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Sonic Generations - You're too sloooow if you haven't bought this game yet!

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
3DS Generations confirmed to have 7 zones only, as opposed to 9 in the consoles.

So a wild guess, but I'm thinking the game lineup from where the stages are coming from will be Sonic 1, 2, 3&K, Advance, Advance 2, Advance 3, and Rush/Rush Adventure.

You may go on a rampage now.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Yeah, this is a problem that extends well beyond Sonic's fanbase and is rather prevalent in Nintendo's. Nostalgic elitists seem to think that their generation is the only one that matters and get upset when things aren't the way they where when they were kids, while ignoring that there is a whole different generation that grew up on the newer games.
Yeah man, it annoys me when all the games these days seem to suck because they aren't like before. Sonic sucks because he doesn't have an attitude, Mario sucks because it isn't SM64, Zelda sucks now because it isn't OoT/MM, etc.

I have to agree here. Humans in Sonic games tend to be pretty weak on top to of that. I would like the games to be similar to the comics in the sense that the only human characters with a major roll are Robotnick and sometimes GUN, as you said.
Yeah man, because when you start involving humans in Sonic, it really starts getting awkward. Especially when Sonic ends up having a romantic relationship with one of them. He's literally almost her size. I honestly don't like it when Sonic is directly next to a human. It reminds me he's too abnormally large for an animal and it makes me feel weird.

SEGA seems to want to stick with the writers from Colors for future Sonic games, since Generations will be penned by them. Hopefully the more and more comfortable they get with the characters the better the humor will get. I already like their approach to the Sonic universe and I like their angle on the characters. Oh, and the new voice actors are awesome and I can't wait to see who they get for all of the other characters.
As long as they focus on the gameplay more than the story, I'm good tbh

Sonic '06 was already written out of Sonic cannon, which basically leaves them open to do whatever they want with Silver. I just hope his new voice and characterization will be good.
And thank goodness. Maybe the guys at the Sonic Team realized how much of a ****fest of a game they made so they just did the whole dream thing to make it so that they could recon the story later

Knuckles is the blackest person in all of Sonic.
Hell yeah, nobody can be blacker than Knuckles it's impossible

3DS Generations confirmed to have 7 zones only, as opposed to 9 in the consoles.

So a wild guess, but I'm thinking the game lineup from where the stages are coming from will be Sonic 1, 2, 3&K, Advance, Advance 2, Advance 3, and Rush/Rush Adventure.

You may go on a rampage now.

Was never keen on the Rush series tbh


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
Yeah man, it annoys me when all the games these days seem to suck because they aren't like before. Sonic sucks because he doesn't have an attitude, Mario sucks because it isn't SM64, Zelda sucks now because it isn't OoT/MM, etc.
But the last console Zelda WAS pretty much OoT and it sucked.

And the Mario Galaxy games are some of the best reviewed modern games around.

Modern Sonic games suck because they suck, oddly enough, not because "Sonic's personality changed".


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
But the last console Zelda WAS pretty much OoT and it sucked.

And the Mario Galaxy games are some of the best reviewed modern games around.
Reviews and public opinion tend to differ.

Modern Sonic games suck because they suck, oddly enough, not because "Sonic's personality changed".
Yeah, this is sadly the case. Although if you ask certain members of Sonic's insane fan base they'll say otherwise.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
But the last console Zelda WAS pretty much OoT and it sucked.

And the Mario Galaxy games are some of the best reviewed modern games around.

Modern Sonic games suck because they suck, oddly enough, not because "Sonic's personality changed".
I've seen people commentate how TP sucks and how those DS games suck because they weren't OoT and thus they are bad

The same thing with SMG. While the first one was a decent game IMO (with the second one feeling pretty mediocre for me), people don't like it because it isn't the Mario they grew up with. There's no peach's castle or anything so thus it sucks

And have you seen some of the crazier sonic fans? They say that Sonic lost his 'tude or whatever and as such the game sucks and no reason but that one only. That's also one of the reasons that Sonic 4 "sucked" because Sonic doesn't have an idle animation where he's pisses off at the player for taking so long


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair

Reviews and public opinion tend to differ.

Yeah, this is sadly the case. Although if you ask certain members of Sonic's insane fan base they'll say otherwise.
I have explained at incredible length my problems with TP at least forty times in the Zelda forum, which I believe you frequent now and then. It has nothing to do with fanboyism. Your mock-anger also doesn't work because I wasn't angry at all in my post, just telling the truth.

and Mario Galaxy 2 is the greatest game ever made, beside Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon and Silent Hill 2, and coincidentally, Sonic 3 and Knuckles!


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I have explained at incredible length my problems with TP at least forty times in the Zelda forum, which I believe you frequent now and then. It has nothing to do with fanboyism. Your mock-anger also doesn't work because I wasn't angry at all in my post, just telling the truth.
I kind of abandoned the LoZ forums shortly after the announcement of SWS when I got tired of people throwing ***** fits because the game had committed the vile sin of not being OoT. And if I recall, most of your complaints about TP revolve around it not being like Alttp.

and Mario Galaxy 2 is the greatest game ever made, beside Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon and Silent Hill 2, and coincidentally, Sonic 3 and Knuckles!
I disagree with this statement.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Mario Galaxy 2 was not the greatest game ever made because it barely improved on it's predecessor, I've never heard of Mystical Ninja and I was too young to play SH2 without ****ting my pants, and Sonic 3 and Knuckles was basically an expansion pack of Sonic 3 that lets you use Knuckles as well. If you wanted to do that you might as well just have done Sonic & Knuckles, which is a million times better than Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

Which reminds me, how do the stories of these levels intertwine with Generations? I'm not sure why GUN would come back for Sonic in City Escape again since A. they haven't been in a video game since Shadow the Hedgehog (not counting that Shadow's story in 06 was him doing work for them) and B. they don't have any reason to start chasing after Sonic again after they've realized that they had the wrong hedgehog :/


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
I kind of abandoned the LoZ forums shortly after the announcement of SWS when I got tired of people throwing ***** fits because the game had committed the vile sin of not being OoT. And if I recall, most of your complaints about TP revolve around it not being like Alttp.

I disagree with this statement.
Well, you recall incorrectly then. oh well, good day!

and fuelbi, what a sad life it must be to never have been graced by Mystical Ninja


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
To be honest, I've been wanting to try Sonic Shuffle. I've heard negative things about it, but I still wanna try it.
Its worth playing at least once just for the sake of seeing a bit of Sonic's forgotten history. Honestly, it has the potential to be a good game if SEGA were to make a sequel that improved upon the good things and cut out everything that didn't work.

Which reminds me, how do the stories of these levels intertwine with Generations? I'm not sure why GUN would come back for Sonic in City Escape again since A. they haven't been in a video game since Shadow the Hedgehog (not counting that Shadow's story in 06 was him doing work for them) and B. they don't have any reason to start chasing after Sonic again after they've realized that they had the wrong hedgehog :/
Sonic cannon is about as loose as a 50-year-old hooker. Don't think about it anything will be okay.

Well, you recall incorrectly then. oh well, good day!
Damn shame. Oh well.

EDIT: The thing that annoys me the most about Mario Galaxy 2 is that Nintendo is the only company on earth that can get away with releasing what amounts to an expansion pack for full price without getting **** for it while gaining perfect scores from everyone. If Blizzard had changed nothing about Frozen Throne and released it as Warcraft IV for full price then **** would have gone down and everyone would have been pissed at them but since Nintendo does it its automatically okay. Its BS.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Not going to get into this debate aside from saying that I thoroughly enjoyed TP a whole lot more than OoT, OoT Forest Temple and Shadow Temple excluded.

Which reminds me, how do the stories of these levels intertwine with Generations? I'm not sure why GUN would come back for Sonic in City Escape again since A. they haven't been in a video game since Shadow the Hedgehog (not counting that Shadow's story in 06 was him doing work for them) and B. they don't have any reason to start chasing after Sonic again after they've realized that they had the wrong hedgehog :/
The two Sonics are traveling through time to the levels, since the Time Eater is ripping the timeline apart, so the two Sonics are running through a level around the same time they did before. i.e. the Sonics are running through City Escape in one section of the city, whereas Sonic's incarnation in SA2 is elsewhere in the city at the same time, and they just never intersect paths at the same time.

That's the only thing that could make sense in canon, as Sky Sanctuary was destroyed after Knuckles fought Mecha Sonic.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Its worth playing at least once just for the sake of seeing a bit of Sonic's forgotten history. Honestly, it has the potential to be a good game if SEGA were to make a sequel that improved upon the good things and cut out everything that didn't work.

Sonic cannon is about as loose as a 50-year-old hooker. Don't think about it anything will be okay.

Damn shame. Oh well.

EDIT: The thing that annoys me the most about Mario Galaxy 2 is that Nintendo is the only company on earth that can get away with releasing what amounts to an expansion pack for full price without getting **** for it while gaining perfect scores from everyone. If Blizzard had changed nothing about Frozen Throne and released it as Warcraft IV for full price then **** would have gone down and everyone would have been pissed at them but since Nintendo does it its automatically okay. Its BS.
You also forget about Valve. They have half a million Half Life expansion packs but nobody gives a **** about them either and eat it up

Granted they tell the story from a different perspective, but some of them are shorter than others and it's basically a marketing ploy to leech as much about HL1 as possible. There's also the HL2 expansion packs, though they aren't the same thing over and over again

Not going to get into this debate aside from saying that I thoroughly enjoyed TP a whole lot more than OoT, OoT Forest Temple and Shadow Temple excluded.

The two Sonics are traveling through time to the levels, since the Time Eater is ripping the timeline apart, so the two Sonics are running through a level around the same time they did before. i.e. the Sonics are running through City Escape in one section of the city, whereas Sonic's incarnation in SA2 is elsewhere in the city at the same time, and they just never intersect paths at the same time.

That's the only thing that could make sense in canon, as Sky Sanctuary was destroyed after Knuckles fought Mecha Sonic.
So the enemy in this game is Time Eater? Any idea on what he looks like?

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
No art or details on who the Time Eater is, but speculation about it is on fire.

The Time Eater hasn't been officially announced by SEGA yet by name; "Time Eater" was located in the game's coding when the demo was hacked.

The only pieces of info to go on is that the Time Eater is capable of dismantling the timeline, leaving holes everywhere and sapping areas of its color, and, if a May issue of a magazine is anything to go by, the Time Eater is directly responsible for the events transpiring in every game since Sonic Adventure.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Whoa, so it's Time Eater's fault Chaos nearly destroyed the world, Final Hazard nearly blew up the Earth, Shadow became emo, Metal Sonic turned badass, Sonic got tangled in a bestiality story line, Sonic became a dog, and Sonic saved an entire species of aliens?

Pretty neat, although isn't it Eggman who did all that? I'm pretty happy that the enemy in this game isn't Eggman for a change tbh


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2009
Sidemoon Sidemoon. Welc welc ome welc omeome.
EDIT: The thing that annoys me the most about Mario Galaxy 2 is that Nintendo is the only company on earth that can get away with releasing what amounts to an expansion pack for full price without getting **** for it while gaining perfect scores from everyone. If Blizzard had changed nothing about Frozen Throne and released it as Warcraft IV for full price then **** would have gone down and everyone would have been pissed at them but since Nintendo does it its automatically okay. Its BS.
When Activision and Call of Duty (or EA and Madden) do this yearly, is it any surprise anyone else (like Nintendo and Mario Galaxy) would do that at least once?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2011
San Diego, CA
The only pieces of info to go on is that the Time Eater is capable of dismantling the timeline, leaving holes everywhere and sapping areas of its color, and, if a May issue of a magazine is anything to go by, the Time Eater is directly responsible for the events transpiring in every game since Sonic Adventure.

Seriously? What?

Sooooo, the TE was responsible for more than 300 routes Shadow took, all at the same time apparently, in just a few days?

And the whole Sonic+Elise thing?
AND Chip's mystery chocolate?
And Shahra and Merlina?
And Emerl?
And...hmm, what else...

I swear, for that last one alone (and the Sonic+Elise romance) I will kill and destroy the TE.

Did I sound like a 10-year old there?


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
yeah you kinda did

Only slightly though. I agree with you though he has to be punished for Sonic 06 and Olympic games if that's cannon


Smash Hero
Dec 1, 2009
I want more music, dammit.
I love the classic mixes of these songs so far.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Sega has been making bad games on purpose in order to make the Time Eater be the perfect villain. Everyone hates him already.
Holy **** man that actually made me laugh outside my head lol.

I didn't realize SEGA had been planning for this holy ****


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Whoa, so it's Time Eater's fault Chaos nearly destroyed the world, Final Hazard nearly blew up the Earth, Shadow became emo, Metal Sonic turned badass, Sonic got tangled in a bestiality story line, Sonic became a dog, and Sonic saved an entire species of aliens?
The presence of a Time controlling entity certainly explains Sonic's very loose and inconsistent cannon. Hopefully this game will end in a full on continuity reboot.

Pretty neat, although isn't it Eggman who did all that? I'm pretty happy that the enemy in this game isn't Eggman for a change tbh
Yeah, I'm sick of how often they use Robotnick as the bad guy.

Like in Sonic Adventure when his armada was blown up by Perfect Chaos making Chaos the real villain in the end.

Or like in SA2 when it turns out the real reason behind the game's crisis is actually the twisted legacy of Robotnick's grandfather who used him to get the ARK to crash into the earth, thus making his grandpa the real bad guy.

Or how about the time in Sonic Heroes when he was actually imprisoned the entire game and Metal Sonic was causing all of the chaos?

And lets not forget when he was completely thrown aside so Black Doom could stand in as the main antagonist.

And how can anyone forget when he made the same exact mistake with Dark Gaia as he did with Chaos?

tl;dr: The last time Robotnick was ever the real villain was in Sonic Colors, aside from that he's been tossed aside for someone else ever since SA1.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Eggman has been the central villain in every game aside from ShTH, Finalark. He just gets upstaged at the last minute by an even greater threat.

The plot of Sonic Adventure pre-Super Sonic's story revolves around Sonic and co. trying to stop Eggman from destroying Station Square with his Egg Carrier and Chaos so he can build Eggmanland in its place.

Sonic Adventure 2, he's presented as the villain all the way until the self-destruct program that Gerald installed activates. Shadow wasn't even aware of this secret program, only knowing that the Eclipse Cannon can be used as a legitimate threat and as a leverage of power for Eggman.

Sonic Heroes, everyone is led to believe he's the main villain until skepticism arrives when Metal Sonic reveals himself at the end of the Egg Albatross fight.

Sonic 06, he's one of the major villains alongside Mephiles and Iblis, and the star villain in Sonic's story.

Sonic Unleashed, Eggman successfully proves that he can defeat Super Sonic, just as he did with his Big Arm machine years ago, manages to awaken Gaia, and as Sonic is wondering the earth trying to resuscitate the Chaos Emeralds, Eggman manages to harness Dark Gaia's power using his machinery so he can use them as a main force, and finally accomplishes his goal of founding Eggmanland.

Point is, an argument can be made that Eggman WAS the real villain, or at least the central one, in these games. He's just not the final one in most of them, as he gets upstaged by a more looming threat.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
There's no evidence that Eggman is a central villain this time around. He could just be an unwilling pawn for Time Eater. As of right now, the only instance we know of about Modern Eggman appearing is during Unleashed's timeline, piloting the Egg Dragoon as a boss battle. This Eggman from 2008 may not even have a clue as to what the hell is going on in Generation's story.

As of right now, Eggman's role in Generations is equivalent to his role in Heroes; in that, he's not really playing a part. Instead, a new villain is taking center stage and keeping it throughout the whole game, which is what I think Fuelbi was saying.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
The presence of a Time controlling entity certainly explains Sonic's very loose and inconsistent cannon. Hopefully this game will end in a full on continuity reboot.

Yeah, I'm sick of how often they use Robotnick as the bad guy.

Like in Sonic Adventure when his armada was blown up by Perfect Chaos making Chaos the real villain in the end.

Or like in SA2 when it turns out the real reason behind the game's crisis is actually the twisted legacy of Robotnick's grandfather who used him to get the ARK to crash into the earth, thus making his grandpa the real bad guy.

Or how about the time in Sonic Heroes when he was actually imprisoned the entire game and Metal Sonic was causing all of the chaos?

And lets not forget when he was completely thrown aside so Black Doom could stand in as the main antagonist.

And how can anyone forget when he made the same exact mistake with Dark Gaia as he did with Chaos?

tl;dr: The last time Robotnick was ever the real villain was in Sonic Colors, aside from that he's been tossed aside for someone else ever since SA1.
Besides Black Doom I think (I never played Shadow), Eggman WAS the cause for all of this to happen though. If Eggman never awakened Chaos, the world would've almost been destroyed. If Eggman hadn't sought Shadow and the Eclipse Cannon, Final Hazard wouldn't have awakened and attempted to destroy earth. Eggman was an unwilling pawn in Metal Sonic's scheme in Sonic Heroes and technically it's Eggman's fault for inventing Metal Sonic in the first place. Eggman, although not the central villain, was Sonic's villain for the game AND he was trying to awaken Solaris if that counts for anything. I never played Unleashed, but I'm pretty sure it's Eggman's fault for awakening Gaia, and finally in Sonic Colors he nearly wiped out an entire race of aliens in genocide to rule the world.

tl;dr: Although Eggman wasn't the biggest threat per se, he was the catalyst for these events to occur.

There's no evidence that Eggman is a central villain this time around. He could just be an unwilling pawn for Time Eater. As of right now, the only instance we know of about Modern Eggman appearing is during Unleashed's timeline, piloting the Egg Dragoon as a boss battle. This Eggman from 2008 may not even have a clue as to what the hell is going on in Generation's story.

As of right now, Eggman's role in Generations is equivalent to his role in Heroes; in that, he's not really playing a part. Instead, a new villain is taking center stage and keeping it throughout the whole game, which is what I think Fuelbi was saying.
Yeah pretty much man, I honestly want a game where Eggman isn't the villain for once. As a character? Sure, but I sure as hell don't want him piloting any machines against Sonic (well actually he does, but at this point we're not completely sure what Eggman is doing in the Egg Dragoon or what classic Eggman, if I'm correct, is doing piloting whatever machine he's gonna try to kill Sonic with) and for once I want an entirely new threat that isn't some monster that Eggman awakens but then loses control of so he becomes a good guy in the end. It's been done in every game since SA1 bar Shadow and I'm getting tired of him

That said, now I'm very interested in what Eggman from 06, if at all, might be doing in this game. I mean the game has a level from 06 so I'm assuming that his hyper realisticness would appear in this game as well right?


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
and for once I want an entirely new threat that isn't some monster that Eggman awakens but then loses control of so he becomes a good guy in the end. It's been done in every game since SA1 bar Shadow and I'm getting tired of him.
Basically this is what I was saying I was tired of. The only recent game where that didn't happen was Colors. :/

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
GamesMaster magazine has given a release date for SG for around November 22.

And the magazine has some scans of Generations footage. I could be wrong because the scan is kind bad and I'm viewing it through my iPhone, but I think one of the scans has Classic Sonic up close to Perfect Chaos's face, bashing its eyeball.

So yeah, remember the Perfect Chaos that was shown in the opening to Sonic Adventure? Yeah, that's the Chaos the Sonics are fighting.



Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
A fight with perfect Chaos? Sounds awesome. Can't wait to see how the handle the SA stages and if there will be any more SA2 stages.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
I think there will be in DLC

You know how many people including myself would eat up DLC levels? Metal Harbor DLC? Yessssssssss



Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2011
San Diego, CA
I think there will be in DLC

You know how many people including myself would eat up DLC levels? Metal Harbor DLC? Yessssssssss

If BF3, Skyrim, MW3, Uncharted 3, Saints Row 3, Arkham City, and other T-M rated games aren't already destroying people's financial stability (whatever left they have of it), then they MIGHT buy the DLC.

Let's face it, Sonic Generations is one of FEW E-rated games coming out in late 2011. NBA 2K12 aside (lockout phail), that's probably all that's coming out (alongside Skyward Sword). Not only that, its sales might get eaten away by the games mentioned above.

But as for us who know that buying multiple games WORKS, we'll eat up the DLC. I can't see a Modern Metal Harbor (it was more twisty and turny than his speed allows him to run on), but I'd buy it anyways.

BTW, Stardust Speed FTW. I want to pwn Metal Sonic as Modern Sonic this time.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
If BF3, Skyrim, MW3, Uncharted 3, Saints Row 3, Arkham City, and other T-M rated games aren't already destroying people's financial stability (whatever left they have of it), then they MIGHT buy the DLC.

Let's face it, Sonic Generations is one of FEW E-rated games coming out in late 2011. NBA 2K12 aside (lockout phail), that's probably all that's coming out (alongside Skyward Sword). Not only that, its sales might get eaten away by the games mentioned above.

But as for us who know that buying multiple games WORKS, we'll eat up the DLC. I can't see a Modern Metal Harbor (it was more twisty and turny than his speed allows him to run on), but I'd buy it anyways.

BTW, Stardust Speed FTW. I want to pwn Metal Sonic as Modern Sonic this time.
Thank God I'm not interested in any of those games so I have plenty of money to buy DLC for this game if they make it

And if you ask me that could work to sonic's advantage. Perhaps just make the level a bit more straightforward than having to be so twisty. Even then there's plenty of twisty levels that modern Sonic games have had that worked out pretty well like that level in Colors where you're running along a bridge that's constantly materializing as you run along it in space (can't remember the level name lol). Sure that part was more of a roller coaster, but nobody complained about it right?

But yeah man I'd eat up DLC for this game so badly like you don't even know. I'd even eat up music DLC for this game. Idgaf if it's overpriced because it's Sonic music and who doesn't want to hear more remixes?


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
If BF3, Skyrim, MW3, Uncharted 3, Saints Row 3, Arkham City, and other T-M rated games aren't already destroying people's financial stability (whatever left they have of it), then they MIGHT buy the DLC.
Why would the rating affect how much DLC people are buying? Just because a game is rated T or M doesn't mean that people will buy all the DLC for it. And that's a rather juvenile way to look at it IMO.

Let's face it, Sonic Generations is one of FEW E-rated games coming out in late 2011. NBA 2K12 aside (lockout phail), that's probably all that's coming out (alongside Skyward Sword). Not only that, its sales might get eaten away by the games mentioned above.
Again, what does a rating have to do with the quality of a game? If a game is well advertised and well received most (smart) people will buy it regardless of the rating.

But as for us who know that buying multiple games WORKS, we'll eat up the DLC. I can't see a Modern Metal Harbor (it was more twisty and turny than his speed allows him to run on), but I'd buy it anyways.
Buying multiple games works...? Not sure what you're saying there. Anyway, I rarely buy DLC unless its on sale regardless of what game its for.

EDIT: Although every game you listed aside from MW3 and Saint's Row interest me.
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