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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Whew, thanks. I knew I could count on you two.

Steven: Why are you worried about her?

Amethyst: Think her disbelief in magic is gonna be that big of a problem?

Well, that's certainly one good reason to keep an eye on her, but that's not why I asked. It's just...that mad scientist with ARMS seemed all too interested in finding out who built me.
Yang: "Oh... that makes sense..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Yang: "Oh... that makes sense..."
It's not like my mom couldn't kick butt if she wanted to. She used to work for Earth's defense force for intergalactic threads, and she's even saved my hide a few times. But I'm not so sure that she's cut out to fight Dr. Coyle. Especially considering that she seems to have a whole robot army of her own backing her...

"Not to mention Hedlok."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
"And there was nothing to stop him from doing it."

Steven: The what now?

"So what's he gonna do?!"

"Exactly....And panic."
-And that's precisely what it did-
Trini: "Some evil empire comprised of robots that had conquered planets. They came to Earth and Drakkon tasked us to eliminate them"

Kimberly: "Yeah, we reused their metal to make more weaponry..."
-Prepare to sneak attack!-

-He can't tell the King he failed!-
Nora: How did you know my name?!


...the hell kinda freakshow are they running here?

Moon: All I know is, it corrupts...

What? Obviously the color of your suit is different.

...And we want to give you a chance for payback.
-huh, thought Rulers were told since there was this whole thing about Casters and "magic" ... oh well-

Palu: "I'm the one who had to handle the paperwork to make Jenny a legal citizen of Basel, that's how."
Link: "Probably experiments..."
Byleth: "C-Corrupts?" :urg:
I don't mean my... nevermind... wanna kill a lizard, you kids?
Jeanne: "Oh, so that must mean you are the creator of XJ9. Nora Wakeman, I assume? My name is Jeanne d'Arc"
Martha: "And I am Martha of Bethany"
Luviagelita: "And there's me, Luviagelita Edelfelt, we three are amongst the leaders of this organization"
Lindy: "I am also a newly invited guest here like you, Miss! My name is Lindy Harlaown, a member of the Time and Space Administration Bureau with the rank of admiral"
Signum: "Dissection and the sort to study..."
Ran: "I don't know to what extent..."
Miyu: "Count with me" -didn't hesitate to answer-
-That lizard threatens the existence of her family, her unofficial second mother and turned her beloved brother into an animal-
-which makes it cuter!-

Sothis: >_<
Pandora: "Indeed~"
Kamui: "........Maybe a snack?" :lol:
Pandora: "You're a natural!"
Nitocris: "Hm? Lady Sothis?"
Medusa: "This really is the life~"
Kiyohime: "Count on it then~"
Erika: "You serious?" -excited-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
It's not like my mom couldn't kick butt if she wanted to. She used to work for Earth's defense force for intergalactic threads, and she's even saved my hide a few times. But I'm not so sure that she's cut out to fight Dr. Coyle. Especially considering that she seems to have a whole robot army of her own backing her...

"Not to mention Hedlok."
Yang: "That's fair enough."

Nitocris: "Hm? Lady Sothis?"
Medusa: "This really is the life~"
Kiyohime: "Count on it then~"
Erika: "You serious?" -excited-
Sothis: "..." Too cute...
Pandora: "Sure is~"

-Cleo there too?-
Kamui: :3 -tail waggle-
Pandora: "Yeah!"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: "..." Too cute...
Pandora: "Sure is~"

-Cleo there too?-
Kamui: :3 -tail waggle-
Pandora: "Yeah!"
-Byleth agreed- :p
-Cleopatra wearing this-
-And was snoring-
-But very quietly-
Medusa: ...She isn't aware we're here, right?
Kiyohime: "Gimme a minute then!" -goes off-
Erika: "Maybe I should have done this from the start..."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Byleth agreed- :p
-Cleopatra wearing this-
-And was snoring-
-But very quietly-
Medusa: ...She isn't aware we're here, right?
Kiyohime: "Gimme a minute then!" -goes off-
Erika: "Maybe I should have done this from the start..."
Byleth: "Would you like some tea?"
Pandora: Nope :p
-she happy-
Pandora: "Hm?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Yang: "That's fair enough."
So yeah, I'd really appreciate it if you kept a close eye on her now that she's here. Hopefully there isn't another attack any time soon...I have this little cutie to watch over. "Pats Winter"

-huh, thought Rulers were told since there was this whole thing about Casters and "magic" ... oh well-

Palu: "I'm the one who had to handle the paperwork to make Jenny a legal citizen of Basel, that's how."
Link: "Probably experiments..."
Byleth: "C-Corrupts?" :urg:
I don't mean my... nevermind... wanna kill a lizard, you kids?

Jeanne: "Oh, so that must mean you are the creator of XJ9. Nora Wakeman, I assume? My name is Jeanne d'Arc"
Martha: "And I am Martha of Bethany"
Luviagelita: "And there's me, Luviagelita Edelfelt, we three are amongst the leaders of this organization"
Lindy: "I am also a newly invited guest here like you, Miss! My name is Lindy Harlaown, a member of the Time and Space Administration Bureau with the rank of admiral"
Signum: "Dissection and the sort to study..."
Ran: "I don't know to what extent..."
Miyu: "Count with me" -didn't hesitate to answer-
-That lizard threatens the existence of her family, her unofficial second mother and turned her beloved brother into an animal-

"I mean, it's possible, but Nora just got here so the news would probably be very recent unless the da Vinci or Ela ever mentioned Nora Wakeman well before any of this."

Nora: That's correct. And I beg your pardon?! Jenny doesn't even live in Basel!

...If they hurt our friends, whatever terrible experiments they conducted on them will pale in comparison to the bloodshed I'll put this empire through.

"Sans is done not caring. And frankly, he's more than fed up with what his people have had to go through by now."

"Star really wanted to talk with Marco again, but this matter is more urgent."

Star: Is there...Is there any way your healing magecraft could help her, Lily?


..."Got a confident smile" Sounds like we're all onboard.

-And that's precisely what it did-
Trini: "Some evil empire comprised of robots that had conquered planets. They came to Earth and Drakkon tasked us to eliminate them"

Kimberly: "Yeah, we reused their metal to make more weaponry..."
-Prepare to sneak attack!-

-He can't tell the King he failed!-

Steven: Oh, whoa...

Claptrap: Sounds like you got rid of another problem in the process! You worked for an evil empire to destroy yet ANOTHER evil empire!


"Not at all! Unless...Unless he excuses himself on a doppleganger taking his place!"
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Jeanne: "Oh, so that must mean you are the creator of XJ9. Nora Wakeman, I assume? My name is Jeanne d'Arc"
Martha: "And I am Martha of Bethany"
Luviagelita: "And there's me, Luviagelita Edelfelt, we three are amongst the leaders of this organization"
Lindy: "I am also a newly invited guest here like you, Miss! My name is Lindy Harlaown, a member of the Time and Space Administration Bureau with the rank of admiral"
Signum: "Dissection and the sort to study..."
Ran: "I don't know to what extent..."
Miyu: "Count with me" -didn't hesitate to answer-
-That lizard threatens the existence of her family, her unofficial second mother and turned her beloved brother into an animal-
"I mean, it's possible, but Nora just got here so the news would probably be very recent unless the da Vinci or Ela ever mentioned Nora Wakeman well before any of this."

Nora: That's correct. And I beg your pardon?! Jenny doesn't even live in Basel!

...If they hurt our friends, whatever terrible experiments they conducted on them will pale in comparison to the bloodshed I'll put this empire through.

"Sans is done not caring. And frankly, he's more than fed up with what his people have had to go through by now."

"Star really wanted to talk with Marco again, but this matter is more urgent."

Star: Is there...Is there any way your healing magecraft could help her, Lily?


..."Got a confident smile" Sounds like we're all onboard.
Palu: "I know, but we had to give her citizenship so the cardinals wouldn't ask any questions. It's complicated stuff..."
Link: "Great minds think alike, skeleton pal."
Ingrid: "Let's just say it's a miracle she's lasted this long so far. If anyone has a way to heal her, please do so now."

Rook: "Well... we could always..."

Ingrid: "We are NOT using the box's contents!"

Rook: "I'm suggesting only part of it, not the whole thing."

Ingrid: "...The wound isn't that deep... It might work... but it also runs the risk of making the plan fail... unless someone as a better idea?"
Palu: -hugged Miyu-

So yeah, I'd really appreciate it if you kept a close eye on her now that she's here. Hopefully there isn't another attack any time soon...I have this little cutie to watch over. "Pats Winter"
Yang: "We will. Don't worry about it."
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Yang: "We will. Don't worry about it."
Thanks, I knew I could count on you! Now then, who's ready to spend the day with an average everyday crime-fighting robot? You are, oh yes you are~. "Obviously talking to Winter"

(You're too kind, Ms. Wakeman. I've been treated nicely by almost everyone I meet...I'm really grateful for that.)

Alright, I should go make sure this girl here gets fed. I know they eat berries, so I'll make sure she gets her favorites! Catch you all later!

(See you tomorrow, Weiss!) "Smiling brightly"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Thanks, I knew I could count on you! Now then, who's ready to spend the day with an average everyday crime-fighting robot? You are, oh yes you are~. "Obviously talking to Winter"

(You're too kind, Ms. Wakeman. I've been treated nicely by almost everyone I meet...I'm really grateful for that.)

Alright, I should go make sure this girl here gets fed. I know they eat berries, so I'll make sure she gets her favorites! Catch you all later!

(See you tomorrow, Weiss!) "Smiling brightly"
Weiss: -waves Winter goodbye-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Byleth: "Would you like some tea?"
Pandora: Nope :p
-she happy-
Pandora: "Hm?"
Nitocris: "Eh? Well... I finished counting here, so... I think I have some time"
Cleopatra: -Sleeping, leaning on an edge of the pool-
Rin: "Eh? Is she okay?"
Erika: "If I'm a good as you say!"

Steven: Oh, whoa...

Claptrap: Sounds like you got rid of another problem in the process! You worked for an evil empire to destroy yet ANOTHER evil empire!


"Not at all! Unless...Unless he excuses himself on a doppleganger taking his place!"
-But it's open now!-
Kimberly: "Weeeell, yeah, pretty much..."

Trini: "It's kinda funny how their leaders were eliminated. Rita was sent to give them a gift as a peace treaty... But the gift was actually a bomb, and they fell for it"

-Yes, that's how it happened in the show-
-It'll be difficult since Kama also has the skills of if she was summoned as an Assassin-

-Aha! Great idea!-
"I mean, it's possible, but Nora just got here so the news would probably be very recent unless the da Vinci or Ela ever mentioned Nora Wakeman well before any of this."

Nora: That's correct. And I beg your pardon?! Jenny doesn't even live in Basel!

...If they hurt our friends, whatever terrible experiments they conducted on them will pale in comparison to the bloodshed I'll put this empire through.

"Sans is done not caring. And frankly, he's more than fed up with what his people have had to go through by now."

"Star really wanted to talk with Marco again, but this matter is more urgent."

Star: Is there...Is there any way your healing magecraft could help her, Lily?


..."Got a confident smile" Sounds like we're all onboard.
Palu: "I know, but we had to give her citizenship so the cardinals wouldn't ask any questions. It's complicated stuff..."
Link: "Great minds think alike, skeleton pal."
Ingrid: "Let's just say it's a miracle she's lasted this long so far. If anyone has a way to heal her, please do so now."

Rook: "Well... we could always..."

Ingrid: "We are NOT using the box's contents!"

Rook: "I'm suggesting only part of it, not the whole thing."

Ingrid: "...The wound isn't that deep... It might work... but it also runs the risk of making the plan fail... unless someone as a better idea?"
Palu: -hugged Miyu-
-I don't think I had them do it-

Martha: "Let's leave it at that it makes her visits an easier thing to deal with"
-Signum is silent, but seems to more than understand how it feels; she'd do whatever for Hayate's safety-
Lily: "I'm not sure how much my Noble Phantasm would do, but I can try it!

May it become a world where no one can hurt others and no one can be hurt...

Pain Breaker!!"

Pain Breaker: All Wounds Must be Repaired: Rank C, Anti-Unit type
A healing Noble Phantasm that is paired up with the Rule Breaker that the original Caster Medea uses. If Medea’s Noble Phantasm is an embodiment of the legend of betrayal, Medea Lily’s Noble Phantasm could be said to be an embodiment of love.
Any curse and injury will be returned to zero through magecraft. It’s not time manipulation, but auto-repairing by calculating the appearance that should be, but for those who don’t know it’ll look like time rewinding.
Any unreasonableness except for “death” can be overcome, but the dead alone can’t be recovered.
-Miyu hugged back-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nitocris: "Eh? Well... I finished counting here, so... I think I have some time"
Cleopatra: -Sleeping, leaning on an edge of the pool-
Rin: "Eh? Is she okay?"
Erika: "If I'm a good as you say!"
Pandora: "She's just asleep." :p
Kamui: Food~! :3
Pandora: "I guess so." :p

"As Jenny heads off."

"Any of them say something about the matter?"
-not really-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Palu: "I know, but we had to give her citizenship so the cardinals wouldn't ask any questions. It's complicated stuff..."
Link: "Great minds think alike, skeleton pal."
Ingrid: "Let's just say it's a miracle she's lasted this long so far. If anyone has a way to heal her, please do so now."

Rook: "Well... we could always..."

Ingrid: "We are NOT using the box's contents!"

Rook: "I'm suggesting only part of it, not the whole thing."

Ingrid: "...The wound isn't that deep... It might work... but it also runs the risk of making the plan fail... unless someone as a better idea?"
Palu: -hugged Miyu-
-I don't think I had them do it-

Martha: "Let's leave it at that it makes her visits an easier thing to deal with"
-Signum is silent, but seems to more than understand how it feels; she'd do whatever for Hayate's safety-
Lily: "I'm not sure how much my Noble Phantasm would do, but I can try it!

May it become a world where no one can hurt others and no one can be hurt...

Pain Breaker!!"

Pain Breaker: All Wounds Must be Repaired: Rank C, Anti-Unit type
A healing Noble Phantasm that is paired up with the Rule Breaker that the original Caster Medea uses. If Medea’s Noble Phantasm is an embodiment of the legend of betrayal, Medea Lily’s Noble Phantasm could be said to be an embodiment of love.
Any curse and injury will be returned to zero through magecraft. It’s not time manipulation, but auto-repairing by calculating the appearance that should be, but for those who don’t know it’ll look like time rewinding.
Any unreasonableness except for “death” can be overcome, but the dead alone can’t be recovered.
-Miyu hugged back-
Nora: Ugh, very well...You probably already know why I am here. I'm not in the know of whatever is going on here, and I'd like more details besides the fact that every "magic"-user is somehow weakening by the minute. And that is because I wish to provide my services and help this well-respected organization.


"Sans walks in hoping to find their Servant friends relatively unharmed."

Star: Please work please work please work...

"All she knows about phazon is that it is bad news and that they can't afford to have a party member inflicted with the stuff."



-But it's open now!-
Kimberly: "Weeeell, yeah, pretty much..."

Trini: "It's kinda funny how their leaders were eliminated. Rita was sent to give them a gift as a peace treaty... But the gift was actually a bomb, and they fell for it"

-Yes, that's how it happened in the show-
-It'll be difficult since Kama also has the skills of if she was summoned as an Assassin-

-Aha! Great idea!-
"She recovers in midair and pelts him with Magical Leaf and Razor Leaf from above!"

Glorious stuff :laugh:

Steven: ...Okay, that actually sounds kinda silly.

"So it'll be quite the sneaky duel...and Gengar is facing her alone."



The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-not really-
"Welp, in that case I'm running out of ideas for this, but I think we're due for more characters interactions like these, so I guess this particular segment can be done for now."

"Also, now that we've had that Max Brass vs. Jenny duel, I definitely eventually wanna do that Crystal Gems vs. Team RWBY match as well :p"
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-I don't think I had them do it-

Martha: "Let's leave it at that it makes her visits an easier thing to deal with"
-Signum is silent, but seems to more than understand how it feels; she'd do whatever for Hayate's safety-
Lily: "I'm not sure how much my Noble Phantasm would do, but I can try it!

May it become a world where no one can hurt others and no one can be hurt...

Pain Breaker!!"

Pain Breaker: All Wounds Must be Repaired: Rank C, Anti-Unit type
A healing Noble Phantasm that is paired up with the Rule Breaker that the original Caster Medea uses. If Medea’s Noble Phantasm is an embodiment of the legend of betrayal, Medea Lily’s Noble Phantasm could be said to be an embodiment of love.
Any curse and injury will be returned to zero through magecraft. It’s not time manipulation, but auto-repairing by calculating the appearance that should be, but for those who don’t know it’ll look like time rewinding.
Any unreasonableness except for “death” can be overcome, but the dead alone can’t be recovered.
-Miyu hugged back-
Nora: Ugh, very well...You probably already know why I am here. I'm not in the know of whatever is going on here, and I'd like more details besides the fact that every "magic"-user is somehow weakening by the minute. And that is because I wish to provide my services and help this well-respected organization.


"Sans walks in hoping to find their Servant friends relatively unharmed."

Star: Please work please work please work...

"All she knows about phazon is that it is bad news and that they can't afford to have a party member inflicted with the stuff."


Palutena: "That... is also a very complicated thing to explain, but we might as well try..."
-they get in the room-
-the fritz affected the potency of the spell, forcing it to focus on the biggest issue, being the Phazon, so while the radiocative material is gone, the wound itself remains-
-very wholesome family moment- :)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
"Welp, in that case I'm running out of ideas for this, but I think we're due for more characters interactions like these, so I guess this particular segment can be done for now."

"Also, now that we've had that Max Brass vs. Jenny duel, I definitely eventually wanna do that Crystal Gems vs. Team RWBY match as well :p"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Pandora: "She's just asleep." :p
Kamui: Food~! :3
Pandora: "I guess so." :p
Nitocris: "I'm grateful for the invitation"
Rin: "Should we wake her up?"
-Delicious food~-
Erika: "Let's do it more then!"
Nora: Ugh, very well...You probably already know why I am here. I'm not in the know of whatever is going on here, and I'd like more details besides the fact that every "magic"-user is somehow weakening by the minute. And that is because I wish to provide my services and help this well-respected organization.


"Sans walks in hoping to find their Servant friends relatively unharmed."

Star: Please work please work please work...

"All she knows about phazon is that it is bad news and that they can't afford to have a party member inflicted with the stuff."


Palutena: "That... is also a very complicated thing to explain, but we might as well try..."
-they get in the room-
-the fritz affected the potency of the spell, forcing it to focus on the biggest issue, being the Phazon, so while the radiocative material is gone, the wound itself remains-
-very wholesome family moment- :)
Lindy: "What a coincidence, so were we" :p
Jeanne: "Then you both can do it!"
-He hears a familiar grunting voice-
-Not to mention, it tires Lily enough that she faints-
-They allow them to be as such for some seconds-
"She recovers in midair and pelts him with Magical Leaf and Razor Leaf from above!"

Glorious stuff :laugh:

Steven: ...Okay, that actually sounds kinda silly.

"So it'll be quite the sneaky duel...and Gengar is facing her alone."

-It affects it by quite-
Trini: "It was, but it's what happened"
-Kama could go the easy route and use Parvati as a meatshield, but she's kinda bored right now-

-As they were in thr middle of another summoning ritual-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Palutena: "That... is also a very complicated thing to explain, but we might as well try..."
-they get in the room-
-the fritz affected the potency of the spell, forcing it to focus on the biggest issue, being the Phazon, so while the radiocative material is gone, the wound itself remains-
-very wholesome family moment- :)
Lindy: "What a coincidence, so were we" :p
Jeanne: "Then you both can do it!"
-He hears a familiar grunting voice-
-Not to mention, it tires Lily enough that she faints-
-They allow them to be as such for some seconds-

"An explanation was given to nora off-screen for the sake of saving time. It pretty much filled her in on the same details that Lindy and co. were given."

Th-That about covers it, for now...Any questions? :lol:

Nora: ..."Blankly staring off into space."

(that Heracles?)

"goes to inspect."

Star: Hey, it did work! Wound or no wound, it got rid of the phazon-stuff.

Moon: So thanks to Medea Lily, we've just averted a serious crisis...

Star: Lily you did it-LILY!

"Marco noticed, and caught Lily as she fainted, lifting her up by the shoulders."

"It warms Alphys heart. She needed to see a sight like this in such difficult times, especially given the state of her girlfriend..."

-It affects it by quite-
Trini: "It was, but it's what happened"
-Kama could go the easy route and use Parvati as a meatshield, but she's kinda bored right now-

-As they were in thr middle of another summoning ritual-
(You're gonna be demolished in 10 seconds flat!)

"Vine Whips pummeling the golem!"

Steven: Well, you stopped another evil empire, so that's good, right...?

"He certainly wants to think so..."

"The fight should serve as a way to entertain herself before she finishes mocking Parvati and waits for the inevitable demise of herself and all Servants."

"I need to reference the HEX code for Rouxls' color again, so I'll write dialogue for him tomorrow :p

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
If I had more ideas for some of our characters to interact right now, I'd start them, but besides maybe Toffee informing Dr. Coyle about Nora, I honestly got nothing else in mind right now....

Nitocris: "I'm grateful for the invitation"
Rin: "Should we wake her up?"
-Delicious food~-
Erika: "Let's do it more then!"
Byleth: -serving the tea- "I'm glad you accepted."
Pan: "If you wanna ruin her beauty sleep." :p
Pandora: "Okay!" :)

Lindy: "What a coincidence, so were we" :p
Jeanne: "Then you both can do it!"
-He hears a familiar grunting voice-
-Not to mention, it tires Lily enough that she faints-
-They allow them to be as such for some seconds-
"An explanation was given to nora off-screen for the sake of saving time. It pretty much filled her in on the same details that Lindy and co. were given."

Th-That about covers it, for now...Any questions? :lol:

Nora: ..."Blankly staring off into space."

(that Heracles?)

"goes to inspect."

Star: Hey, it did work! Wound or no wound, it got rid of the phazon-stuff.

Moon: So thanks to Medea Lily, we've just averted a serious crisis...

Star: Lily you did it-LILY!

"Marco noticed, and caught Lily as she fainted, lifting her up by the shoulders."

"It warms Alphys heart. She needed to see a sight like this in such difficult times, especially given the state of her girlfriend..."
Palutena: "It was a lot, wasn't it?"
Link: -follows along-
Byleth: "... I could handle the wound. Fought through worse."

Ingrid: "Regardless, let's make sure Lily's actions are not in vain."

-Byleth nodded at that-
-it encourages her to fight for those who still have loved ones?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
(You're gonna be demolished in 10 seconds flat!)

"Vine Whips pummeling the golem!"

Steven: Well, you stopped another evil empire, so that's good, right...?

"He certainly wants to think so..."

"The fight should serve as a way to entertain herself before she finishes mocking Parvati and waits for the inevitable demise of herself and all Servants."

"I need to reference the HEX code for Rouxls' color again, so I'll write dialogue for him tomorrow :p
-It seems to be working...-
Kimberly: "I mean, sure, but then we took control of the planets they conquered..."
-And the most of all, exterminating Shiva along the way-

-Fair enough- :p
"An explanation was given to nora off-screen for the sake of saving time. It pretty much filled her in on the same details that Lindy and co. were given."

Th-That about covers it, for now...Any questions? :lol:

Nora: ..."Blankly staring off into space."

(that Heracles?)

"goes to inspect."

Star: Hey, it did work! Wound or no wound, it got rid of the phazon-stuff.

Moon: So thanks to Medea Lily, we've just averted a serious crisis...

Star: Lily you did it-LILY!

"Marco noticed, and caught Lily as she fainted, lifting her up by the shoulders."

"It warms Alphys heart. She needed to see a sight like this in such difficult times, especially given the state of her girlfriend..."
Palutena: "It was a lot, wasn't it?"
Link: -follows along-
Byleth: "... I could handle the wound. Fought through worse."

Ingrid: "Regardless, let's make sure Lily's actions are not in vain."

-Byleth nodded at that-
-it encourages her to fight for those who still have loved ones?-
Lindy: -Sipping on coffee- "Correct, moreso than the incident of the Book of Darkness or the Jewel Seeds..."
-I never said they were male grunts- :p
Ran: "She's going to need to rest for some hours and be provided with more mana"
-What Uni asked-
Byleth: -serving the tea- "I'm glad you accepted."
Pan: "If you wanna ruin her beauty sleep." :p
Pandora: "Okay!" :)
Nitocris: "Hm" -takes a sip-
Sakura: "...Can I?" :p
-Then dragon comes back-
-Erika bouncy-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Palutena: "It was a lot, wasn't it?"
Link: -follows along-
Byleth: "... I could handle the wound. Fought through worse."

Ingrid: "Regardless, let's make sure Lily's actions are not in vain."

-Byleth nodded at that-
-it encourages her to fight for those who still have loved ones?-
Lindy: -Sipping on coffee- "Correct, moreso than the incident of the Book of Darkness or the Jewel Seeds..."
-I never said they were male grunts- :p
Ran: "She's going to need to rest for some hours and be provided with more mana"
-What Uni asked-
Nora: "Still silent"

...Dr. Wakeman? "Waving her hands in front of her eyes, to no response."

"Walked by for the sole purpose of checking on her mom."

...Annnd here we go again...

"Walks away"


"Retcon Sans' last line, then. :p"

"Star took the vial of pure magic that Lily had with her. It revived her last time the fritz had taken a toll on her, so it should give her just enough energy for a few more days again."

"But there's only one dose left...She can't afford to use too much of her power again until the fritz is stopped. So perhaps she should take it right after getting some rest as Ran suggested...And remain extremely cautious afterwards."

Star: ...Her actions won't be in vain as long as we're all here.

"It does, and it's partly why she's as motivated as she is to get something done and stop Toffee."

-It seems to be working...-
Kimberly: "I mean, sure, but then we took control of the planets they conquered..."
-And the most of all, exterminating Shiva along the way-

-Fair enough- :p
"So she doesn't take a minute to rest between her Vine Whip attacks!"

Steven: Well, yeah, but now you're on a side that's trying to free them all.

Peridot: Don't forget, you aren't the only people here who used to work for planet colonizing intergalactic empire. :p

"That's her endgame..."


Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: -is sad because can't drink-
Pandora: "I'll defend her if you do." :p
-with food!-
-Nitocris feels sorry for her-
Medusa: "Let's not make this into a fight..."
"So she doesn't take a minute to rest between her Vine Whip attacks!"

Steven: Well, yeah, but now you're on a side that's trying to free them all.

Peridot: Don't forget, you aren't the only people here who used to work for planet colonizing intergalactic empire. :p

"That's her endgame..."

-The golem can barely move-
Kimberly: "R-Right, thanks"
-One she can't help but be impatient of-

-Sentries alert now!-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-The golem can barely move-
Kimberly: "R-Right, thanks"
-One she can't help but be impatient of-

-Sentries alert now!-
"So she doesn't hesitate to use Magical Leaf one last time, intending to finish it off."

Steven: I know you have a lot to make up for...And it's a lot more serious than any mistakes I've made, but there's always a way to make things better, even if not perfect. Just keep going in the right direction. You already are. Don't take detours, just follow the path of good! I'm sure you know how to find it just by the instinct of feeling good!

"With Gengar here..."

Interlopers hath invaded the base unknowingly until this very moment!

Of course. Now, what have they done?

W-Well, funny story about that, actually...Several of our prisoners may have...been...freedeth?



..."Stomped a single time on the ground furiously"

KAAAAARD! Do you even begin to comprehend how big of a problem that is?! OUR PRISONERS ARE GONE?! What the hell were you doing?! How did they escape under your watch, you imbecile?!

I can explain, mine King! Some mysterious worm has stolen mine identity! They hath takeneth mine shape to claim they art the REAL Rouxls Kaard!

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Lindy: -Sipping on coffee- "Correct, moreso than the incident of the Book of Darkness or the Jewel Seeds..."
-I never said they were male grunts- :p
Ran: "She's going to need to rest for some hours and be provided with more mana"
-What Uni asked-
Nora: "Still silent"

...Dr. Wakeman? "Waving her hands in front of her eyes, to no response."

"Walked by for the sole purpose of checking on her mom."

...Annnd here we go again...

"Walks away"


"Retcon Sans' last line, then. :p"

"Star took the vial of pure magic that Lily had with her. It revived her last time the fritz had taken a toll on her, so it should give her just enough energy for a few more days again."

"But there's only one dose left...She can't afford to use too much of her power again until the fritz is stopped. So perhaps she should take it right after getting some rest as Ran suggested...And remain extremely cautious afterwards."

Star: ...Her actions won't be in vain as long as we're all here.

"It does, and it's partly why she's as motivated as she is to get something done and stop Toffee."
Palutena: "How can a pretty woman like you assist us then?" :p
Link: -uses his Slate as a flashlight-
Ingrid: "So... Rook, how is the box?"

Rook: "It's struggling to do its job. I guess the fritz is starting to affect how potent it can be..."

Ingrid: "...How much does it have?"

Rook: "See by yourself." -gives it-

Ingrid: "...About two thirds... Alright, I think I can work with that, but let's see if it can gather more."

-it'll fail to be at full power due to the fritz, which is a shame because were it at full power, the amount of energy it'd have would make Ingrid's plan completely unstoppable-

-Nitocris feels sorry for her-
Medusa: "Let's not make this into a fight..."
-and is still fascinated by her?-
-Sakura stops then?-
Kamui: :awesome:
Pan: She's so cute~!

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Nora: "Still silent"

...Dr. Wakeman? "Waving her hands in front of her eyes, to no response."

"Walked by for the sole purpose of checking on her mom."

...Annnd here we go again...

"Walks away"


"Retcon Sans' last line, then. :p"

"Star took the vial of pure magic that Lily had with her. It revived her last time the fritz had taken a toll on her, so it should give her just enough energy for a few more days again."

"But there's only one dose left...She can't afford to use too much of her power again until the fritz is stopped. So perhaps she should take it right after getting some rest as Ran suggested...And remain extremely cautious afterwards."

Star: ...Her actions won't be in vain as long as we're all here.

"It does, and it's partly why she's as motivated as she is to get something done and stop Toffee."
Palutena: "How can a pretty woman like you assist us then?" :p
Link: -uses his Slate as a flashlight-
Ingrid: "So... Rook, how is the box?"

Rook: "It's struggling to do its job. I guess the fritz is starting to affect how potent it can be..."

Ingrid: "...How much does it have?"

Rook: "See by yourself." -gives it-

Ingrid: "...About two thirds... Alright, I think I can work with that, but let's see if it can gather more."

-it'll fail to be at full power due to the fritz, which is a shame because were it at full power, the amount of energy it'd have would make Ingrid's plan completely unstoppable-
Lindy: "Would a whole army and advanced technology be good enough?" :p

Martha: "Ms. Wakeman?"
-They see Artoria, chained and seemingly being made a mess with bruises-
-But there's still a chance...-
Miyu: "Shall I do it now?"
-and is still fascinated by her?-
-Sakura stops then?-
Kamui: :awesome:
Pan: She's so cute~!
-Yeah, but tries to not be too obvious-
-Only because Rider said so-
Kiyohime: "Hope this is good enough" -cake and cookies-
-She wanna protecc-
"So she doesn't hesitate to use Magical Leaf one last time, intending to finish it off."

Steven: I know you have a lot to make up for...And it's a lot more serious than any mistakes I've made, but there's always a way to make things better, even if not perfect. Just keep going in the right direction. You already are. Don't take detours, just follow the path of good! I'm sure you know how to find it just by the instinct of feeling good!

"With Gengar here..."

Interlopers hath invaded the base unknowingly until this very moment!

Of course. Now, what have they done?

W-Well, funny story about that, actually...Several of our prisoners may have...been...freedeth?



..."Stomped a single time on the ground furiously"

KAAAAARD! Do you even begin to comprehend how big of a problem that is?! OUR PRISONERS ARE GONE?! What the hell were you doing?! How did they escape under your watch, you imbecile?!

I can explain, mine King! Some mysterious worm has stolen mine identity! They hath takeneth mine shape to claim they art the REAL Rouxls Kaard!
-It worked!-
Kimberly: ...This kid really can get someone motivated.
Kama: Oooh~ It's angry~

Drakkon: "Provide us a reasoning we shouldn't eliminate you on the spot. You have 5 seconds"

-While he is not one to waste resources, Drakkon is firmly not one to credit failure-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Palutena: "How can a pretty woman like you assist us then?" :p
Link: -uses his Slate as a flashlight-
Ingrid: "So... Rook, how is the box?"

Rook: "It's struggling to do its job. I guess the fritz is starting to affect how potent it can be..."

Ingrid: "...How much does it have?"

Rook: "See by yourself." -gives it-

Ingrid: "...About two thirds... Alright, I think I can work with that, but let's see if it can gather more."

-it'll fail to be at full power due to the fritz, which is a shame because were it at full power, the amount of energy it'd have would make Ingrid's plan completely unstoppable-
Lindy: "Would a whole army and advanced technology be good enough?" :p

Martha: "Ms. Wakeman?"
-They see Artoria, chained and seemingly being made a mess with bruises-
-But there's still a chance...-
Miyu: "Shall I do it now?"
Nora: ...

"Jenny wasn't kidding when she said that her mom was not a firm believer in magic :V"


"Immediately broke her shackles open with flying bones."

Moon: ...If this fails...Then the only other thing we can do is try to separate Toffee from the wand...

"Moon then hugged her daughter."

"Star was a bit embarrassed, but allowed her to have the moment."


"She's wondering if the team is sufficient as it is or if she should recruit more members just in case Toffee isn't alone or if the area proves dangerous even in spite of Toffee being unarmed there."

-It worked!-
Kimberly: ...This kid really can get someone motivated.
Kama: Oooh~ It's angry~

Drakkon: "Provide us a reasoning we shouldn't eliminate you on the spot. You have 5 seconds"

-While he is not one to waste resources, Drakkon is firmly not one to credit failure-
"The winner is Justeaze!"


"How does he do it...?"

"After all she's done to Sakura, he obviously is..."

B-B-Because only I know who these interlopers are! A shapeshifting girl, a bearded warrior with a very low IQ, and some kind of secretary in glasses! Pray tell, none of these people were in the database of Chaldea's members! Also, only I know how to operate mine Control Crownes...Which will prove most useful for turning the tables on these interlopers and all of our other enemies!

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
indy: "Would a whole army and advanced technology be good enough?" :p

Martha: "Ms. Wakeman?"
-They see Artoria, chained and seemingly being made a mess with bruises-
-But there's still a chance...-
Miyu: "Shall I do it now?"
Nora: ...

"Jenny wasn't kidding when she said that her mom was not a firm believer in magic :V"


"Immediately broke her shackles open with flying bones."

Moon: ...If this fails...Then the only other thing we can do is try to separate Toffee from the wand...

"Moon then hugged her daughter."

"Star was a bit embarrassed, but allowed her to have the moment."


"She's wondering if the team is sufficient as it is or if she should recruit more members just in case Toffee isn't alone or if the area proves dangerous even in spite of Toffee being unarmed there."
Qrow: "You alright, lady?"
Link: "Where are the others?"
Ingrid: "In the meantime, we at least learned we can be a pretty scary duo when we fight together." :p
-never be too safe-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-and fails-

Sothis: "You keep looking at me."
-fair enough-
Nitocris: "My apologies... I just rarely see a spirit that looks so regal"
-She wakes up in some seconds anyway, yawning awake-
-And proceeds to eat?-
-Erika tries it again-
Nora: ...

"Jenny wasn't kidding when she said that her mom was not a firm believer in magic :V"


"Immediately broke her shackles open with flying bones."

Moon: ...If this fails...Then the only other thing we can do is try to separate Toffee from the wand...

"Moon then hugged her daughter."

"Star was a bit embarrassed, but allowed her to have the moment."


"She's wondering if the team is sufficient as it is or if she should recruit more members just in case Toffee isn't alone or if the area proves dangerous even in spite of Toffee being unarmed there."
Qrow: "You alright, lady?"
Link: "Where are the others?"
Ingrid: "In the meantime, we at least learned we can be a pretty scary duo when we fight together." :p
-never be too safe-
Jeanne: "Ms. Wakeman?"
Luvia: "Are you alright?"
Artoria: "You all... You have my gratitude for coming. The others are held as well"
-They wonder what happened?-
Guifei: That's cute.
-Anyone in mind?-
"The winner is Justeaze!"


"How does he do it...?"

"After all she's done to Sakura, he obviously is..."

B-B-Because only I know who these interlopers are! A shapeshifting girl, a bearded warrior with a very low IQ, and some kind of secretary in glasses! Pray tell, none of these people were in the database of Chaldea's members! Also, only I know how to operate mine Control Crownes...Which will prove most useful for turning the tables on these interlopers and all of our other enemies!
-She wonders, but figures he must have gone through a lot, even at this young age-
-He hides himself again-

Drakkon: "...Very well. I will keep you alive for now. So long you don't fail us again..."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Nitocris: "My apologies... I just rarely see a spirit that looks so regal"
-She wakes up in some seconds anyway, yawning awake-
-And proceeds to eat?-
-Erika tries it again-
Sothis: "I don't think I've ever met someone so regal aside from myself..."

Pan: "Sup, buddy?"
-she already ate half :V-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sothis: "I don't think I've ever met someone so regal aside from myself..."

Pan: "Sup, buddy?"
-she already ate half :V-
Nitocris: "There's plenty of former royalty amongst our ranks"
Cleopatra: -Yawn- "I'm fine..." -sees everyone- "..."
Cleopatra Embarrassed.png

-As expected from Water Dragon Corn- V:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Qrow: "You alright, lady?"
Link: "Where are the others?"
Ingrid: "In the meantime, we at least learned we can be a pretty scary duo when we fight together." :p
-never be too safe-
Jeanne: "Ms. Wakeman?"
Luvia: "Are you alright?"
Artoria: "You all... You have my gratitude for coming. The others are held as well"
-They wonder what happened?-
Guifei: That's cute.
-Anyone in mind?-

She's trying to process everything she was just told.

Like I said, she doesn't believe much in magic. Let's hope working with Chaldea changes that.

I-If she becomes cognizant enough to work with us in the first place...


the hell happened here? what'd they do to you?


Moon: ...Yes, I suppose we do.

"She had a more confident smile, but her main focus right now fell on her daughter's well-being."

"Star meanwhile...was pretty happy to see Marco, who was still taking care of Lily."

Now, we don't necessarily need to include everyone on the list, but...

"All of Remnant's Huntsmen were candidates, since their Aura and Semblances haven't been quite as badly affected by the fritz yet, plus they don't rely entirely on them in order to fight."

"Alphys wasn't sure how much mana Chachazero relied on in order to function, but she's not a weakening Servant, and not made purely out of mana, either. Plus she's an extremely potent and ruthless fighter when given an enemy to fight."

"Due to both having experience fighting Toffee, the Champions and the Rulers themselves also came to mind, though Alphys was more uncertain about asking them to partake in this since chaldea is still in need of leadership and again due to reliance on the gradually weakening magic power across the universe."

-She wonders, but figures he must have gone through a lot, even at this young age-
-He hides himself again-

Drakkon: "...Very well. I will keep you alive for now. So long you don't fail us again..."
(Well, that settles that!)

"She acts like this but without the headband."


"And he's been trying to come to terms with what his mother did."

"Seems even if he's willing to forgive and help others who've done bad things, the knowledge of his own mother having committed an assassination is troubling for him."

You are one of the only member of my court with authority, Kaard. Do not lead me to believe I have made an error in judgement in giving you your position.

I will not fail you again, sirs!

"Notably dropped the "Old English" altogether when saying that."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
eanne: "Ms. Wakeman?"
Luvia: "Are you alright?"
Artoria: "You all... You have my gratitude for coming. The others are held as well"
-They wonder what happened?-
Guifei: That's cute.
-Anyone in mind?-
She's trying to process everything she was just told.

Like I said, she doesn't believe much in magic. Let's hope working with Chaldea changes that.

I-If she becomes cognizant enough to work with us in the first place...


the hell happened here? what'd they do to you?


Moon: ...Yes, I suppose we do.

"She had a more confident smile, but her main focus right now fell on her daughter's well-being."

"Star meanwhile...was pretty happy to see Marco, who was still taking care of Lily."

Now, we don't necessarily need to include everyone on the list, but...

"All of Remnant's Huntsmen were candidates, since their Aura and Semblances haven't been quite as badly affected by the fritz yet, plus they don't rely entirely on them in order to fight."

"Alphys wasn't sure how much mana Chachazero relied on in order to function, but she's not a weakening Servant, and not made purely out of mana, either. Plus she's an extremely potent and ruthless fighter when given an enemy to fight."

"Due to both having experience fighting Toffee, the Champions and the Rulers themselves also came to mind, though Alphys was more uncertain about asking them to partake in this since chaldea is still in need of leadership and again due to reliance on the gradually weakening magic power across the universe."
Qrow: "Wou;d've said it if you hadn't" -drinks-
Link: "Let's ask that after we're done saving them."
Byleth: -smiles at the sight0
-Juri is also a consideration or nah?-

Nitocris: "There's plenty of former royalty amongst our ranks"
Cleopatra: -Yawn- "I'm fine..." -sees everyone- "..."

-As expected from Water Dragon Corn- V:
Sothis: "We just got here..."
Pandora: "You okay?"
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
(Well, that settles that!)

"She acts like this but without the headband."


"And he's been trying to come to terms with what his mother did."

"Seems even if he's willing to forgive and help others who've done bad things, the knowledge of his own mother having committed an assassination is troubling for him."

You are one of the only member of my court with authority, Kaard. Do not lead me to believe I have made an error in judgement in giving you your position.

I will not fail you again, sirs!

"Notably dropped the "Old English" altogether when saying that."
Iri: "You are doing it amazing, sweetie~!"
-Not like anyone can blame him, he's far from being the only person with justified parental issues-
Drakkon: "Very well... Prove your worth"

-Really spoke of how much he fears the King-
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