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May 12, 2008
Switch FC


"What the f*ck is a Sonic?" - SEGA :4sonic:

Upon venturing the contents stored within this thread, you will encounter a plethora of Sonic information for both novices and professionals alike. Anything from, but not limited to, patch notes, frame data, and advanced Sonic techniques can be discovered. Also archived are commonly asked questions, occasionally accompanied by tutorial videos to further elaborate. Open discussions to all are had when pondering relevant questions, though be prepared to perhaps become the target of our quick wit: Super Sonic style.

Welcome to the Sonic Boards.

Update Log:
Patch Notes:

Frame Data:

General Common Terminology, Prefixes, & Suffixes:
- Interruptible As Soon As
RAR - Reverse Aerial Rush
FSJ - Footstool Jump
AT - Advanced Technique
DD - Dash Dance
SC - Shield Cancel [But can also refer to Spin Charge (context will be your best friend)]
JC - Jump Cancel
DJ - Double Jump
FJ - Full Jump
SH - Short Hop
PP - Perfect Pivot
P - Pivot
A - Aerial/Air
G - Grounded/Ground
I - Instant
i - Invincible
V - Vertical
J - Jump
R - Roll

Not-So-Basic Sonic-Specific Terminology:
SC = Spin Charge [Down-B]
ASC = Aerial Spin Charge [Aerial Down-B]
SCR = Spin Charge Roll [Grounded Spin Charge Roll]
SD = Spin Dash [Side-B]
SDH = Spin Dash Hop [Release Side-B]
SDR = Spin Dash Roll [Grounded Spin Dash Roll]
ASDR = Aerial Spin Dash Roll [When the Spin Dash Roll itself (Not an Aerial Spin Dash Hop) is airborne)]
SJ = Spin Jump ["Tip Official" Non-Specific Spin Jump done out of Spin Dash/Charge Roll]
SCJ = Spin Charge Jump [Jump Attack done out of a Spin Charge Roll]
SDJ = Spin Dash Jump [Jump Attack done out of a Spin Dash Roll]
ISDJ = Instant Spin Dash Jump [Spin Dash Jump done immediately after inputting Side-B during a run]
VSJ = Vertical Spin Jump [Jump done in place out of Spin Dash/Spin Charge]
VSDJ = Vertical Spin Dash Jump ("New") [Spin Dash Jump done out of Spin Dash that retains its charge]
SDSC = Spin Dash Shield Cancel [Hit shield to cancel a Side-B's charge]
SHSJ = Short Hop Spin Jump [Frame specific Short Hop variant of a Spin Jump]
* Can only be done by immediately pressing jump after a Spin Dash, Spin Charge, or Spin Dash Hop, hits the ground.

BSBS = Brawl Spring Bug Stance (aka Brawl Spring Bull Sh*t aka Bull Sh*t Bull Sh*t) [Thanks Sakurai]*
* More information coming soon.

Slow Spin Roll = Slow Spin Dash/Spin Charge Roll (aka Lyric Roll) [Usually happens after it connects with a shield, etc.]
Slope Cancel = Jump Canceling Spin Dash/Spin Charge on a sloped ramp [Inputs & Information listed below]
Spinshot = Double Jump Canceled Spin Dash* [Inputs & Information listed below]
* Spin Dash Spinshot can be done both in the air and on the ground.
** Spin Charge Spinshot has been removed. RIP.
Spinsh*t = A flubbed Spinshot [git gud]
Double Spinshot = Refreshing your double jump with directional airdodge and performing a second Spinshot.
Grinding = Extended Foxtrot [Input Foxtrot, return joystrick to neutral, and gently push in original direction to extend the slide of a Foxtrot]

The Smash Dictionary Continued.

Character Specific Jargon


"HA"- Homing Attack. His neutral special.

"SD"- Spin Dash. This is Sonic's Side-special. Though in context it could also mean 'self destruct' which is to basically kill yourself.

"SDH"- Spin Dash Hop. When you release Side-special, Sonic hops forward initially.

"SC" Spin Charge. This is Sonic's Down-special. Though in context it could also mean 'shield cancel' (for example, you can Shield Cancel the charge of a side-special, otherwise known as a 'SDSC').

"ASC"/"Aerial Spin Charge"/"ASD"/"Aerial Spin Dash"- Using Sonic's down-special and side-special (respectively) in the air.

"VSDJ"- Vertical Spin Dash Jump. Pressing the attack button while charging either side-special or down-special on the ground, or pressing the jump button while charging down-special on the ground, resulting in a slow ball attack that jumps directly upwards and can be cancelled with any aerial option.

"VSDJ2"- Vertical Spin Dash Jump 2. Hitting the jump button while charging side-special on the ground, resulting in Sonic jumping up in a charging ball. You have a decent amount of control over this jump and you will hold the current charge while you're in the air, but it has no hitbox and cannot be cancelled (in fact you are stuck in it until you land, at which point you have all the options available to you that you had before you jumped). Because jumping delays the charge, you can put off shield cancelling the side-special for longer.

"SDSC"- Spin Dash Shield Cancel. While charging Side-special but before it is fully charged, you can cancel the rest of the move by shielding. This can be done out of a Dash or Run to give you a small burst of speed.

"SDR"/"Spin Dash Roll"/"SCR"/"Spin Charge Roll"- When Sonic touches down on the ground after doing that Hop out of his Side special, or when his Down-special is travelling along the ground, this state of rolling forward is called a spin dash roll or spin charge roll respectively.

"SDJ"/"Spin Dash Jump"/"SCJ"/"Spin Charge Jump"- Jumping out of the roll while rolling along the ground after doing Side-special or Down-special.

"SDSH"- Spin Dash Short Hop. If you tap Jump as soon as you hit the ground after landing from the initial hop that occurs when you release side-special (SDH), you will do a smaller version of the SDJ. This can be from a grounded or an aerial side-special. The timing for this is usually very difficult (frame 29 only out of an uncharged side-special used on the ground; frame 30 will give you the regular SDJ, and frame 28 will have Sonic DJ out of the SDH), but if you do a side-special in the air after already having used up your double jump, you can actually hit and hold the jump button anywhere within a 10 frame window before you touch the ground and it will work easily every time.

"ISDJ"- Instant Spin Dash Jump. This is a technique that bypasses much of the animation of side-special to take you straight to doing a spin dash jump (SDJ). Normally if you want to use side special from the ground to do a SDJ, you need to hit side-special, wait for Sonic to curl up into a ball and charge for a moment, then wait for him to hop into the air (SDH) and wait for him to land and finally start rolling along the ground (SDR) before you can press either the attack or the jump button to do a SDJ and launch yourself through the air with a hitbox. The ISDJ skips all of this except for the first 7 frames of Sonic curling up just before he turns into a ball. What you need to do is run (not just dash) hit side-special (you may hold special if you like), then on frame 8 hit the attack button (not the jump button). If you press the attack button 1 frame too early, the input won't register and you'll just do a normal side-special. If you press it 1 frame too late, you'll do a vertical spin dash jump (i.e. you'll jump directly upwards with a hitbox while in a ball). Note that if you hit Backwards on the joystick on frames 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, or 7 then hit attack on frame 8, Sonic will do an ISDJ in the direction of the run as usual except he'll be facing backwards. If instead you hit Backwards on frame 4, you'll turn around mid-roll, start rolling back the other way, and if you hit attack on frame 8 you'll do an ISDJ in the opposite direction of your initial run.

"Spinshot"- This refers to using Sonic's side-special to propel Sonic's double jump forward at a speed and distance not normally possible (so yes, it requires that you still have your DJ). To do this, either hold side-special for a short period of time such that releasing the special button will result in an immediate action then at any point release the special button, only, the very moment (i.e. the same frame) that you release the special button, hit either the attack or jump button. If you hit attack/jump a frame before you release the special button, you'll double jump in place when performed in the air, or you'll do a vertical spin dash jump (VSDJ) when performed on the ground. If you hit either attack or jump a frame after you release the special button, you'll do what looks like a regular double jump forwards.

"BSBS"/"Brawl Spring Bug Stance"/"Bull ** Bull **"- This is the term used to describe the mechanic/'state' that makes you unable to use your double jump in different ways and for different reasons after having used side-special or down-special. You cannot use a double jump out of a 'SDJ'/'SCJ' if you started the 'SD' or 'SC' in the air, regardless of whether you released it in the air or on the ground. If however you roll off the edge of a platform or the stage and don't do the 'SDJ'/'SCJ', you will be able to double jump. If however, instead of just doing the 'SD'/'SC' in the air you do it in the air and after you've used up your double jump, rolling off the edge will not give you your double jump back. If you use SC in the air then cancel it with shield upon landing, you will retain the 'state' (BSBS) of having used an aerial SC the next time you use a SDR or SCR unless you jump then land at any point before doing the SDR/SCR as the jump will cancel out the 'state'. Similarly, if you start a SD/SC on the ground, go into a SDR/SCR then do a SDJ/SCJ, if you then fast fall without doing anything else, upon landing you will enter the same 'state' in which the game treats you as if you have just done an aerial SD/SC, so the next time you do a SDJ/SCJ, you will be unable to use your double jump unless you break out of the 'state' by jumping and landing. If you do an ASD/ASC then go into a SDR/SCR and let it roll until you stop, you will have entered into the BSBS 'state'. The effect can be sort of stacked as well. For example, if you enter the 'state' of BSBS by any means then do a SDJ/SCJ and fast fall it without doing anything else, if you then do a SDR/SCR and roll of the edge of the stage or a platform, you will not get to do a double jump, just as if you had used a SD/SC in the air after having used your double jump.

"DDP"/"Dash Dance Pivot"- This is what the Sonic's have coined the combination of using foxtrots and dash dances. Essentially, you can foxtrot in one direction, initiate another dash in the same direction then immediately hit backwards (a single dash dance) and then you can use that backward input as a foxtrot, then rinse and repeat. The effect can be much like Dash dancing was in Melee. Naturally, every character can do this, but the term 'DDP' seems to be used almost solely by Sonic mains.

"Steak"- This term, originally accidentally introduced by KirbyandSonicRock14 (KASR) can mean a variety of things. It is often used in the phrase 'winning steak' in which it means 'streak'. 'Steaked' can be used to mean something like 'pwned'. There is even a usage where 'steak' simply refers to Sonic, as in 'the blue steak'. Of course, it's entirely possible that in context 'steak' simply means 'a slice of high quality meat, typically the hindquarters of a cow'.

":093:"- A famous Sonic main spammer (Boxob) used to use the haunter smiley at the end of all his posts. When he was permabanned his fellow Sonic mains started doing the same as a form of protest. He was eventually allowed to come back, but many Sonic mains still carry on the tradition to this day.

For a more extensive moveset breakdown, please visit @Sonic Orochi's Moveset Thread.
  • Includes frame data, damage %'s, & more!
& Knuckles


[Jtails: Sonic Competitive Tutorial feat. Camalange]


Question & Answer:
Q: Can Sonic still "Spinshot"?
A: Yes!

Q: What exactly is a "Spinshot"?
A: Spinshot is an AT (Advanced Technique) that allows Sonic to jump through the air while retaining the momentum of his ground speed.

Q: How do I shot spin?
A: You can Spinshot from Sonic's Side-B (Spin Dash) on the ground and in the air, and with Sonic's Down-B (Spin Charge) in the air. This tech was first discovered in Brawl and returned in both Smash 4 and Ultimate. The technique requires you inputting jump or attack at or past a certain point during their charge. C-Stick can also be used, if the conditions are met. It cannot be done once Spin Dash is fully charged (when his aura turns yellow) unless you are airborne.

Down-B Spinshot was made significantly more difficult to do in Ultimate than previous iterations. The input is closer to frame perfect, and success has been found by setting L or R to Jump to do it more efficiently.

Recommended [only?] input(s):

  • Ground/Air:
[Partially Hold] [Fully Charge*] :GCR:/:GCL:+:GCB:> [Release] :GCB: > [Tap] :GCA: (Attack) or :GCY:/:GCX:(Jump) or [Flick] :GCCL:/:GCCD:/:GCCR: **

[ * ]
[ ** ]

  • Air:
[Partially Charge] :GCD:+:GCB:> [Release] :GCB: > [Tap] :GCA: (Attack) or :GCY:/:GCX:(Jump) or:GCLT:/ :GCRT: (Jump)* [Flick] :GCCL:/:GCCD:/:GCCR:

* Only works if airborne
** C-Stick only works if controls are switched from Smash to Tilt.
Easier if L or R is set to Jump.

There's also the Double Spinshot, which sounds more glamorous than it is. By using a directional airdodge right before you touch the ground, it refreshes your double jump and allows you to perform a second Spinshot.

Details: https://smashboards.com/threads/dou...ir-dodge-double-jump-refresh-spinshot.472200/

Q: Can you still Instant Spin Dash Jump (ISDJ)?
A: No.

Q: What was ISDJ?

Q: What is BSBS (Brawl Spring Bug Stance aka Brawl Spring Bull Sh*t aka Bull Sh*t Bull Sh*t...)?
A: This is the mechanic will you learn to despise and will want to call by it's third listed title, because that's precisely what it is.

This mechanic correlates to how Spin Dash/Spin Charge roll stores your double jump. In a normal situation, you can enter a Spin Dash Roll/Charge Roll, do a Spin Dash/Charge Roll, and double jump out of it. However, now, if you start a Spin Dash/Charge from a jump or in the air, enter a Spin Dash/Charge Roll, then Spin Dash/Charge Jump, you are left unable to double jump out. This can lead to many unwanted suicides offstage, or just putting you in general unsafe situations where you are trapped in your spin. This can be negated however by rolling off a ledge (instead of going into a Spin Dash/Charge Jump), making you airborn again, which will give you a double jump.

So yeah, it's bull sh*t.

Q: Can Sonic shield cancel his Down-B (Spin Charge)?
A: No. You can no longer shield cancel his Down-B, including but not limited to ASCSC (Aerial Spin Charge Shield Cancel).

Q: Can Sonic still shield cancel his Side-B (Spin Dash)?
A: No.

Q: Can Spin Dash Roll (SDR) and Spin Charge Roll (SCR) still be jump-canceled on slopes?
A: Yes! Try pressing jump during a SDR or SCR on stages with slopes such as Corneria, Green Hill Zone, or the bridge on Wuhu Island. Sonic will return completely to neutral state while still maintaining some of his momentum from the SDR or SCR.

Q: So... What's the difference between Down-B and Side-B?
A: Coming Soon

Q: Is there a God?

Q: Why do some of you talk about steak and end posts with Haunter?
A: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/winning-steak-093

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May 12, 2008
Switch FC
Please be patient as I start rehauling this. For now it will at least serve as a jumping point and a place for anyone new to ask questions!



Sep 9, 2014
JUPITER (Midwest)
Switch FC
For the sake of having it out there in the open, here are the following things that I and others within the Sonic Discord have discovered:

Most, if not all, methods of activating S4 BSBS fail to work. The DJ -> ASD / ASC -> activation tree, for example, will now still keep your double jump on subsequent spin specials

I'll try and get footage of it soon, if no one has done it yet!

along with that, ISDJ is still very possible, but it isn't what it was in Smash 4

Sonic now rears forward in a more stilted, upward angle-- but one that is different from a VSJ. This new form of the tech can still be b reversed and pivot / turned around too! I've yet to test confirms out of it, although confirming into fair may be a safe bet
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Smash Rookie
Dec 22, 2018
As a beginner, I'd like to have some tips on kill moves for Sonic if possible. I'm usually able to get my opponent up to 100%, sometimes 150%, but then I'm always lost on how to finish them off as Sonic.

Some background, I've been playing Smash as Sonic casually since Brawl. Never really learned anything on a competitive level about the character but I want to now. My strategy in the old games pretty much revolved around just rolling a lot and going for a Fsmash to kill, but I want to leave that behind and understand the game a bit more on a deeper level. Any tips on that front would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
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Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Get people off stage with a quick punish like f-tilt, grabs or dash attack and follow up to finish them off or launch them up with up with up throw or nair and try to follow up with b-air.

Chasing people off the top with uair is...worth trying sometimes, but I find there are a ton of dangerous down airs in this game.

In any case, you should be looking for combos and set ups where you can "read" your opponent and finish them off while they are already closer to the blast zone. Sonic isn't so stellar at killing center stage.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2008
Louisville, Ky
Yo, so dumb question, what are some great approach options I can use? *BTW I am coming back from the brawl competitive scene and I didn't really use Sonic in Smash 4*

ALSO glad to see Camalange is still doing this! It's nice to see new people and old in this thread all over again!
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2009
Nashville TN, US
Probably want to add B-reversal to our lineup of things to learn. Shoutout to Espy for incorporating B-Reverse into his HA. Really helps offstage to bring you closer to the opponent for a Bair.

(Prince) Shadow

Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2005
Etten-Leur, The Netherlands
Nice video's, but isn't that Smash4 stuff? Tried the BSBS to learn what not to do, but I always retain my doublejump in Ultimate. It's kinda confusing.

I did found out you can cancel charging side-b while in the air with a jump. But it will always be straight up. Can't DI it until after the apex of the jump.

While charging side-b on the ground, you can jump while you keep charging. You can't double jump out of it, though.

I don't know if these are common knowlage. I skipped Smash4.


Sep 9, 2014
JUPITER (Midwest)
Switch FC
As a beginner, I'd like to have some tips on kill moves for Sonic if possible. I'm usually able to get my opponent up to 100%, sometimes 150%, but then I'm always lost on how to finish them off as Sonic.

Some background, I've been playing Smash as Sonic casually since Brawl. Never really learned anything on a competitive level about the character but I want to now. My strategy in the old games pretty much revolved around just rolling a lot and going for a Fsmash to kill, but I want to leave that behind and understand the game a bit more on a deeper level. Any tips on that front would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
when you eventually get your openings and have your opponent in disadvantageous positions, try and utilize ftilt and fsmash! fsmash isolated on it's can be quite risky in neutral but when your opponent has to land or is in situations where they have limited resources (ledge, wasted double jumps etc), it's easier to land and line up! this is a similar case with ftilt, while being significantly weaker but safer

back air could be utilized here too! also, when recovering, despite not being an immediate kill move, springs can be placed off stage to punish anticipated offstage jumps (which can be critical to certain characters' recoveries!.. or even make it easier to land deadly offstage fair / back airs)

by the way folks, SC can still be spinshotted! this has been rumored to be the case for quite a while BUT WE NOW HAVE SOME PHYSICAL, TANGIBLE EVIDENCE

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Smash Rookie
Dec 22, 2018
Quick question: how do you get Sonic's Dair to actually spike people downwards? When I try to use it offstage, it usually just hits people to the side.


Sep 9, 2014
JUPITER (Midwest)
Switch FC
How do i spinstool properly for the spin roll -> dair spike combo?

spin roll, as of now, no longer sets up into foot stool

the combo most reminiscent of it is found in SDH -> FS at around 0%

no issue though, spin charge dair seems to work around low - mid percents


Smash Rookie
Dec 11, 2018
I can't seem to spin shot... I don't really know how spin shot looks like in ultimate in the first place.


Sep 9, 2014
JUPITER (Midwest)
Switch FC
I can't seem to spin shot... I don't really know how spin shot looks like in ultimate in the first place.

side special spinshot, the method considerably easier than down special's, is done by briefly charging spin dash and QUICKLY (really, immediately) flicking the cstick or pressing the a button

consider possibly practicing in slower timings!

down b's inputs consist of jumping the same frame or.. somewhat close at least.. as release
shoulder button jump assignments can take some stress of your thumb! and charging slightly can make it easier to mentally frame the timing (NOTE: also keep in mind spin charge's spinshot is only possible in the air)

Quick question: how do you get Sonic's Dair to actually spike people downwards? When I try to use it offstage, it usually just hits people to the side.
it could possibly go deeper, but the conditions I've personally discovered go as follows: make sure the character is directly under your foot AND that they're getting hit by the early frames of the move
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Smash Rookie
Apr 7, 2015
Light years from facing Brock!
Is C-bouncing Sonic's spindash still possible? Haven't been able to pull it off with anyone yet.
If so is it still a decent mixup option?
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May 12, 2008
Switch FC
Most, if not all, methods of activating S4 BSBS fail to work. The DJ -> ASD / ASC -> activation tree, for example, will now still keep your double jump on subsequent spin specials
Good to know, I haven't really tested BSBS yet.
along with that, ISDJ is still very possible, but it isn't what it was in Smash 4

Sonic now rears forward in a more stilted, upward angle-- but one that is different from a VSJ. This new form of the tech can still be b reversed and pivot / turned around too! I've yet to test confirms out of it, although confirming into fair may be a safe bet
Ehh you sure? I don't think it's technically an ISDJ. I've done something similar but calling it ISDJ seems inaccurate. Might need to see what you're doing and if it's different from what I got.
ALSO glad to see Camalange is still doing this! It's nice to see new people and old in this thread all over again!
Thank you! Hope to get this in better shape.
Nice video's, but isn't that Smash4 stuff? Tried the BSBS to learn what not to do, but I always retain my doublejump in Ultimate. It's kinda confusing.

I did found out you can cancel charging side-b while in the air with a jump. But it will always be straight up. Can't DI it until after the apex of the jump.

While charging side-b on the ground, you can jump while you keep charging. You can't double jump out of it, though.

I don't know if these are common knowlage. I skipped Smash4.
These are Smash 4 videos, for now. As noted it's a WIP and I'll be gradually updating what we know as we figure it out. For now, I figured I could leave some Smash 4 things in here as reference as it's still a decent jumping point. Sorry for the confusion.
by the way folks, SC can still be spinshotted! this has been rumored to be the case for quite a while BUT WE NOW HAVE SOME PHYSICAL, TANGIBLE EVIDENCE

Updating the thread now. Thank you for clarifying! It's much more frame perfect now, I had a hard time getting it even when setting R to Jump.
How do i spinstool properly for the spin roll -> dair spike combo?
spin roll, as of now, no longer sets up into foot stool

the combo most reminiscent of it is found in SDH -> FS at around 0%

no issue though, spin charge dair seems to work around low - mid percents
Unfortunately appears that Spinstool > Dair isn't a confirm anymore. May remove this from the guide for now. Unless proven otherwise.



Smash Rookie
Dec 11, 2018
What are the advantages of down tilt over jab/side tilt? Is it for starting combos on low percents?


Smash Rookie
Dec 11, 2018
Please use the "edit" feature to avoid double posts
side special spinshot, the method considerably easier than down special's, is done by briefly charging spin dash and QUICKLY (really, immediately) flicking the cstick or pressing the a button
I was practicing, and I really can't know if i'm doin it right.
Anything I can use to know if i'm correct?
Edit: I can now pull off spin shots once in about 3 attempts. Are there any tips for pulling it off consistently? I want to use the B->A button technique if I can cuz my hand isn't used to moving a lot.
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Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2015
Krocodile Kore
Hey guys,

I'm super interested in Sonic for Ultimate. I thought I was going to be dissapointed once again (representation and moveset aside) with him, but oh man, despite the nerfs, I'm having tons of fun with one of my favorite video game characters. I was thinking of picking up Sonic, but I want to understand his new playstyle a bit more. So my question is simple: Is Sonic considered to be a rushdown character in this game? Or is he still a bait-and-punish/mix-up character like in Smash 4?

Item box

Smash Rookie
Jan 10, 2019
So just want to give the heads up.

BSBS is still in, seems to require two platforms like Battlefield.
Double jump and either Spin dash/charge into the top platform > Roll off platform onto left or right platform then turn around to roll off to the center

Loses his double jump after side/down b off the ledge, should have a vid soon.

Tested a bit more and seems to be if he lands during his stop animation during the spin, evident by the smoke effect when you no longer have a jump yet he's on the ground........I'm so tired of this bug lol
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May 12, 2008
Switch FC
The vid doesn't show the example of how this was able to happen, could you demonstrate?



Sep 9, 2014
JUPITER (Midwest)
Switch FC
I'm having some trouble b-reversing the homing attack....any tips?
The issue is likely stemming from the fact that it isn't quite a B-reverse, rather a "turnaround-B", which is done by flicking the direction you aren't facing and then pressing special

Item box

Smash Rookie
Jan 10, 2019
If he lands during the stop animation after a double jump Spin he can't jump out of a Spin Dash/Charge if it goes offstage. The game still thinks he's in the air evident with the no jumps left "aura" after he lands.

This doesn't happen if he lands during ball form just the classic stopping animation, that's the bug. Normal jumping and landing fixes it.


As of 3.0.0 this was fixed.......actually surprised.
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May 12, 2008
Switch FC
If he lands during the stop animation after a double jump Spin he can't jump out of a Spin Dash/Charge if it goes offstage. The game still thinks he's in the air evident with the no jumps left "aura" after he lands.

This doesn't happen if he lands during ball form just the classic stopping animation, that's the bug. Normal jumping and landing fixes it.


As of 3.0.0 this was fixed.......actually surprised.
Wait so is BSBS finally defeated??

Also hi everyone
I think that was the last remnant of BSBS, so seems so!



Smash Journeyman
Apr 26, 2014
When should I use Spin Charge over Spin Dash and vice-versa?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2019
Switch FC
So this might be a dumb question, but when does the homing attack lock on? Like does it have dead zones or different ranges depending on the direction? I ask because on occasion it doesn't work and I SD.
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