The Spook Factor
more breaks are always good. -Shrugs-Boudica: "It wouldn't be my first time rebelling..."
Shamal: "It was the book itself..."
Sakura: "I say good for him, specially if it actually works out"
Gai: "Oh, I'd be happy to do the latter!"
Don: "...May as well"
Lillie: "Honestly, it did take me a while as well to set myself to do it..."
Tetra: "The book itself designed you guys?!"
Believe it or not, it's actually worked for him. Brad can be smart when he cares enough to try.

Amethyst: "Somehow I'm surprised that this is the result..."
We completely understand that. Kn-Knowing what happened, we know that it's a highly personal matter...
-I'm still not sure tbh--OKAY-
Kamui: "I just like seeing new places."
-and people are ready to go rest-
Star: "Like Basel?"
-With many of them packing beach supplies up-
-the kicks clash epically!-
Sothis: "I'm sure he would love to reunite with you." -grins-
Coyle: "Maybe if you stopped being so annoying!"
-one of them rationalizes that Sayori isn't as bad because it was instant, nothing dragging things down or weird creepy psychological horror, just instantly over so quickly they didn't even realize it-
-Susie launches purple axe projectiles at him afterwards, a magic-based attack called Rude Buster--It's manages to at least knock Storious off by a distance, and the kicks keep happening!-
-Mesogog shot a laser right at Byleth's face-
King Hassan: "That woman... She may prove more than thou think..."
The gals be like:
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Natsuki: "...You're still better though"
Sayori: "Wait, what?"
Natsuki: "You just did itin one go rather than wait for us to kill ourselves or wait too long for me to see some stuff..."
The only annoying people around here are obnoxious, power-hungry supervillains like yourself!
--Maybe the Mesogog stuff? I also think there was some more stuff with Koyanskaya getting to Zedd's Megazord that hasn't been continued-
(You mean that Koyanskaya lady?)
Im not surprised that was their conclusion on the matter...