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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3


Smash Apprentice
Jul 31, 2005
Orland UCF for college, SoVA on breaks
OK, I'm going to C3 and the lockin. I am driving to C3. My car seats 4 others, but I might be taking 1-2 of my friends, so I'll say I have 2 slots open. Also,my driving to C3 isn't completely set in stone, I need to be totally positive, I'll post a confirmation when I am. Even if I drive one person, 2 extra is more comfortable.

Now I've been slacking on the thread checking. Anything else I need to know about? I think I remember something coming up on the 18th, maybe Newport News or something. Anything else other than that?

EDIT-I can bring full setup to locking btw.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
bills bills bills
This. I really can't afford to travel these days. I'm out like over 1000 dollars in bills ($mm anyone??), so I'm going to miss several C3s until I either become good enough to win a C3 or I pay these bills off the hard way.

Ether I'm pretty sure I live ridiculously close to you...

You need to just drop by any night where were playing...which is like 70% of every week haha
I'll do that. PM me your phone number, and I'll stop by sometime. I'm usually free only on Sundays, though, which is why I tend to miss most tournaments.

Ether/toasty: we should play!

Ether: oh...well..we can't play here, Lis has got to get some work done

toasty: completely understandable...but I don't have a set up we could play on here =/

Ether/toasty: some other time then ;____;
I couldn't have phrased it better. She and I still have to clean our apartment, which has accumulated a semester's worth of trash, and then we can have people over. Also, we are going to move to a nice neighborhood on Shore Drive in a few months, so people don't have to be afraid of getting shot up anymore. ;)

o yea ETHER me and u need 2 play more brawl!!

i still remember the sword dance to the falcon punch combo lol
haha, we're inherently good on teams, in both Melee and Brawl. I look forward to playing with you, Fear, and everyone else. I think it was pretty cool that the last time I got to chill with you guys, it was someone's birthday. Thanks again for the pizza, drinks, and cake.

Without a Wii, it's really hard to train for Brawl, so I've been finding some very inventive ways to get better. I've been playing a lot of Metal Gear Solid and working on my anti-Metal Gear game....Schoolie, see where I'm going with this? :laugh: lol if this makes me better


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2007
Yo that HiScore gaming should be called LowScore gaming after what happened with their tourney. First off the matches were best of 1, double elimination. They told us this after we signed up and paid $10. they said 5 would go into the venue and the other 5 would be for tourney with the pot being 70/30. After hearing all that me and Jeff went to drop out and they said no refunds. So come tourney time all the Wii's they had there didn't have all the characters unlocked or all the stages. Then alot of people complained because they didn't have their mains to play as, then they asked us if we could try to unlock the rest of the chars and stuff and we could play 4 free if we helped them out sometime during the week. Also because of the shananigans, we were all able to get a refund if we wanted. After getting our money back we decided to head to the T-Dome and throw a tourney of our own.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2007
Virginia Beach, VA
So as Riku explained the HiScore tourney kind of migrated to Tdome.

Here are the results:

1st: Jeff (Toon Link, Marth, Luigi)
Beating: Toasty, Evan, Ruku, and Koori, and Gum

2nd: Toasty (Fashionsense ROB)

Beating: Slash(barely), Koorii, Evan, Mashi, Conor

3rd: Evan (Falco)
Beating: Toasty, Joel, Mashi

4th: Slash (Falco, Metaknight, Lucario)
Beating: Gum, Riku, Dan

5th: TIE: Gum (Samus, Ness) & Mashi (Marth, Snake, DDD)
Gum beating: Dan, Conor & Mashi Beating: Slash(Barely), a level 9 CPU

7th: TIE: Connor (Kirby) & Riku (Marth, Ike)
Conor Beating: a lvl 9 Luigi & Riku Beating: Joel

Last place =(: 4way TIE: Koorii (Wolf of Nature), Dan (Meta, Olimar), Joel (?), & a level 9 CPU (Luigi)

Special mention goes to the lvl 9 CPU who ALMOST beat Mashi....in the first 30 sec haha 0-90% I was rooting for the poor guy =/

Congrats to Jeff. Prize money was 35-15-5 (1st-2nd-3rd).

Thanks for respecting my house again guys, always a pleasure :chuckle:


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
Um I definitely knocked MaSHi out too ^_^...oh and Serpent (Connor).

and ****it...no one I know plays Toon Link EVER. Not once. ;_____; good **** Jeff, hope I'll be ready next time.

Mashi: awesome Melee mm...can't believe I __-stocked you ;)...but again, it WAS Marth Vs. Fox on Yoshi's story. Winning that match that way was well worth the $1 I lost in those other 3 matches >_>

ETHER! oh wow, new place? nice =D but ****...shore drive? no longer less than 15 min away :( but that's not for a while, right?

you know what's pathetic? I haven't seen you since FEBRUARY. (right?)
Possibly since I came back from Bangladesh??? Wow.
Also, I don't think ANYONE has seen you in months, and SoVa is beyond deprived >_>

Well then. I know what must be done.

I vote that everyone pitch in a dollar or two and pool that mess together to get Ether involved in this haha...The Vincent Pigott Gets the Pot Pie Fund.*

I mean it's SoVa's epic showing at a C3 event...and I don't think we've ever had more than 5 people go, and that ****'s going to happen without the SoVaSquanderKing????

so who's with me?

*fyi, Ether's last name is pronounced Pie-get =D


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Vallejo CA! (for lowlifes that dont know) Teh Bea
HMMM, well these guys dont know much about running tourneys. theres still trying to get it right and they dont have much to go on aside what i tell them. if i was there i could have insured that the tourney was run well.

there not going to be prefect but there willing to learn and compromise, lets give them a chance and try to help them out.

next time they host a tourney ill try to be there to run it for them. but still, there very reasonable and they WANT us to have tourneys we can enjoy.

congrats to the winners, and thenks to everyone that showed up.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
yeah a lot of us felt bad about leaving especially because they were so nice about everything. The rules issue was pretty much what I expected [and would expect from any business] "well, we've had these rules posted beforehand so we can't change them last minute like this. but we CAN take and would love suggestions for the next one"...rules aside, the main issue was the characters; that was just unfortunate >_> Someone who lives near there or whatever needs to go and get them all the characters [you get to play for FREE]

I really want this place to do well, it seems like if it's run well it could be a nice venue...AND Five Guys Burgers is RIGHT across the street ^_^


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2008
Virginia Beach, VA
Are you all hanging out at the Tdome today? I wanna play some Smash, but I don't have a way to get around... and I don't have a Wii here. Let me know, cuz I only live just down Baker Road from the Tdome... so maybe someone can give me a ride.

Edit: I would have just driven up there to see... but my car is in the body shop getting fixed >.<


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
Um I definitely knocked MaSHi out too ^_^...oh and Serpent (Connor).

and ****it...no one I know plays Toon Link EVER. Not once. ;_____; good **** Jeff, hope I'll be ready next time.

Mashi: awesome Melee mm...can't believe I __-stocked you ;)...but again, it WAS Marth Vs. Fox on Yoshi's story. Winning that match that way was well worth the $1 I lost in those other 3 matches >_>

ETHER! oh wow, new place? nice =D but ****...shore drive? no longer less than 15 min away :( but that's not for a while, right?

you know what's pathetic? I haven't seen you since FEBRUARY. (right?)
Possibly since I came back from Bangladesh??? Wow.
Also, I don't think ANYONE has seen you in months, and SoVa is beyond deprived >_>

Well then. I know what must be done.

I vote that everyone pitch in a dollar or two and pool that mess together to get Ether involved in this haha...The Vincent Pigott Gets the Pot Pie Fund.*

I mean it's SoVa's epic showing at a C3 event...and I don't think we've ever had more than 5 people go, and that ****'s going to happen without the SoVaSquanderKing????

so who's with me?

*fyi, Ether's last name is pronounced Pie-get =D

Aw, shucks, thanks. Yeah, I'd probably go if I had the money, but there's no reason for everyone to pitch in when you all could just mm me and force me to win it. I may even mm in Brawl.

Actually, I don't think anyone has seen me since Pound 3, with the exception of a few guys at CNU and O-NO... that was the last time I really did anything. Oh, and I played once or twice at ODU to kill time.


Smash Rookie
May 2, 2008
it was fun playing everyone at the tourny yesterday.

Toasty nice to finally play you in both Melee and Brawl, i need to practice in melee though all the little things i had are gone :(

Good **** to Slash for throwing yet another good smash fest.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
I play toon link and 5 guys is delicious.

Who from Sova needs to crash at my place?
you mean after C3? I will =D
and yessss TL we'll battle...and we should get food from 5 Guys at C3 [or when I get to Richmond on saturday?]


@ Ether: you have no choice. *throws in 5 bucks* [you see, I'm paying for training in the near future...especially melee. but mostly, cuz dude! i ****ing miss the hell out of you!...your charisma...your..musk. ^_~]

@ Jeff: nice to finally play you as well..and to actually meet you. congrats on the win, you barely earned it ;)

@ anyone who wants to talk about tourney rules in SoVa. It's my understanding that in MLG tournies the grand finals isn't set up so that the Winners Finals victor only has to win one set whereas the Losers Finals victor has to win two sets. Instead , from the Winners you only have to win 3 MATCHES and the Loser has to win SIX MATCHES. No johns in my loss last night (since I lost 2-3 anyway), it just doesn't seem like the best way to do grand finals >_>

Thoughts? Discuss?

I personally think it should be based on sets. I mean what if the Winner wins the first 2 matches, and then the Loser wins 5 matches in a row...but then he loses the next match so he loses the whole thing?? :( sadness, in my opinion.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2008
Virginia Beach, VA
Not that I know of right now... I'm trying to find somewhere to go place smash, but I need a ride since my car is in the body shop getting worked on.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2007
Virginia Beach, VA
I edited it haha

It was incomplete because I was doing it without even looking at the bracket last night. Its accurate as far as what I have, lemme know if anything is diferent.

oh and to us SoVA guys:
We need to play more with each other. Just like Toasty has said about Toon Link, I'm sure there are plenty of characters that no one has gotten to really played a skilled one of...for me its pretty much all of Jeff's crews mains that i havent really played (like IC's, TL, Marth, Luigi, Meta)haha. NoVA has probably gotten to play a competent player with every character. Knowing that KF and GD/DC use almost completely different characters from eachother, let's get some sparring in before c3. I think it would help us all out extensively. And considering we are kinda rivals...why not make some of that sparring crew battles =)

EDIT: Are the characters next to each name correct? I didn't get to see every match


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2005
Burke, VA
speech came straight out of karate kid, LETS DO IT

also i believe i can pick up TL for friendlies to help some. i refuse to main such an ugly character though. totally different from the herculean figure that is wario


Smash Rookie
May 2, 2008
Im down with that Slash. Yesterday was probably the most fun I've had in smash in awhile, mostly because it was with new people. I've played yall before, but it was as "rivals". Now that we are talking more I'll be glad to smash more. :)


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
I'm totally down for crew battles! We should invite Hampton crew over some time because they also play characters we never get to face :)

btw...does anyone in SoVa use DK?????????? like more than just once in a while.

PS: Khalil, your Samus has gotten craaaaazy good. Wish I paid attention to the matches with you and Jeff..dunno what happened there. and sadness on the game engine squandering in your match against Slash. and lmao @ Slash, nice addition to the results post ;)

ACTUALLY wait I have a good idea...especially since we want to be familiar with all the characters etc etc....we should do gauntlet training...or something like it. T-dome has so many setups that we could probably make this work.

I'll explain it in an example. Let's say Team Richmond is over here. everyone in GC/DC decides they need Toon Link training. Tope then plays matches everyone in GC/DC on one setup. The same thing could be happening on other setups with different crews or however you wanna do it. That way, the crew can get something of a handle on said character, even if its just for one match [obviously it can be repeated later on in the night] AND the person who ran through everyone in that crew will have experience against all of their characters as well.

Rinse. Repeat. All. Night.


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2003
Norfolk, VA
I use DK! But need to get better, heheh.

By the way are you guys talking about the Five Guys on Battlefield? I work pretty much right there off Volvo Pkwy. Currently working 6 days per week though with Wednesday off (yuck).


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2007
Va beach
But what about our Mothers guys?!
Oh well haha slash, you consider us rivals?
Ill play you with Ice Climbers all you want!


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2006
toasty is the only person i really compete with. rofl. brawl melee and hiscore backout. =]


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;

man...I could play you in Melee forevaaaa ^_^ I need to play with the fury that you had when you shouted "Melee comeback!!!" because it sure as hell made me nervous. good **** as always, and I always learn good stuff from your Fox. Too bad you live almost an hour away :( :( :( I don't wanna keep meeting up at Slash's and then just play you the whole time in Melee lmao

@KF: where do you guys live around? Do any of you live near Slash? *needs practice*


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2008
Virginia Beach, VA
Can someone give me a ride to the tdome... I'm sitting at home and wanna hang out there for abit. I live really close, just don't wanna walk through the bad neighborhodds to get to their (bad neighborhood by my place)


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2003
Norfolk, VA
**** Doug, i work at the target right there!

that and DK is pretty awesome. im off next wednesday, we should play!
I'm down. Got just the 1 Wii at my place and you're both welcome to swing by if ya like. Pity my roommate took his Wii on his ship or we could get some kinda fest going on.

and yeah DK friggin rocks, people fear him when they play me on gamebattles hehe.
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