Smash at C-sticks today at 4pm? i just happen to get OFF WORK at 4pm.
I think ill go home and get ready for this party im sup[posed to be at, then stop by c-sticks on my way to the party, then proceed to said party to create a hangover handed down by the gods.
Just got a wii by the way, and even though i CAN get a copy of brawl for like 20$....i still dont know if i should.
thats how bad brawl is.....
I just watched the vids Doug posted. ive gotta say, KP, you have gotten quite impressve. IM SO PROUD OF SOVA!
i remember 5 years ago, no one would have ever though talent like that was possable out here. you guys are really an inspiration comparable only to "The Mighty Ducks"
That being said. who wants to help me train so i can regain my former tech skillz and mynd gramez. Smash next thursday at my place. 7pm till whenever. im off friday.
And no Enver, i cant go to Pound, even if i had the time off, TJs birthday is sunday and hed be pissed if i went to a tourney rather than chilled with him. even though pound is clearly going to be godlike.