I think a move that can kill is different from a kill move…
Uthrow kills at like 170% but you're already in a **** spot if that's how you're getting the stock.
Can you guys point me in the direction of any Sonic's who are particularly adept at the


MUs? I wanna check out some videos on how to deal with those MUs a bit better. Thanks.
Well, we all got bodied apparently by Nick Riddle at CEO so maybe you can study those and see what went wrong.
Don't know much point of reference for Yoshi though. We just discussed him in the
match-up thread and are currently tackling ZSS.
Hey guys. I'm not sure if this is something I should be posting here but I figured I could be directed to where I can get some advice.
Anyway, for the life of me, I have no ledge game. None. What are your tips for improving in that area of the game?
I can't tell if edgeguarding is bad or just underdeveloped in this game.
We don't have any true trump combos but you can sometimes catch people off-guard with trump-Bair.
Practice punishing ledge snap vulnerability. Orochi did a
whole video on it.
Bair walling and Fair combos are probably the best offstage tools with occasional Dairs.
Didn't read stickies, sorry for making random thread. Can someone give advice...or something:
I main Peach and Duck Hunt. I don't have a terrible time with Sonic in general just when players use no other move but the spindash/homing one. With Peach, I shield the move and grab, I use Toad/turnips yet I still get bested by some of the spamming Sonics. With DHD, I try to camp the hell outta him and can/cowboy it up but again, sometimes I lose. Is there any way around the spamming? Even when I sit still and try to punish, that does not work.
Actually read a little of Sonic's weakness thread when I briefly had time, so pretty much jabbing and tilting is the way to go? Really?
Peach and especially Duck Hunt have good zoning tools. Learn when to use them and learn when Sonic is vulnerable, which is almost all the time.
Few questions for Sonic.
1.Which customs are best for him? I'm fairly satisfied with his original B moveset but haven't dabbled in customs yet (mostly because I haven't played in a tournament with customs).
Man, post EVO is going to be amazing.
2.I know Sonic is considered one of the best characters but what's a solid secondary for him? I really like Mewtwo, Shulk, Ryu, Meta Knight, and Mega Man but I know for the first 3 especially none of them likely have favorable matchups that Sonic doesn't already has.
It's really more for your preference or what match-ups you don't like as Sonic… I would pick Mega Man out of them but that doesn't help with like, Rosaluma, who I hate.
3.Now that most of Sonic's KO moves have been nerfed somewhat, what are his best consistent KO options besides Forward Smash?
Forward Smash.
Spring > Uair.
So I'm putting in lab hours on sonic (because just playing mk is starting to get boring) and was wondering what stages I should be practicing on? I mean, I know I should be on all stages, but what stages does sonic really shine on?
All of them.
Duck Hunt is my favorite counterpick. Most Sonics would agree that's one of our best. I personally feel #blessed for Miiverse and Dream Land 64. Town & City is sometimes fun.
HOO(spring)HAA and uthrow > uair > spring >uair have given me reliable star KOs but its a bit more read dependent than a raw smash.
Can be DI'd at kill percent, but the most reliable Spring > aerial combos are around 50-80% depending on character. You can combo kill from that percent from high platforms, otherwise it's almost always avoidable and requires reads/punishes. I'd hardly call it a Hoo-Hah...
Isdj is hard, how do ppl donit conc0sistently
git gud.
lmao r u drunk th0
tbh I use it very sparingly so that makes for a more consistent track record. It's not really something worth spamming anyway, but I've incorporated it into my tournament play.