Dear God I'm having a terrible month rn; I lose my brother to his new wife (which I'm happy for him, but I wanna see him more), I still can't get along with my childish parents even if I try, I might as well have lost an old friend because I wanted specific benefits from her, and now I'm about to lose my other main because of my dearth interest in playing him. Oh yeah, and btw,
The Merc
tell me WTF IS A BANTER?!?
It's cause I've been trying to imrpove my Pit for a while now to show that he's bette than what people give him credit for. And so far I've been some notable players in my region, including what is probably the best marth in my region (albeit with sonic and about 5 months ago, and he counterpicked falcon game 2, but I digress). In fact, I pretty much went all Pit at a few locals and got 5th in all of them.
I've picked up Cloud for doubles, but I have no interest in playing Cloud in singles because it's Sheik that is my problem character along with Fox, so a pocket Cloud won't do me good there. I've made the addition to make Mewtwo and Pikachu my secondaries, and I finally dropped my scrubby MK secondary last month (especially since that people are saying that fox is a losing matchup for him as opposed to being either even or slightly advantaged) and keep in mind that he was literally my day 1 character, so it felt like a tough choice (heck, it took me literally a YEAR to make a final decision on whether or not to drop him). Then I thought about picking up Sheik, which would go against my usual thoughts on my natural dislike for Sheik (she's boring, took no skill to use pre patch, and is overall a lame addition to the Zelda representation, even back in Melee).
Now I'm looking at Mario. People say that he has a lot of bad or at least annoying MUs, which I've never found true (I mean cmon, Kamui is NOT a "hard counter" to Mario; hard counters don't even exist in this game unless if you're Puff or Ganon) that and I've always liked the "jack of all trades" characters, so what's the problem with picking him up? Plus he also beats Sheik, goes even with Fox, pretty much covers the rest of Pit's bad matchups (sans Kamui, but I can get over that easier), and he's viable enough to use if I don't want to play the Pit ditto since Mario slightly beats Pit imo. However, I'm still concerned about Mario's problematic approach.
But back to Sonic, I've found it really hard to keep playing as him since his neutral isn't as good as Pit's most of the time (or at least is significantly different from Pit's). I use too many SH aerials with Sonic, which normally I get a lot off of, but I'm struggling with consistently continuing to do so now. It's not like in Brawl where it's easier to get away with since Sonic was one of the few characters in the game with consistently true combos. Here, I have to emphasize my ground attacks more than my aerial attacks. And what's even more grievous is that after all this time, I STILL can't get the timing on the spin dash invincibility frames. Yeah, in a game where I fan do things like Spinshots and ISDJs near flawlessly, I can't get the timing of the SD invincibility frames down. Many people in my region- both in FW and Indi- have told me that that's possibly my biggest problem as a Sonic player is that I'm NOT taking advantage of those stupid frames. At least with stuff like 2 framing or ledge trumping you can be a top player and never need to utilize those to the fullest (or even use them at all). It's just really unmotivating to keep up with all the new crap I have to utilize in my Sonic play. I miss the days where aggressive Sonic was the Sonic meta; he was still a top 8 character before campy Sonic became a thing.
Sorry for this tedious little monologue of mine and making this sound like a friggin therapy session. Like I said, I've had one hell of a stuttery start to the new year. Apart from Tales of Berseria being a phenomenal game so far (especially compared to the mediocrity known as Tales of Zestiria), my 2017 has thrown a lotta painful crap at me for no real reason. Maybe it's because of an aftershock from how disastrous 2016 was as a year, idk, but so far I'm not a fan of this 2017 I'm having. Still going better than my 2016 hands down, but not significant enough tbh. Sonic Forces news is definitely giving me more hope, though, tbh.