Spirit: Xemnas
Effect: Neutral Primary Spirit that can be upgraded to Final Xemnas (Start with Reflector Equipped)
Opponent: Reflector

Stage: Omega New Pork City
Music: Disappeared
Rules: Stamina Battle (you start at 100. Opponent starts at 300). Items don't spawn. FS Meter Enabled. Opponent starts the fight with a beam sword.
Spirit: Xigbar
Effect: Support Spirit. Projectile Attacks +

Stage: Final Destination
Music: The 13th Dilemma
Rules: Stamina Battle (you start at 100. Opponent starts at 300). Projectile items spawn. Opponent starts the fight holding a super scope.
Spirit: Xaldin
Effect: Support Spirit. Wind Immunity.

Stage: Princess Peach's Castle
Music: The 13th Dilemma
Rules: Stamina Battle (you start at 100. Opponent starts at 300). Stage prone to strong winds. Gust Bellows and Ore Clubs spawn. Opponent starts the fight with a Gust Bellows, is immune to the strong winds, and has increased jump.
Spirit: Vexen
Effect: Support Spirit. Start with Back Shield.

Stage: Hazardless Luigi's Mansion
Music: The 13th Struggle
Rules: Defeat Dr. Mario to win. Stamina Battle (you start at 100. Dr. Mario starts at 300). Poke Balls spawn (if you use them, ditto has a 0% chance to appear. if Dr. Mario uses them, ditto has a 100% chance to appear). Dittos that appear will always opt to copy you. Dr. Mario's CPU prefers to attack you from a distance and starts the fight with a back shield.
Spirit: Lexaeus
Effect: Support Spirit. Melee Defense +

Stage: Omega Pictochat
Music: The 13th Reflection
Rules: Stamina Battle (you start at 100. Opponent starts at 300). Items don't spawn. Cloud's Limit Meter charges thrice as slowly, doesn't wear off from not being used and doesn't increase from dealing or taking damage. Cloud's Limit Meter does not allow him to use more powerful special attacks when full and is not consumed when using special attacks when full. Cloud's Limit Meter increases his attacks and defenses proportional to how much it is filled.
Spirit: Zexion
Effect: Support Spirit. PSI Attacks +

Stage: Omega Tortimer's Island
Music: The 13th Reflection
Rules: Stamina Battle (you start at 100. Opponent starts at 300). Items don't spawn. Opponent's tome attacks have infinite durability. Opponent can only attack using Robin's Tomes.
Spirit: Saix
Effect: Support Spirit. Trade-Off Attack
Opponent: Metal

Stage: Final Destination
Music: The 13th Dilemma
Rules: Stamina Battle (you start at 100. Opponent starts at 300). Items don't spawn. Opponent starts the fight holding an Ore Club. Ike's CPU is extremely aggressive.
Spirit: Axel
Effect: Support Spirit. Fire Attacks +

Stage: Battlefield Pictochat
Music: The 13th Struggle
Rules: Stamina Battle (you start at 100. Opponent starts at 300). Fire items spawn. The Floor is Lava. You start the fight with a flower unless you have a spirit that dictates otherwise. Opponent starts the fight with a Fire Flower. Opponent CPU favors using Side-B and likes to taunt.
Spirit: Demyx
Effect: Support Spirit. Water Attacks +

Stage: Omega Find Mii
Music: The 13th Dilemma
Rules: Timed Stamina Battle (you start at 100. Opponent starts at 300. Time limit is 5 minutes). Battering Items Spawn. Opponent does nothing but taunt and run away.
Spirit: Luxord
Effect: Support Spirit.

Stage: Final Destination
Music: The 13th Struggle
Rules: Timed Stamina Battle (you start at 100. Opponent starts at 300. Time Limit is 10 minutes). Both you and your opponent take damage over time and deal reduced damage to eachother. Opponent attacks exclusively through Judge. Occasionally, you will be teleported into a break the targets or board the platforms sequence; successfully completing it results in Mr. G&W taking 30 stamina in damage.
Spirit: Marluxia
Effect: Support Spirit. Start with Death's Scythe Equipped.

Stage: Omega Pictochat 2
Music: The 13th Reflection
Rules: Opponent operates with a stamina of 300 and can only hit you with Death's Scythe (this includes jabs, dash attacks, smash attacks, and throwing the scythe at you). Death's Scythes spawn on the stage, but you can't pick these up. Rather then have Stamina as well, you instead have a number over your head equal to the level of the spirit you enter the fight with. Every time the opponent hits you, this number is lowered by one. When the number reach's 0, you lose the spirit battle. If you catch a Death's Scythe thrown at you, the Scythe disappears and 10 is added to number above you.
Spirit: Larxene
Effect: Support Spirit. Electricity Attacks +

Stage: Omega Pictochat 2
Music: The 13th Struggle
Rules: Stamina Battle (you start at 100. Opponent starts at 300). Items don't spawn. The Floor is Electrified.
Spirit: Roxas
Effect: Attack Primary Spirit that can be upgraded to Roxas and Xion (Sword Attacks +)
Opponent: Sora*2 or

(Black) and

Stage: Omega Kalos Pokemon League
Music: idk, probably Roxas's theme
Rules: Defeat all fighters to win. Stamina Battle (You and both opponents all start at 100). Items don't spawn.