I've been trying to notice some positives over the negatives, as there are definitely some in this update for Sonic.
Am I the only one who's overjoyed that Dair is actually a downspike now? I didn't see it in the changelog, but that crap is far more potent than just "downward momentum" like in 3.0. I can now downspike as I would in Sm4sh, if I wish, although, choosing when to use either spike will be the main issue. Either way, upon realizing I've got 2 dspikes with Sonic now, I forgave literally every nerf that he got. Also, I sometimes make the mistake of hastily c-sticking down as a way to escape an onslaught in the air and get back on the ground. The fact that dair is slower means I can more easily pick up on and correct my mistakes if I do this and miss the platform or am already off of the map.
While HA is terrible for recovery without a target, now, it seems like it can be more useful offensively, as it seems like it's even straighter now. I've hit people who were perfectly perpendicular to me without the slightest curve in trajectory. Seriously, I was hitting people who were directly above or below me. I'm pretty sure this didn't happen as much before.
Also, maybe I simply haven't noticed this one before, but I somehow set up SD to where it "carried" my target through it. Upon initially hitting the target, it was knocked back far enough to land right back into SD as it was still travelling.
I feel like Nair is overall just better. I'm landing sweetspot hits so much more of the time and I feel that it's generally a far greater harass tool than it was before.
They diversified the sound effects on each of his "ball" attacks. THANK YOU. Even I was starting to get annoyed by every attack having the same high-pitched whine, and I'm one who loves to do the annoying with Sonic. (I still relentlessly taunt cancel for lols, though >:D)
I'd call Sonic my "true main", as in, regardless of what happens to him, I'll try my best to make the best of him and annoy the ever-living crap out of my friends play him skillfully in the face of any adversity. So, I have to relearn Sonic; that's somewhat unfortunate, but it's kind of a breath of fresh air with this update. I wouldn't necessarily say Sonic was made worse with the nerfs that I saw; I'd say that I've been challenged to find another way to effectively wreck scrubs with him. >:D