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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
D-Dr. Alphys...We're all very grateful for your assistance, Admiral Lindy.

smell anything? or anyone, more accurately?

"Ran succeeds!"

...M-Maybe you should be the first to go in there.

"She knows Palu and Miyu are very close, after all."
Palutena: "And I'm Palutena." -also offers a handshake-
-he points!-

Link: "Good boy!"
-Byleth clutching to where she was grazed-
Palu: -ruffling Miyu's hair- "How are you doing, sweetie?"
Jeanne: "My name is Jeanne d'Arc"
Martha: "I am Martha of Bethany"
Luvia: "And I am Luviagelita Edelfelt, it's a pleasure" -they each shake hands with Lindy-
-They gotta get to it~!-
Ran: "Are you okay, Swordswoman?"
Miyu: "Palu-Mama~!" -hugs- "I feel better now~! But how is Illya?" -looks at her, she's still sleeping-
Sothis: "I just don't like thinking of the past..."
-everyone here is :V-
-now she feels like Tamamo is the one hiding something because why give them gifts?-
Nitocris: "Apologies for my insolence"
-That's a fair point- :p
Sakura: "Pandora-san~!" -waves-
Kiyohime Judging.png

-Erika doing mental notes-
(You're going down, golem!)

Steven: You bet I can use it like a hamster ball! "Does just that to prove it"

Mabel: Seriously? Jealous...!

"I'm sorry I forgot about the Gengar thing again :lol:"

"Parvati seems to think this is for the best...But Sakura is going to be hurt anyway if this is allowed to continue, even if she can't be conscious of it."

At ease, soldier. None of this ever happened. "Casually walks away."
-It throws yet another punch-
Trini: "Good, mobile is better than stationary" :p
-And she feels bad for taking over without her permission-

-The Red Sentry looked around confused before returning to his position-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: "No need to apologize..."
Pandora: "Hey, girls~!"
-how fox?-
-she learning good?-
Nitocris: "No, I was insolent right now"
Medusa: "They told me they would come"
Sakura: "We know you don't mind" :p
Tamamo: "Hey! It's the true!"
Kiyohime: -Judging-
-She thinks she's understanding well-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Zwei looks happy to be petted-
Garnet: Cute.

He's a good boy, too~.

Steven: These are the kind of animals that would get viral videos on the internet! They're just that cute.

-It throws yet another punch-
Trini: "Good, mobile is better than stationary" :p
-And she feels bad for taking over without her permission-

-The Red Sentry looked around confused before returning to his position-
"She tries to dodge it again!"


Steven: Oh, I can also throw my shield! "Summons it"

"And if what Toffee says is true, both of them will very likely cease to be anyway, if his plan succeeds.."

"He doesn't remember a thing of what Nastasia asked him."

"Or that Nastasia exists or was there in the first place."

Palutena: "And I'm Palutena." -also offers a handshake-
-he points!-

Link: "Good boy!"
-Byleth clutching to where she was grazed-
Palu: -ruffling Miyu's hair- "How are you doing, sweetie?"
Jeanne: "My name is Jeanne d'Arc"
Martha: "I am Martha of Bethany"
Luvia: "And I am Luviagelita Edelfelt, it's a pleasure" -they each shake hands with Lindy-
-They gotta get to it~!-
Ran: "Are you okay, Swordswoman?"
Miyu: "Palu-Mama~!" -hugs- "I feel better now~! But how is Illya?" -looks at her, she's still sleeping-

"Alphys also shook hands with Lindy"


"Depends on if the attack struck her closely enough to inflict phazon on her..."

"Right now, Star, Marco and Lily were working together to handle Kraid. Moon had to hold River back from getting too close to him, now that they suspect that he's been infused with phazon like his fellow Space Pirate commanders."

I-I hope she's okay...

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nitocris: "No, I was insolent right now"
Medusa: "They told me they would come"
Sakura: "We know you don't mind" :p
Tamamo: "Hey! It's the true!"
Kiyohime: -Judging-
-She thinks she's understanding well-
Sothis: "It's not like I'm some sort of almight Goddess, y'know." ...Wait a second, it's exactly what I am!
-Kiyo can tell the honesty, she can just also tell there's more to it that Tamamo is hiding-

-and to Kiyo, hiding the truth is also a lie :V-
Pan: "Let's try~"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Jeanne: "My name is Jeanne d'Arc"
Martha: "I am Martha of Bethany"
Luvia: "And I am Luviagelita Edelfelt, it's a pleasure" -they each shake hands with Lindy-
-They gotta get to it~!-
Ran: "Are you okay, Swordswoman?"
Miyu: "Palu-Mama~!" -hugs- "I feel better now~! But how is Illya?" -looks at her, she's still sleeping-
"Alphys also shook hands with Lindy"


"Depends on if the attack struck her closely enough to inflict phazon on her..."

"Right now, Star, Marco and Lily were working together to handle Kraid. Moon had to hold River back from getting too close to him, now that they suspect that he's been infused with phazon like his fellow Space Pirate commanders."

I-I hope she's okay...
Palu: "We usually have one more ruling with us, but a lot has happened to her family, so we've decided to let her take some time to focus on them."
-Link following Wolf-
Byleth: "I think so..."

-with how radioactive Phazon is, I'm sure even a near miss would inflict Phazon...-
Palu: -hugged back- "Miyu... do you think you can still travel worlds?"

Garnet: Cute.

He's a good boy, too~.

Steven: These are the kind of animals that would get viral videos on the internet! They're just that cute.
-Zwei does a bark of approval, looking cute-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
"She tries to dodge it again!"


Steven: Oh, I can also throw my shield! "Summons it"

"And if what Toffee says is true, both of them will very likely cease to be anyway, if his plan succeeds.."

"He doesn't remember a thing of what Nastasia asked him."

"Or that Nastasia exists or was there in the first place."
Trini: "Dynamic, even better" :p
-And it's clear Kama doesn't cares-

-Only that he got distracted by some animal-
"Alphys also shook hands with Lindy"


"Depends on if the attack struck her closely enough to inflict phazon on her..."

"Right now, Star, Marco and Lily were working together to handle Kraid. Moon had to hold River back from getting too close to him, now that they suspect that he's been infused with phazon like his fellow Space Pirate commanders."

I-I hope she's okay...
Palu: "We usually have one more ruling with us, but a lot has happened to her family, so we've decided to let her take some time to focus on them."
-Link following Wolf-
Byleth: "I think so..."

-with how radioactive Phazon is, I'm sure even a near miss would inflict Phazon...-
Palu: -hugged back- "Miyu... do you think you can still travel worlds?"
Jeanne: "Well, two, but another one was gravely harmed in a battle beforehand"
Lindy: "Understandable choice"
-Much closer...!-
-Even Sothis is feeling some pain about it, since it's been proven it can affect ghosts-
Miyu: "I think so..."
Sothis: "It's not like I'm some sort of almight Goddess, y'know." ...Wait a second, it's exactly what I am!
-Kiyo can tell the honesty, she can just also tell there's more to it that Tamamo is hiding-

-and to Kiyo, hiding the truth is also a lie :V-
Pan: "Let's try~"
Nitocris: "Understood. My apologies, Spirit"
Kiyohime: "...But why is it?"
Tamamo: "Uuuuuhhh..."
-Erika starts to concentrate-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
That's totally fair. You want me to bring her back by tonight, or tomorrow morning?

Vulpix! (I'll be fine either way!)

"She'd respond to that, but Pokespeak isn't among her language settings, so she doesn't understand it."
Weiss: "It's fine either way." :)

Nitocris: "Understood. My apologies, Spirit"
Kiyohime: "...But why is it?"
Tamamo: "Uuuuuhhh..."
-Erika starts to concentrate-
Sothis: "The name is Sothis."
Pan: "Why would I mind?" :p
Azura: "She hurt our feelings..."
-takes some time-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: "The name is Sothis."
Pan: "Why would I mind?" :p
Azura: "She hurt our feelings..."
-takes some time-
Nitocris: "Sothis, I'll make sure to remember"
Sakura: "No reason" :p
Rin: "Hey..."
Kiyohime: "What?!"
-But eventually...-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Weiss: "It's fine either way." :)
Oh, thank you thank you thank you!

...Uhh, well, in that case, I think I'll take care of her until tomorrow morning, then. :lol: Seriously though, thanks again, Weiss. I'm sure I'll learn a lot about Pokemon care from this.

"Jenny can be a dork sometimes. Plus it's clear that she'd really like a pet. With that in mind, of course she's so excited to take care of a cute creature :p"

Trini: "Dynamic, even better" :p
-And it's clear Kama doesn't cares-

-Only that he got distracted by some animal-
(No way!)


(Ugh...real golem or fake golem, you're definitely a jerk golem!)

Steven: Let me try...Hiyah! "Throws his shield at an arc, obviously taking care to not hit anyone with it"

"Not at all..."

"Nothing of importance..."

Palu: "We usually have one more ruling with us, but a lot has happened to her family, so we've decided to let her take some time to focus on them."
-Link following Wolf-
Byleth: "I think so..."

-with how radioactive Phazon is, I'm sure even a near miss would inflict Phazon...-
Palu: -hugged back- "Miyu... do you think you can still travel worlds?"

Jeanne: "Well, two, but another one was gravely harmed in a battle beforehand"
Lindy: "Understandable choice"
-Much closer...!-
-Even Sothis is feeling some pain about it, since it's been proven it can affect ghosts-
Miyu: "I think so..."
And a third one, but...his position as a Ruler is a bit more complicated.

"Referring to King Knight :p"

"Sans is as quiet as he is vigilant"

"They'll have to do something about the phazon problem, and fast."

"Kraid kept charging while firing projectiles, but opened his mouth a final time when Moon fired some weak magic beams at his eyes to irritate him."

...Then we could really use your help, Miyu. I-If you don't mind.

...We think we know where Toffee's real body and Soul are.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nitocris: "Sothis, I'll make sure to remember"
Sakura: "No reason" :p
Rin: "Hey..."
Kiyohime: "What?!"
-But eventually...-
-will she? :p-
Pandora: "Hello, Ishtar." :troll:
Azura: -explains in Kiyohime's ear so Kamui doesn't hear-

Jeanne: "Well, two, but another one was gravely harmed in a battle beforehand"
Lindy: "Understandable choice"
-Much closer...!-
-Even Sothis is feeling some pain about it, since it's been proven it can affect ghosts-
Miyu: "I think so..."
And a third one, but...his position as a Ruler is a bit more complicated.

"Referring to King Knight :p"

"Sans is as quiet as he is vigilant"

"They'll have to do something about the phazon problem, and fast."

"Kraid kept charging while firing projectiles, but opened his mouth a final time when Moon fired some weak magic beams at his eyes to irritate him."

...Then we could really use your help, Miyu. I-If you don't mind.

...We think we know where Toffee's real body and Soul are.

Palu: "Anyway... shall we discuss how you can help?"
-Wolf finds the specific room and scratches the door?-
Byleth: "Urk... I... I feel so weird..."

Sothis: What's... going on?! >_<
Palu: "Could you help us access where he is?"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
(No way!)


(Ugh...real golem or fake golem, you're definitely a jerk golem!)

Steven: Let me try...Hiyah! "Throws his shield at an arc, obviously taking care to not hit anyone with it"

"Not at all..."

"Nothing of importance..."
-At least it seems it can only hit and kick and not anything else-
Trini: "Awesome..."
Kama: "Seems you are upset~"

-Indeed, just working back in his position-
And a third one, but...his position as a Ruler is a bit more complicated.

"Referring to King Knight :p"

"Sans is as quiet as he is vigilant"

"They'll have to do something about the phazon problem, and fast."

"Kraid kept charging while firing projectiles, but opened his mouth a final time when Moon fired some weak magic beams at his eyes to irritate him."

...Then we could really use your help, Miyu. I-If you don't mind.

...We think we know where Toffee's real body and Soul are.

Palu: "Anyway... shall we discuss how you can help?"
-Wolf finds the specific room and scratches the door?-
Byleth: "Urk... I... I feel so weird..."

Sothis: What's... going on?! >_<
Palu: "Could you help us access where he is?"
King Knight: -Lazying on a sofa-

Lindy: "Very well, mind if I take a seat?"
Jeanne: "Go ahead"
-Indeed he does-
Guifei: "Edict. The Emperor's Consort. Emitted under the name of Yang Taizhen. The Purple Forbidden Enclosure will open the imperial gates of Fomalhaut and bring over the troops of Yu Lin. Iä, ph'nglui mglw'nafgh Fomalhaut n'gha-ghaa naf'l thagn!

Geishōui Hiyokurenri!"

Miyu: "...I could make an attempt"
-will she? :p-
Pandora: "Hello, Ishtar." :troll:
Azura: -explains in Kiyohime's ear so Kamui doesn't hear-
-Yes- :p
Rin: "How dare you?!"
Sakura: "Now, now"
Kiyohime: -Calms down- "Oh..."
Erika: "Hm?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Rest was unreplied again, Uni.


Palu: "Anyway... shall we discuss how you can help?"
-Wolf finds the specific room and scratches the door?-
Byleth: "Urk... I... I feel so weird..."

Sothis: What's... going on?! >_<
Palu: "Could you help us access where he is?"
King Knight: -Lazying on a sofa-

Lindy: "Very well, mind if I take a seat?"
Jeanne: "Go ahead"
-Indeed he does-
Guifei: "Edict. The Emperor's Consort. Emitted under the name of Yang Taizhen. The Purple Forbidden Enclosure will open the imperial gates of Fomalhaut and bring over the troops of Yu Lin. Iä, ph'nglui mglw'nafgh Fomalhaut n'gha-ghaa naf'l thagn!

Geishōui Hiyokurenri!"

Miyu: "...I could make an attempt"
P-Please do.


think they're in there?


"There's no way Kraid could survive that, proven when he immediately starts sinking into the ground roaring in sheer pain, eventually disappearing deep below the ground altogether."

"His corpse wasn't left behind, but unlike his comrade Ridley, he didn't survive his latest fight."

..."Sigh" Good, good...We'll just need to assemble the rest of the team, then.

-At least it seems it can only hit and kick and not anything else-
Trini: "Awesome..."
Kama: "Seems you are upset~"

-Indeed, just working back in his position-
"Which is why Justeaze is now trying to keep her distance."

"Though she gets pretty easily angered whenever she's actually struck."

"Only for the shield to hit someone anyway."

Claptrap: MY EYE AUGH!


"He very much is...But rightfully so."

"Nastasia stays hidden, having gotten enough intel for now..."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
"Which is why Justeaze is now trying to keep her distance."

"Though she gets pretty easily angered whenever she's actually struck."

"Only for the shield to hit someone anyway."

Claptrap: MY EYE AUGH!


"He very much is...But rightfully so."

"Nastasia stays hidden, having gotten enough intel for now..."
-Like by a punch now-
Trini: "Woops"
-This really is not Sakura-

-Her inner thoughts?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Oh, thank you thank you thank you!

...Uhh, well, in that case, I think I'll take care of her until tomorrow morning, then. :lol: Seriously though, thanks again, Weiss. I'm sure I'll learn a lot about Pokemon care from this.

"Jenny can be a dork sometimes. Plus it's clear that she'd really like a pet. With that in mind, of course she's so excited to take care of a cute creature :p"
Weiss: Cute...

-Yes- :p
Rin: "How dare you?!"
Sakura: "Now, now"
Kiyohime: -Calms down- "Oh..."
Erika: "Hm?"
-she'd be fascinated by this sassy girl :V-
Pandora: "What?" :p
-but is she still upset at Tamamo hurting the feelings of a fellow, and arguably one of the most beloved dragons of Chaldea? :V-
Pandora: "Let's try what I told you." :p

King Knight: -Lazying on a sofa-

Lindy: "Very well, mind if I take a seat?"
Jeanne: "Go ahead"
-Indeed he does-
Guifei: "Edict. The Emperor's Consort. Emitted under the name of Yang Taizhen. The Purple Forbidden Enclosure will open the imperial gates of Fomalhaut and bring over the troops of Yu Lin. Iä, ph'nglui mglw'nafgh Fomalhaut n'gha-ghaa naf'l thagn!

Geishōui Hiyokurenri!"
Miyu: "...I could make an attempt"
P-Please do.


think they're in there?


"There's no way Kraid could survive that, proven when he immediately starts sinking into the ground roaring in sheer pain, eventually disappearing deep below the ground altogether."

"His corpse wasn't left behind, but unlike his comrade Ridley, he didn't survive his latest fight."

..."Sigh" Good, good...We'll just need to assemble the rest of the team, then.
-the one right besides Palutena's :p-

-...then Qrow brings Nora?-
-Wolf nods-
Sothis: You're not looking too good here, Byleth... :urg:

Byleth: -victim of Phazon exposure and is in DIRE need of assistance-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Like by a punch now-
Trini: "Woops"
-This really is not Sakura-

-Her inner thoughts?-
"Hurt, but she still uses Magical Leaf"

Steven: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! :crazy:

Claptrap: Ow.

"At all..."

(These people are out of their minds. Gonna have to lay low if I'm gonna help free the rest of their prisoners.)

Weiss: Cute...
I might even be able to convince mom that II'm responsible enough to have my own!

(...Mom...That evil scientist might be after her, now...)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
P-Please do.


think they're in there?


"There's no way Kraid could survive that, proven when he immediately starts sinking into the ground roaring in sheer pain, eventually disappearing deep below the ground altogether."

"His corpse wasn't left behind, but unlike his comrade Ridley, he didn't survive his latest fight."

..."Sigh" Good, good...We'll just need to assemble the rest of the team, then.
-the one right besides Palutena's :p-

-...then Qrow brings Nora?-
-Wolf nods-
Sothis: You're not looking too good here, Byleth... :urg:

Byleth: -victim of Phazon exposure and is in DIRE need of assistance-
-Lindy crosses her legs while sitting, a position she's just used to assume-

-Then Jenny's mom?-
-Signum has her sword ready for any case-
Guifei: "Is the woman okay?"
-To the pirates!-
"Hurt, but she still uses Magical Leaf"

Steven: Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! :crazy:

Claptrap: Ow.

"At all..."

(These people are out of their minds. Gonna have to lay low if I'm gonna help free the rest of their prisoners.)
-And it succeeds-
Kimberly: "It looks fine"
-He's really starting to consider to attack her to protect the other one-

-Smart choice-
-she'd be fascinated by this sassy girl :V-
Pandora: "What?" :p
-but is she still upset at Tamamo hurting the feelings of a fellow, and arguably one of the most beloved dragons of Chaldea? :V-
Pandora: "Let's try what I told you." :p
-So she still wants to ask questions-
-Pouty Rin as the others get in-
Kiyohime: "How dare you?!"
Tamamo: "Mikon?!"
Erika: "Let me prepare..." -does a deep breath- "Ready!"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-So she still wants to ask questions-
-Pouty Rin as the others get in-
Kiyohime: "How dare you?!"
Tamamo: "Mikon?!"
Erika: "Let me prepare..." -does a deep breath- "Ready!"
Sothis: Her curiosity is... adorable...

-if Nitocris has shiny puppy eyes, Sothis won't resist :V-
-R E L A X I N G-
-she's not at her peak of anger because she got the truth; she's just upset :V-

Kamui: "It's alright, Kiyohime... She apologized."
Pan: -watching!-

"No, but she made a threat that she might try to find Nora due to having invented Jenny"

"So Jenny is worried she might be able to find out who and where she is."
-what was Armagedroid's involvment again? was he with Toffee?-
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-the one right besides Palutena's :p-

-...then Qrow brings Nora?-
-Wolf nods-
Sothis: You're not looking too good here, Byleth... :urg:

Byleth: -victim of Phazon exposure and is in DIRE need of assistance-
-Lindy crosses her legs while sitting, a position she's just used to assume-

-Then Jenny's mom?-
-Signum has her sword ready for any case-
Guifei: "Is the woman okay?"
-To the pirates!-
"Then Jenny's mom."

Nora: ...Is this a bad time?

..."Carefully tries opening the door."

Stat: He's done for...Whew.

Moon: "Hugging her husband, but then goes back to the matter at hand" Byleth?

H-Hello, Gokaigers?

-And it succeeds-
Kimberly: "It looks fine"
-He's really starting to consider to attack her to protect the other one-

-Smart choice-
"She jumps to its head to pulverize it with Vine Whip."

Claptrap: That's gonna warrant a trip to the lab for repairs!

"Steven feels bad for damaging hom anyway..."

"The real Sakura..."

"Could she meet up with the others?"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: Her curiosity is... adorable...

-if Nitocris has shiny puppy eyes, Sothis won't resist :V-
-R E L A X I N G-
-she's not at her peak of anger because she got the truth; she's just upset :V-

Kamui: "It's alright, Kiyohime... She apologized."
Pan: -watching!-
Nitocris: -Has shiny puppy eyes full of curiosity-
-Everyone sighs deeply in relief-
Kiyohime: "I can't believe you still did that!"

Tamamo: "I'm sorry, okay?!"
-She... Manages to do a small illusion!-
"She jumps to its head to pulverize it with Vine Whip."

Claptrap: That's gonna warrant a trip to the lab for repairs!

"Steven feels bad for damaging hom anyway..."

"The real Sakura..."

"Could she meet up with the others?"
Trini: "Oh! Let me carry you!"
-The one inside Parvati!-

-Sure she would-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
(I'll pummel you into gravel!)

"Vine Whip again!"


Claptrap: Just like my minions used to! On exceptionally rare occasions.

"His trainer!"

-It tries to catch her-
Trini: "...Your what?"
-His friend!-

-But for that it'll be a bit-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-It tries to catch her-
Trini: "...Your what?"
-His friend!-

-But for that it'll be a bit-
"And it does."

(H-Hey! Let me go!)

Claptrap: Back on the planet Panodra I recruited the assistance of mighty Vault Hunters to serve as my tough and loyal minions! Ah, those were the days. Hunting treasure, fighting back against the tyrant Handsome Jack, avenging my fallen product line...

"He won't leave her behind!"

"In the meantime, Rouxls Kaard should be waking up soon..."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Lindy crosses her legs while sitting, a position she's just used to assume-

-Then Jenny's mom?-
-Signum has her sword ready for any case-
Guifei: "Is the woman okay?"
-To the pirates!-
"Then Jenny's mom."

Nora: ...Is this a bad time?

..."Carefully tries opening the door."

Stat: He's done for...Whew.

Moon: "Hugging her husband, but then goes back to the matter at hand" Byleth?

H-Hello, Gokaigers?
Palutena: "Definitely not, you're at the right time, Dr. Wakeman."
I got DDLC flashbacks from that... :lol:
-she shows her wound-

Ingrid: "Oh dear... let's hope there was no Phazon..."
YAR YAR FIDDLE DEE D- Wait a second? My color changed too?! What the ****?!

"I never fully established how he returned, but someone out there had to deliver his parts to the Decepticons..."

"The reason? Armagedroid became just an experiment, getting some test runs to see if he was another potential wothy ally."
-so he likely knows who made Jenny?-

Nitocris: -Has shiny puppy eyes full of curiosity-
-Everyone sighs deeply in relief-
Kiyohime: "I can't believe you still did that!"

Tamamo: "I'm sorry, okay?!"
-She... Manages to do a small illusion!-
Sothis: -attempting to look away!-
-P H E W-
-does she comfort fellow dragon?-
Pandora: "Whoa..."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
"Then Jenny's mom."

Nora: ...Is this a bad time?

..."Carefully tries opening the door."

Stat: He's done for...Whew.

Moon: "Hugging her husband, but then goes back to the matter at hand" Byleth?

H-Hello, Gokaigers?
Palutena: "Definitely not, you're at the right time, Dr. Wakeman."
I got DDLC flashbacks from that... :lol:
-she shows her wound-

Ingrid: "Oh dear... let's hope there was no Phazon..."
YAR YAR FIDDLE DEE D- Wait a second? My color changed too?! What the ****?!
Jeanne: "Who are you?"
Lindy: "What a coincidence, another new arrival" :p
-Nora be like "wut" the woman knew her name?-
Monika: "Ahue" V:

-They see tables with medical equipment-
Guifei: "What does that substance do again?"
Joe: "What do you wanr now?"
"And it does."

(H-Hey! Let me go!)


Claptrap: Back on the planet Panodra I recruited the assistance of mighty Vault Hunters to serve as my tough and loyal minions! Ah, those were the days. Hunting treasure, fighting back against the tyrant Handsome Jack, avenging my fallen product line...

"He won't leave her behind!"

"In the meantime, Rouxls Kaard should be waking up soon..."
-It tries to throw her-
Kimberly: "That reminds me of the Machine Empire..."
-Not ever!-

-And want revenge?-
Sothis: -attempting to look away!-
-P H E W-
-does she comfort fellow dragon?-
Pandora: "Whoa..."
-It's impossible- :p
Rin: "Aaaah~ This feels fine~"
Kiyohime: "Now, now, Kamui-san, I'm sorry for my friend's attitude"
Erika: "Look! It's a cube!"
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-It's impossible- :p
Rin: "Aaaah~ This feels fine~"
Kiyohime: "Now, now, Kamui-san, I'm sorry for my friend's attitude"
Erika: "Look! It's a cube!"
Sothis: "D-Don't make this harder on yourself..." >_<
Weiss: "It sure does~"
Kamui: "She already apologized..."
Pandora: "Nice work."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: "D-Don't make this harder on yourself..." >_<
Weiss: "It sure does~"
Kamui: "She already apologized..."
Pandora: "Nice work."
Nitocris: "What do you mean by that?" -legit unaware-
Fujino: "I rarely come here, but it's such a nice location~"
Kiyohime: "Still so, if I can do anything as well"
Erika: "It's my first time I use this much magic..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-so he likely knows who made Jenny?-

"It's possible...by coincidence since he wouldnt have known that Jenny was going to meet Chaldea. But it could provide Coyle with the information she needs..."

"Not like Jenny would know, but she's worried anyway."

...Hey, Yang? Ruby?

-It tries to throw her-
Kimberly: "That reminds me of the Machine Empire..."
-Not ever!-

-And want revenge?-

"And there was nothing to stop him from doing it."

Steven: The what now?

"So what's he gonna do?!"

"Exactly....And panic."

Palutena: "Definitely not, you're at the right time, Dr. Wakeman."
I got DDLC flashbacks from that... :lol:
-she shows her wound-

Ingrid: "Oh dear... let's hope there was no Phazon..."
YAR YAR FIDDLE DEE D- Wait a second? My color changed too?! What the ****?!
Jeanne: "Who are you?"
Lindy: "What a coincidence, another new arrival" :p
-Nora be likw "wut" the woman knew her name?-
Monika: "Ahue" V:

-They see tables with medical equipment-
Guifei: "What does that substance do again?"
Joe: "What do you wanr now?"
Nora: How did you know my name?!


...the hell kinda freakshow are they running here?

Moon: All I know is, it corrupts...

What? Obviously the color of your suit is different.

...And we want to give you a chance for payback.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Jeanne: "Who are you?"
Lindy: "What a coincidence, another new arrival" :p
-Nora be likw "wut" the woman knew her name?-
Monika: "Ahue" V:

-They see tables with medical equipment-
Guifei: "What does that substance do again?"
Joe: "What do you wanr now?"
Nora: How did you know my name?!


...the hell kinda freakshow are they running here?

Moon: All I know is, it corrupts...

What? Obviously the color of your suit is different.

...And we want to give you a chance for payback.
-huh, thought Rulers were told since there was this whole thing about Casters and "magic" ... oh well-

Palu: "I'm the one who had to handle the paperwork to make Jenny a legal citizen of Basel, that's how."
Link: "Probably experiments..."
Byleth: "C-Corrupts?" :urg:
I don't mean my... nevermind... wanna kill a lizard, you kids?

Nitocris: "What do you mean by that?" -legit unaware-
Fujino: "I rarely come here, but it's such a nice location~"
Kiyohime: "Still so, if I can do anything as well"
Erika: "It's my first time I use this much magic..."
-which makes it cuter!-

Sothis: >_<
Pandora: "Indeed~"
Kamui: "........Maybe a snack?" :lol:
Pandora: "You're a natural!"

"It's possible...by coincidence since he wouldnt have known that Jenny was going to meet Chaldea. But it could provide Coyle with the information she needs..."

"Not like Jenny would know, but she's worried anyway."

...Hey, Yang? Ruby?
Yang: "Yeah?"

-Ruby also listening-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Ruby: "Sure will!"
Whew, thanks. I knew I could count on you two.

Steven: Why are you worried about her?

Amethyst: Think her disbelief in magic is gonna be that big of a problem?

Well, that's certainly one good reason to keep an eye on her, but that's not why I asked. It's just...that mad scientist with ARMS seemed all too interested in finding out who built me.
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