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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3


The Young Lion
Oct 1, 2007
Newport News, Virginia.
Good stuff though DON, Lolz Fox i just picked him up like 2 months ago and im already good enough to use him lol. Being a Pit main is a good thing i got the Underused Fad already Plus i've been using Link on AIB on ladders. I kinda got bored of the ladders so i went bottom tier just to see how i would do. Doing good so far 11-9. Around 1400. WHodat we could have some MM too :).


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
I can try, but I'm not sure cause it's always gonna be in my blood to **** up.

The paper I got says "Reckless Driving Speed 94/55 (PACF)". Either PACF or PACE. The cop has some pretty bad handwriting.

I'll try getting one. Being dirt poor and everything I'm making is basically being collected to pay for whatever the court fines will be.

Any recommendations?

And look the cop marked me down as Black. That makes me feel better.... I look like more Puerto Rican than I do Black....and I'm not even Puerto Rican....

Cool story bro.

How much would "ALOT" be? I need a rough estimate on it cause that's determined on how many hours I work. Right now I only work 4 days a week from 5-10. So once I get that, I need to know if I need to work more hours or days....
it probably says "pace", meaning that he caught you by pacing instead of using a radar gun.

from the DMV of VA website:

"in Virginia, reckless driving is Class One Misdemeanor Criminal Charge, punishable by up to 12 months in jail, up to a $2,500 fine, and a possible loss of your Virginia driving privilege for up to six months. In addition, you could be arrested and have your car impounded at the discretion of the police officer for committing this offense. To save time, most officers bind you to show in court through your signature on the "summons."

so...you figure this: assuming you don't get a lawyer and get JV 5-stocked by the system, you'll pay anywhere between $1,000-$2500 in fines within a year period for the offense. You will also probably have your license taken for a couple months. You will receive -6 demerit points on your record. If you already have a bad record, then you're gonna be in serious trouble with insurance; either way, the points will still push you to negative points, which is very, very bad - especially for your age. Your rates could increase by around 50% of what they are now.

so...you're better off paying $1000 for a lawyer and the minor fine they'll drop it to (along with the driver's improvement class if you havent taken one, which you'll be required to take by DMV unless you want them to suspend your license indefinitely) than you are to be paying more than twice that plus your raised insurance.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2008
ya SKs still in NY hes just going to be in the sova crew cuz its where his heart is <3


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Theres a pretty good link here Pitzer. Theres a crazy ness too. lots of lower tiered chars.

H4X: Yea sure that's cool.

Rhan :(


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
ROFL @ first match commentary.

Mostly because they sound like grown Australian men commentators do except...speaking with our vocabulary [and with Smash references too lmao]...it was very bizarre to hear...

but yeah, I like it.


Almost makes me wanna play Brawl again.......................................................but not quite XD


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Melee here is pretty cool. At one of the tourneys two guys played they're GF doubles match while commentating (No prize $$$). Needless to say, they have fun lol.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
Seattle Boys!
rhan man sounds like you are going through some crazy ****, but you have about a 30% chance the cop won't even show remember that, and if a cop won't sow it must be dismissed b/c that is the only witness of the scene and if they try to reschedule it you can say it is double jeoperdy, but man i have had tons of vo-tech friends get charged with street racing and **** and get alaywer and they get out of it

i know this one lawyer the best in Virginia Beach where im guessing you got the ticket and i can post his number up tomorrow if you want? I know a lot of lawyers just need to know the city man

SK's still in NY. We were talking the other day about Pound 4 and he was asking me was I going. I told him that I wanna go, but I can't make up my mind on what game I wanna play.

and O-NO if you are hosting i am down to come and i can bring some of kf if you would like?


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Lmao, this aint starcraft, and you havent lost your first tank yet. it aint GG.
GG yo! All I got is Marine Medics against a horde of Zealots n I ain't got no stim or attack range. I didn't scout man. And now I'm payin' the price.

rhan man sounds like you are going through some crazy ****, but you have about a 30% chance the cop won't even show remember that, and if a cop won't sow it must be dismissed b/c that is the only witness of the scene and if they try to reschedule it you can say it is double jeoperdy, but man i have had tons of vo-tech friends get charged with street racing and **** and get alaywer and they get out of it

i know this one lawyer the best in Virginia Beach where im guessing you got the ticket and i can post his number up tomorrow if you want? I know a lot of lawyers just need to know the city man
Whole thing is that living in a situation where not only me but my family is dirt poor. Money is an issue when the price shoots up to at least 900-1000 dollars.

if he duznt get a lawyer, its definitely GG; and there's no RM
NightlightRhan has lost all hope.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2005
Vienna, VA
i dont think traffic things purge when you turn 18. I know they all have a set time on your record anyways(11 years in your case rhan). You should go to trafffic school before court, itll make you look better and you'll have to go anyways(cost is anywhere from 50-80$)


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Planned on taking some driver's improvement classes. I have no idea how that could possibly still help me out at this point though....


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
it'll give you +5 points, which will counteract the -6 points you'll be getting if you let the system **** you.

and if you don't want to get a lawyer, then do the following:

-take driver's improvement class
-show up to court on time and in proper attire (no shorts)
-when called up and asked how you plead, remember to plead "not guilty"
-after the cop tells his story (assuming he paced you), ask if the cop has had genuine practice and certification to catch speeders by pacing. If he doesn't, then pose the question, "then how can you be sure I was going as fast as you say I was?"
-but...if he is certified (chances are he is if he did it), play the sympathy card. Explain your financial situation, point out your clean record and that you took a driver's improvement class (bring the certificate with you), and say that you "learned your lesson"

the judge will most likely charge you with either a lesser ticket that won't result in losing your license, or a no-point fine for about $200-300.

and by all means, if they convict you of reckless driving, immediately say "I wish to file an appeal", and get a lawyer by the next trial. Or go sign up at the YMCA for the **** Prevention class and start working out in case you go to jail.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
trust me...ANYTHING you do before they tell you to do it looks GREAT. Don't doubt us. Chances are the people who are advising you of these things have been through them before or know someone who has.

Example: A part of my "sentence" was to do 100 hours of community service. I did 125 hours. The extra 25 were of my own volition. And the judge was impressed and he said that my willingness to cooperate and repent the way I did helped him make the decision to drop all charges [and I was an adult being tried for an adult criminal offense that I was 100% guilty of].

You have to remember that they're the ultimate deciders and that they're human. If you appeal to their better nature in any way, it will most definitely help.

tl;dr - taking the classes before they tell you to looks realll good.


Or go sign up at the YMCA for the **** Prevention class and start working out in case you go to jail.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
it'll give you +5 points, which will counteract the -6 points you'll be getting if you let the system **** you.

and if you don't want to get a lawyer, then do the following:

-take driver's improvement class
-show up to court on time and in proper attire (no shorts)
-when called up and asked how you plead, remember to plead "not guilty"
-after the cop tells his story (assuming he paced you), ask if the cop has had genuine practice and certification to catch speeders by pacing. If he doesn't, then pose the question, "then how can you be sure I was going as fast as you say I was?"
-but...if he is certified (chances are he is if he did it), play the sympathy card. Explain your financial situation, point out your clean record and that you took a driver's improvement class (bring the certificate with you), and say that you "learned your lesson"

the judge will most likely charge you with either a lesser ticket that won't result in losing your license, or a no-point fine for about $200-300.

and by all means, if they convict you of reckless driving, immediately say "I wish to file an appeal", and get a lawyer by the next trial. Or go sign up at the YMCA for the **** Prevention class and start working out in case you go to jail.
trust me...ANYTHING you do before they tell you to do it looks GREAT. Don't doubt us. Chances are the people who are advising you of these things have been through them before or know someone who has.

Example: A part of my "sentence" was to do 100 hours of community service. I did 125 hours. The extra 25 were of my own volition. And the judge was impressed and he said that my willingness to cooperate and repent the way I did helped him make the decision to drop all charges [and I was an adult being tried for an adult criminal offense that I was 100% guilty of].

You have to remember that they're the ultimate deciders and that they're human. If you appeal to their better nature in any way, it will most definitely help.

tl;dr - taking the classes before they tell you to looks realll good.
I don't really think I can plea "Not Guilty". Due to the fact I was actually going that fast... And I found something out on the way home that night. They shut off their lights get on your *** then click them on right on once they follow you for about a good 10 seconds. (Saw it happen to some other speeder). But everything else seems legit. I already got a shirt and tie ready with some slacks.

Thanks for the advice you guys. This has actually boosted my confidence.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
Rhan: what the fux are you talking about? Of course you can plead not guilty. The idea is to plead not guilty and try and talk your way out of it is to see if you can get them to drop it. If you say guilty, then you just royally ****ed yourself.

The fact you think that reiterates my point: you should get a lawyer. You'll need one, because you don't know what you're doing other than setting yourself up for a really, really bad day in court.

Jesus, if rapists and murderers can plead not guilty and try and plea bargain or get charges dropped, then you can do the same for just speeding. But if you say "guilty", then you can kiss that idea goodbye.

seriously: DO NOT SAY "Yes, I'm guilty, please **** me. GGkthxbai"


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
cstick, do people not look at u like ur crazy if u plea not guilty to an offense like this? just saying

i mean, i understand the legal system (or at least some of it), but to try to get a lighter punishment or even get off by lying seems so impossible


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
cstick, do people not look at u like ur crazy if u plea not guilty to an offense like this? just saying

i mean, i understand the legal system (or at least some of it), but to try to get a lighter punishment or even get off by lying seems so impossible
I had my lawyer do all the talking when I got my ticket. He pled "not guilty" for me, fought it by questioning the certification, then pretty much outright bargained with the judge by playing the sympathy card. I went from "reckless driving: 86/65" to "you didn't use your blinker" in two minutes, paid my no-point fine, then was on with my life.

Besides, he is not being tried for a criminal charge; he is being charged with a regulatory infraction. A serious infraction, but it isn't something like an actual criminal or dangerous crime.

and I'm still down for Sunday after work. I'll get there around 8ish, hopefully.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2005
Vienna, VA
IV - one time i got in an accident, no way it wasn't my fault(i had a stop sign, they didn't). said it was all my fault at the scene. went to court, pled not guilty. The cop didn't sepoena(sp) the witnesses, case got dismissed. I have a friend with a similar story. The only time you really plead guilty is if you dont care enough or dont have the time to deal with the ticket and its low level(running a stop sign or something). Its expected for you to plead not guilty.
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