I don't hate Roy because of Melee, it's just a side effect of my dislike of Marth due to similarity. Honestly? I prefer Roy over Marth.
And Ike over Roy. And Robin over Ike.
Fates' basic combat system was better than Awakening: Spawning enemies don't auto-attack and pairs actions were less random.
Conversely, FE's typical heavy reliance on RNG over skill and Fates' level and game design really hurt the overall combat system more than help it here. And that's on a normal difficulty.
Take Conquest; the difficulty of levels is wildly inconsistent, to the point where some are so easily cheesed that you'd think that's how you were supposed to win. Some maps on hard/lunatic can be 2-turned, 2 person'd, or just steamrolled, while others take 40+ turns on a normal difficulty to pass. Awakening, even on lunatic, was more consistent.
Oh ahah fair enough then
Eh I never had a connect with Ike. Mostly cause I've never played an FE game before Awakening.
Yeah the RNG in Fates always did feel a little worst then it did in Awakening. Especially with the Skills. Or is that just me?
Oh tell me about that. I swear if I didn't have the exp dlc map my characters would have been at last 8 levels too weak for most of the maps.
The only FE game I've ever played was Path of Radiance, so I have a bias for Ike. I will say this though: Sakurai, I know that you've never played a FE game before Awakening, but in what universe does Ike, a very young adult that clearly doesn't lift that much, "perfectly fit" the strong an slow type? Where did you see that in him? Normally I'd give him the benefit of te doubt for not knowing that Ike is literally the exact opposite character archetype (speed is his best strength and strength is one of his weakest), but when Ike was playable in Brawl, they didn't even use his RD design, which is [still a wrong but] more accurate portrayal of a strong and slow character.
Eh i know nothing about Ike so Idk
I personally refuse to play Awakening and Fates. I'm personally not a fan of Robin or....Corrin (good GOD that's a terrible name). They aren't that fun to play as for me and both of their voices pretty much butcher once great VAs (David Vincent and Cam Clarke respectively). I can remember Etika saying how Robin was "smooth" and for some reason that triggered me so hard because David Vincent has played infinitely better characters, and Vincent's voice as Robin (at least in Smash) was about as suave as that one easily flustered geek who no one cares to socialize with because he sits in the back of the class and wears headgear. But ya know what? I'm willing to ignore all that after hearing Cam Clarke's role as Kamui. Oh.....my.......GOD!!!!! How the f*** could he have messed up this role so HAAARD?!?!? It sounds so cringeworthy that the word "cringe" itself is cringing so hard. Many people prefer the female Kamui for their own wet reasons [probably], but I prefer the female one because I can tolerate the female's voice way more. And even if I couldn't, it still wouldn't be a big deal to me because I'm nowhere near as familiar with the voice actress as much as I am familiar with Clarke. Let's jut say there's playing a bad role, there's staining their reputation, and then there's just flat out ASKING to be out of a job at voice acting. Now I'm done talking about it.
Whooooa. Whoa whoa. Hold on a minute. Are you say that you don't want to play either of those Fire Emblem games because of how the voice actors performed in a completely different game?
That's almost like say you don't want to play Assassins Creed 2 because of how Roger Craig Smith plays Sonic in the modern games.
"easily flustered geek" - He plays the role like because that is what Robin is like in Awakening. That is Robin's character. Seriously you literal don't have to look any further then Robin's Victory line against Lucina

- Lucina I hope i didn't hurt you: Caring, passionate, worried for others

- How can you protect Chrom if you can't even protect yourself? : Attitude and Sass (she's not as cruel in Awakening but just as much of a personality)
Maybe the reason why Robin is play as being anti social is because in Awakening, he as no memory. Literally, the only thing he remembers is Chrom and his own name. Of course he would be a little anti-social feeling like an amnesia outcast. I will give you a point in that his performance in Awakening is better then in Smash Bros (hell even his reveal trailer is better) but it is not by that much. He still does a really good job portraying the character

on the other hand... you are 100% correct. Literally everything about the character's voicing acting is just terrible. I don't know they guy who did the performance but who ever it was terrible. Then again, the English voice acting is pretty bad in Fates it's self for the most part.
I personally do like

much more just cause i like her VA's performance more. Literally that's about it
Also what kind of a f******** name is Corrin?! I'm not dissing anyone with this name in really lfe but for these two

, Kamui is literally a better name by a large margin
Also tippers really shouldn't be a big problem if you know how to exploit them, which shouldn't be too challenging for us given that we're sonics that can easily weave in and out of his sword's range and play with a marth's spacing. If you take the ime to grind the mu then you really shouldn't be having a lot of trouble with a standard marth. I was at a tourney one day and I 2-0'd the best marth player in my region, and keep in mind I lost to.....basically everyone else XP. And the marth main I faced has taken games and even sets off of ranked players in Indi.
You think fighting a melee marth CPU is annoying? Try fighting a standard marth PLAYER that has more melee exp than you.....as dr mario......AT A LOCAL STACKED ASF!!! And now you know why I play a different character in melee.
Well i just have bad luck with Tippers for some reason
Also i don't think I will ever get the chance to have that happen to me. Especially since I'm more of a
