It's more of a 50/50 because of the results you get from it.If you can airdodge or jump or attack, I guess that doesn't really make it a 50/50 anymore.
(I get your point but I think he's asking what the set-up is).
Jumping/Airdodging gets you one result, Attacking gets you another.
An upair after the spindash confirm launches and puts them in a position where they either have to Escape or challenge it. However, every option can be punished if read right.Which 50/50 are you referring to?
Like if you spring and they try airdodging, you can delay UAir or do a DAir. If they try to jump or attack, then they don't have the airdodge evasion factor or priority [An airdodge happens faster out of hitstun than that of a jump or attack], and you can just get the followup.