much to get from it because there was no viable counterwagon except Darkpit, who was being pushed by Sabrar.

Haha, is this a reference to my Meta Mafia game?
[I modded a Meta Mafia game a few years ago and the posting restriction of the player that was playing as Heury was to use haha often, and never lol.]

Thank you for getting this posted before you went V/LA for the weekend.

We should have about 30 hours remaining. somitomi already said he would be gone for the weekend, and deadline is very early Monday morning in his time zone (Europe). If we have another 24 hours then he has Monday night to post.

FINALLY someone gets it.
View attachment 317037
Despite minimal interactions that show any issues between the two slots, Bessie has Fate near the bottom of their reads list. Somi is there to, but there will be no effort on Bessie's part to get rid of Somi, when they had such a big breakdown of posts on the slot.
this is excellent
i have a susipicion that you bessie are unable to come up with theories or any content what-so-ever because you are scum and you know our alignment

why is fate scum, why is ff scum and why is somi scum
go a bit further why do you read darkpit as your highest town rating?
Interesting. I have a suspicion that this response is because you do not like your placement on my list. How about you come up with some reasons you think I am scum, instead of just throwing out an accusation?

And, um, is my placement of somitomi on the bottom of my list like a total complete surprise to you? You really never saw any indication in my content that I might be scum reading him? Or to a lesser extent you? Have you even read anything I have posted or are you ignoring all my content because you don't like my style?

Darkpit/Red Ryu
I do not usually spend a lot of time analyzing my town reads so there won’t be much to this read. I would normally have had an early ping because Darkpit was the first to claim, and I generally don’t like early D1 claiming, but as has been discussed this game is not normal mafia mechanics. Most of Darkpit’s early content was general and not on specific players, but content improves on page 4 where he starts digging into Swiss for his reads. Darkpit continues with more game mechanics discussion, he is thinking about judgement, and I like the thinking ahead. I like Red Ryu’s catch up posts on pages 16-17, that he started at the beginning of the game and is giving his reads on the content as he is reading without taking into account the flips.

HeuristicCheese (Swiss/HeuryAlone)
Swiss’s early content (the LAMIST type remarks, and putting himself at the bottom of his town-scum list) are things he has done in the games I previously played with him and I feel they are NAI for Swiss (I haven’t played with Swiss where he was scum). Before Swiss got busy with RL he posted a daily catch up post with his current town-scum list, I like this because in keeping this list he is making a read on every player every day, so we always know what he is thinking. I am noting that on D1 Swiss was tied for leading the votes but did not make a self-preservation vote in #319 to the other vote leader which was FateShirou, and instead voted for somitomi (review this after any of these players flip). I like Heury’s entrance #498 he’s thinking about the game mechanics. Note that HeuristicCheese was the first vote for Sabrar D2. Thinking more about post #612, I don’t think there is anything useful to be gained from this post count analysis but I like that HeuristicCheese is trying out a different analysis (see also 643). I am currently town leaning HeuristicCheese but they need some reads and a town-scum list and not just game mechanics discussion or they will move down on my list.

I had Maven as neutral; I felt his early posts (not reading the rules, claiming) that he was being town read for were NAI. For Z25 I had an early ping from some things he posted re roles, and that it seems to take a while for Z25 to get that roles were randomized to alignments. Related to this was Z25’s early suspicion of Swiss for not proving his power on D1 and clearing himself, when this would have been NAI since the roles were randomized. I thought initially Z25 was going to try to make a meta read on me (he said my content hadn’t felt the same as usual) which would have been suspicious because we only played one game together and Z25 claimed they hadn’t visited the DGames forum recently, but he cleared this up and said that he had followed other games. I like that with his D1 vote of Swiss Z25 gave analysis and reasons for his vote. Re D2 Z25’s analysis of Frozen, I don’t agree with #502 that the quoted posts were scummy, I read the early game aggression as opposite. I agree with #503 that Frozen moving his vote to Laser instead of Swiss is suspicious in retrospect, because it appeared FateShirou was going to be the D1 elimination. I like Z25’s response in #538 (not as much #540). I feel Z25’s content has been good in that he is asking and responding to questions and am leaning town.

Frozen Flame
Frozen starts D1 with aggressive content and early reads, I like that with his suspicions he gives reasons, and I feel the early aggression moved the game forward. Frozen questions somitomi on false claiming (similar to my early questioning). Most of Frozen’s D1 suspicion is of Swiss, but he is also questioning other players. There is some interesting interaction between Frozen and Darkpit and I’m not yet sure what to make of it (review page 5-6 after either flips). Frozen has extended periods where he is absent for a couple days (but so do others). Frozen returns near deadline #360 and switches his vote from Swiss to LaserGuy (it appears he is still scum reading both). FateShirou follows this vote and Frozen is hard townreading FateShirou. Frozen is thinking about the sanction and judgement mechanics early in the game which I like. D2 re Frozen’s reply to Z25 starting at #529, I find his overall reaction interesting. I believe Frozen makes some valid points like his response to the accusation of throwing shade in early game, but I think he weakens his argument when he accuses Z25 of doing the same thing. I feel Frozen’s response to Z25 in #542 is an overreaction; Z25 did have some valid points. In retrospect, I find the D1 vote switch to LaserGuy suspicious because FateShirou and somitomi appeared to be more likely eliminations (even though Sabrar and I both had expressed suspicion of LaserGuy) so I think this will need to be looked at more closely after any of these players flip.

I had an early ping on FateShirou for his claim that he was keeping track of claims, but missed that Swiss claimed. FateShirou did not respond to my early question re false claims and needed to be prodded to answer (as he needed prods to answer other questions and not just from me), and when he did answer the answer didn’t make sense. On D1 FateShirou was suspicious of Swiss based on his role (vote related power), this was discussed extensively and it took until D2 before FateShirou dropped this reason for suspecting Swiss (and interestingly he didn’t ask Swiss to confirm his power on D2). FateShirou was also suspicious of FrozenFlame for his role (bus driver). I feel FateShirou was looking for easy excuses to label Swiss and Frozen scum; the fact that he did it twice and took until D2 to drop it is very suspicious. FateShirou made an error in #509 where he tris to cast suspicion on Swiss for voting Laser on D1, but Swiss didn’t vote for LaserGuy. FateShirou is suspicious of me for my posting style but again I think that his complaints are just an excuse to make a scum read, in pointing out the style and not the content. Leaning scum.

For my D1 suspicion on somitomi, refer to my analysis in post #457.
Moving to D2, I feel that it took too long for somitomi to understand what I originally found suspicious in his claim, and that he still does not understand why I was suspicious of his reaction to this line of questioning, and I feel this is deliberate. I think it is unfortunate that he will be V/LA for the remainder of the phase (barring extension) but I do like that somitomi made #645 before he left for the weekend.
Here starts their Fate "Push". Fate is labeled scum for basically bein supcious of FF and Swiss, because of their abilities. Meanwhile, the biggest scum read Bessie had on Somi reasons. They thought Somi's ability sounded bull ****. So when someone else does this, its a scum tell?

Makes no sense from a town perspective sorry. Also this implies Swiss and FF didn't already have their problems, which is is non sense as there were a lot of problems with both slots that people had in this thread. So a die hard town read on both of them seems very unrealistic, and then to think someone is scum for suspecting those slots, comes across as Bessie protect potential mates.
The most beneficial elimination for scum is town. Do you know somitomi is town?

Do you have an actual case on FrozenFlame ore are you just throwing out a vote to see if it gains any traction?

We have hours until deadline why are you always so anxious for everyone to vote?

My first choice for the elimination was somitomi, I was voting for somitomi before the extension.
#360 Frozen votes for LaserGuy (somitomi was leading the votes).
#385 Sabrar votes for LaserGuy.
#404 LaserGuy extends the deadline.
#457 My detailed analysis of somitomi, I'm also suspicious that somitomi is aligned with LaserGuy.
#458 FateShirou votes to LaserGuy (somitomi has 1 vote and LaserGuy has 3).
#474 I switch to ensure an elimination in case there is a tie (4 minutes remaining).

This question is to Sabrar. He’s sanctioned and can’t post in thread.
Yes, they were on Somi for a while. Isn't it convenient how they just defended FF basically, when FF was a big part of switching the somi lynch to a laser one? Again though, they have such a big read on Somi, but did nothing with it this last phase.

So I'm sorry, I don't buy that Bessie fully believes Somi is scum here. It really isn't adding up.
I would read your posts. But play in whatever style gives you enjoyment. I’m suspicious of your content in this post not for your style, but because I’m always suspicious of LAMIST type posts.

Yes I do think they can be teammates. Read end of D1, at post #327 FateShirou is leading the votals. The vote moves from FateShirou to somitomi, and ends on LaserGuy.

FateShirou FateShirou can you respond to FrozenFlame’s #703 and #705?

My voting pool is FateShirou, somitomi, and FrozenFlame.
Bessie states they are suspicious of Fate's post content, but hasn't really delved into this before switching to voting them. Most of the interactions between these two slots have been them asking random questions, and not accepting each other's answers, despite neither slide really having bad answers.


So overall, while I really liked the early game from Bessie, they've shown to not care about their hardest reads, their logic towards each slots dipped between days. , and despite having such strong scum vibes on a slot the whole game; they decided to ignore pushing for that slot to go target two other slots that flipped town.

Regardless of their alignment, I can't say their later content screams town. It doesn't add up from that perspective, and they have shown twice that two vital town flips don't matter to their reads. Bessie is hiding their reads behind Somi, and then going forth and targeting whoever they feel like that day instead. Which is not town behavior imo.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Alright that might be all I can finish before deadline. Sabrar Sabrar hope this helps you in your decision. I'll try and finish one of these last two slots before deadline.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
But it also makes life harder in the long run, since scum now has to be consistent with that fake claim for the rest of the game. Any confirmable claim is going to fall apart eventually.

I wanna say that I did, but that still has the abovementioned setback, but really I'm just kinda dumb.

I know all that, but the impatient puppy in me couldn't wait and had to say "hi bessie". Sorry for being excited I guess...

#36, #39 or #44 spring to mind as the posts that made me say that. Darkpit started thinking about how the claimed powers could be useful, which (to me) indicates town perspective.
Cool, but that's not really answering the original question which was about the reason you think mafia would go for a mass claim in this game.

Could you fricking not?
This early game from Somi is actually prety good imo. They are weary of Fate for the same legitimate reasons Bessie would claim. They take issue with swiss calling players trash, and they expressed how fate wasn't answering. This is the same type of things going on with Bessie, yet Bessie thought this was bad?
Huh, Sabrar actually left no impression in my mind, that is weird.

Come up with yeeting someone with such terrible reasoning.

Um, any confirmable false claim will fall apart eventually when the claimed power doesn' t work?
I have no idea how they can have no impression on Sabrar at this point, when he was playing pretty on point to his meta and had enough content at the time imo.
Quickfire responses

I don't have to like the suggestion you made just because it's something you normally do. Where did you even get the idea that I think it's uncharacteristic of you?

I'll have to actually reread him. At this point he gets a generic "nulltown" for not doing anything out of the ordinary.

Wait, really?

When I made the post that started this whole discussion, I assumed (without even thinking) that scum would claim their actual power. That's what I described as "basically ruling out", because on some subconscious level I discarded the other option. When Sabrar called me out on that assumption I had to stop and think about the reason I made it (and whether it was reasonable), because I genuinely haven't thought about it before.
I mostly like this idea, but it occured to me that Sanctioned players will have to vote if it comes to a Judgement Day, so we might need some scumhunting power there as well.
Sorry, it is more of an edge case than I initially thought.

Is there something missing here?
So if I remember the logic right, that means bessie and DarkPit are the scumteam. Boom, solved, good game everyone.:awesome:

I was planning to post reads, but it got late and I failed to process anything during the attempted reread. I legitimately have no scumreads whatsoever, DarkPit and LaserGuy can enter my town circle for now, that's about the sum of my impressions. Have I mentioned I don't like D1 yet?
These do come off as fluff though, a lot of words that just don't add or take away from the game.
Sabrar Sabrar It's possible you said this already, but why didn't you claim even after everyone else did?

Ah yes, I saw that coming. If only I came up with an answer.
Right now I'd probably OMGUS bessie

Yeah, the role PM says "player of opposing alignment" but in paraphrasing the role I used the appropriate alignment instead, sue me. I also didn't mention that if I remove a spirit, they can't vote in Judgement Day, because it's irrelevant. I knew full well that roles are not tied to alignment [#23], so coming up with a "townie power" makes little sense here. And at the risk of opening a bottle of wine, do I strike you as the scum player who proactively claims a made-up power before there's even consensus about a mass claim?
Ironic considering the call out by Bessie later that they OMGUS voted for Bessie.
So if "not vote" is essentially a null read, do you have any actual townreads? And if the "not vote" contains everyone you don't have a reason to vote, why is the other group split into "unsure" and "vote"?

I'm kinda baffled by FateShirou's recent activity. He apparently has mafia experience and yet his last reads list is pure newbie weirdness, there's a couple short sentences about everyone, but it's rather surface level and seems kind of non-committal to me. Comparing it with the "vote-not vote" list in #258 I can't see much correlation between the two.

for now, because I can't wring anything sensible out of rereading the thread.
This is just a odd reason to vote someone. I can't see scum trying to seriously push someone with the reasoning "weird newbie stuff". It makes me think Somi could be just a townie who didn't really know what they were doing this game.
="somitomi, post: 24403769, member: 465338"]
Oh, crums.

This time I'm sheeping someone else's case, but while rereading I was also pinged by him randomly testing the water with random wagon suggestions (me, FateShirou). It's a weak read, but I feel particularly lost. In all likelihood, I won't be back before deadline, so good luck everyone.
I do like them bringing up this issue I mentioned in re read, that Swiss claiming he wanted to start a wagon and then backing up of it because it looked abd was kinda garbage. Yet no one else was really addressing this.
Ok, so LaserGuy buddying me like that is concerning, are you trying to pocket me, man?

Oh, I misread that post and thought the remark about Swiss and Laser was still about me! Me! Me!
I was talking about how I changed my mind on voting you yesterday, because the wagon getting to L-1 so quickly made me worried (and to a lesser extent I wanted to show you that I'm not hell bent on getting you yeeted). But since I knew I wouldn't be back before EOD, I did actually want to leave a vote and picked Swiss based on a fairly weak suspicion.
At this point I'm beginning to think Laser might be scum, I'm still suspicious of Swiss and (to a lesser extent) bessie as well. And I don't do buddy analysis on D1, I don't trust my D1 reads enough to look for connections between them.
I do think Laser answering for them was odd, but I'm pretty sure I've seen him do the same for others in prior games when he was town. I think its just his way of trying to sort content he likes and doesn't like from others.
I've been thinking about how bessie feels off to me and since I can reasonably claim to be familiar with her, I'm more confident in this than my read of Swiss.
This is kind of wine-adjacent and gut-feely, but I think bessie knows that I'm not one for risky gambits as scum and while she is usually the kind to tunnel a player, I've experienced town!bessie tunnels before and this doesn't seem to be that.

Do you think Darkpit would just flat out townread both mates like that?

The powers are apparently deliberately low impact, so I wouldn't expect them to do anything groundbreaking here.

Well, you've been defending me quite a lot actually and I'm not sure what makes you this confident in your read of me (not that I'm complaining though). There's also that question you answered for me or jumping back on the Fate wagon based on my read. Overall, you've associated with me more than usual.
I don't really see Laser as buddying here despite the defenses. Same way, FF said Laser was buddying them which doesn't make sense as I pointed out the other day.
From the phrasing of #358 it seemed like my claim not being completely accurate was somehow important, but now I genuinely don't see how me confirming that I paraphrased supports your case in any way. I already tried explaining that the actual role PM is written to be alignment independent (which actually confused me at first). You also seem to be glossing over the fact, that Sabrar's power also targets a specific alignment [#270]. Nevertheless, you seem to think that the only explanation is that I made that up and this, quite frankly, doesn't scan. I was evidently aware that roles are alignment independent when I claimed, why would I make up an alignment-specific power? I know there aren't "townie roles" in this game and unless Sabrar is my buddy I don't even have any indication that alignment-specific powers exist.
Secondly, the fact that I'm not a risk-taker has been noticed by some people here and they haven't known me for tenth as long as you have. Scum-somi claiming so early without being prodded is already a stretch, but in what universe do I decide to fake-claim when I already know roles are NAI?

No, I'm voting because I don't think town-you would let me get away with not replying to the question that was apparently so pertinent to your biggest scumread. And yet instead of pushing me to answer it properly, you just move on to concluding I must be false-claiming, because there's no way alignment-specific powers exist. You're not tunneling, you're not trying to get to the bottom of this, you just decided it's suspicious and voted me for it.
I actually think this is a fine response and defense of themselves. There's nothing glaringly wrong here imo.
As for the LaserGuy connection, why would my buddy LaserGuy come to my rescue before I had a chance to reply? If he felt it necessary, he could help me reply in scum chat without the public record that'd reflect badly on him if I'm yeeted D1 (which has happened a lot lately). And yet LaserGuy has been hard townreading me all day and openly followed me on the FateShirou wagon on top of that. I similarly made him one of my two townreads at one point. I know this is full blown wine at this point, but do you think we're taking refuge in audacity here?

I'm going to bed soon, so if you need me for anything, I'll stick around for 10 minutes or so.
This is a pretty valid point that I think got overlooked. Especially since Laser plays pretty strategically from what I've seen. I haven't seen scum Laser really buddy his mates to my memory. Iirc, I think he actually played more distanced.
Could you talk about the reason Swiss and bessie moved from the "not vote" group?

Ok, so scum!somi points out that roles are completely random and then... makes up a power that seems to contratict the very thing he pointed out mere hours earlier. Apparently that's what you think happened and for "like at least the fourth or fifth time", that sequence of events makes no logical sense. Thinking that my role is a false claim assumes either that I didn't realise roles were randomised or that I had some kind of massive brainfart while coming up with a claim.
And yes, I went into overdrive, probably because I didn't want to get yeeted on D1 for the third time in a row. I'm aware that this was counterproductive.

Because it doesn't seem like a productive use of my time, but have it your way.
Yeah, I said I'd shoot you right after also saying I didn't have a proper answer for that question. It was a fairly off-the-cuff and not entirely serious remark.

As pointed out by Sabrar, what I actually said was that I'm not determined to eliminate Fate.

I'm only calling my Swiss read weak here and you're less suspicious in comparison to Swiss, not LaserGuy. I made a general remark about not having strong reads in #435, relfecting my state of mind after the speed of the wagon made me reconsider.

Only two sentences were about whether I'd do this as scum, I also made the same logical point as above and explained the meta-read behind my vote.

I actually said LaserGuy was in my townreads at one point.

I'm pretty sure you don't actually believe that a scumread has to lead to a vote at all times and my read of LaserGuy was more of a scumlean anyway.

#446 literally begins with "I've been thinking about bessie a lot", which is what lead to the weak suspicion becoming stronger. It was a meta-read which I later explained in more detail.
Fair assessment on how their slots actions wouldn't make as much sense as scum.
So if bessie did the same thing I was doing earlier, why do you want to flip bessie first?
Oh, and that doesn't really answer the question about bessie's case.

I was basically following Z25, yes.

No, I'm annoyed because you never addressed the logical problem I pointed out several times. I guess I can only blame myself for spilling wine over it, but it's still frustrating that you don't even acknowledge this issue with your theory.

Naturally I do, but clarifying takes time and I wasn't sure it'd be a worthwile to invest it in a debate that was rather stuck in a loop at that point.

I've been scum with Frozen once (it was my second game on the site) and I think we didn't interact a lot in the game thread, just enough to not make the lack of interaction obvious. I don't know if that's what he always does as scum, but I don't think having a new teammate is any reason to buddy them in thread.

Frozen already clarified that tunneling remark on P2 after LaseGuy similarly interpreted tunneling as scumreading [#55], although he did scumread Sabrar later, so I think this argument about what tunneling means isn't very relevant here.
This is the conclusion I came to earlier coincidentally. Bessie and Somi did a lot of the same, but Bessie thought Somi was scum for it which didn't add up. These are also good explanations on slots they were reading atm.
I'm back, baby!

You've asked several people who their scumreads were on D1 as well and I haven't seen any indication that the replies have influenced your opinion in any way. You also seem to be rather preoccupied with other people's reads and that's not a particularly townie mindset.

Funny, I could've sworn some vote shuffling took place in the extra time. What I really want to know is why you're in such a hurry to end the phase all the time. What negative impact does an extension have?

Perhaps it escaped your notice that bessie was the first to vote me on D1 and didn't switch until the very last moment.
This is exactly my point. Several people have been asking about scum reads, and then doing nothing with that info or the flips. Which makes these circle of posts just seem like fluff by multiple players this game.

That's my wrap up on Somi and the last one for tonight. I didn't get to Pit/Ryu yet but I will tomorrow.

Overall the other Somi posts, don't do anything either way for me. Its simple question answering or just responding to random posts. Still I have a feeling based on what I've pointed out, that Somi could be just a mis guided town in this setup. Scum is still possible though. However, I wouldn't prioritize them yet, when the other potential flips give us so much more to work with if they flip scum.

Sabrar Sabrar good luck with your vote, I hope you can help us still win here.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Z25 was Banished!

He was...

Sabrar - Spirit

Red Ryu

LaserGuy - Spirit
FateShirou - Spirit
Z25 - Spirit


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Game Over!

With 3 Demons and 2 Spirits in Limbo, the game has ended: demons win! Congratulations FrozenFlame, bessie, and Heuristic Cheese!


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Also I know people don’t usually like my reasonings, but damn this is yet another game where I solved most of it.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Darn it Sabrar I've been working on a post for an hour.
I spent my entire day on those posts i made just to give sabrar all 3 scum and to be ignored. So i know that feel


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
@ All, if I haven't opened yours already, please like this post to let me know when it is OK for me to make your journals available to the public.
For anyone curious, I didn’t use my journal outside of requesting extensions. I spent my time solving the game in this thread.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2020
I spent my entire day on those posts i made just to give sabrar all 3 scum and to be ignored. So i know that feel
Perhaps you can take some comfort in knowing you almost gave me a heart attack you did a great job!
(Even though I was just about to pick them all apart.)
  • Like
Reactions: Z25


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Perhaps you can take some comfort in knowing you almost gave me a heart attack you did a great job!
(Even though I was just about to pick them all apart.)
Even if picked apart, I’m very curious if I could have convinced Ryu or Somi to vote with me. I was really looking forward to the next phase.

I nailed the frozen connection and the lack of conviction with your somi vote which was fun.

Also out of curiosity l, was I right about Laser being a switched target because he was a stronger town?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2020
Also out of curiosity l, was I right about Laser being a switched target because he was a stronger town?
Not really IIRC I think Frozen just couldn't vote for somitomi and I could vote for either, it's probably in scum chat somewhere.

I wouldn't classify somitomi as a not strong player, somitomi the most underrated player I know.

Shoutouts tomorrow I haven't slept properly for a week (dog is still sick).


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
Bro wtf Sabrar Sabrar

I literally gave you all three scum on a platter today
Read the sanctioned discord, you can find all my reasoning there. If you don't make those cases at the last minute, I would have voted for bessie.
Last edited:


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Not really IIRC I think Frozen just couldn't vote for somitomi and I could vote for either, it's probably in scum chat somewhere.

I wouldn't classify somitomi as a not strong player, somitomi the most underrated player I know.

Shoutouts tomorrow I haven't slept properly for a week (dog is still sick).
I didn’t see Somi as a bad player either, but as I said with my breakdown I think they came across more as a townie not sure how to progress given the setup.
Read the sanctioned discord, you can find all my reasoning there. If you don't make those cases at the last minute, I would have voted for bessie.
There were hours for you to read the Bessie and Swiss case. You’ve also played with me multiple times to know I only put that effort in as town. As scum I would have no reason to waste my time today because town had screwed up so much that the odds of them banishing a scum were slim. You also were town reading me before you got voted out. So was fate the other confirmed townie.

It’s really hard to justify me over Bessie here but I guess I’ll read your chat.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
sorry yall you have no idea how drunk I am

Sabrar Sabrar I was legit ninja'd, as hard as that may be to believe I legit was typing that up as a throwaway last ditch effort to not get shot I felt I owed to to my team to atleast try to not eat the bullet?

idk pryrrhic victory here, I def feel I like I pulled a race to the bottom grime ass strat to get a W
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#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
read scumchat Ive been ****talking myself for days, sorry for running cheese on you sab and literally just pulled that lazy af

“Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion” strat Im a lazy pos

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
laser the fact that you even gave me a sliver of validation that my scumgame wasn't instantly transparent was like, idk made me feel less severe imposter syndrome. also heury replacing in and saying they were surprised at me being scum was like uplifting, idk something tells me fonti wouldve **** on my face with this performance tho
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#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
sabrar said:
with Z25 pushing bessie I do not really want to vote her. If I banish Z25 I believe we only lose if the scum-team is exactly FF+hydra+bessie in which case I apologize sincerely to Z25 who made cases on all 3.
this game was literally on a knifes edge
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#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
ggs all gonna take a break for a bit yall deserve better than this bull****, much love to the xkcd and MTG crowd for keeping this community alive yall are the mvps forreal and make me want to up my game despite my failure to do so


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2020
Well played, #HBC | FrozeηFlame #HBC | FrozeηFlame bessie bessie HeuristicCheese HeuristicCheese , congratulations.

FateShirou FateShirou Sorry I got you yeeted yesterday. I should've switched to someone else when I did the team analysis, but it was late in the evening and I was dumb.
Even if picked apart, I’m very curious if I could have convinced Ryu or Somi to vote with me. I was really looking forward to the next phase.

I nailed the frozen connection and the lack of conviction with your somi vote which was fun.
Hard to tell what would have happened, but your read of me was on point and I had similar thoughts about bessie, so I think you had a good chance.
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