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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
lol @ pokemon mindgames.

I almost played fox, but i chose zelda instead. I wanted someone with a deflecter and/or a projectile and slash already played falco.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
@ Kits...it's true. I didn't play many fighters on ANY kind of advanced level until Smash and I was so deep into that, when I tried other fighters I knew nothing about, I had really good habits of spacing attempting mindgames and was already well versed in picking up the habits of others...so if Smash prepped me for other fighters, I'm pretty sure it works both ways...

Yesss Kadajjjj we need to playyy!!!! Ugh ROB + Marth is such a great team, but at the level we played against, we squandered some golden opportunities (maybe nerves?)...both of us did at different times. So I share your frustration >_< We had some amazing moments though...if you and Candy wanna team next time he's down here, that's fine but we gotta step this **** up next time we team! I'll see if I can steal a different Original for the next SoVa one though ^_^

Speaking of which. I'll probably hold it between the 13th and Christmas. I don't think anythings going on...I guess the 20th? Everyone should be on break and exams should be done :)
Boooose will you still be in town then? prolly not, eh? ;___;

tryz plox?

toasty: those fox/zss kos were bs >_> zss' fair is two kicks forward (really surprised this one killed you)
lmao...talk to me when you play this game, son! I recall now that the fair hit me when I was like...near the top of the screen. And yo Fox CAN kill at 80 but he usually saved the usmash til I was at 90-110 :( ZSS's bair is way too strong though.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2006
Virginia Beach
toasty has taught me nothing more than

1. he sucks at cooking
2. he's good at sucking miscellaneous things
3. i <3 his sucking


all in all melee has taught me numerous things. if you have the drive to be good, you will be good. all of the old school ODU players can attest to that. back then we would have NEVER imagined getting as far as we have. Back when we'd marvel at combo vids, curse our hands for not being fast enough, crying when otis and kyle ran up on all of us in teams. or me rahil and ivar quitting smash after getting ***** at c-sticks. if your motivation is high, sky's the limit baby.

unless you live in NoVa and God gives you the gift of amazing.


Smash Rookie
Aug 31, 2008
VA Beach
words words words words words

who wants to read all that? not me

just tell me when the next fest is XD


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2005
Burke, VA
shoulda jus asked h0va

im fairly certain i wont be here on the 20th. even if i wanted to stay (or could, as my bday's on 17th and my rents wouldnt like me being down here) im sure the dorms would be closed by then

and when i said bs i didnt mean i didnt believe you, i meant the fact that they were kills were bs >_> also, half of zss's mindgames is using KO moves that look ridiculously weak =.=

ill ask for 6th but will wait for responses here before reserving

edit: if h0va's the type to search for his name on the boards, i dont want to incur his wrath T_T


Smash Rookie
Aug 11, 2006
Va Beach
im still playing 3s jason and when hd remix comes out im about to go hard on that,

but then im in sova sometimes i like to play smash cuz it reminds me of the good old days

is that to much to ask, remember when Cdot + kits = team ****


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
If you get grabbed, you get rested.
If you don't get grabbed, you get comboed by Ether.
If you avoid Ether, Schoolie does gay **** to distract you until Ether can grab you, then you get rested.
If you double team Ether...bad times. That man stops time, multiplies, ***** both your souls simultaneously, sleeps in your hollowed out carcass like Bear Grylls while Schoolie sing-cancels between bouts of "Boring"-Johns that actually are pretty infuriating and buzzkill-ing, and then gets up to unplug his controller saying "good games guys" while charging a shield breaker after he already broke it. And somehow he re-orders your DNA so you wake up the next morning only to post "<3 Ether!".


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
Ive been wanting to learn MvC2 for a while. It's actually what brought me into competitive fighters in the first place. Then SMan showed me shined blind, and since I thought I was the **** back then, I didnt want to let him be better.

That's why I joined SWF. Once I saw how big the community was in Cal., I envied their ability to congregate and just feed off of their talents and develop them even further.

Searching for the same type of thing here, I made my way to the regional zones boards (for the first time) and saw nothing that had to do with "Virginia" (I really didnt know what to look for back then). So, I made a thread called "VA Smashers" to "call out" people in Virginia to start hostingand playing in the tidewater area. Shortly after, o-no pmed me and said to "come out and play" because there was already a scene in SoVa.

This is what I had been looking for; this was the community I sought that would do as Cali and foster and harvest its own talent.

Then Brawl came. Brawl, over time, split the ENTIRE community into 4 general sects: Those who would continue to play Melee and try to get good in Brawl (I, originally, was one of these, along with SMan and many others); Those who dropped Melee entirely for Brawl (this is only natural for gamers who are not serious; high level sf2 players didnt drop their game that they spent countless hours on just because 3s came out); Those who refused to play Brawl at all (some hated it; others couldnt afford it and/or a wii...); and those who gave up Smash completely (I want to use Cow as an example, but he may have just acquired other things to do besides video games).

This totally screwed everything up for me (though I realize we arent here for me). Where I had thought I had stricken gold in SoVa, people were so easily willing to give up Melee, a game that I equated to the likes of MvC and 3s. Perhaps my respect for those games and their followings is blown up and unreasonable, but I really enjoy playing competitive games. It's fun and a challenge. I REALLY consider this game just like sports. They can be played competitively and casually; they have the lasting power of years upon years of endurance; they are very balanced (as much as some will dispute that tiers unbalance[*] the game; the argument can be made but there is more than "Marth and Fox" at the top of tournaments); they have a large following; etc.

Without ranting too much, I just want to say that per these events I have lost a lot of respect for the overall Smash community for letting an (lets just say it) inferior sequel send the Melee following through hell. It was unmerited[*]. Perhaps my having of such high reverence for the community was somewhat unreasonable, but I just dont see why we dont have more people in SoVa as dedicated as the people in NoVa. I have a proposition that, depsite the overall attempt of players in SoVa to be good at Melee, the attention that Brawl gets in SoVa seriously detracts from its overall skill. Maybe we could do it if we were better at Melee, but we're too young to be that good. But that's theoretical. There is proof that the historically more sophistated areas of Melee play around the country are dropping Brawl altogether (i.e. NorCal); here, could also be included the "Melee only" tourneys that draw in very skilled players (possibly at both games) but do not consist of the people who "Main Brawl." I guess my point here is that the draw of Brawl any given area is related to the overall skill (in Melee) of the area. THIS is what disappoints me about SoVa, and it relates back to what I said at the beginning of this post.

Ive started outlining an essay about this whole Melee v Brawl thing. It kinda irks me whenever people start comparing the two and all of a sudden a mod walks in or some kid starts talking about how u shouldnt be trying to attack someone's right to prefer a game...wtf!? If you dont agree, fine; ill try to make my stance clearer and better supported in my essay.



Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
Newport News, VA
Yea i was just on the all is brawl chat talking to Deva and he said he hates brawl with a passion, but the community's too huge to pass up.....
lol were gona wifi (as brawl hating link players)

and see, i dont hate brawl because it's bad, i hate it because it took over melee SIMPLY because it's new.
i mean do u honestly prefer camping over speed?
does brawl really have that action packed accomplished feeling?
does brawl have 0-death combos?
does falco really prefer the air!?


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
Seriously S-Man...you can't comment like that on the aspects of high level gameplay that you're not engaging in.

I'll read Theo's post some day...at work now >_>

Also: wow do people forget all of a sudden how bad camping was in Melee in certain matchups???? Stop putting the p.ussy on a pedestal.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
We should have a new rule/game. If someone brings up brawl vs. melee again, the first person to notice the post, other than the poster ofcourse, gets to ***** slap the one who posted. Anyone who participates with the original poster and argues either side shares the same fate as the poster.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
lol, clearly. nice applejacks haiku you posted awhile back btw.
YES thank goodness someone noticed haha =D

So anyway. If I find time this week, I'll be calling people to play Brawl and if I can't find anything convenient, I'll call people to play Melee. More than likely it'll be like this:
-calls Kadaj to play Brawl
-calls BlackG
-calls Scott
-calls Caboose to play Melee
-calls Ether [LOL]
-calls CNU
-calls S-man [need numbaz]

That man's always available hahaha...


Smash Rookie
Aug 11, 2006
Va Beach
Melee is no where near the brokeness of MvC2 >.>
yeah it is but once you try to learn the game the characters that are deemed broken are sooo fun to play, my friends from NY has been teaching me how to play sentinel for like the last month or two and he is the funnest character i have ever learned in any fighting game


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
Newport News, VA
ill send u a PM with my # mr toast.
Ether... :D

err, i'll give brawl a shot next time i play with u guys.. (whenever that may be)
me n my god awful marth/falco/link/fox

ohh man we should play online toasty XD

P.S. using sentinel is like using pichu or roy in melee
so pointless but it can be SO funny!


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
ill be in va too after tomorrow, but all that means is if people play at kadaj's or anywhere else ill show up if I know about it.
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