Niko: "E-Even the admiral of this very flying machine has defied orders before?!"
-Finding any antiques she likes?-
Mr. Smiley: "But I gotta keep a smile up if Funland's gonna stay fun!"
And you've had a good life since?
There's some hints that she may have feelings for Elio IIRC, so yeah, that makes sense
Shirou: "Well, I know someone who'd side with her regardless..." -Camilla-
Shamal: "A numver of times to do what's right"
Vita: "Or did loopholes around it"
-Indeed, such as some old wooden dolls-
Gai: "That's admirable!"
Don: "But a little concerning..."
Lillie: "I'd say I have. Studied abroad, went on a journey with my best friend, grew with and married him, had kids, returned to pick up some pieces..."
I'm going with that this world the protagonists of each game were what Masters said (I don't play it, I consulted TV Tropes) so it's Red, Ethan, Brendan, Dawn, Hilbert, Rosa, Serena and Gloria. It's apparently ambigous who was the MC in SM but I'm going with Elio for that reason LOL.
Blake: "Not much I can do other than recon then."
Pandora: "I don't see why not."
Azura: "As if this would get a sequel."
Byleth: "...What is your goal?"
-and it's part of his charm-
Artemis: "Well, that's still important!"
Erika: "Yay then~!"
Sakura: "Unless it was even cheaper"

Maribel: "To understand the supernatural better"
-Indeed, she likes a lot-
Moon: "My pleasure..." -Turns to the machine, then fires a series of magic beams at it-
Susie: "How the hell is a mindless clone with a duplicate sword so strong?!" -Their attacks have each other blow for blow, sparks flying with each one-
-Blocking the shots...but also has a contemplative look upon hearing that-
...You're right. Maybe I don't. But then why are you doing all of this? Is it really true that you just want to be the greatest fighter who ever lived or who ever will be? What do you gain from that?
-I'm just gonna assume Star and the others are still under the effects of Mesogog's headache beams, so she tries to grit through the pain to try and cast a spell...-
-Would anyone see her?-
-Shuriken was able to dodge most of the shots and tries to damage the tanks with Bubble Beam-
-Hurricane wasn't able to dodge one of the shots...but used Substitute to try and escape the damage it would inflict-
What Digi said.
-by getting hit and trying to get back up-
Daisuke: "You okay, buddy?"
Rook: "This is the worst day we've had in a while..."
Coyle: "To show everyone the true value of ARMS, of course!"
Sothis: -had to block it with her arms, forcing her to no longer have a sword near Mesagog's neck-
-it's at this point that Shez decided to take into her inner potential, now looking like her powered-up form-
Shez: "You took too long to kill me. Biiiiig mistake."

Ingrid: -gets close to some and fighting them hand-to hand- "They seem very lacking in that department."

Harleen: "Connected the dots yet?"
-Cronus stopped time. Seeing what Moon was about to do, it diverted its attention from the Code Holders to place some of the Super Sentai copies as meatshields to be hit by her beams, before resuming time-
-The skill be still translated, so they still quite tough Susie-
-Lily would at least try to heal her, but it's difficult with her having the headache too-
-Mesogog showed no impatience. While there was arrogance there, it was more like understanding what was going on, simply firing a normal laser at Shez to see her next move-
-It worked, while the other Assassins tried to dismantle them. One tank however had shot at another-
-Unbeknowst to them, that one was driven by Rumble, who like the other cassette Decepticons infiltrated in-
Rumble: "Take this, you scrap!"
Yukari: "I guess in larger numbers they'd do a little more... If it wasn't us"

-a Grinder tried to ram its weapon at Ingrid while Yukari casually had a bunch of bullets in a circle pattern advance towards others-
Natsuki: "Tsk, that freaking..."
Yuri: "I still can't think positive of her..."